1643 Educators providing Courses

Stokesley School

stokesley school

North Yorkshire

Stokesley School enjoys a strong reputation within the local community and beyond. Our students are well known for achieving high academic outcomes: we outperform a range of national attainment figures at GCSE and A-Level. We also have excellent progression rates with many of our students following higher education courses and, ultimately, career paths in medicine, veterinary science and mechanical engineering, to name but a few. Like all schools, we have areas to improve, but the dedication of our professional staff means we are driving forward change at a rapid rate and are at a really exciting time in our development. Furthermore, academic achievement does not tell the full story of our school: it is equally important to us to develop our students as responsible and sensitive young adults, fostering within them core values of integrity, empathy, diligence, discipline, perseverance and – perhaps above all else – kindness. Our values at school are simple: we want our students to be ready, respectful and ambitious, and these are underpinned by the school’s motto of ‘being the best we can be’. We do not believe in zero tolerance as every child is different, but we do believe that all children can achieve high standards of conduct and performance regardless of their background or personal circumstances. As part of the Areté Learning Trust, we are an outward facing school: we work closely with our partner academies, Richmond School and Sixth Form College and Northallerton School and Sixth Form College, and also collaborate with other local schools on a range of projects. This enables us to be highly reflective as a staff and constantly seek new opportunities to promote success for the young people in our care. The Headteacher of Stokesley School is Mrs Hannah Millett who can be contacted via the school.

Brenell Training Consultants

brenell training consultants

We provide business training and coaching services for individuals, businesses and organisations across the UK. We specialise in sales, customer service and developing your onboarding induction experiences. With more than 30 years in training, we ensure all our training is what you and your business needs and leaves you with the results you’re looking for. Founded in January 2008 by management professionals Gareth Hill and Julieanne Bratchie-Hill, we’ve developed a training network throughout the UK, designing and delivering sales, customer service, management and induction solutions based upon the following three core values: BELIEF We all deserve an opportunity to learn, reach our potential and be the best we can be. We have placed belief at the heart of our training company and constantly explain, show and guide you to achieve your training goals so you can really see what is possible. FUN We make all our training as enjoyable as possible, which is a principle we learn as children and still applies to us as adults. When we’re enjoying ourselves we retain more information and, where possible, we’d rather you learn through constructive, challenging and hands-on exercises rather than sitting all day listening to someone telling you what you should be doing. VISION We bring the very best out of you through positive coaching and guidance, identifying and focussing on your business and personal goals to create a clear path for you to follow. By applying these values to everything we do, we inspire and motivate individuals and teams to quickly get to where they want to be. When you choose Brenell Training, your business is making a valuable investment, which will be returned through you, your people and the continued growth of your organisation.

Newlands Girls' School

newlands girls' school


As the school enters a new era, I am incredibly proud to be taking on the role of Headteacher, and am determined to work alongside students, staff, parents, carers and governors to ensure we remain an outstanding school. Newlands has been providing high quality education for over one hundred years. During this time, the school has gone from strength to strength and currently sits in the top 10% of state schools in terms of pupil progress; as a team, we will work tirelessly to maintain this standard. I am committed to ensuring that students receive the education, support and opportunities they need to achieve incredible things. They deserve the very best experience possible. Our ethos is based on the 3Cs - the values which underpin everything we do. Courage, Commitment and Compassion are at the heart of our approach to school life and drive our students to ‘set no limits’ on their success. At Newlands, all pupils can expect impressive teaching from well-qualified specialists. Facilities include an indoor swimming pool, sports hall, gym, drama studio, design and technology suite and a dedicated music block. With a broad and balanced curriculum, which stretches and excites, there is always something new and interesting to learn. As parents, we know that the happiness of our children, alongside success - be it academic, sporting or creative - is our top priority. We are committed to nurturing and challenging everyone in the school, and it is our goal to deliver academic outcomes, as well as rounded, confident young people. Our expert pastoral team ensures that every student is cared for, with an emphasis on the promotion of wellbeing. Kindness, good humour and politeness characterise everyday life at Newlands and excellent behaviour and positive relationships underpin our school values, which helps keep everyone safe and happy.

Stanley Learning Partnership

stanley learning partnership


At the heart of our community of schools, is the belief that every child can achieve. We create an environment that allows children to develop their talents, both as individuals and collectively, empowering them to succeed in and outside the classroom. At every opportunity, we will encourage our children to contribute to the life and work of school, giving them a greater sense of belonging so they are best equipped to share, respect and trust in the start in life we offer them. All schools within SLP share the desire to provide educational excellence where children excel and aspire without limit. Irrespective of their ability or background, we are committed to providing inclusive learning. Via our rich and engaging curriculum, we endeavour to meet the individual needs of all the children we serve to ensure they all reach their full potential. Our committed staff work together across all schools, valuing and supporting each other’s skills, knowledge and expertise to provide the highest possible quality of teaching. Such synergy and teamwork ensure we share best practice, enabling us to develop professional relationships built on loyalty, integrity and respect, qualities that are filtered into the classroom. We recognise that the children of SLP are all unique, encouraging them to respect and embrace one another’s individuality. Likewise, the local communities we serve are diverse but our knowledge and understanding of them empowers us to forge partnerships that ultimately, are to the benefit of our children. The values and ethos held by SLP create a sense of purpose instilling the belief that every school, and every child within it, will succeed. We are all proud of our partnership and our values; the linchpins to our success and our children’s.

Oxford International Biomedical Centre

oxford international biomedical centre


OIBC was launched in 1992 in order to improve health and the quality of life across the globe by promoting access to learning and research. Its maxim at that time was cooperation: cooperation between developed and developing countries; cooperation between academic and industrial institutions; cooperation between scientists, medical doctors and the public. Since then, other organisations have stepped in to promote one of our original aspirations, namely better cooperation between universities and industrial institutions. But the other aspirations remain, and over the last decade we have focussed particularly on youngsters in so far as better communication between scientists, medical doctors and the public is concerned. So now, our current strategy may be summarised as follows. VISION OIBC’s vision is of a world in which wider access to scientific learning brings better health and quality of life. PURPOSE OIBC’s purpose is to realise our vision through educational projects for all generations and especially for the young through building greater understanding of scientific and biomedical issues, MISSION OIBC’s mission is to bring together leading biomedical experts with all schools and lay adults, via live and recorded seminars, lectures and debates, to promote better communication skills and awareness and to create opportunities for all to appreciate science and biomedical issues. VALUES OIBC values its independence, its non-political, charitable status and its expert scientific leadership. We value the acquisition of knowledge by all, and we value the enhancement of education and awareness, best practice and management of life skills, which contribute significantly to public health and well-being. We value greatly the support from Foundations, Charitable Trusts and individuals. BELIEFS OIBC believes in cooperation between scientific experts and the public, between business and complementary organisations, between the developed world and countries striving to enhance their health and quality of life. We believe that scientific knowledge and understanding are keys to rational improvement.

West Hatch High School

west hatch high school


West Hatch is a thriving, diverse and successful school that has, for a considerable amount of time, held a great standing within the community. There is a tangible sense of community and calmness about the school. West Hatch has a special ethos; we are a family dedicated to all our students excelling academically and personally in our school and beyond by seizing the opportunities we provide. At West Hatch we provide our students with the opportunities to expand their horizons, to become what they didn’t know they could be and help them to believe in themselves and have exceptionally high aspirations for their future. We ensure that our students are provided with a wide range of opportunities throughout their time at West Hatch to help them see what is possible for them in the future. We have a fine track record academically and our staff work very hard to ensure our students achieve exceptionally well. Throughout our curriculum we develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful from Year 7 to 13 and beyond, so that students are able to forge the best possible careers and futures. We are an innovative, forward thinking school which believes in the highest possible standards of behaviour so that all students are able to thrive. The school motto is to ensure every member of our community strives to be “the best that I can be”. Our students created this motto and the values that underpin it: To be determined and persevere To be respectful To be responsible To be considerate To be proud To be ready to achieve These values permeate through everything we do at the school and reflect the fact that we work hard to develop well rounded students who are both successful learners and citizens.

Bradfield College

bradfield college


Founded in 1850 and set in picturesque Berkshire countryside, Bradfield aims to provide an ‘education for life’ fit for the 21st century.Bradfield is a remarkable place which has inspired generations of young people to venture out and make a difference to their world. Set in a stunning location, the College offers a memorable environment in which to discover and develop potential. At its heart the iconic Greek theatre sees the College community meet annually and shake hands in a corporate act of common purpose. The theatre speaks therefore of Bradfield’s tradition – of the handing on of values, of learning, and of ambition. The pupils who thrive here are characterised by their enthusiasm and their participation. Active and curious learners, they engage in the broadest imaginable field of activity and stretch themselves academically, creatively and physically. Through pursuing their passions they both acquire knowledge and develop self-knowledge, becoming resilient and compassionate young people, characterised by integrity rather than entitlement. Bradfield’s outstanding pastoral care is rooted in its house system, beginning for Year 9 entrants in Faulkner’s, which provides a soft landing for transition to senior school. The relaxed unpretentiousness and family feel of the College enable pupils to learn independence and self-governance within an atmosphere of empathy and tolerance. Together these promote the happiness that is fundamental to the ethos of the school.

Bishop Justus Cofe School

bishop justus cofe school



Our motto at Bishop Justus is Success through Faith, Love and Learning and this underpins all of the work we do with our young people from year 6 transition to sending students onto further education, apprenticeships and the world of work. We nurture all of our students to know their identity is rooted in the love that God has for them. They are encouraged to have faith and hope in themselves and the others in our community. We pride ourselves in the active, intentional and ongoing engagement with differences in a purposeful manner. The success in society as a rounded individual is based on the love that we demonstrate when we work closely together. At our school, we value the ways in which pedagogy, curricula and assessment are designed and delivered to engage students in learning that is meaningful, relevant and accessible to all. It embraces a view of the individual and individual difference as the source of diversity that can enrich the lives and learning of others. We have the ability to function with awareness, knowledge and interpersonal skills when engaging people of different backgrounds, assumptions, beliefs, values and behaviours. The students’ learning surpasses just the knowledge acquisition, which is invaluable, but also extends to the value we place on those who have contributed to that knowledge development. Ofsted 2020 verifies our success with learning this, with comments such as: “School leaders have put building students’ knowledge at the centre of their curriculum plans.” “Subject leaders organise lessons in sequences so that it is clear how students build their knowledge and skills across the year groups, including the sixth form. Leaders ensure that students revisit previous learning through quizzes and tests.” Proverbs 18:15 best sums up how we aspire for our students to approach their studies. An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

Broken Spoke Bike Co-op

broken spoke bike co-op



The Broken Spoke is a not-for-profit social enterprise started by people who are really passionate about cycling, and we provide open workshop support, mechanics courses, cycle training, women’s and transgender people only mechanics sessions, and a hub of information for people who cycle (or really want to). We partner with local community organisations, school groups, and individuals with the goal of making people more proficient and confident in cycle maintenance and riding. Since February 2018, Broken Spoke has been registered as a Community Benefit Society with charitable objectives and we are registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under number 31918R as Broken Spoke Bicycles Limited. Some history Broke Spoke was founded in June 2012. From the beginning the founders have been working closely with the Cooperative Enterprise Hub for advice and training. Thanks to their assistance and support, Broken Spoke became a fully fledged not-for-profit Industrial and Provident Society Multistakeholder Co-operative in December 2012. (Phew, that’s a mouthful…) On 10 October 2016, we updated our registration in line with the current legislation and were then called a ‘registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014’. (…not sure if that made it easier?) In 2017 we decided that the Community Benefit Society model is actually a better fit with the purpose and objectives of Broken Spoke. On 12 February 2018 we registered the amendment of our rules and thereby transitioned to being a Community Benefit Society, still registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. We are also still dedicated to adhering to the co-operative principles and are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.