1123 Educators providing Courses

Inner Pedagogy/East Midlands Psychedelic Society

inner pedagogy/east midlands psychedelic society


Edward is committed to supporting people move towards wholeness and the role education can play in this process. Edward researches mindfulness, integral and transpersonal psychology and well-being as both a member and convenor of postgraduate research at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (University of Nottingham). An avid reader, he is particularly inspired by the writings of Adyashanti, Stanislav Grof, Bernardo Kastrup, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber. Edward has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics himself. Edward has been rigorously trained, he received a First Class (Hons) Degree in Education and Art from the University of Exeter in 1998 and a PhD in Peace Education and Sociocultural Theory from the University of Birmingham in 2003. Edward is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained by Patrizia Collard/Enter Mindfulness, a Life Coach and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. He has taken the core modules of the Grof Transpersonal Trainer (GTT) Programme, covering the paradigm of Holotropic Breathwork, The Power Within (Bodywork), Music & Transcendence and Spiritual Emergency. He has also taken elective modules in Jung, Alchemy & The Transformation of Consciousness, and Inner Ethics/Soul Collage. This training has been supplemented by further training from the TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) College and the College of Sound Healing . As part of ongoing quality assurance, Edward receives regular supervision in mindfulness, TRE® and Holotropic Breathwork®, actively researching all of these fields, attending regular conferences, courses and retreats to ensure his work and guidance is informed by deep inner experience and the latest research and good practice. Edward is also a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity and follows their honour code of ethics and good practice for individuals. Edward has attended a Quaker meeting all of his adult life, adopting a contemplative and universal approach to spirituality. He has served as both a Clerk and Elder to his local. 'Clerkship' involves engaging contemplative approaches and discernment to make spiritually-informed group decisions. Edward continues to practise art, focusing on contemporary altars, shrines and portraiture drawing upon studies at the University of Exeter and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, winning the prestigious Attenborough Prize in 2011. Edward accepts commissions and much of his work is available for sale. Artwork can be an excellent tool for integration and creativity is employed to help with this process in many of Edward’s courses and workshops.

First Aid at Work (Training) Associates

first aid at work (training) associates


The Courtauld works to advance how we see and understand the visual arts, as an internationally-renowned centre for the teaching, research of art history and a major public gallery. Founded by collectors and philanthropists in the 1930s, the organisation has been at the forefront of the study of art ever since, through advanced research and conservation practice, innovative teaching, the renowned collection and inspiring exhibitions of its gallery, and engaging and accessible activities, education and events. The Courtauld cares for one of the greatest art collections in the UK, sharing these works with the public at The Courtauld Gallery in central London, as well as through loans and partnerships. The Gallery is most famous for its iconic Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces – such as Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergère. It showcases these alongside an internationally renowned collection of works from the Renaissance through to the present day. Academically, The Courtauld faculty is the largest community of art historians and conservators in the UK, teaching and carrying out research on subjects from creativity in late Antiquity to contemporary digital artforms – with an increasingly global focus. An independent college of the University of London, The Courtauld offers a range of degree programmes from BA to PhD in the History of Art, curating and the conservation of easel and wall paintings. Its alumni are leaders and innovators in the arts, culture and business worlds, helping to shape the global agenda for the arts and creative industries. Founded on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to engage with art, The Courtauld works to increase understanding of the role played by art throughout history, in all societies and across all geographies – as well as being a champion for the importance of art in the present day. This could be through exhibitions offering a chance to look closely at world-famous works; accessible and expert short courses; events bringing art history research to new audiences; digital engagement, innovative school, family and community programmes; or taking a formal qualification. The Courtauld’s ambition is to transform access to art history education, by extending the horizons of what this is, and ensuring as many people as possible can benefit from the tools to better understand the visual world around us. After an ambitious three-year transformation project, The Courtauld Gallery reopened in November 2021.

Aerial Training Services

aerial training services


Aerial Sim Training is a new innovative company with a fresh approach to Flight Instruction. Founded by Dr. Robert T. Longo & Captain F. Jefferson Strouse; between them more than 100 years of flying experience. Not bad for two young guys. Bob and Jeff possess a true love for flight, as most aviators do. They want to share with others the joy aviation has bestowed upon them. The best way they feel they can attain their goal of sharing their love for flight is through innovative, safety oriented, Professional Flight Training for General Aviation Pilots. With that idea in mind, together they founded Aerial Sim Training. The unique idea is to provide Professional, SAFE Flight Simulator Training to ALL General Aviation Pilots. This is accomplished by providing use of the simulators to Flight Instructors so that they may be used for training their current students. Traditionally, most flight simulators are reserved for flight school instructors' use to conduct "in house training", while the Independent Instructor is left out; not to mention the fact that most small flight schools cannot afford the cost of purchasing a simulator. Aerial Sim Training is the solution. The simulator we utilize is the Precision Flight Controls DCX Pro Motion. This state of the art Sim is designed for the General Aviation Pilot. The DCX will emulate 32 different general aviation aircraft, both single and multi-engine. The simulator has motion & dynamic feel, a 225 degree display and is FAA Part 61 approved for logging Instrument Initial Training, Instrument Currency and Instrument Proficiency Checks. Listed are the approved hours towards specific ratings: 2.5 hours toward the Private Pilot Certificate 20 hours toward the Instrument Rating 50 hours toward the Commercial Pilot Certificate 25 hours toward the Airline Transport Pilot Certificate Aerial Sim Training also offers many enrichment courses such as: Unusual Attitude Recovery close to terrain Pinch Hitter Courses for the non-flying companion Crew Resource Management / Single Pilot Resource Management (CRM / SRM) Transition & Upgrade Training Aircraft Transition / Upgrade Training is far easier to accomplish in a simulator, not to mention the reduction in cost. Training is enhanced with REAL LIVE Air Traffic Control communication, through the use of The Pilot Edge. This amazing feature allows for training to be as effective and practical as possible.

Pfl Group International

pfl group international



PFL Group International (PFL), one of the leading UK owned and managed student placement agencies. PFL was established in 1997 and has come a long way in 24 years, retaining its excellence in study abroad and visa counselling We offer the widest range of services and commitments to our student customers seeking higher education to UK and Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and the UAE. It is a multinational company operating in 2 continents of the world, i.e. Asia, Europe, Australasia and Africa, having agreements with over 160 universities worldwide. Our strategically located offices across Nigeria and Pakistan combine state of the art facilities, excellent IT operations and high quality talent. We feel proud in introducing the concept of Fast-Track application processing through In-House and University Representatives and fully trained Senior Recruitment Officers. Our dedicated Conversion Managers have been in place in our key sending markets since March 2014, ensuring focus and accountability when converting your applicants into full time, enrolling students. Our clients have been carefully selected to provide a wide range of courses to suit every student’s requirement: O Levels, A Levels, Degree Foundation Courses, Diploma Courses, and Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs. PFL was founded with an aim to provide value for money, uniqueness, personalized attention, research-based decisions, and on-going support. To this end, we work with individual students, teachers, schools, academics, and institutions to ensure success. The model at PFL is simply created just for you! We ensure that all constituents are knowledgeable about educational opportunities that lead to success. We communicate with students through: • Workshops & Informative seminars • Pre-departure Seminars for students • Exhibitions /On Spot Admissions and Assessment Today most of our students study at esteemed universities including University of New South Wales, University of Western Australia, University of Canberra and Lincoln University in Australia (Australian Universities) and New Zealand (New Zealand Universities); University of Manchester, Cardiff University, Coventry University and the University of Sussex in the UK (UK and Europe Universities); Thompson Rivers University and Carelton University in Canada (Canada Universities); also Oregon State University and Florida International University in the US (USA Universities). PFL is today the voice and trust of most of the students and we care for the future based on our quality oriented practices, knowledge and edication. We at PFL do understand students’ needs and striving for their better future.

The Manor Academy

the manor academy


May I, on behalf of the Governing Body, extend a warm welcome to you. The Governing Body at Manor exists to offer support to the Headteacher in the strategic decisions made at the academy, as well as hold the academy to account to ensure that we offer the best educational experience for all of our students. We are a Governing Body of thirteen members who all bring a wealth of skills and experience together to help shape Manor for the future. Our work involves all stakeholders to ensure everyone has a voice in the development of the academy. We meet formally throughout the academic year as a whole Governing Body and perform a number of monitoring visits to ensure our strategic plans have the desired impact on the improvement of our academy. We are all very proud of Manor Academy, both in the academic success our students achieve, and in our work with the local community. We are a wholly inclusive academy and will do everything we can to support students in developing their academic and vocational skills. Chris Richards – Vice Chair I became a parent governor in 2002 and my four sons attended the School. I continued on the Governing body as a co-opted governor when all my sons had left the school. I am retired now but enjoyed a career as a qualified mechanical engineer in both the mining industry and power generation, where I have developed a good understanding of the requirements of health and safety legislation. I have an interest in the sciences and my linked role is as health and safety governor. I am keen to ensure that Manor Academy provides the best educational opportunities for our students as they progress through their formative years. Colin Sawers I was co-opted onto the Governing Body of The Manor Academy in November 2020. I work in the Complaints and Information Team at Nottinghamshire County Council leading a business support team. Since graduating from Loughborough University with a degree in Information and Library Studies I have worked in a variety of library and information services. I am a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals. My career has included experience in both public and further education libraries. Since 2012 I have also served on the Governing Body of Peafield Lane Academy in Mansfield Woodhouse.

Iva Troj

iva troj


A Balkan mountain child and a young arts protege who grew up to become a world renown contemporary artist with a PhD in art history. Iva Troj grew up in the outskirts of Bulgaria’s Romani slums in the last decade of communism – a world full of sexual predators, communist propaganda, censorship and no path to artistic livelihood other than what she could imagine in her wildest dreams. Today, she is a Gerety Award winner and 3 times Cannes Lions nominee for her Halo Masterpiece [biggest ever launch in the Halo franchise’s history, with more than 20M players, 520M reach], Towry Best of England Award winner, and 2 times Contemporary Art Excellence Artist of the Year award winner. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally and her work is in collections in the UK, France, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, China, United States and Japan. In 2021, her epic painting Halo Infinite Masterpiece was exhibited at Saatchi Gallery and The Louvre. In 2020, her paintings were included in a number of permanent museum exhibitions in South Asia, among them Haegeumgang Museum 해금강테마박물관 in South Korea. And in Sept 2022, she was invited to exhibit a body of work at The Louvre in Paris. Troj obtained her first fine arts degree when she was just 17 years old. After completing two BA degrees and a master’s degree from the United States and Sweden, she was awarded an art history PhD title. She is widely known for her fine art pieces which seamlessly merge Renaissance aesthetics and techniques with postmodern praxis. Her intensely detailed oil paintings achieve astonishing tricks of light and shade, as practiced by the great masters. Exhausted by a society in which women often feel vulnerable, threatened, or powerless, Troj recasts the fairer sex as powerful creatures, freed from the oppressive male gaze and placed within Edenic settings where they can revel in their own beauty and potential. Blending abstraction with figuration, the natural world with the urban landscape, dream with reality, Troj’s breathtakingly beautiful artworks achieve something truly unique, both in terms of aesthetics and concept.” 22Blocks Agency Artist Statement As a child, I was taught to question one-dimensional narratives, which grew from a survival technique to a development technology of the artistic self. The foe I so often portray almost always represents the normalisation of one or more dysfunctional discourses. Like many artists, I discuss personal experiences. At the same time, I strive to escape the self, an urge that partially stems from crossing borders in the last years of the Cold War. Living through cultural starvation in my childhood’s Eastern Europe has made me restless and hungry for honest creativity. In that sense, nothing I discuss is strictly personal. Sexual abuse, violence, trauma… I may present an unusual perspective on these topics stemming from the self, but only as an outset. The work needs to keep changing, relive itself, challenge its own conformity. There is a point in every artist’s career when one is tempted to choose a tested and proven path. I’m constantly trying to resist this temptation by containing the “paths” in series where I can explore a motif or a theme without succumbing to the comforts of one visual style. The artists that I look up to for inspiration have one thing in common – constant renewal. Traditional elements are very central to my body of work. It’s not so much a need to keep it” traditional”, but rather the way I speak. I grew up in a communist country. We sang songs about machines being superior to man and praised modernity while destroying nature and killing creativity and the human spirit with it. At the same time, my summers were spent in the mountains with my grandmother who had hanging gardens, thousand stories and no TV. These two realities are inseparable in my mind. My style and inspiration come from the techniques of The Old Masters, not just Western but also Eastern European, Russian in particular. As a child I would often look at art books from the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and even Modernism and wonder why the women in them were so powerless and passive, always laying there nude like they lost the will to live, combing their hair and undressing, etc. I grew up wishing to become good at painting so I could change the stories in classical motifs. My technique resembles the Flemish method of layering thin veneers of paint between layers of varnish. Beautiful imperfection and constant renewal are themes that flow throughout my paintings. Awards: 3 x nominee for Cannes Lions Award for Halo Infinite Masterpiece 2022 Art Excellence Award 2020 해금강테마박물관] Haegeumgang Museum South Korea. CAF Artist Of The Year 2019 (2d) Contemporary Art Excellence Artist of The Year 2016 2016 Palm Award Winner 2013 Towry Best of England Award Winner

Sheldon School

sheldon school


Expectations and aspirations are high here and we are committed to developing the young people in our care, whatever their talents. Children of all abilities succeed at this school and are encouraged to develop academically, physically and spiritually, fulfilling their potential in a happy, caring environment. When Ofsted last visited, it commented: “The all-pervading caring ethos ensures that pupils are happy and able to thrive from the moment they arrive at school. Pupils are very keen to share their pleasure of being at school and went out of their way to let inspectors know.” That is every bit as true today as it was then. Examination performance is very strong. At A level, students reach exceptional levels in a thriving Sixth Form of 350 students. Students routinely progress to Russell Group universities, including year-on-year to Oxford and Cambridge. In 2022, two students progressed to Oxford and Cambridge to read medicine, with a further moving to Oxford to study mathematics; in addition, one student is embarking on a degree in veterinary science. We are proud of the numbers of students who move on to university education, typically around 75% each year, and even more delighted in the variety of subjects that are chosen, following a rich A level experience here. Increasing numbers are also progressing to some prestigious higher-level apprenticeships, including one this year in software engineering with Lockheed Martin. At GCSE, students also perform well, both in value-added terms and in raw attainment. As a consequence, we have large numbers moving in to our Sixth Form, complemented every year with a number of students from other schools who choose to join us for their A level programme. Ofsted confirmed the strength in pastoral care alongside provision for purposeful learning by adding that we “have established a school that holds the academic success and emotional well-being of each pupil at its heart.” As a parent of four children myself, I am acutely aware of the increasing importance of education in today’s world and the role that we, as teachers, have to play in developing our children so that they are fully equipped to make positive contributions to society. The staff at Sheldon School are extremely committed and dedicated to ensure that this is the case and I am personally determined to see all children flourish here. I also value enormously the links between school and home, success being built on strong partnerships with parents and ourselves. My door is always open and prospective or existing parents are very welcome to visit the school; I look forward to meeting you.

Uni Overseas Consultants

uni overseas consultants


We are the UK based UniOverseas Consultants Ltd, We are one of the leading consultancy services for education based in India and United Kingdom. We are enthusiastic about learning and education in general. We provide free, honest, independent and informative advice and guidance to all types and levels of education and training needs to international learners who are interested in studying in the UK. We will take your hand from overseas to study in the UK, until we wave you goodbye when you start your amazing educational journey at the University Campus. We also have a great experience and know-how to UK educational system. Prospective student will get the full benefit of what we provide as we always stay close to our clients through the whole process from submitting your schools, colleges, universities and application, your English language needs, nonetheless we also help you with Visa application, any issues or advice regarding the fees and payments to the education provider. Our company and its consultants have wealth of experience to provide the best educational advice and guidance to UK and international students who are studying or are planning to study in the UK. We have a great relationship with many universities and educational institutions and our application success rate is high. We don’t let our clients apply by themselves, our expert admission department will provide all the help needed to guarantee your seat and will make the application process easier for our clients. We are one of the fastest-growing educational consultancies and are committed to setting the exceptional standards of service. Our consultants work with you every step of the way to find the university that is right for you and will guide you through the entire application process. With our tireless efforts, we help students attain offers from universities such as Project Management, International Relations, Business & Management, Computer Science and many more. Whatever degree program you may choose, we help you find a course at the budget of your convenience in the subject you’re interested in with our affiliated colleges and universities. Choosing the right course is a very important decision because it sets foundation for your future path. This is why our aim is to make you ready for your career and help you choose the right program to study and develop your career path, including internship and work placement offers. We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. Educational needs and the increase of virtual and online courses has surged exponentially. We believe that we can help you to gain access to the UK educational providers to meet those needs

Highcliffe School

highcliffe school


We believe this atmosphere stems from the ethos passionately promoted by the Governors, school leaders and staff. Our Prospectus aims to give you an insight into the ethos which animates everything we do and how we do it. Caring, Supporting and Encouraging Firstly, we believe young people learn best when they feel safe, supported, and encouraged. Our pastoral care system, alongside our approach to behaviour management and to Rewards, creates a ‘one big family’ feel among students and staff where negative behaviours are not accepted and positive attitudes and successes are celebrated daily. Students say that ‘this is a friendly school’. This view is endorsed by parents who are extremely positive about their children’s safety and the care and guidance they receive. - Ofsted Passionate about Learning Secondly, we believe a first-class education will make a huge difference to every Highcliffe student, opening their minds, developing their powers of reasoning and deepening their knowledge and understanding of the complex world around them. We believe education changes lives and that educated people can change the world. We are passionate about learning, and we communicate our passion for learning and its benefits in everything we do. We encourage students to throw themselves into the experience of secondary school and achieve excellence. We use education to prepare our students for life and equip them with the intellectual powers and personal awareness to aspire to make a difference to the world around them. Our daughter has embraced starting at Highcliffe School. The experience has been extremely positive and most importantly she is very happy. - A Highcliffe Parent The academic rigour of learning at Highcliffe underpins our students’ excellent examination success. Our year groups always achieve well above the national average in GCSE and A Level results. We believe in 2013 and 2015 the proportion of Highcliffe students achieving at least 5 GCSE Grades A*-C including Maths and English by the end of Year 11 was higher than any other nearby Dorset, Bournemouth or New Forest comprehensive school. Our Sixth Form students regularly achieve the top grades, often gaining places on the most academic degree courses at the most prestigious universities. We have an exemplary record gaining college places, apprenticeships or employment for our vocationally talented students at age 16 or 18. As a consequence according to government figures we have one of the very highest proportions nationally of former students now securely in further education, training or employment compared to schools similar to Highcliffe.

Edukraft Consultancy

edukraft consultancy


The country you choose to study in will make a lasting impact on both your career and growth. It is crucial to choose a destination that will mold you to be ‘ready’ for a global workplace. You need to choose a destination that will help you gain global exposure and broaden your horizon. The UK is such a destination which has set international benchmarks for world-class education. Here is how you can benefit from choosing to study in the UK: Renowned Universities This region hosts some of the best-known universities and schools across the world. The United Kingdom universities perform well consistently in world rankings, and is home to 4 of the top 10 universities in the world. Top notch quality education Learning in UK will help you build the critical skills required to succeed in this knowledge worker era. You will be encouraged to think independently, critically analyze and question what you have learnt. Plenty of options in courses In the UK you can choose from over 65,000 courses from over 150 universities in comparison to limited course options in your home country. Lower Education Costs Compared to other popular destinations for international students like the United States or Australia, the courses in UK are shorter. This will help you bring down your overall accommodation costs and tuition fees. Financial Support Hundreds of bursaries, scholarships and additional financial support is offered by the UK government to students from different countries. The universities also offer financial assistance based on your eligibility. Work Opportunities If you are an international student in the UK, then during the school term you will be allowed to work up 20 hours a week. When the school is out of term you can work full-time. This can be beneficial in helping you fund your expenses and tuition. Better employability prospects If you get a degree from a UK university, it will be internationally recognized by government bodies, employers and universities. Window to the world Studying in UK can be your window to the world. Being a multicultural society, UK has a rich diversity of faiths, languages and culture. Studying in a UK university is a great way for you to experience diverse cultures, meet new people, expand your knowledge and enjoy new experiences. Work Permit after Study You will not only benefit while studying in the UK, you will benefit after completing your studies as well. The new post-study work visa enables you to stay up to two years in the country post completion of your graduation.