120 Educators providing Courses

Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences

ajanta vihara institute of spiritual sciences


At Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences, we believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know what prevents us from moving forward on the path towards abundance; these are experiences long-held, habitual behaviours and dominant-negative thought patterns. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honouring ways of being. Our therapies, courses and workshops are highly experiential and designed to transform you at the core of your being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be more peaceful, joy-filled and loving in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter in their lives . Ajanta-Vihara’s team of energy mentors use their combined years of study, practice and experience in the fields of behavioural therapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, energy therapy and their diverse life experience to guide individuals through compassionate conversations and powerful, transformational exercises. Our mentors undergo rigorous training under the AVISS Faculty Development program with a focus on continuous self development, knowledge and skill building; this ensures they are able to cultivate a holistic approach to our practices while providing practical information and tools to use once the engagement ends. What individuals experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration they may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, their sense of personal power. We offer classes and workshops facilitated by founder director Ms. Jyoti and the faculty of the Institute. Our therapies, courses , workshops, energy camps, personal coaching sessions and the happiness collective series are designed to support individuals in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life’s experiences through elevated human consciousness. We invite you to explore one of our signature programs for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.

Andrew Okaro

andrew okaro

My name is Andrew Okaro, I’m a therapist and coach who specializes in relationships, inner child therapy and career transformation. I’m passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and to reach their full potential. I’ve been interested in self-development ever since I learnt how to read, and was able to borrow books from my local library. However, my 1st career was working as a Graphics Designer, which lead to further work in world of advertising. In my 20’s I had my dream job, and a flat in central London, all the things I wanted to have growing up as a teenager. However, I struggled with relationships and found myself repeatedly disappointment in matters of love and the heart. At the same time, I became interested in psychology, in particular the works of Carl Jung, and Freud. What fascinated me, was the idea that your childhood experiences and the relationships with your parents, are key factors in shaping your life as an adult. I also became interested in the world of spirituality and was naturally drawn to Toaism and Shamanism. I studied various universal laws such as 'the law of polarity' ‘the law of resonance’ and ‘the law of attraction.’ But not from the superficial view often portrayed in documentaries like ‘The secret’. I was more interested in the workings of the unconscious mind, and how attraction is often influenced by, archetypes, inner parts and shadow aspects of the psyche. I started to see how the relationship with my mother fitted the pattern of my early relationships. But knowledge alone, was not enough to transform this, and I realized that I had to dig deeper in order to experience transformation. After a particularly bad breakup, I became aware of healing power of EFT (emotional freedom technique) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). While practicing these for some time I became aware of several shifts which manifested as synchronicities in my life. Some of these were subtle, while others were blatantly obvious, like two ex’s contacting me within a space of a couple days.

Way2BetterBusiness Coaching

way2betterbusiness coaching

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw ~ Proverbs 24:32 My extensive professional experience in the various aspects of business has set me on a mission to help business leaders turn their vision into reality – one step at a time. Throughout the years, I have had successes, learnt from costly mistakes, made wise decisions, learnt from not so wise ones, all of which have contributed to who I am today and prepared me for my mission. So basically, I'm not perfect. However, I'm grateful for every experience because there was always a lesson to learn. I remember years ago my dad once said to me, "Whether your experience is a good or bad one, there is always a lesson. Your job is to learn from it and move on". I've never forgotten that since. As a result, I am a much stronger person today and in a much better position to serve my clients and of course, you. Although my role as a coach is to help you to help yourself by giving you the ownership of change, I can guarantee you that I will not sit there and watch you make the same mistakes I've made in the past. Some of my experience are in the following fields: Business Coaching Entrepreneurship Chair of Committee of a passionate Community Group Board member of Charitable Organisations Steering Committee of a Funding Organisation School Governance Business Management Business Finance Project Management Public Speaking Operations Customer Service Over 10 years Banking and Finance Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights ~ Proverbs 18:15 I take self-development seriously and I’m on an on-going quest to be the best business coach to my clients that I can possibly be. Therefore I try to keep up-to-date with training in areas which I know will help me to better serve you. Here are some of my qualifications: Certified in Business Coaching and Mentoring Certified in Life Coaching Governing Business Activities Business and Leadership Business Analysis Business Organisation and Environment Business Finance 1st class degree in International Business and Level 3 in Teaching Adults in Life Long Learning Sector My coaching training has been with the UK Personal Development Academy (UKPDA), The Coaching Academy as well as Renaissance Training Academy.




I’m Monique Shaw, a career coach, writer, podcaster and brand expert who helps people to rewrite their old stories to create careers, businesses and lives that work. Our stories shape our lives - but we can rewrite them. I’ve rewritten my own story many times to create a life that fits with the way I want to work and live - I founded Re/Write to help you do the same! I started my career in the arts and public sector before pivoting into the corporate world where I spent over a decade shaping marketing, brand, sales and communication strategies. I spent 8 of those years with a Big 4 firm working on rebrand projects, running global campaigns, coaching pitch teams and leading a global sector brand & marketing team. After becoming a parent, I craved a deeper sense of purpose in my work and a different lifestyle. When I turned 40, I took the plunge and rewrote my career story, launching Re/Write and bringing together my love of people, words and self-development with the rigour of my global corporate experience and training. My approach to career change is to work from the inside-out. I don’t focus on job titles, industries or company names, instead I help people to connect with who they are, what they need and how they want to live. We build out from that foundation, right through to creating new habits and shaping the story they tell the world. I’m a qualified Transformational Coach with an accreditation in Group Coaching & Facilitation. I’m a lifelong learner with a Fine Arts undergrad degree, a post-grad in Creative Writing and professional Chartered Institute of Marketing qualifications in Marketing and Digital Marketing. All of these qualifications - along with my professional and personal experience - informs the work I do helping my clients to rewrite their stories. I also work with a not-for-profit organisation, icanyoucantoo running presentation skills and personal brand workshops for smart and ambitious kids form disadvantaged backgrounds because they - like all of us - deserve to write their own stories too. Originally from Australia, I live in London with my husband, young son and 2 rescue pooches. I work with people from all over the world and would love to help you rewrite your story, whatever it is and whatever you want it to be. Curious? Let’s have a chat and explore what you need and how I can help. Monique xx

SJ Coaching

sj coaching

Sarita Johan brings more than 30 years of Business experience. After spending her career climbing the corporate ladder, running her own businesses and juggling family and relationships – she doesn’t just talk the talk she’s walked the walk. SJ Coaching was born out of the desire to be more. A snapped femur, financial hardship, and a broken marriage led Sarita to completely redesign her life. She walked away from her high-profile career, invested in self-development and became a NLP Master Practitioner and ADVanced Innermetrix consultant which has allowed her to deeply understand how people think and make decisions. Because of that Sarita is able to deliver a holistic solution for those in business, teaching people to become more conscious of that we are not our business and the need to consider all areas of life. Her unique blend of business and mindset coaching empowers her clients to identify their business blind spots and success blocks so they can prosper in both business and life. Sarita specialises in coaching for People in Business with: Dynamic duos in Business and Life: You love your partner and your family - so why don’t you love working with them? Managing and consulting within many Dynamic Duo businesses, Sarita understands the intricacies and unique tensions faced by those doing business and life. Partnerships: A business partnership is a great way to start a business. Combining ideas, capital, skills and support can fast track your business growth. Like any other relationship it requires constant review and work. What happens though when you evolve? Sarita knows how to work with you to ensure this relationship doesn’t end up sour. SME's with teams: You started your business with a vision and as your growing you want your team to grow with you, you are looking at ways to improve, deliver the X factor to your clients. But sometimes it feels like you are still doing it all..... After years of consulting with businesses large and small, Sarita shares all her learnings on how your business can grow without you having to be involved at each touch point. Executives: As executives you are expected to lead, you’re expected to not only run a team but often outside of work we have other roles we are required to play. After juggling these two demanding worlds, I understand the challenges faced by executives who want (and can have!) it all. Let me show you how.

The London Education & Art Foundation

the london education & art foundation


Total 30 years of experience in management, of which half of this overlaps in the world of academia. He is experienced in managing multicultural teams and has delivered some high-level consultancy projects in the UK and overseas for the commercial and public sectors. Paul is on the Advisory Board of UK universities, UK social enterprises and charitable organisations. His interests are in the areas of Arts, he is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and has held numerous art exhibitions in London. Role: Chairman of Trustees, Head of Partnerships and Memberships. Mr Andrew Trustee FAIA, FCIPD, FRSA - Expert International Accountant and Legal Advisor Total 45 years in UK and International public practice as an accountant and legal services provider serving in the charitable, public and art sectors as a trustee, chairman, director and treasurer. A Liveryman of the City of London and past President of the Association of International Accountants (UK) and the Association de Brecourt (Belgium). A member of the International Bar Association and International Fiscal Association. Role: Trustee, Governance, Compliance and Financial Management. Degard RCA, FRSA Trustee International Artist, MA (Edin), Phd Research Fine Art Degard is a pioneering British 'Painter of Auras', writer, researcher, curator and founder of the genre Contemporary Visionary art. Degard has exhibited extensively in the UK and internationally: The Royal College of Art, Museum Alzubair, Oman, in New York, London and at Saatchi Art. Degard has written four books, is a committee member of The Colour Group, a property developer and a Fellow of The Galileo Commission for the Scientific and Medical Network. She has a Masters in Politics from Edinburgh University and is completing her doctorate in Fine Art in London. Role: Trustee, Head of Media and Events. Ambassadors of LEAF Miss Sophie Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. United Kingdom Oxford Graduate in Classics Sophie is a recent Oxford graduate of Classics. Having studied at Oxford for four years, she specialised in Greek and Roman art and archaeology, and has attended seminars, workshops, and focus groups on artwork from antiquity at the Ashmolean Museum, the British Museum and the British Academy. Sophie also has experience working in marketing and advertising and has worked as a gallery invigilator at galleries around London. Mr Ahmed Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. Middle East/North Africa (MENA) With more than 10 years of experience in the field of management and business, Ahmed has contributed in building professional teams, and developing strategies in one of the largest companies the Middle East. His interests relate to international and Islamic culture and the arts, and is looking forward to working with professional partners between overseas organisations and the LEAF Foundation. He is also a member of several institutions including: The Royal united services institute (RUSI) The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) The British academy of management The Institute of Directors (IoD) The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Miss Emilia Ambassador - Culture, Education, Events. London & Eastern Europe With over 13 years of experience in sales, business and NLP, Emilia has provided high-level strategies for team building and management, excellent customer service and sales enhancement for UK enterprises and international multi-level marketing organisations. She is proficient in NLP and working with multicultural communities and has held self-development and mentoring workshops in various parts of London. Emilia is on the Governing and Advisory Board of London secondary schools to encourage and ensure children's learning and development. Her interests are in the areas of Arts and self-development with the aim to support individuals and sole entrepreneurs into their personal and business development journey. Miss Summer Ambassador - Arts, Fashion, Events. Shanghai & China Summer has an MBA in global Luxury management and graduated from Paris. She is in charge of the fashion department of Paris International Young Artists Association, and the key account manager of Chanel. During her stay in the UK, Summer won a number of national design competitions. As a winner of Chatsworth House design competition, she was chosen by the Douches of Devonshire. She has professional bespoke and fashion design background and luxury management experience. Mr Satoshi Ambassador - Arts, Culture, Events. L.A. USA Satoshi is the CEO of Life is Tech! USA. It is a Los Angeles-based EdTech startup best known as the creators of the acclaimed coding education program, Disney Codeillusion. With over 17 years of experience in international business, with a focus on the U.S., UK and Japan, delivering life-changing opportunities to as many people as possible, is what Satoshi lives for. He holds an MBA from Stanford University. He is a Mentor for BLAST School, an incubation program that supports high school students with ideas for solving social issues. Satoshi is also a Chartered Member of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan Miss Mika Ambassador - Education, Culture, Events. Osaka Japan Mika is a Business and




Do you ever feel like you slog all week, just to get to the weekend, then feel too tired to really enjoy your time ‘off’, only to prepare yourself for another 70-hour work week? Have you been sitting on a Million-pound idea for too long, convincing yourself that you’ll do something about it once you get promoted/richer/happier/married* (delete as applicable)? Do you sometimes just want to pack it all in, throw away your iPhone and go to a desert island where you can just ignore the rest of the world? Ever questioned why society asks us to work for 60% of our life, only to not have the energy to really enjoy our retirement? You are not alone! Many of us struggle with stress and overwhelm due to trying to follow someone else's journey, instead of our own. By uncovering your purpose, being inspired and taking time to prioritise yourself, you can live a more fulfilling lifestyle and prevent some of these, now commonplace, issues. Let's build recuperation, wellbeing and exploration, not just into our time off, but into our employment.Let your employer provide you with the opportunity to develop yourself, network and learn from others! Providing EXPLORATION, SELF-DEVELOPMENT and WELLBEING activities, the only limit is your imagination! InTah’s experiences will range from Conferences to Expeditions, Retreats to Mentoring, Award Ceremonies to Loyalty Schemes to help you discover your purpose and BE INSPIRED! And if you still aren’t convinced. . . The struggles of mental ill health Mental illness is the second-largest source of burden of disease in the UK with 1 in 4 in the UK experience mental health issues and a whopping 792 Million affected worldwide. Burnout has now been classified as a disease by the World Health Organisation with 74% of people saying they have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope. 51% of adults who felt stressed reported feeling depressed and 61% felt anxious 46% reported an unhealthy diet, 29% started to drink to excess and 16% started or increased smoking. Burnout is a global problem, with 602,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety. £8.4 billion a year in sickness absence - the average employee taking seven sick days per year, of which 40% are for mental health, or 72 million lost working days per year £15.1 billion a year in reduced productivity a year – ‘presenteeism’ accounts for 1.5 times as much working time lost as absenteeism and costs more to employers because it is more common among higher-paid staff £2.4 billion a year is spent replacing staff who leave their jobs because of mental ill health.

London School of Biodanza

london school of biodanza


We are a School for Life. We believe we offer the most Emotionally Intelligent and Comprehensive Self-development programme you can experience. Curious? The best way to learn more about how to enrol for our third cycle is to contact us from this website. Whether you’re inspired by a personal call to grow and discover new possibilities for your life, or you want to develop a new professional vocation or you’re looking to widen your social connections our Biodanza school is ready to welcome you. Each training‘cycle’ lasts three years plus time to prepare a ‘Monography’ (final thesis). Attendance is approximately one weekend a month, usually for nine months of the year. You’re welcome to come either as a student or as a regular dancer to experience Biodanza at a deeper level. Our students come from all backgrounds and represent a wide age range. You can participate in Biodanza at any age throughout your life. We are certified by the IBF, International Biocentric Foundation, the worldwide governing body which is, at present in more than 36 countries and we abide by the code of conduct of the association of Biodanza teachers – http://www.biodanzaassociation.uk, the representative body of teachers here in the UK. The Rhythm of the School There is an organic rhythm to the school which is created by the beautiful music we use for the vivencias. To have four vivencias during each weekend is to dive deeply into yourself, with space to explore through movement and dance. You are enabled to deeply embody Biodanza within the safe environment of the school, discovering friendships and life affirming connections with the others in your group, During each weekend of the 3 years’ training time is given to the presentation of the theoretical bases of Biodanza, each of the first 20 weekends relate to the syllabus followed by all registered Biodanza schools. The theory sits alongside the vital experiential learning which comes from the vivencias. The last 8 modules focus on the practical training, giving those students who wish to become facilitators the tools to hold classes with confidence and who the Directors consider to be ready. The Saturdays and Sundays of the School usually take place over the second weekend of each month. Combined with your commitment to a regular weekly group the school weekends will amplify your experience. What you can expect Our training programme is an exploration of the poetry of movement, dance, expression and communication. You’ll be a valued member of a school which has an ethos of warmth, care, safety and a good measure of fun. You’ll experience the personal transformative process while enjoying and trusting the journey, supported along the way, and, in the final year, to develop the confidence and ability to create your own classes from a strong sound base.

Nobleprog Pakistan

nobleprog pakistan

NobleProg is an international training and consultancy group, delivering high quality courses to every sector, covering: Artificial Intelligence, IT, Management, Applied Statistics. Over the last 17 years, we have trained more than 50,000 people from over 6000 companies and organisations. Our courses include classroom (both public and closed) and instructor-led online giving you choice and flexibility to suit your time, budget and level of expertise. We practice what we preach – we use a great deal of the technologies and methods that we teach, and continuously upgrade and improve our courses, keeping up to date with all the latest developments. Our trainers are hand picked and have been through rigorous checks and interviews, and all courses are evaluated by delegates ensuring continuous feedback and improvement. NobleProg in numbers 17 + years of experience 15 + offices all over the world 1000 + trainers cooperating with NobleProg 1400 + course outlines offered companies 6100 + companies that entrusted us satisfied participant 58 k. + satisfied participants NobleProg - The World’s Local Training Provider Our mission is to provide comprehensive training and consultancy solutions all over the world, in an effective and accessible way, tailored to consumers’ needs . We offer practical, real-world knowledge supported by a full understanding of the theory. Our expert trainers are skilled in the latest knowledge transfer techniques, blending presentation, demonstration and hands-on learning. We understand that our learners are excited to be gaining new skills and we thrive off that energy to deliver exceptional training events. Investing in upskilling or reskilling with NobleProg means you stay ahead. Our catalogue is constantly evolving and we offer the most in-demand courses, Java, JavaScript, SQL, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), as well as Apache Spark, OpenStack, TensorFlow, Selenium, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis. Our offer consists of more than 1,400 training outlines covering more than 120 technologies. At NobleProg we emphasis a need of not only following the latest technological trends, but also anticipating changes. We focus on delivering professional skills and certifications that will have a real impact. See what sets us apart >> NobleProg's history NobleProg was established in 2005 in Krakow, Poland, and has gradually expanded its operations to other global markets since. In just two years the first international branch was opened in London. The overwhelming potential of NobleProg combined with the rising need for self-development programs, especially in the field of technological skills, prompted the company to change the business model into a franchise. By doing so, in a short period of time the company allowed a number of people passionate about education and new technologies to join the NobleProg Team. With each year the territorial reach of NobleProg was further expanding and we now have offices on every continent. NobleProg is the World's Local Training Provider.

Qui with Trish

qui with trish


The approach I take within my work comes from my own life experiences, extensive training and research, my interest in fellow human beings and a deep longing to share with others my knowledge of self-development, spirituality and natural healing. I graduated in Biology at Durham University in the 1980s and I entered the workplace at the Science Museum in London. Science and particularly the Medical Sciences were my first loves, however a taste of the stress and pressure of city life, led me to take off on a travelling adventure and find out what it was I really wished for out of life. Whilst living and working in South East Asia I gravitated towards Buddhism and the Ayurvedic approach to wellness and health. I took a course in 'Chakra Consciousness' in India where I qualified as a teacher. This changed my whole outlook and meditation/natural healing became part of my life and it stuck. On returning to the UK, two children later, and having decided to completely switch career, I worked in a Natural Health business whilst further training in Stress Therapy, Holistic Massage, Acupressure and Reiki Healing. I opened my first 'Holistic Wellbeing' clinic in Wetherby in 2006 and then 'Qui Wellbeing' in Sicklinghall and I have now worked 1:1 with a wide range of clients. In 2017 I qualified as a Mindfulness Association teacher and UK registered with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches following the UK good practice guidelines. In 2019 I qualified as a Compassion Based Living Teacher with the Mindfulness Association. In recent years I have delivered Mindfulness based interventions to recovering addicts (5-ways academy in Leeds), vulnerable adults (Harrogate Homeless Project), leaders working with vulnerable adults, stressed city workers (NHS digital Leeds), sixth formers (Harrogate Grammar school) and I am currently working with University of Leeds on research funded by the Medical Research Council into approaches to mental health in adolescents. Recently I recorded a professionally produced audio version of the MBLC course for the Mindfulness Association. I continue to deliver to private clients and groups at the Acorn Wellness Retreat and at Carlshead Business Centre. I am now very happily part of the Kagyu sangha of Tibetan Buddhism and practice at Samye Dzong, Samye Ling and with Mindsprings. I regularly attend immersive retreats. I combine my multi-disciplinary skills, my extensive client-based experience and my deep belief in the power of Mindfulness to create a unique and considered approach to personal wellness and natural health. Communicating through social media, magazine articles and blogs keeps me abreast of new developments and research into my diverse areas of interest. Other than that, I am committed to be happy and compassionate in my work, with my family, with the people I meet and the world around me. I am very grateful to my many guides and influences. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Namaste