11153 Educators providing Courses




GovEd Communications is an interdisciplinary media, education, communications & technology company, with three distinct areas of operation: GovEd Digital Media Productions Digital media production for science, education, business & policy Film & Video Production • HE, School & Local Authority Films Educational Drama • Interactive Websites • Digital Archives Broadcast Projects • Web Video Projects • Corporate Films GovEd Consulting Education, media, design, marcoms & management consultancy Project Faraday & School Building Design Services • Research Curriculum Development • Science Communication • ICT Project Management • Strategic Comms • Policy Development GovEd Ventures Stand-alone technology, digital media & sustainability ventures What we do Our principal aim is to support improvements and effective communications in education and science engagement. But we also work extensively in a range of other areas, including wider public services, sustainability, social policy, the third sector, the creative arts and media, and in corporate communications. We do this through diverse and varied projects, including: digital media and marcoms solutions; outreach and curriculum projects; strategy, process design and project management; research and stakeholder engagement; social marketing; policy development; and the development of interactive technology products. We also have expertise in school building design, and through our work leading one of the three Project Faraday consortia, we have been recognised as leading specialists in school science labs and equipment. Through the Ventures part of our business, we pursue our own and co-devised projects from concept to delivery, and in a way which is deisgned to maximise their value and lasting impact. Although we are a for-profit company, the social value of our work is at the heart of all of our our projects and decision-making. We only pursue work which we believe to be of lasting social value. Education-specific and policy work In the field of education, all of our work is informed by extensive experience and detailed understanding of the education policy landscape and the day to day realities of front-line delivery of education services. We are committed to helping to strengthen the bridge between policy and practice in education through innovation, technology, targeted communications and awareness of research. Our team has an extensive track record in delivering innovative, effective and practical solutions for policy development, frontline delivery and promoting new thinking, for organisations ranging from government departments and key agencies to science institutions and individual schools. Our understanding of policy and public sector workforce development means that we can get under the skin of the challenges facing both organisations and frontline practitioners. GovEd can support all strategic development, communications, public affairs and project management needs, whatever their scale and budget. Our additional capabilities in video production mean that we can help provide a communications package that lifts ideas off the page and embeds them in hearts and minds. Our innovative approach to promotional and training films has won acclaim in Whitehall and the education sector and has provided new ways to turn original thinking into real impact. A dedicated area of our business, GovEd Technologies, is focussed on enabling teachers and learners to harness new technologies in practical and intuitive ways, through the research, design and manufacture of new products. To find out more about our services click here, or please contact us. GovEd Communications was formed in early 2006, and is registered in the UK. We provide services to clients throughout the UK and internationally.

Athena Studies

athena studies


Our tutors are ambitious, social and enthusiastic top tier students who excel in their field of study and have an affinity with teaching. This is what we seek in a tutor in order to provide the best lessons for the student. Only with an 8 or higher and a genuine interest in the relevant subject will such a top tier student be selected. After an initial interview, it is up to the selected candidate to show us how he or she teaches. If that is sufficient, the teacher who has been hired will enter the training process, consisting of one or more trial lessons in which an actual lesson is simulated. During the entire period up to the first lesson and after that, the (prospective) teacher is extensively supervised by a quality manager who has several years of teaching experience and has shown superior results. Only tutors who are evaluated by students with an 8.0 average or higher for multiple actual lessons are given a permanent place in our team of tutors. All permanent lecturers take part in an advanced training programme, which focuses on improving teaching fundamentals, such as didactics, pedagogy, interpersonal communication and presentation skills. View our tutor vacancy if you want to be a part of this. Our method At the heart of every course, active learning is the basis. Students are often tempted to (only) make summaries and re-read or highlight textbooks, with the misleading idea that this improves their study results. Based on the available evidence, these study techniques are rated as being low utility learning (Dulonsky et al. 2013). At AthenaStudies, we are constantly analysing the most recent studies and assess student needs in order to find the most effective study methods to ensure the highest grades. It is proven that the most effective study method is retrieving the information out of the brain, instead of putting information into the brain. Spitzer et al. (1939) found that students who did one extra practice test scored about 10-15% better on their exam that students who did not. A more recent study from Butler et al. (2010) suggest an even bigger difference, with an estimated 30%. Hence, practice is key. Karpicke & Blunt (2011) takes this idea one step further and found that a group of students who read a topic four times scored less than students who practiced with the topic only once. Our tech team has created an ideal online environment where our teaching methods can flourish. Every course given by AthenaStudies is interactive and includes a lot of exam level practice material. It gives the students the opportunity to practice during the course and think for themselves. With every course, a summary of the full exam curriculum is provided and sent to the home address of the students. References: Butler, A. C. (2010). Repeated testing produces superior transfer of learning relative to repeated studying. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36(5), 1118. Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Marsh, E. J., Nathan, M. J., & Willingham, D. T. (2013). Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58. Karpicke, J. D., & Blunt, J. R. (2011). Retrieval practice produces more learning than elaborative studying with concept mapping. Science, 331(6018), 772-775. Spitzer, H. F. (1939). Studies in retention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 30(9), 641.

Helen's Driving School

helen's driving school

I founded Helen’s Driving School in 2009. Initially teaching on my own, I was joined by Jacqui in January 2020, due to the growing number of pupils on my books. Together we worked under the umbrella of Helen’s Driving School and strive to get all our pupils to pass first time. Since surviving all the challenges the pandemic brought, Jacqui and I decided 2022 was a good time to change the set up of the driving school into a partnership and create Top Hat Driving School. I am passionate and enthusiastic about safe and eco friendly driving, and enjoy sharing these skills with my pupils and I thoroughly enjoy meeting such a variety of people. Having lived in Bristol all my life, I have great local knowledge of both Bristol and surrounding areas, including the test areas. Lessons with me are always relaxed and friendly with a laugh or two along the way. I pride myself on my approach to teaching and I feel that with my style pupils learn quickly and successfully because they feel at ease. I have taught many nervous pupils over the years and have found the best way to overcome the fear and nerves experienced whilst learning to drive is simply to maintain a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the car at all times. It is normal to feel anxious and as I have much experience in dealing with pupils anxiety, and have many tools and techniques to help manage these feelings whilst driving. Over our lessons, I will help you build your confidence and develop your driving skills to enable you to become a safe and confident driver for life. Jacqui Barr I worked in the film and tv industry for many years, but in a complete right turn (pun intended!) decided to retrain as a driving instructor. I qualified in 2018, and absolutely love the job. Every day is different, and I look forward to spending time with my pupils who teach me just as much as I teach them. I met Helen in the Avonmouth Test Centre at the end of 2019 and thought she was brilliant. She asked whether I would be interested in driving for Helen’s Driving School and of course I lept at the chance. The pandemic hit almost immediately, and lessons ground to a halt. Weathering the storm has not been easy, but (in the main) we have come out the other side: Helen and I decided we wanted to reflect the changes we’ve been through, and so created Top Hat Driving School. In addition to becoming an instructor, in 2019 I took a further exam with the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) to become an Advanced Driver, putting a spotlight on driver safety and skills. I bring these advanced driving techniques to my teaching, as well as being assessed as a DVSA grade A instructor (Standards Check 2021). I am conscious of Climate Change and the impact driving has on the environment. Therefore I am commited to giving all my learners methods for driving in a more eco-friendly way, reducing our impact on the environment, and saving money too. I carbon offset all my annual mileage with Carbon Footprint, choose petrol over diesel, and in the not too distant future intend to go fully electric.

Wishing Wellness

wishing wellness


I offer a wide range of energy based natural complementary therapies in Scotland and Cumbria. Some of the different healing modalities are ground breaking and offer a broader perspective to understanding your health and wellbeing. Click here for a list of natural treatments Healing Focusing on clearing, healing and empowering yourself to have the strength and confidence in your body’s own healing ability and unique system. Many of us have forgotten how special we are, with unique gifts to offer others and how much potential we all have to heal ourselves. The focus of our sessions will be to put you back in the driving seat and to help you start living a more happy, peaceful and rewarding life. It is good to start with a cleansing treatment We can focus on reiki-symbol-newClearing and balancing the energy centres Raising your energy levels of awareness and self belief Understanding and reducing anxiety and stress Removing limiting beliefs and energy blockages Reclaiming your mind and focused thinking Techniques to help create the life you most desire Many of my clients explain they have come to a place in their lives where they feel powerless and are affected greatly by the circumstances around them. Some clients feel stressed and don’t know where to turn or feel they need to make changes in their lives and are not sure how. This changes when we realise that our realities are created within us and how we feel about ourselves and our life will greatly determine the outcome. Rather than taking a tablet to dull the symptoms of issues arising, Wishing Well Therapies is able to embrace every element of ourselves and to further understand and heal from within. The sessions allow a greater sense of freedom and empowerment that come from taking the reigns of your own experience of the world! I am based at Gretna Green covering Scotland and mobile to; Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries & the Lockerbie area. Also working from the Wishing Wellness Centre at Morton Manor. Morton Manor is now a community centre after previously being a beautiful stately home surrounded by 4 acres of Chances Park gardens. It was presented as a gift to the people of the Carlisle in 1944 by Sir Robert Chance and is now a thriving community centre. The Manor, as it is fondly know, is a listed building and the interior still retains its original character dating back to 1780. The Wishing Wellness rooms are comfortable, warm rooms, suitable for therapies & training and can be found through the old billiard room cafe and half way up the main sweeping staircase. Home & Health visits Click here for details are available & taking into account the travel time & fuel it will cost a little more. I work with a combination of Universal energy, Pranic and Plasma Healing being channelled through me and I have been focused on these schools of learning for some years. My aim is to work with clients to help them feel a greater sense of calm, joy and self worth. Each session is entirely unique and my focus is to help each client individually to make sure they receive the treatment that is right for them at that present time. My clients have expressed feelings of increased energy, vitality and life changing moments in both mental and physical issues as well as increased levels of inner peace which is life enhancing. Being attuned to Reiki has had a huge benefit to my own personal health and I am very grateful to be able to share this healing with others.

Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium

haringey nursery schools training consortium


The Consortium was formed in 2011 to represent the progressive and outward looking role of nursery schools in the 21st century. We are a partnership of three maintained nursery schools in Haringey with a rich and diverse history of excellent integrated early years practice. Our central aim is to progress our role in leading system improvement in the Early Years in Haringey and beyond. Within our local authority we have established a strong reputation for providing high quality accredited and non-accredited training. This has been enhanced by working in partnership with the Haringey Early Years Team, Pen Green, Derby University, Middlesex University and Barnet and Southgate college. The schools are located in areas with some of the highest levels of deprivation within the borough of Haringey and serve a diverse population representing a rich cultural and ethnic mix. Typically 24 different languages are being spoken at each school and 65% of the pupil cohort have EAL. Each nursery school has an on site Children’s Centre and a key aspect of this work is supporting families onto pathways back into employment. The centres have effective on site volunteer training and placements for families within the community. We have been part of projects to enable and enhance children's learning and development across the curriculum and widened our partnership through collaborative creative projects including link work with Italy. Sweden, Finland & Denmark. We are one of 16 consortiums designated as an Early Years Teaching Centre, by the DfE in 2011, and we continue to develop and promote the training of staff in local early years settings. Staff training and development is associated with higher quality early years provision (Study of Early Education and Development (SEED), 2017) Children who experience high quality early years provision are well placed to achieve higher outcomes at school and develop better social, emotional and cognitive abilities necessary for life-long learning. (Foundation Years Great Early Years & Childcare, Knowledge Hub, 2018) Who are we? The Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium is a collaboration between Rowland Hill, Woodlands Park and Pembury House Nursery School and Children’s Centres. This partnership was formed in 2010 in order to support young children and practitioners in Early Year’s settings locally and further afield. The Nursery Schools have on-site Children’s Centres and offer fully integrated care and education for families. The combined strength of the nursery schools together with children’s centre services and childcare enables them to offer a wide range of services to children and families. The Nursery Schools have been judged by Ofsted to have outstanding practice and in 2011 were awarded ‘Early Years Teaching Centre’ (EYTC) Status. What is our aim? The Nursery Schools have a reputation for exciting, innovative Early Years expertise, practice and research which we have developed in order to improve outcomes for young children and their families. Through a close, strategic partnership with the Local Authority and a range of other partners, we are able to offer a range of high quality training and development opportunities for those in the Early Years Workforce. This includes staff in Primary Schools, Nursery Schools, Private, Voluntary and Independent Early Years Settings and Childminders. Together with the Haringey Early Years Quality and Improvement Team, we also offer an annual Early Years Conference.

Wireless Education

wireless education


Wireless Education is the new training and e-learning portal for Wireless Tech Safety. We have dedicated ourselves to education and training for the safer use of wireless technology in our homes, places of works, schools and other public buildings. It is our sole aim to present this complex scientific information in a non-biased, easy to understand way, so that we can use this technology in a safe manner.Our aim at Wireless Education is to provide everyone everywhere with the information needed to make informed decisions about wireless technology usage and how to reduce levels of microwave radiation exposure. Our e-learning courses are tailor-made for children, parents, teachers and industry professionals who are using wireless technology at school, in the home or in the office. Quite simply we visualise a day when: Children tell their parents to switch off the wireless router or turn their mobile into flight mode, because they learned about the risks at school. Teachers are learning about microwave radiation exposure safety as part of their continued health and safety education. Every parent has easy access to information about the risks of wireless technology and microwave radiation exposure, and is able to make informed decisions about the use of their family’s wireless devices. IT specialists work together with occupational health and facilities managers, before building Wi-Fi / 3G / 4G / 5G working environments in an office: assessing the risks and ensuring all reasonable measures are taken to create a safer working environment. Leading Edge Learning We work closely with the leading research institutions worldwide to ensure we are at the forefront of the latest research. We also capture the most recent legislative changes, and the current biologically-based medical recommendations in order to provide this crucial information to wireless technology users. All our work is aligned to the guidance issued by the Vienna Medical Association, the Council of Europe, RNCNIRP, Building Biology Standards SBM-2015 and EUROPAEM EMF 2016. Feel free to share our information card with others in your family, schools or organisation as they join the conversation. The team at Wireless Education Cecelia Doucette: Director, Education Services Cece is a technical and professional writer by trade, who helped the first public school district in the United States adopt Best Practices for Mobile Devices. Cece also worked with her public library to become the first in the nation to host a film series on Electromagnetic Radiation and Health, and to put on loan a microwave radiation detection meter for residents to borrow. She further collaborated with legislators to introduce a number of bills (in Massachusetts and in New Hampshire) addressing wireless radiation and public health, and worked with her Department of Public Health to draft EMF Fact Sheets. Cece is humbled by the opportunity to help educate global citizens through on-line course development and promotion with Wireless Education. Mikko Ahonen (PhD): Trustee, Research & Development Mikko has worked as a researcher at the University of Tampere in Finland and Mid Sweden University for over 20 years. During the past decade Mikko has immersed himself in bioelectromagnetics research. He has written many scientific publications which focus on risk-management of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in schools and workplaces. Additionally, Mikko has conducted EMF surveys (measurements) and delivered risk management workshops and webinars for both corporate and educational organisations. He also brings experience in educational technology, mobile learning, videoconferencing and information systems.

Business English Coaching Academy

business english coaching academy


Business Training was formed in 1974 to provide training in Business English for those seeking to improve their job prospects. The vision was to create home study courses that provided vocational training that was practical and would benefit students in their working life. Since that time we have expanded our range of subjects and become a leading provider of home study courses. As part of a group of distance learning colleges, including The Writers Bureau and STT, we have successfully trained hundreds of thousands of students worldwide. We use our substantial knowledge and experience in this field to offer high quality courses and tuition. The skills we teach have delivered life-changing results for many of our students. We are constantly creating new courses under the expert guidance of our Director of Studies – Diana Nadin – and her team of professional writers and tutors. We are also committed to maintaining and improving the quality of our existing courses. This is to ensure that the most up-to-date information is available to you. Our aim is: To help you acquire effective training in the subject of your choice. To provide an overall training and tuition service which offers you excellent value for money. To have a satisfied body of students who will continue to spread our good name and reputation. Our commitment to our students, the use of new technologies and our expertise in distance learning allow us to offer effective, convenient training that is also excellent value for money. Business Training is also a member of The European Association of Distance Learning. The association’s objectives include the promotion of professional and ethical standards in distance education and the protection of students’ interests. Members are required to follow a strict code of conduct to maintain the standard required by the association. EADL Nuwendoorn 16 NL-1613 LD Grootebroek The Netherlands. www.eadl.org/ Business Training is a member of Institute of Training and Occupational Learning Members of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning sign up to a code of conduct which indicates the standards expected of them. The adoption of this code is an integral part of membership and provides the basis through which the Institute promotes its members’ commitment to quality and good practice. The Institute of Training and Occupational Learning seeks to impart advice on best practice, techniques and technologies in learning and the use of quality models for continuous improvement amongst its members. For more information about the British Institute for Learning and Development visit: www.thebild.org. UKRLP Business Training (The Writers Bureau) is on the UK Register of Learning Providers Registration Number 10007651. The UK Register of Learning Providers is a 'one-stop' portal to be used by government departments, agencies, learners, and employers to share key information about learning providers. The UKRLP allows providers to update their information in one place and share this across agencies such as the Skills Funding Agency, the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and UCAS. Since provider registration opened on 1st August 2005, the UKRLP has grown to over 30,000 providers. Each of these has been verified against a recognised external source and has been allocated a UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN). This is the unique identifier used to share information with the UKRLP partner agencies.

Thinking Big Community Interest Company

thinking big community interest company


We are a group of individuals from different backgrounds and with a broad range of experiences. Collectively we have worked in and with statutory services, private business, charitable and voluntary organisations, and across many sectors including health and social care, education, heritage and industry. Each Director brings a rich array of knowledge and perspectives and we are bound by our common interest in building a fairer society. We like to be creative and to seek the involvement of others in generating new ideas, both to overcome existing challenges and in Thinking BIG about new ways to improve experiences and outcomes. After a number of years of talking about ideas, we decided it was time to take action. We looked at different models for forming a charitable, not-for-profit organisation, and took advice from some who had gone before us in this sector. As a result, we formed Thinking BIG as a Community Interest Company, dedicated to engaging in training, and projects with individuals, groups and organisations, in pursuit of the overarching aim - to promote social inclusion, opportunity and wellbeing, by making a positive difference to services and people's lives through meaningful training and community engagement. There are no share holders, no dividends and no spurious expenses. Any funds raised are put entirely into the running of projects for the benefit of the community. As for the name, we asked the people we work with what words they thought captured what we do. We want people to Think BIG when considering new projects and activities, not to be limited by what is already out there. A little imagination and passion goes a long way, and we're on an exciting journey. We have experience of achieving outstanding outcomes, both with organisations, and with individuals. Our training is designed, delivered, evaluated and quality assured, with organisations benefiting from improved employee ability, confidence, performance and wellbeing. Our community projects have made a positive difference to people's lives, and include collaborations with The National Lottery Community Fund, the Police and Crime Commissioners for West and South Yorkshire and their Violence Reduction Units, Menston Parish Council, Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Kirklees Council, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, and Yorkshire Mentoring. Our Story Our aim is to promote social inclusion, opportunity and wellbeing by Thinking BIG. To achieve this, our vision is to facilitate positive experiences, progress and sustainable outcomes; empowering people through education, training, skills-building and having a collective voice in shaping future services and lives. Much of our work is with individuals and groups who face barriers to inclusion, opportunity and/or wellbeing, and others who can support these very people. Children and adults can be vulnerable or disadvantaged by many factors including disabilities, ill-health, poverty, abuse, isolation, marginalisation or being in care. They can also find it difficult to keep themselves and others healthy and safe, or to access opportunities, services or employment, as a result of missing out on appropriate education, training or support. We can help to achieve goals and aspirations which improve lives. Others who support vulnerable people include families, friends, carers, schools, and involved or potentially supportive professionals, volunteers and services. These people can also face challenges which need to be recognised and addressed and they can be empowered in their roles through dedicated support and training. By choosing to use our training services for their teams, organisations can benefit from outstanding workforce development whilst simultaneously supporting their communities, as money raised is invested back into meaningful activities and projects




Our Chief Executive, Suzanne Jacob OBE, leads the below senior leadership team (SLT) and overall operational management of SafeLives. The SLT is assisted by a team of dedicated professionals with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Suzanne Jacob OBE, CEO Having worked at SafeLives for three years – including two years as Deputy CEO – Suzanne became Chief Executive in December 2017. Immediately before joining SafeLives, Suzanne spent several months working in Delhi for Breakthrough India, an organisation which campaigns against violence and discrimination against women and girls. Prior to this, Suzanne spent nearly a decade with the UK Home Office. Here, she worked extensively on national security matters, established the National Crime Agency as a significant new part of UK law enforcement, and acted as Private Secretary to the Minister responsible for crime and policing. Suzanne worked for several years on security for the London 2012 Olympics, and was awarded an OBE in 2013 for her work on intelligence collection and analysis, and enforcement activity. Suzanne volunteered for seven years on the Victim Support helpline, providing first response for victims of all crime types. She became a Trustee of Crimestoppers UK in April 2021. Jo Silver, Director of Quality and Innovation Jo is responsible for designing and piloting exciting new and effective interventions to end domestic abuse. Jo provides expert advice on activities, policy messages and practice, she works with national and local commissioners, funders, policy makers and partners to make this happen. Jo rejoined us in January 2014, having spent two years as senior consultant at the NSPCC in Cardiff. Jo was Caada's (SafeLives' former name) director of professional development between 2006 and 2012. She also worked for the police for ten years in the public protection unit and at the Women's Safety Unit in Cardiff. Jo Gordon, Chief Operating Officer Jo is responsible for effective and efficient internal management of the organisation, making sure that SafeLives lives by its values of being human, rigorous and brave. Jo took up the role of Chief Operating Officer in July 2018. Prior to this, Jo was Head of Learning and Accreditation at SafeLives having joined in 2005 as a freelance trainer. Jo started her career as a youth and community worker. She worked for ten years at North Devon Women’s Aid prior to SafeLives and is committed to tackling the issue of domestic abuse. Jo is also a volunteer at her local homeless shelter. Liz Thompson, Director of External Relations Liz is responsible for our external relations activity, working with colleagues to forge and maintain great relationships with the wide array of people who are vital to our work; find new opportunities to develop and replicate what we do; and secure the support and income we need to help people and their families live safely and well. She joined in 2019, following a decade leading communications for the Royal Shakespeare Company. She started her career in the commercial sector at public relations agency, Burson-Marsteller, and her previous experience includes external relations, fundraising and management roles in the public sector, at the Environment Agency and Countryside Commission, and at the charity Turning Point. She also trained as a volunteer substance misuse counsellor at Addaction, and worked at their first needle exchange in Bethnal Green.

St John Henry Newman Catholic School

st john henry newman catholic school



St John Henry Newman Catholic School offers you… An exciting, engaging curriculum underpinned by excellent teaching A committed and caring staff Regular physical activity for all pupils A wide range of extra-curricular activities including residential opportunities and international travel At St John Henry Newman Catholic School we are committed to the high achievement of all our pupils. We cultivate success and foster the highest aspirations through excellent teaching. We are a learning community which has high expectations and actively seeks to celebrate the good in every individual. St John Henry Newman Catholic School is built on the Christian values of trust, respect and compassion. We inspire an enthusiasm for life-long learning and are committed to success for all. St John Henry Newman Catholic School opened in 1967 and we are very proud of the long history of achievements gained by our pupils. Our expectations are high and we continue to ‘raise the bar’. Our small sixth form ensures that all of our pupils’ individual needs are catered for which in turn ensures we are well placed to help each individual to make their expected progress. Supported by a strong careers programme, our pupils continue to be successful in their transition from school to employment, apprenticeships and further education and training. Pupils receive individual guidance on their next steps and we are proud to say that our school leaver statistics are above the national average with close to 100% of our pupils selecting appropriate future steps. St John Henry Newman Catholic School seeks to provide a distinctly Catholic education in partnership with parents, families, the local Church and wider community. Everyone is encouraged to be the best person that they can be and is both nurtured and challenged in a safe and secure environment. Mutual respect is at the heart of our school community and Gospel values of peace, justice and reconciliation are of paramount importance. At St John Henry Newman Catholic School we pride ourselves on the level of pastoral care our pupils are offered. Each pupil is known to us and we are able to identify and react quickly when problems arise to help our pupils in every way possible to achieve their full potential. We are renowned for going the extra mile and offering first class levels of support. Each Year group has a dedicated Head of Year who works with pupils from their first day in Year 7 until they finish Year 11. A Pupil Support Officer is also available throughout the day providing advice and guidance. It is a difficult decision to select a secondary school for your child. One of the most important things you should do is visit the school during the school day. This will allow you to get a feel for the school and to see our pupils at work. We would be delighted to arrange a visit for you at a time convenient time to yourself. Please contact our school office to arrange a visit. We have excellent facilities set in pleasant surroundings. Pupils will experience practical subjects using up to date technology in purpose-built environments. ICT facilities are constantly being updated and pupils have the opportunity to access resources both in and outside school using our virtual learning environment.