1362 Educators providing Courses

Perret Associates

perret associates

Perret Associates is a compact team of ten people specialized in, market analysis and research, modelling, production of reports and publishing, consultancy. In addition to the people mentioned below, Perret Associates is also working with a vast network of independent consultants or consultancies worldwide. Guillaume Perret is the founder and director of the company. Prior to this, Guillaume developed from scratch the coal and freight desk of the German utility RWE Trading in London (2000-05). Between 1995 and 2000 Mr Perret traded grains and chartered physical vessels at the international trading house Louis Dreyfus Negoce in Paris. He has an MBA from the London Business School and an engineering diploma in biology from a French Engineering School. Ozgur Keskin has been working with Perret Associates since 2010, mainly on analytical and modelling projects. Ozgur holds an engineering Masters degree from Cambridge University and an MBA from London Business School. He has worked with many Blue Chip clients globally on key projects as part of management consulting teams. Whilst at Morgan Stanley he worked on the quantitative research desk within their Commodities business unit developing specialised models and analytical tools for traders and sales people. Dariusz Sedzicki has been working as an analyst with Perret Associates since 2010. Dariusz is mainly involved in the production of our various market reports and analysis as well as data gathering. Dariusz has obtained a BA degree in History and Archaeology (2011) and LLM degree in International Economic Law, Justice and Development (2013) from Birkbeck College, University of Londo

Upgraded Tutoring

upgraded tutoring

West Sussex,

When Bob Gormley, our Head Tutor, was working on a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Cornell University, he needed access to a medieval manuscript in the Cambridge University Library. Since Cornell wanted him to stay in New York to teach their undergraduates, Bob was ironically forced to go on leave from his Ph.D. in an attempt to finish the degree. An American rather than a British citizen at the time, Bob had to start a business to support himself so that he could live in the UK. So, in 2005, Bob built on previous test prep teaching experience he'd had in New York to start S.T. Logic, which quickly became the most popular tutoring company in London for American standardized test prep. As a result, Bob never finished the Ph.D. dissertation, even though he wrote about 800 pages of it...in Latin. In addition to the Master's degree he earned at Cornell, he does have two more Master's degrees (with distinction from Columbia University and London Business School) to go along with his quadruple major summa cum laude -- four majors with highest honors -- from his undergrad at Wheaton College, a small liberal arts college in the US. In 2022, the company changed its name to UpGraded Tutoring and continues to offer the outstanding tuition for which S.T. Logic was known. We offer lessons for the ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and school work for the American, British, and International Baccalaureate curricula. Thousands of students around the world have benefitted from our patient, effective teaching methods and materials.