1611 Educators providing Courses

Summerfield Academy

summerfield academy


Summerfield Academy is an exceptional preschool in Spring, Texas serving children six weeks to eleven years of age, celebrating 36 years in the community. Founded in 1985 by Joyce Harlow, the academy is now owned by one of Ms. Harlow’s first students, April Lord Ruzicka. Surrounded by students, Joyce clearly remembers standing in the middle of her newly purchased acre of land, when a smiling, curly, red-haired girl named Summer came running across the field towards her yelling, “Mrs. Harlow, Mrs. Harlow!” “In that moment I knew my preschool had to be named Summerfield Academy.” The Learning Process At Summerfield Academy, it always has and always will be about the children. They learn through active exploration and involvement in a thematic, literature based curriculum. Summerfield teachers facilitate the learning process by creating a wide variety of environments for your child to explore and experience, building year over year. They are committed to providing a developmentally appropriate educational program where children feel safe and loved. Teachers strive to teach the “whole” child, the social, emotional, physical and intellectual. Reasons to LOVE Summerfield Academy 6 weeks – 10 years old 35 Years in the community…one of the most established preschools around Owned by one of Summerfield’s first students Operates like a family Piaget based philosophy of learning Innovative and unique curriculum developmentally appropriate for all ages Low student/teacher ratios Very low turnover rate Weekly Music, Spanish and Gymboree classes included in the tuition (varies depending on age) “Cooking Day Fridays” geared around each classroom and lesson Healthy menu prepared by in-house chef One of the largest outdoor playgrounds, equipped with a greenhouse, garden and orchard On-Campus Summer Field Trips Before and after school care A Variety of Extra-Curricular Activities: sports, dance, tumbling Fun Bus and more! 2021 Best of Preschool

Bishop Justus Cofe School

bishop justus cofe school



Our motto at Bishop Justus is Success through Faith, Love and Learning and this underpins all of the work we do with our young people from year 6 transition to sending students onto further education, apprenticeships and the world of work. We nurture all of our students to know their identity is rooted in the love that God has for them. They are encouraged to have faith and hope in themselves and the others in our community. We pride ourselves in the active, intentional and ongoing engagement with differences in a purposeful manner. The success in society as a rounded individual is based on the love that we demonstrate when we work closely together. At our school, we value the ways in which pedagogy, curricula and assessment are designed and delivered to engage students in learning that is meaningful, relevant and accessible to all. It embraces a view of the individual and individual difference as the source of diversity that can enrich the lives and learning of others. We have the ability to function with awareness, knowledge and interpersonal skills when engaging people of different backgrounds, assumptions, beliefs, values and behaviours. The students’ learning surpasses just the knowledge acquisition, which is invaluable, but also extends to the value we place on those who have contributed to that knowledge development. Ofsted 2020 verifies our success with learning this, with comments such as: “School leaders have put building students’ knowledge at the centre of their curriculum plans.” “Subject leaders organise lessons in sequences so that it is clear how students build their knowledge and skills across the year groups, including the sixth form. Leaders ensure that students revisit previous learning through quizzes and tests.” Proverbs 18:15 best sums up how we aspire for our students to approach their studies. An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

Ysgol Ar Y Traeth : School On The Beach

ysgol ar y traeth : school on the beach

Colwyn Bay

Designed to suit the changing needs of the children, the days can include:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Beach ecology, adaptation, habitats, food chains, using identification keys. Navigation with maps and compasses, using the wind, boat design and sails, making and flying kites. The weather, beach formation, waves and tides. Language associated with or inspired by the sea, myths and legends, storytelling Art on the beach, light, natural materials, modelling on sand and producing large scale pictures. Problem solving, teamwork, leadership, and emotional intelligence. Practical skills, knot work, building shelters, modelling sand. Water safety, hazards on the beach, survival, risk assessment. Innovative use of technology such as film making or recording and composing using the sounds of the beach. Numeracy, literacy, science and technology curriculum requirements. Opportunity to go on the water in boats or sit on kayaks or building their own rafts with qualified instructors. This course offers children the opportunity to get to know an environment in different conditions and see it change. They work closely with a beach school leader who has time to develop trusted relationships with the children and respond to both intellectual and emotional needs and offer challenges that inspire deeper learning. This is recommended in the Welsh Government guidance for educational opportunities of this type. Throughout the course we seek to develop emotional intelligence and offer plenty of adult supported and child led experiences that allow social skills, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation and empathy to flourish. There will be the chance to problem solve, work as a team and independently and show leadership skills. Children will be encouraged to think creatively, to enquire and to reflect on their own learning. Beach Days Single days can meet a specific curriculum or school community need and can be planned with users. They can inspire a school project, add depth to a topic, offer a completely different and exciting experience and offer a chance for children to shine in a new environment. These days are planned to suit the needs of the group and could focus on: The beach environment with rockpooling, identification and animal adaptations. The development of a seaside town over time. An introduction to forces through a range of activities. A book, such as Kenzuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, with activities inspired by the story. Outdoor pursuit challenges in line with the primary PE curriculum. Information and communication technology While on the beach we can use technology to capture the experience in pictures, words, sound, film or music. Back at school we can support the innovative use of technology to develop learning further. Our most popular day is “A Day at the Beach” which is often used by year 1, though has been adapted for preschool and years 2-5.

Newquay Tretherras

newquay tretherras



You will always be guaranteed a warm welcome at Newquay Tretherras, an inspiring and vibrant school at the heart of our Newquay community. Tretherras students are a pleasure to teach and learn with. They understand that their education is important for their life chances, and they take full advantage of the incredible range of clubs, experiences and facilities offered to them at our school, both within and beyond the classroom. We are ambitious for every single young person and your child will be offered an array of opportunities to grow and develop into a responsible, well-rounded individual. We aim to equip all our young people with the necessary resilience, confidence and aspiration to challenge themselves, and us, to achieve the highest standards possible. We want our students to be healthy and happy young people and so we offer an inclusive and extensive curriculum which offers aspirational opportunities for all to succeed. The aim of the Tretherras curriculum is to enable our students to Achieve Highly, Communicate Convincingly, Decide Wisely and Engage Fully. Our holistic curriculum is rich, ambitious and well-sequenced and is designed to take students on a creative, exploratory and inspiring learning journey. As well as studying a body of academic knowledge, our specialist subject areas also focus on developing transferable skills such as communication, leadership and empathy. We focus on developing students’ reading and vocabulary, to give them the confidence to express their ideas meaningfully in order to progress and succeed. We understand how challenging it can be to be a teenager and we have strong and caring people and structures in place to support students pastorally and academically. We are committed to developing students’ social, moral, spiritual, cultural and economic confidence in order to prepare our young people for further education or training, employment and successful citizenship. Our strong belief is that Tretherras is a place where dreams can come true, and we put our students at the heart of everything we do. We are an inclusive learning community, working hard together to support our students to succeed in every possible way, whatever their talents or ambitions. Our relationships at Tretherras are inclusive and special: we are a family in which everyone matters. This is, without doubt, a very happy place to be. As a school that achieves great examination results for our young people, we know it is the quality of our relationships with parents and students, our high standards and our inclusive ethos, which is the key to this success. We look forward to meeting you personally and to us working in partnership to ensure that your children are inspired, achieve remarkable things and become the best they can possibly be at Newquay Tretherras.

Calderstones School

calderstones school


I am exceptionally proud to lead and work in such a richly diverse school community in which students with different languages, cultures and religions learn together in harmony. The school's comprehensive nature is something that we value immensely. Our students are encouraged to explore, discover and question through a range of exciting learning opportunities both within and outside the classroom. The staff endeavour to provide a calm and stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued. We work closely with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure the success of our students. We believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school. Over the last few years we have spoken constantly about raised expectations and we will continue to push this throughout this academic year, particularly as we look to re-set and recalibrate on the back on the impact of the pandemic. In every aspect of school life, we will raise the bar for students and staff with the view that 'nobody rises to low expectations'. In terms our curriculum delivery, student achievement and progress, their involvement in school and community life, the ways in which students wear the uniform and present their work with pride, the ways in which they speak to each other and the behaviours that they demonstrate within the school and the community in which it resides ... in all of these ways, our expectations will be more ambitious and explicit than ever before. To this end, we have developed a ‘Manifesto for Change’ which sets out the ways in which we aim to continue our journey to excellence and identifies the long-term priorities for the school. One of our main priorities this year will be to ensure, as far as we can, that no child is left behind and that every child is challenged by the curriculum that we have in place. Students should find things difficult, although not impossible, at times. They should struggle at times and be expected to think deeply about the work that they do. They shouldn’t be getting everything right all of the time; if they are, the work is too easy and they’re not being challenged. None of this means that they shouldn’t be enjoying their learning; being challenged can be enjoyable. The curriculum is the bread and butter of our educational offer and should be inspiring a real thirst for learning; we can only do this through supporting and challenging. I hope you enjoy finding out more about our school by browsing our website. Visits are encouraged and welcomed; we would be delighted to show you around our wonderful school.

Woolwich Polytechnic School

woolwich polytechnic school


Welcome to Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys, and thank you for taking the time to express your interest in us. We are a very special school that aims to serve the community, improve opportunity for our community and also reflect our community through our diverse and ambitious curriculum, as well as through our diverse staff and student bodies. We hope that you, too, feel that specialness when you visit us, a specialness that encompasses care and compassion, a genuine delight in children’s contributions and a drive towards “success for everyone”. We have a long and proud history, having educated boys for over 100 years: we have been a technical school, reported as the most improved boy’s school in the country, a community school and now an academy, a single school and now the founding ‘brother’ to our sister school, Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls. We have year-on-year exam results at GCSE and A Level that make us, our students and their families rightly proud. Yet our relentless focus is upon the futures of our current students as we counsel them through their educational careers to be the most successful version of themselves. To support your son through their secondary education, we have firm foundations in exemplary pastoral care and expert teaching. Safeguarding our students is the absolute priority that informs the behaviours we demonstrate in the staff and student bodies. Our pastoral care and personal development programme are child-centred, empathetic to individual children’s needs, recognising their challenges and assisting with overcoming them. We care; we listen; we understand context and we actively build meaningful relationships with every child. Our teaching is equally child-centred, offering support and challenge as required to ensure that all our students achieve the grades they need to pursue the courses and careers they aspire to with confidence. Our curriculum is designed so that students can make interconnections between the various subject disciplines, hence stimulating a culture of curiosity and questioning so that all our boys leave us as well-rounded, caring members of the community, ready to navigate the adult world safely, critically and knowledgeably. We also recognise that child development is enhanced through pleasure and we therefore cater for their personal interests with an extensive enrichment programme, including wellbeing days, our Activities Week, curriculum and reward trips and a variety of clubs. There are always opportunities for your son to have their voice heard, whether through the Student Council or more informal feedback to tutors, teachers and head of year or our dedicated student voice co-ordinator. I am confident that you will have made the right choice for your son by privileging us with his care, education and personal development so welcome to the Poly family.

Felpham Community College

felpham community college


West Sussex

Felpham Community College is a community school which means that it is run by the local authority, which employs the staff, owns the land and buildings and decides which ‘admissions criteria’ to use, (these are used to allocate places if the school has more applicants than places). Its International Schools Award provides recognition that an international ethos is embedded throughout the school and that a majority of students within the school are involved in international work. The Healthy Schools Award and Sport England Award demonstrate the school’s commitment to encouraging its students to make healthier life-style choices and to participate in sport above and beyond the school sports curriculum. As one of only 39 personal finance centres of excellence, the school has been recognised and rewarded for taking big steps forward in bringing personal finance education to all our students in the school in order develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to money to equip them for life. Commitment to supporting students with special educational needs is recognised by the Dyslexia Friendly Schools and Autism Aware awards. With these awards teaching and other support staff are able to identify and respond to unexpected difficulties that students may face. In the summer of 2017, the school was awarded Level 2 / Gold Award as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School. The Award recognises the school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond. As one of only 22 secondary schools with the award initially, the Level 2 Rights Respecting Schools Award is the highest level of the Award and is granted by UNICEF UK to schools that have fully embedded children’s rights throughout the school in its policies, practice and ethos. Governors and staff employed at Felpham Community College are committed and work hard to create an exciting and engaging curriculum for all students. The school believes in getting the basics right; so it has focused on developing a safe, calm and purposeful learning environment with excellent student behaviour and a smart school uniform. The core values of Achievement, Care & Equality underpin the work of the school and reflected in the culture and ethos.

TASIS The American School in England

tasis the american school in england



TASIS The American School in England [https://www.tasisengland.org/] provides a truly international learning experience for day and boarding students aged 3 to 18. Our caring teachers are committed to providing the balance of academic challenge and support that will enable our students to realize their full potential and contribute to their community as they discover their passion and follow their own pathway. * Average class size of 10-12 students * American curriculum leading to an American High School Diploma * Advanced Placement (AP) courses * International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme * Individualized four-year university counseling  * Excellent university placement in the UK, US & worldwide * 60 nationalities & 30 languages spoken on campus * 45 minutes from central London * 20 minutes from Heathrow Airport Set in the beautiful Surrey countryside, our spacious 46-acre campus [https://www.tasisengland.org/uploaded/virtual_tour/index.html] is close enough to London to take advantage of all the culture and excitement it offers for field trips and weekend activities. The TASIS boarding program provides a safe and welcoming home-away-from-home for students aged 13 to 18 (Grades 8-12).  In Upper School, our impressive academic offerings include Advanced Placement courses developed by the American College Board and the IB Diploma Programme. Both provide well-defined pathways to universities in the US, the UK, or anywhere in the world. A broad range of co-curricular, leadership, and service opportunities round out our students’ educational experience. TASIS England also offers an award-winning residential Summer Program for ages 11-17. Our program attracts bright and adventurous students from around the world who take one major academic course and one elective, complemented by sports, activities, and weekend excursions. We offer two three-week sessions starting in late June and ending in early August.

Cambium Sustainable Ltd.

cambium sustainable ltd.


Working with children is both a privilege and a responsibility. We all want the young people in our care to engage with learning and thrive in our settings, but children often spend large parts of their school day learning indoors. They are also spending more of their free time in sedentary or technology-based activities. While there is nothing wrong with these activities in moderation, entire days and weeks spent away from natural environments is known to be detrimental. Children’s brains are hard-wired to connect with the natural world and unless they are exposed to such environments on a regular basis, they risk being denied essential opportunities for optimal neurological development. At Cambium Sustainable we are passionate about getting children and educators outdoors and engaging in high-quality programmes. We offer a wide range of accredited courses that will enable educators to take learning out of the classroom and into natural environments that have been shown to build children’s self-confidence, emotional literacy, social skills and self-esteem. Cambium Sustainable has been working in outdoor education training for over 20 years and we were one of the first Forest School training organisations established in the UK. Our courses offer progression from level 1 to level 4 and we have the largest network of accredited trainers in the UK, making it easy to access a trainer near you. We are an approved qualifications centre for Agored Cymru and accredited training provider delivering IOL and FSA recognised courses in Forest School, Curriculum Based Outdoor Learning and Coastal School at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.