11154 Educators providing Courses



Rhetort Ltd is a solutions-oriented company. We are a cutting edge consultancy that employs collective IQ and experiential knowledge for reducing cost, creating value and innovating solutions to problems in the extractive industry. Our primary focus is to employ our specialized, technical expertise in contributing positively to the Oil and Gas industry in particular and the extractive industry in general. We are a powerhouse of technology, creativity and expertise with unrivalled problem solving proficiency and acumen in the petroleum industry. We are key members of the gig nation, an emerging, radical business and work philosophy that leverages the power of network, talent and technology. With an open business model that thrives on cooperation and collaboration across continents and time zones, we are able to pool and mine the requisite talent and knowledge to every project (gig) and therefore offer our clients the best value for money every time. Studies have shown that every problem has its unique DNA and 90% of the population and competition fall into the trap of confronting problems and issues based on generalizations by jumping the ladder of inference and proceeding from conceived and perceived inferences. The Rhetort way is the diametric opposite of this. Since inception we have undertaken several studies, benchmarking and research projects and have authored several white, position and technical papers. Some of these have been presented in industry technical conferences and are available for download on www.onepetro.org. We have pioneered several knowledge and process engineering solutions some of which have progressed to beta-testing phase. Integrated but lean and able to respond to problems using the termite swarm approach, we are steeped in research and analytics, we provide a fresh approach to problem solving which quickly cuts through the clutter and allows us arrive at unique, specific and correct solutions. The mix and variety of expertise possessed by our principals lends credence to the earlier assertions. With an excess of 90 years combined geoscience, drilling, completion, production and management backgrounds, in addition to the wealth of experience and technology of our affiliates and technical partners, we are poised to solve all of our client’s technical problems and provide world-class project management services as needed.

Alliance Francaise De Londres

alliance francaise de londres


The Alliance Française de Londres is an educational charity dedicated to teaching the French language. Our native French teachers are fully qualified and committed to providing a high standard of tuition that takes you through a structured syllabus from beginner to fluent. In 1987 the Alliance moved to its permanent home at 1 Dorset Square, NW1, where we have air-conditioned classrooms and a library, all equipped with interactive white boards. The Alliance Française de Londres gives you a truly authentic French experience, the next best thing to actually going to a French-speaking country. We are all here because we want to be. We love teaching and we love London and the great variety of people living or working here or just passing through. We are committed and enthusiastic sharers of French language and culture and we welcome everyone. As an apolitical and non-denominational organisation the AllianceFrançaise de Londres was a pioneer in multicultural teaching. We are truly broad-based and inclusive. The Alliance Française de Londres has a long and distinguished history. Our roots go back to 1884 and the London Alliance Française took over rallying the network during the second World War when the Paris Alliance was closed down. For a glimpse of our history retrouvée see AFL down the years. Our building housed a sectionm of SOE during the second world war and some scenes in this film Les Anglais dans la Résistance with Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac were shot at 1 Dorset Square (and it was in what is now our classroom 01 that he was handed his revolver and cyanide capsule). There is no better summary of where we come from than « Nous avons, une fois pour toutes, tiré cette conclusion que c’est par de libres rapports spirituels et moraux, établis entre nous-mêmes et les autres, que notre influence culturelle peut s’étendre à l’avantage de tous et qu’inversement peut s’accroître ce que nous valons. Organiser ces rapports, telle fut la raison de naître, telle est la raison de vivre, telle sera la raison de poursuivre de l’Alliance française. » Charles de Gaulle (from his speech in Algiers on 30th October 1943 for the 60th anniversary of the Alliance Française movement)




Lottie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. She is a 500 hour registered teacher, holds the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Diploma and is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga. Lottie has trained with some world-renowned teachers and and her classes draw upon the various styles she has been taught including Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. She teaches Yin Yoga and Flow Yoga for mixed abilities and beginners classes with sequences that can be modified to make them more/less challenging depending on the student’s level. She includes asanas (poses) for strength and flexibility with a focus on alignment, pranayama (breathing) exercises to calm the mind, meditation to cultivate inner awareness and relaxation to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Lottie enjoys bringing her yoga practice to the local community and she believes that yoga is for everyone. Her classes will leave you feeling energised yet calmer. A regular yoga practice ensures a healthy mind and body. What brought me to Yoga and why I do it? I was looking to improve my flexibility and to aid relaxation. Like many people I wondered what to expect at my first class, but I was hooked from the beginning and came away feeling calmer and more energised, ready to take on life. It brought me an hour of calm in my day. I was eager to learn the asanas (poses) and their Sanskrit names (classic language of ancient India), the breathing exercises and always savoured resting in Corpse pose (Savasana) at the end of class. I then decided to explore yoga in more depth, learn about the philosophy and anatomy and to teach yoga to others, so I enrolled on the Diploma course with Yogacampus where I was taught by some truly inspiring yoga teachers including Lisa Sanfilippo, Jo Manuel, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Aadil Palkhivala, Doug Keller and Dr. Ruth Gilmore. For me yoga gives me energy and focus, makes me smile, and keeps me grounded in everyday life. Even when it is challenging I love it and it makes me seek out more. Every day I arrive on my mat I have a new experience and that is great!




OneBus is a unified collective of commercial bus operators in Greater Manchester. OneBus was launched in 2018 to enable bus companies to speak with one voice and drive a shared commitment to improve public transport across the Greater Manchester region. High-quality, good-value and easy-to-use public transport is critical to delivering better connectivity and improved mobility for local people. Most importantly, it underpins the region’s drive to create a thriving economy, ensure good jobs and opportunity for all, provide access to affordable housing, and deliver safe, healthy and inclusive communities. The OneBus partnership represents bus operators in Greater Manchester, committed to improving travel as part of an integrated network that gets Greater Manchester moving. Buses are central to the future of Greater Manchester and our positive package of proposals can make a real difference to tackling the biggest challenges facing our communities; road congestion and air quality. Building on the significant investment already made by operators, we believe there is a window of opportunity for everyone to work together to deliver a revolution in the region’s bus network that puts customers first and offers excellent value for both passengers and public investment. Our blueprint for a partnership model in Greater Manchester is consistent with the new powers in the Bus Services Act and proposes: 450 new low emissions buses over the next three years to boost the region’s air quality, with the first 150 delivered by 2020 More flexible and simplified tickets, recommendation of two-year price freeze on multi-operator bus fares, and more affordable travel for people of all ages An action plan for Transport for Greater Manchester and other agencies to tackle congestion hotspots, speed up journeys and cut gridlock A single unified brand identity for all bus services, with individual operator buses clearly identifiable as part of a partnership Improved integration of bus, tram and rail services Joint bus network review to maximise connectivity for passengers, including the evaluation of the potential for off-peak, limited stop, night time or 24 hour services Better on-board customer experience, including extension of free WiFi across the bus fleet A fully coordinated, central approach to traffic management, customer contact and travel information

Edu Psychology Services

edu psychology services


COVID-19 Update: The MU Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) and Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health (CEBYMH) ARE OPEN and providing services to adults, youths, and families. We are offering both in-person and telehealth (secure videoconference) assessment and therapy services. Our office staff will talk with clients about which option may work best for them. Commitment to Anti-Racism: The MU Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) and Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health (CEBYMH) are outraged and saddened by the multiple occurrences of police brutality and injustice against Black and Brown communities (Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Michael Brown, and too many others). These are the result of long-standing structurally racist systems that devalue Black and Brown lives. The disproportionate impact of these inequities is felt not only in the justice system, but also in education, medicine, and mental health care. As psychology providers, we believe that the ultimate manner by which to heal racial trauma is for individuals and the systems within which they work to recognize and eliminate explicit and implicit bias, prejudice, racism, and discrimination. However, at this time, many Black and Brown individuals have already experienced and will continue to experience racial trauma. Our clinic is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for these individuals. We are also aiming to increase provider representation and knowledge in our clinic by working with clinicians and consultants of diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, we are committed to bettering our community and ensuring the safety and well-being of Black and Brown lives. Commitment to Multiculturalism: At the MU PSC, we view providing access to affordable, quality mental health services for all as a central part of our mission. We strive to be a safe and affirming space for individuals from all backgrounds and identities. We recognize that all of us—providers and clients—possess multiple cultural identities that shape how we view and interact in the world. We view diversity broadly, encompassing one’s racial/ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, immigration status, income, age, rural/urban residency, and more. Our providers receive ongoing training in the delivery of culturally re

The People Speak

the people speak


The People Speak CIC inspires communities to be creative and provides training and opportunities to people in East London. The company’s activities will provide benefit to all of the various community groups in East London and beyond, by creating an inclusive, non-judgemental, non-hierarchical space for inter and intra community dialogue. We seek to promote creative dialogue between people of all ages, classes, genders, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.  The company’s activities primarily benefit local community groups in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. We work with people of all ages, classes, genders, cultural and religious backgrounds that live side-by-side in these boroughs. Through formats like Talkaoke – a pop-up talkshow – we promote speaking, listening and exchange of ideas and perspectives between these groups, helping to strengthen community cohesion and dialogue and supporting creative and collaborative initiatives, which positively impact their neighbourhoods. We work with a wide range of organisations and charities to deliver our activities nationally, including facilitating community consultation to inform local cultural, community and placemaking strategies. What we do: Provide creative and interactive group activities for the communities in Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Newham and the wider UK by using a multi-arts approach, technology and creative facilitation; including online events Facilitate regular discussion forums such as Talkaoke – the pop-up talk show; Facilitate community consultation to inform local, cultural, community and placemaking strategies; Provide open-door creative support for people who come to our premises in Aberfeldy Street, Poplar Provide training and opportunities to local young people and emerging creatives. Benefits to the community: Supporting local participants to learn new skills creatively explore their interest and meet people outside of their usual lived experience, Providing activities and events that are free for all communities to access, Strengthening community cohesion through running events and activities that bring all sections of the community together, Empowering people from across communities by ensuring their voices and ideas are listened to and reflected in plans that directly impact where they live, Developing diverse and disadvantaged young people and emerging creatives’ skills, particularly around facilitation and listening, digital and live production and delivery.

Gp Adi

gp adi


Hello and Welcome to my site, I’d like to tell you about myself and my history within the Driver Training Industry as I believe this is vital to know when choosing an Instructor. My name is Gary Phillips and I have been an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) since 1991 when I was working with BSM from their Wigan branch, having established myself as their number one Learner Driver Instructor I Quickly progressed to become a Fleet Trainer and Instructor Trainer, my reputation as an effective Instructor Trainer was soon established and I was covering a large area including Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Leeds. In 1998 I won BSM’s National Competition “Instructor of the Year.” Soon afterwards I was “Head Hunted” by another National Instructor Training company to become their National Training Officer for the North of England covering an area between Birmingham and Newcastle where I was in charge of Training the regional Trainers and Quality Control of Instructor Training sessions, I also devised and wrote a new training system which became very successful. Unfortunately this company went into Liquidation and so I decided to use the vast knowledge and experience I had gained to offer my services to Learner Drivers who were serious about wanting to learn to drive to a high standard in a short time by taking an Intensive Course and Trainee Instructors who had the motivation to qualify as an ADI, the ambition to gain a better Grade in their Check Test or advance their career and become an Instructor Trainer. My Reputation as one of the Top Trainer’s in the Industry is well known throughout the North West & beyond. My Mission is to help you achieve your Goal and by using tried and tested Training Techniques along with my own carefully developed Training Methods and individually focused Tuition to suit your personal requirements, I am confident that if you follow my advice you will achieve your Goal as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact me for more information or advice if you can’t find the answer on the website.

Royal Mile Primary School

royal mile primary school

Royal Mile Primary School is an inner-city school in the heart of Edinburgh. We pride ourselves on the diversity within our school community. Overall, our classrooms are well resourced, we have an inspiring library with an extensive genre, multi-purpose room that host music tuition, social and communication groups etc. The school is situated on the Royal Mile in the heart of the old town providing us with a range of modern and historical opportunities to enhance learning experiences for our learners. We are keen to develop outdoor learning using this space and will consider how best we can build up sustainable environment options. At Royal Mile Primary School, the dedicated staff are committed to providing students with a broad and practical learning experience. Teaching staff are keen to take on leadership roles that involve whole school initiatives. We aim to continue to implement technologies across all stages, community engagement and improved learning that meet the needs of students in the 21st century. The school works closely to build on home-school-community partnerships. Community engagement builds on the strong foundations of Literacy and Numeracy at Royal Mile and are a priority for our school. We have formed strong partnerships with Canongate Youth, Holyrood Palace, Scottish Poetry Centre. Our school wishes to strengthen our community of learners to maximise the participation of all stakeholders – students, families and the wider community and promote our school as a centre of excellence, opportunity and inclusion. At Royal Mile Primary we have used a range of data to focus on improvement through Self-Evaluation. Information gathered from feedback across the school community is used to help inform improvement planning as well as data from assessment. Termly learning, teaching and assessment meetings take place between SLT, class teachers and support staff using standardised assessments and professional judgements which help identify priorities to take forward and to identify learners who may require targeted support. All staff participate in an annual performance conversations to identify opportunities for career long professional learning linked to our school priorities. Observations and sharing classroom practice are used to identify and share effective teaching and learning across our school.

Surjit Dhami

surjit dhami



Feel stressed? Burned out? or worried? Neti Neti, meaning, "Not this, Not that", is the method of Vedic analysis of negation which takes away not only the problem but the root of the cause as well. Neti Neti is a keynote of Vedic inquiry. It explains an expression of something inexpressible, it expresses the ‘suchness’ (the essence) of that which it refers to when ‘no other definition applies to it’. Neti Neti was practised by Advaita sages who where able to be aware of everything that moves as well as being aware of the the stillness which was previously unknown. Neti-Neti is one of the oldest meditation techniques in the world. You do not have to be an expert. A beginner can enjoy the benefit from the wisdom of Neti-Neti. It is now available to anyone seeking freedom in the knowledge of true self. Neti Neti is a process of selective non-attention to a aspect of the total field of awareness. This is unique compared to other traditions. The series of contemplations in the Cula-Sunnata Sutta Buddhist sacred texts and the ancient Vedas refer to experiencing through Neti-Neti a direct experience with the vast fascinating void. Each stage in Neti Neti we are adding nothing new, but simply removing attention from some aspect of the previous contemplation. There is nothing new to attain, and nowhere to go but to be completely aware.The best way to understand each stage of Neti-Neti is that it is what is left when you remove the previous object of attention. It is amazing to see what we have missed because our attention was somewhere else. Just as a huge sky is delusional, if it believes it is a small cloud. Neti Neti allows the rays of understanding to pierce through the cloud to enable the sky to appear as clear as it is - clear as day. All the small things that niggle at us throughout the day causes distress and suffering. The free meditation classes will allow the small things dissolve in feeling the presence of that vastness.

Women in DataĀ®

women in dataā®

As a recruiter with over 20 years of experience in the field of data science and analytics, Roisin McCarthy observed a worrying decline in female candidates applying to roles across every level. The gap in female applicants led her to examine the underlying causes and barriers to women in the data and analytics industries. What she found led her to collaborate with Britain’s foremost analytics expert, Payal Jain and together, Women in Data was formed to confront this startling problem and to agitate for change. Women in Data® aims to bring awareness through media appearances and events; in particular, the landmark annual Women in Data® conference. This began as an understated symposium, attended by 100 people in 2015 and it erupted into the most highly anticipated annual data science event in the UK. At the 2019 conference at the Arora O2 Women in Data welcomed more than 1500 attendees, and in 2020 thousands of data professionals attended a week of online Women in Data events and workshops. The message of diversity and equality is permeating into the data zeitgeist with each Women in Data® event we run. From the classrooms of Milton Keynes to the House of Lords, we have been working tirelessly to raise awareness of the issues and emphasise the value of female participation at every level. We collaborate with our corporate partners to stage regular Women in Data networking events throughout the year, providing opportunities for leaders in the field (mostly women) to share their knowledge and experiences via informative presentations and discussions. We intend to emphasise and celebrate the accomplishments of women because ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’. All Women in Data events are for women at every stage of their careers to connect with one another in a safe and stimulating environment. The demand for data science to become more inclusive and representative is growing, as evident in the generous support of our corporate partners, whose contributions enable us to run these events for free. We would like to thank them for their enthusiastic embrace of Women in Data and all that we stand for.