11154 Educators providing Courses

Edu Psychology Services

edu psychology services


COVID-19 Update: The MU Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) and Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health (CEBYMH) ARE OPEN and providing services to adults, youths, and families. We are offering both in-person and telehealth (secure videoconference) assessment and therapy services. Our office staff will talk with clients about which option may work best for them. Commitment to Anti-Racism: The MU Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) and Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health (CEBYMH) are outraged and saddened by the multiple occurrences of police brutality and injustice against Black and Brown communities (Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Michael Brown, and too many others). These are the result of long-standing structurally racist systems that devalue Black and Brown lives. The disproportionate impact of these inequities is felt not only in the justice system, but also in education, medicine, and mental health care. As psychology providers, we believe that the ultimate manner by which to heal racial trauma is for individuals and the systems within which they work to recognize and eliminate explicit and implicit bias, prejudice, racism, and discrimination. However, at this time, many Black and Brown individuals have already experienced and will continue to experience racial trauma. Our clinic is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for these individuals. We are also aiming to increase provider representation and knowledge in our clinic by working with clinicians and consultants of diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, we are committed to bettering our community and ensuring the safety and well-being of Black and Brown lives. Commitment to Multiculturalism: At the MU PSC, we view providing access to affordable, quality mental health services for all as a central part of our mission. We strive to be a safe and affirming space for individuals from all backgrounds and identities. We recognize that all of us—providers and clients—possess multiple cultural identities that shape how we view and interact in the world. We view diversity broadly, encompassing one’s racial/ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, immigration status, income, age, rural/urban residency, and more. Our providers receive ongoing training in the delivery of culturally re

The People Speak

the people speak


The People Speak CIC inspires communities to be creative and provides training and opportunities to people in East London. The company’s activities will provide benefit to all of the various community groups in East London and beyond, by creating an inclusive, non-judgemental, non-hierarchical space for inter and intra community dialogue. We seek to promote creative dialogue between people of all ages, classes, genders, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.  The company’s activities primarily benefit local community groups in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. We work with people of all ages, classes, genders, cultural and religious backgrounds that live side-by-side in these boroughs. Through formats like Talkaoke – a pop-up talkshow – we promote speaking, listening and exchange of ideas and perspectives between these groups, helping to strengthen community cohesion and dialogue and supporting creative and collaborative initiatives, which positively impact their neighbourhoods. We work with a wide range of organisations and charities to deliver our activities nationally, including facilitating community consultation to inform local cultural, community and placemaking strategies. What we do: Provide creative and interactive group activities for the communities in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Newham and the wider UK by using a multi-arts approach, technology and creative facilitation; including online events Facilitate regular discussion forums such as Talkaoke – the pop-up talk show; Facilitate community consultation to inform local, cultural, community and placemaking strategies; Provide open-door creative support for people who come to our premises in Aberfeldy Street, Poplar Provide training and opportunities to local young people and emerging creatives. Benefits to the community: Supporting local participants to learn new skills creatively explore their interest and meet people outside of their usual lived experience, Providing activities and events that are free for all communities to access, Strengthening community cohesion through running events and activities that bring all sections of the community together, Empowering people from across communities by ensuring their voices and ideas are listened to and reflected in plans that directly impact where they live, Developing diverse and disadvantaged young people and emerging creatives’ skills, particularly around facilitation and listening, digital and live production and delivery.




hrough years of experience and her own meditation and mindfulness practice, she has developed a unique and richly relaxing blend of wellbeing and stress management which brings together a number of practices from Laughter Yoga, Meditation and mindfulness. As well as Mindfulness, Sue is a trainer in Emotional Intelligence and is EQi 2.0 qualified, she is also a qualified DiSC practitioner. Supporting people to understand their emotional intelligence and behavioural traits means she encourages her clients to learn and adopt mindfulness techniques. Sue is keen to bring mindfulness into every element of her life and work – and through that to bring it to everyone she is in contact with. She loves showing people how they can support themselves by seperating out their beliefs and thoughts, and gain more understanding on how both beliefs and thoughts are driving actions – which may often not be productive or work out so well. “Like everyone, I have a busy life, I’ve run my own business since 1997, balanced it with bringing up a family, and worked on a number of community campaigns including sustainability and protecting green spaces (one of which resulted in me standing in the General Elections) and throughout that time, I have endured plenty of moments of stress. Mindfulness and Laughter have been key elements in my life that have kept me on an even keel” Sue’s work in Mindfulness means she is often in demand by individuals, local businesses and organisations. She often delivers bespoke training for stressed out executives and employees, and runs mindfulness retreats in Devon for people to get a taster of mindfulness, or go deeper into their own practice. “It is a real pleasure to work with clients to support them not only in their communications challenges, but also in their personal success plans. I use a range of techniques, including Mindfulness, visualisation, humour, coaching and even EFT to support my clients.” Sue is also a trainer for Big Results Training and Creative Laughter and she delivers courses throughout the UK to support individual wellbeing and emotional resilience. For her psychotherapy practice, please see: https://www.suehaswell.co.uk Contact: sue@mindfulness-uk.co.uk, 01626 864458

Tim Anderson

tim anderson


Welcome to SOULutions. With more than 20 years of working in this field, I am delighted to offer holistic and solution-focused therapies and natural and effective healing methods through SOULUTIONS. My coaching style, systemic background and homeopathic approach all aim to help you move towards inner peace and well-being. Consequently, leaving you free to be the best you that you are meant to be. I am here to help you find your SOULutions with: Homeopathy Family Constellations Trainings 1:1 Personal Issues and Relationship Coaching Family Constellations Workshops (also known as Systemic Constellations Workshops) Personal Issues and Relationship Coaching My personal issues and relationship coaching is based on a solution focused approach. I offer coaching for personal and relationship issues for individuals in a safe and confidential environment. For over 20 years, I have supported people from all walks of life and worked with people with a wide range of life challenges including: stress of all kinds anxiety-related issues family and relationship issues difficulties in conceiving and or miscarriages low self-esteem or low confidence cross junction in life and looking for the next step in life is grief and bereavement Systemic Family Constellations Systemic constellations and family constellations, offer a systemic and solution-focused approach. They are particularly effective for personal, family and relationship issues. At SOULutions, I offer both workshops and one to one sessions in systemic constellations and family constellations in Surrey. Surrey Homeopathy Having worked as a Surrey homeopath for over 20 years, I offer this gentle and natural form of medicine in my practice in Surrey. First of all, during the homeopathic consultation, I aim is to collect a full symptom picture of you and to explore the symptoms as you experience them. Whatever the presenting symptom, homeopathy looks at physical, emotional and mental state as belonging together and presenting an expression of what is out of balance in the individual. Finally, I prescribe a carefully selected homeopathic remedy that matches your particular symptom picture most closely. This form of medicine can help balance the person’s innate healing powers to initiate healing from within. Homeopathy thus offers an holistic approach to health and well-being.

Royal Mile Primary School

royal mile primary school

Royal Mile Primary School is an inner-city school in the heart of Edinburgh. We pride ourselves on the diversity within our school community. Overall, our classrooms are well resourced, we have an inspiring library with an extensive genre, multi-purpose room that host music tuition, social and communication groups etc. The school is situated on the Royal Mile in the heart of the old town providing us with a range of modern and historical opportunities to enhance learning experiences for our learners. We are keen to develop outdoor learning using this space and will consider how best we can build up sustainable environment options. At Royal Mile Primary School, the dedicated staff are committed to providing students with a broad and practical learning experience. Teaching staff are keen to take on leadership roles that involve whole school initiatives. We aim to continue to implement technologies across all stages, community engagement and improved learning that meet the needs of students in the 21st century. The school works closely to build on home-school-community partnerships. Community engagement builds on the strong foundations of Literacy and Numeracy at Royal Mile and are a priority for our school. We have formed strong partnerships with Canongate Youth, Holyrood Palace, Scottish Poetry Centre. Our school wishes to strengthen our community of learners to maximise the participation of all stakeholders – students, families and the wider community and promote our school as a centre of excellence, opportunity and inclusion. At Royal Mile Primary we have used a range of data to focus on improvement through Self-Evaluation. Information gathered from feedback across the school community is used to help inform improvement planning as well as data from assessment. Termly learning, teaching and assessment meetings take place between SLT, class teachers and support staff using standardised assessments and professional judgements which help identify priorities to take forward and to identify learners who may require targeted support. All staff participate in an annual performance conversations to identify opportunities for career long professional learning linked to our school priorities. Observations and sharing classroom practice are used to identify and share effective teaching and learning across our school.

Surjit Dhami

surjit dhami



Feel stressed? Burned out? or worried? Neti Neti, meaning, "Not this, Not that", is the method of Vedic analysis of negation which takes away not only the problem but the root of the cause as well. Neti Neti is a keynote of Vedic inquiry. It explains an expression of something inexpressible, it expresses the ‘suchness’ (the essence) of that which it refers to when ‘no other definition applies to it’. Neti Neti was practised by Advaita sages who where able to be aware of everything that moves as well as being aware of the the stillness which was previously unknown. Neti-Neti is one of the oldest meditation techniques in the world. You do not have to be an expert. A beginner can enjoy the benefit from the wisdom of Neti-Neti. It is now available to anyone seeking freedom in the knowledge of true self. Neti Neti is a process of selective non-attention to a aspect of the total field of awareness. This is unique compared to other traditions. The series of contemplations in the Cula-Sunnata Sutta Buddhist sacred texts and the ancient Vedas refer to experiencing through Neti-Neti a direct experience with the vast fascinating void. Each stage in Neti Neti we are adding nothing new, but simply removing attention from some aspect of the previous contemplation. There is nothing new to attain, and nowhere to go but to be completely aware.The best way to understand each stage of Neti-Neti is that it is what is left when you remove the previous object of attention. It is amazing to see what we have missed because our attention was somewhere else. Just as a huge sky is delusional, if it believes it is a small cloud. Neti Neti allows the rays of understanding to pierce through the cloud to enable the sky to appear as clear as it is - clear as day. All the small things that niggle at us throughout the day causes distress and suffering. The free meditation classes will allow the small things dissolve in feeling the presence of that vastness.

Women in DataĀ®

women in dataā®

As a recruiter with over 20 years of experience in the field of data science and analytics, Roisin McCarthy observed a worrying decline in female candidates applying to roles across every level. The gap in female applicants led her to examine the underlying causes and barriers to women in the data and analytics industries. What she found led her to collaborate with Britain’s foremost analytics expert, Payal Jain and together, Women in Data was formed to confront this startling problem and to agitate for change. Women in Data® aims to bring awareness through media appearances and events; in particular, the landmark annual Women in Data® conference. This began as an understated symposium, attended by 100 people in 2015 and it erupted into the most highly anticipated annual data science event in the UK. At the 2019 conference at the Arora O2 Women in Data welcomed more than 1500 attendees, and in 2020 thousands of data professionals attended a week of online Women in Data events and workshops. The message of diversity and equality is permeating into the data zeitgeist with each Women in Data® event we run. From the classrooms of Milton Keynes to the House of Lords, we have been working tirelessly to raise awareness of the issues and emphasise the value of female participation at every level. We collaborate with our corporate partners to stage regular Women in Data networking events throughout the year, providing opportunities for leaders in the field (mostly women) to share their knowledge and experiences via informative presentations and discussions. We intend to emphasise and celebrate the accomplishments of women because ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’. All Women in Data events are for women at every stage of their careers to connect with one another in a safe and stimulating environment. The demand for data science to become more inclusive and representative is growing, as evident in the generous support of our corporate partners, whose contributions enable us to run these events for free. We would like to thank them for their enthusiastic embrace of Women in Data and all that we stand for.

Hello Europe

hello europe


The language we use when we talk about refugees and migration is so often tragic. Newspapers publish heartbreaking pictures, we read statistics which boggle the mind in their numbers, learn stories which appall in their tales of suffering. At the same time running through the difficult realities are threads of potential, of optimism, resilience and of capacity for hope. It is here that Ashoka strives to work. For more than thirty years, Ashoka has identified and supported the world’s best social entrepreneurs – leaders with innovative new ideas which can transform broken systems for the better, in fields from health to human rights, education to civic engagement, economic development to environment. In this time we’ve elected nearly 4000 Ashoka Fellows in 90 countries across the world. In a collaboration between Ashoka Germany and Zalando, Hello Europe was created in 2016 to identify the most powerful and proven solutions to challenges surrounding migration, integration and refugee movements with the aim of bringing them to scale in regions most in need. Over time a European, cross-border network of solutions began to emerge, and we began to identify a new paradigm around migration and integration. Now 3 years on, Hello Europe aims to provide a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet them. There is a lot at stake: by providing the refugees with only enforced isolation, a lost education, and half-hearted integration, nobody wins. Political will or citizen will are not enough to solve this ever-shifting, accelerating problem – we need the nimble speed of new ideas, the passion of social entrepreneurs, the weight of government and the influence of business combined to transform the landscape for refugees and migrants. “In early 2016 – a critical time in Germany – the Hello Festival in Berlin was so many things at once: a very moving experience, a vivid demonstration of the transformative power of citizen solutions for migration, and a place where unusual partnerships began: between social entrepreneurs, ministries, companies, foundation, and welfare organisations. I am excited this is now happening across Europe!” — RAINER HOELL, ASHOKA GERMANY

Learning Support Services

learning support services


Want to work for a friendly and supportive care company? We support adults with learning disabilities, with all our staff working with a high level of professionalism and dedication. When joining our team, you are joining us on our journey and becoming part of the Learning and Support Services family. Why join our amazing team? Here at Learning and Support Services, we offer ongoing training and progression in all areas and enjoy seeing you as an individual continue your personal development and achieve your own goals. Learning and Support Services was built on the foundations to ensure a high standard of care is provided and continuity being a fundamental part of our services. Excellence is the peak of our aim when providing support services to those in our services and promoting independence is key. You will need to be caring, empathetic, a team player and show true commitment and dedication. Our small existing team will show you the true values at Learning and Support Services and will mentor you to be the best, sharing their experience and knowledge with you step-by-step. If you live in Dunmow, Saffron Walden, Harlow, Epping, Theydon Bois and surrounding areas, and want to join a passionate company that shows support to their staff as well as those within our care, then this is the company for you. Our latest CQC report shows just how much we go above and beyond, with an Outstanding rating for our care. Sound like you would fit in? Apply now! You will be supporting service users in their own homes and to access the community. Support will be for shopping, attending appointments, participating in hobbies, accessing resources and facilities in the local community, support with promoting independence and autonomy. We are also introducing an activity programme so if you think you could deliver a sport and music programme, get in touch! After successfully completing your 6 month probation, we encourage all staff to complete their Level 2, 3 or 5 in Health and Social Care. Our passion is not only for us to grow as a provider, but for you as an individual and for us to do this together side by side.

Meliora Advisory

meliora advisory


Tony Cotrupe brings over 30 years of experience in business valuations, investment banking, economic consulting, and private equity to Meliora Advisors. Tony began his career at Ernst & Young in its Financial Services Group, where he performed pre- and post-transaction valuations for companies in a variety of industries. He was also an economist in E&Y’s International Services Office, where he provided economic consulting services to multinational corporations for transfer pricing, strategic planning, cross-border transactions, and litigation support. From 2003 to 2006, Tony was a Director at Huron Consulting Group where he was responsible for Huron’s New York Financial Valuation Group. Tony led a team focusing on financial valuations for public and private companies. From 2006 to 2008, Tony was Senior Vice President at Paramax Corporation, a middle-market M&A advisory firm in Upstate NY focusing on middle market M&A and other advisory engagements. At Paramax, Tony also led the corporate advisory and valuation services efforts. Tony worked for eight years at J.P. Morgan Securities (formerly Chemical and Chase Securities), first as an investment banker in the Emerging Markets Investment Banking Group, where he structured debt and equity transactions for corporations in Brazil. Tony then started and ran the Private Equity Group within JPM’s Global Private Bank, where he sourced, structured, and executed venture capital and buyout transactions for high net worth clients worldwide. Tony also led the private equity fundraising effort, raising capital for large buyout firms including The Blackstone Group. After J.P. Morgan, Tony joined Gerard Klauer Mattison (GKM) as a Private Equity Fund consultant, providing fundraising and fund management for a fund of funds focused on venture capital and buyout investments. In 2009, Tony formed Meliora Advisors, LLC, a corporate advisory and consulting firm. Meliora Advisors has successfully executed projects in a broad array of industries, including: Aerospace, Biotechnology, Business Services, Financial Services, Food and Beverage, Healthcare, Heavy Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals , Power/Electricity, Robotics HealthTech. Tony holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Economics, both from the University of Rochester. He is a CFA Charter holder and a member of the CFA Institute. He has spoken at conferences and taught classes on valuation, M&A, and private equity.