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1156 Educators providing Zoom courses

Marvin's Cursive Letters

marvin's cursive letters

North Marston

It is time to rescue your handwriting, here is your solution - The ‘Marvin’s Marvellous Mountain’ cursive letters programme! Developed for Reception Year, it is now also being used in Year 1 for accelerated catch-up. Order your ‘Grab and Go’ Marvin programme sets now (via our catch-up offer tab) and you will have solved a major core curriculum subject teaching headache and future-proofed the methodology. Click on the ‘Find Out More’ button and we will arrange a meeting/Zoom call/telephone call to discuss the programme. The Marvin programme really works and you can demonstrate a real Return on Investment. Marvin’s Marvellous Mountain® is a complete programme methodology It is proven to teach formation of all 26 cursive script letters by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage through a uniquely captivating, storytelling adventure. INVITE YOUR RECEPTION CLASS INTO MARVIN’S WORLD, An immersive adventure story that allows 4 - 5 year olds to learn their cursive letters almost as an enjoyable afterthought. At Marvin’s Cursive Letters we have one main aim – ‘to let children enjoy learning their cursive letters whilst the teachers find it easy to teach them’ And judging by the continued feedback from teachers, pupils, parents, head teachers and governors alike it seems we are really succeeding. Developed by a teacher at the thick of ‘the chalk face’, all the hard work of lesson preparation has now vanished and every teacher can enjoy the fun and ease with which the children learn their cursive letters. Marvin the monkey is the star of the show and the children are captivated by him. They love showing him their letter formation and getting their praise in return. Through his adventure story the children become engrossed in his Marvellous Mountain journey and all the characters he meets on his way. The programme has been designed with the delight of the children in mind and you’ve never seen such eagerness with your 4 -5 year olds in anticipation of a writing lesson! “ “The childrens’ writing is phenomenal! We’ve really, really enjoyed delivering the programme. Just set up and you’re ready to go.” All the tools are supplied to you in one complete programme consisting of Marvin himself, a colourful Flashcard Presenter with the illustrated character letters, a comprehensive Tutor’s Manual outlining everything you need to know about the programme, a Quick Start online tutorial to give you the overview of how to start teaching the programme quickly and you also get the comprehensive online tutorials so you can watch videos for effective teaching of this innovative programme. The Tutor’s Handbook not only has all the rhymes and ditties which help the children to memorise correct letter formation but we’ve also added in Teacher Tips and Teaching Opportunities with suggestions for how to expand each letter’s theme into other areas of the Foundation curriculum to achieve their Early Learning Goals. So, we’ve made it easy for you, huge fun for the children and with proven measurable results that will sway even the most ardent doubters as to the ability of Reception pupils to excel at cursive script letters. What are you waiting for? Contact us right away to set up a meeting and get to see Marvin in action.

The Public Speaking Course

the public speaking course



Everyone has a right to speak and that includes you. Clear, concise communication is important and will help you to get your message across, whether that be in a work environment or in a personal capicity. Most people are not natural communicators or born public speakers. The vast majority of people are self-conscious, fearful and nervous about speaking in public. The "little voice" in their head is constantly over-thinking: "What will he/she/they think of me? What if I go blank and forget what I am saying? What will happen if I make a mistake?" Think about your own situation for a moment. How do you feel when you are asked – or told – to speak in public? Quite likely your initial physical reaction is something along the lines of a dry throat, racing heart, sweaty palms, scared, petrified, palpitations, paralysed and in extreme cases you may even feel short of breath, become dizzy or go in to a full-blown panic attack. Does any of that sound and feel familiar? Don’t panic, you are not alone. This happens a lot to people who have a built-in fear of standing up in front of other people and presenting an idea, making a pitch, delivering a speech or going for that all-important job interview. It’s a natural reaction, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our One-Day Public Speaking Course is designed to help you deal with your fear and will teach you to stand up with confidence and speak from a position of genuine, ease and poise. Our techniques are simple, effective and extremely powerful. The course is designed to help you escape from the prison of your own mind – from your constant over-thinking and fearful disposition; for you to be able to enjoy the benefits of communicating concisely, fluently, passionately and, most importantly, to get your message across in the best-possible way. The skills you will learn go far beyond public speaking. You will be able to use the tools to help you deal with many of life’s challenges. They will give you an inner confidence that you may not have had before and allow you to be yourself – whoever that turns out to be. That free-floating fear you feel is nothing more than a bully and is, in all likelihood, holding you back from your full potential. Once confronted, it will melt away leaving you free to enjoy the life and the success you deserve. The incessant and always-present "little voice" of fear will tell you that people will laugh at you; that you're not good enough; that you're not worthy enough; that you don’t deserve to be there, that your speech will be a disaster and that you will be fully exposed for what you truly are – a fraud! It will tell you that you cannot cope; that you have not prepared enough; that you don't know what you're talking about and that nobody is interested in what you have to say anyway. Fear tells you that both you and your topic are boring and not worth listening to. As a result, fear holds you back, blocks your path to success and prevents you achieving your goals in both your career and in life generally. Fear is a bully and like most bullies when confronted, its threat disappears leaving you free to enjoy life. You just need the right strategies, techniques and encouragement to overcome it. The good news is that there is a solution. This One-Day Public Speaking Course will help you break through the fear and allow you to stand up and be heard. We have worked with people from all professions, backgrounds, walks of life and from all over the world; from graduates just starting out, to CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs and PR consultants; from doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, to politicians (known and unknown), psychiatrists, psychotherapists and counsellors. So, whoever you are and whatever you do, if you have a fear of standing up and speaking in front of people, now is the time to deal with it – not tomorrow – now. By the end of the One-Day Public Speaking Course you will have both the skills and the confidence to stand up in front of any number of people and present. And that also includes being able to present on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype and other online platforms.

The Muddy Puddle Teacher

the muddy puddle teacher


What is different about our outdoor learning training from others is that it has been created by teachers specifically for schools and nurseries. Plus, we have developed a specific approach to help make the teaching of outdoor learning easy for the practitioner but also to help with the quality of our sessions and to ensure we are out there for a reason. The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach is a much-loved teaching method created by teachers to better support vulnerable learners. Including those children who struggle to meet average age expectations, neurodivergent children and those with varying learner types who typically do not flourish from an indoor environment and indoor methods. The approach is worksheet-free, book free and uses active, playful methods to engage children in academic areas of learning. The resources and training provide lessons for all curriculum areas, including maths and English and support the EYFS, NC, Curriculum for Excellence and Welsch Curriculum. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question The method involves teaching the curriculum using the outside to allow space, freedom for movement, collaboration, rich speech and language opportunities, and time for play. This is alongside only using natural materials to teach with. This creates an environment of learning that has enhanced creativity, cross-curricula links, and sensory experiences and is entirely sustainable and caring to the outside space. Children who this approach can have profound benefits from: Neurodivergent children, including autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Aspergers. Children of varying learner types who do not stereotypically learn from an inside environment and indoor methods. Including those will slow processing speeds. Lower ability or working towards children who thrive in active, collaborative and practical teaching methods. Obese or children with poor fine and gross motor skills. Children with SEMH – the outdoors has been proven to positively impact both the child and educators’ mental and physical well-being. Children with speech and language difficulties – our approach provides an open, non-judgmental space for children to express themselves and have more peer conversations. EAL – for children with additional languages, the outdoors can provide like-for-like opportunities so children can experiment with and use their own and new languages. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question What ages is this for? Typically from babies to age 11 years. However, we have Special needs schools up to secondary, inclusion units and secondary schools supporting those still at the primary level using our approach. Who can do the training? We have different pathways. One route for those in formal settings such as schools and nurseries such as early years educators, LSA’s and teachers. Another is for home settings such as childminders and home educators. There are different pathways for the different age ranges. If you educate all ages, then go down them all! FAQS: Are you like Forest Schools? We are NOT Forest School. We often get confused with Forest School, but we are entirely different. Many of our schools have Forest Schools and Muddy Teachers trained and use both approaches effectively. Forest School is holistic and encourages high risks to promote social and emotional well-being, such as tools and fire and typically is in a woodland area with prolonged amounts of time outside, such as a full day or entire afternoon. The Muddy Puddle Teacher is an Outdoor Learning Approach, essentially an extension of inside teaching and taking lessons outside. We typically use our school grounds and there are no set periods to stay there. It can be anything from 10 minutes to full days in the summer. What is involved in The Muddy Puddle Teacher Training? Individuals & International Schools Individuals and schools abroad typically take the online route and complete the training using an easy-to-use online format. It is very interactive with audiobooks and demonstration videos. It has four stages and each stage takes around 2 hours. There is no written work, just a questionnaire to ensure you get the most from us. You send that once complete and we send back a certificate and a unique MPT Code; a crest can also be requested. Whole Schools or Nurseries We offer 1-year mentorships to schools and nurseries. We have a 100% success rate with this method. 1 x Initial Meeting – Create a bespoke plan with us, just for you and your school. Initial talks will create aims and action plans with your allocated teacher-consultant. 1 INSET Day or 2 Twilight Training Sessions on the Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach 1 Year Subscription to all of our Resources and Additional Courses 4 x Additional Zoom Training Sessions per season to cover Q&A and offer additional support

Raise Up Business Club (Silke Thistlewood)

raise up business club (silke thistlewood)


I (Silke Thistlewood, that’s me on the left with my 2 girls) set up a local networking group for mums in early 2017 after returning from (self employed) maternity leave and feeling decidedly isolated. I had lost my business mojo, felt pretty lonely, and couldn’t make any of the existing networking meetings (no babies allowed, too early, too late etc) so I decided to start my own. I called it Tonbridge Mums in Business and its facebook group grew to 500 members within just a few weeks (it surpassed 1,000 quite some time ago now). We’ve been having regular meetings ever since and the facebook community has grown from strength to strength, with the Thursday promotional thread having become a thing of legend. You have to see it to believe the amount of local talent! And now RuBC_LogoFinal_White_Rose.png In early 2019 I felt is was time to raise the bar and level up - in my own businesses and for the group. I had for some time been wanting to add more value for members - more structure, support and resources (mailing lists for meeting reminders, access to talks members can’t attend, accountability, goal setting etc). With 2 other businesses to run and young kids to look after this was logistically and financially not possible on a voluntary basis (paying for the yearly website subscription alone made my eyes water…..) so I made the decision to introduce a membership structure and a charge for the meetings. I very much hope that the pricing structure I have decided on reflects the value current members have gained from the group and the meetings, and the fact that most of us are working with small margins and reduced working hours crammed around child care and other responsibilities. To set the group apart from other networking meetings in the area, which are confusingly similar in name, the group has been re-branded and has a new name that I feel embodies what the group and community are - supportive, encouraging, non judgemental, inclusive, friendly and quite frankly, magical. I am blown away at each and every meeting by the friendships and kindness that members show each other. What you can expect Community, support, encouragement, friendship, collaborations, inspiration, education - online and in real life across both communities. Weekly check-ins, accountability prompts in the membership community to keep you on track, inspired and safe in the knowledge that this group of women will always have your back. We also co-work in real life and on zoom, go on walks together, discuss books and have coaching sessions with the one and only Action Woman. A wider community of businesses in the free facebook group with the chance to promote your business each Thursday, as well as getting to know others and forming friendships and a basis for collaborations. Someone will always have an answer to any questions you might have - business or otherwise. Regular networking meetings with expert speakers, mingling and cake and/or wine - and not an elevator pitch in sight (so no need to feel nervous). Easy going networking, without the need to “work the room” or hand out business cards at super sonic speed. Our meetings are informal but effective. Low key but inspirational, educational and supportive. Some kind words from business women in the community “There is always a warm excited, inclusive buzz within the group, with many friendships that have been formed over time and I know that some of us have started either using each other’s products or services – or formed collaborations with each other. It’s like a girls night out every month in Tonbridge! SAM HOGWOOD, ESCAPE FROM THE CITY This group has been very welcoming from my first step into my first meeting. I have found everyone in the group to be friendly and supportive of each other and encouraging of the development of one another's businesses. The facebook group and meetings have allowed for shared knowledge and experience in developing each others businesses. I have made great business links and come into work through the group, both paid and through joint collaborations. I have also made some lovely friends through the group which has been a really lovely added bonus CLAIRE READER, CAPTURE ME HAPPY PHOTOGRAPHY I started my Virtual Assistant business in the middle of last year and I am a regular on the weekly Thursday updates. These updates are great as not only do people learn how your business is growing but you can support and find out about other local businesses on your doorstep. I have not made it to one of the networking events that Silke kindly arranges yet, but I will, and when I do, I am sure it will be even more beneficial to my start up business than the group has been so far. EMMA HAGGART, KENT VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Since setting up my hypnotherapy business in 2018, I've found the support of this talented and diverse group to be wonderful. It's great knowing I am not alone in being new to setting up a business, and coming up against many of the same issues as others in the group. This is so reassuring, and I have really benefited from the shared knowledge, passion and experience of everyone in the group. Meet ups are friendly and dynamic, and the topics very fitting. I've made some good contacts and will always recommend fellow business owners where I can. Thanks to Silke this group has really grown and developed and I look forward to further collaboration this year.

Tel Tutors

tel tutors


Welcome to FAHAD Tutors Academy! Here we provide qualified home tutors and online tutors specializing in various subjects inside and outside Pakistan. We cater to the unique needs of students and prepare them for important entry-level exams for their bright futures. Highly Qualified and Verified Teachers We make no compromises when choosing the best teachers for our academy. On the contrary, we carefully do an educational background check on every teacher that applies and only select those who are academically flourishing as individuals and capable of making others so. You can rest assured that every tutor in FAHAD Academy is 100% verified as well as appropriately certified. Every tutor holds the power and capability to provide you with the highest quality of education. Teachers From a Range of Experience and Subjects We have a diverse group of teachers available here at FAHAD Academy. Through them, we offer a wide range of home and online tutoring services within and outside Pakistan. All our teachers have varying levels of experience, so we can find you a tutor that matches your level. Moreover, no matter what subject you want to get tutored in, we will have a teacher for you here. Are you afraid of math? You only need to count on our online maths tuition. We are confident in the skills and experience of our teachers, and you will know why when you take their class! ● Maths: Maths is a subject many students fear and also despise. With our online maths tuition, you will hopefully get rid of that fear. Just hire an online math tutor from FAHAD Academy, and you'll see: that there's nothing to fear because math is fun and easy! ● English: Do you want to develop your English? Hire an English tutor online from Farhad Academy and see how far your grammar and vocabulary go. Online English teaching is not easy, but our teachers can apply their skills to make it possible. ● Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics: You name it, and we will provide you with the tutor you need. You no longer have to find physics frustrating because your online physics tutor will make you realize how interesting it is. Chemistry also doesn't have to be a headache because your online chemistry tutor will show you the easiest way to understand and memorize everything. ● Languages: We already provide the best online tuition for English. But we also have tutors for various languages, like Arabic, German, Spanish, Korean, and others. These languages are considered necessary internationally, so learning them will help you go a long way. Not only can we teach you spoken languages, but we can also teach you different computer programming languages like Python, C++, and Java. We Will Match You With the Tutor That Is Best for You Hence, every student has unique and specific needs; hence, the same education method will not benefit every student equally. We also know that some students are better at spotting a problematic topic, while some find it harder to do. Considering all your specific needs and preferred methods, we will gladly match you with the tutor who can help you most. All you need to do is let us know your various requirements. For example, whether you will be more comfortable with a male or female teacher, what level and pace you want the teacher to teach you, and what schedule works best for you. We will try our best to ensure every one of your preferences is met so that you can study comfortably. Therefore, you will have a wide range of options with FAHAD Academy. And if we match you with a tutor but you don't click with them, we will immediately match you with another one. Complete Preparation for Important Exams Our tutors will, of course, help you out with short-term goals like the quarterly exams at your institution. But more importantly, our primary purpose is to simultaneously prepare you for the long-term and more important goals. And by that, we mean various entry tests according to your future career plans. This includes exams starting from NED, IBA, SSUET, CBM, Szabist, LUMS, NUST, and FAST to GRE, NTS, GAT, GMAT, SAT I, II, BCAT, ECAT, and MCAT. Whichever test you are aiming for, our tutors will align the teaching method accordingly. It's also okay if you haven't decided which exam you want to prepare for yet. In that case, the approach will be more general until you finally choose. No Geographical Boundary Our tutoring services aren't limited to Pakistan. Instead, you can study online from any part of the world! Aside from Pakistan, our tutors already have students from various countries, including Dubai, the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia—to name a few. And no matter where they are in the world, everyone gets equal treatment. Even if you are in Pakistan, you can still study online if that's what suits you better. Home Tutoring for Face-to-Face Classes Online tutoring isn't suited for a lot of students since many lose their focus when they have a device in hand. Moreover, it is difficult for teachers to fully understand their students through a virtual space. That's why private tutoring can be very beneficial for students who need some extra care. FAHAD Academy also provides home tutors with the same kind of range and qualifications as online tutors. Our home tutoring services stretch to the whole of Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and all over Pakistan. We plan to extend it further and hopefully reach even more students in the future! Valuable Assistance With Homework FAHAD Academy tutors are also willing to provide homework help to all students. Many kids are worried about homework, and you might be one of them, especially for subjects like math, which can be exhausting to solve. But with some online math help, it is not difficult anymore. Our tutors make sure to motivate you to complete all your homework on time and develop a plan for it. Of course, we are not doing your homework for you. Rather, we give you just the guidance you need to do it yourself after finding the drive to get up and finish it. This is also something our teachers are properly trained in. Contact Fahad Tutors Academy Today for Home Tuition and Online Tuition Call us at +92300-2391994, and let's discuss what you are looking for, what you need, and what we can provide. Visit our online tuition website to learn more. We also offer demo trial classes on Zoom and Skype for those who want to take online courses but are still unsure. Whether you require a home tutor or an online tutor, you will have one within only 24 hours!




दिनांक 27.08.2022 को अपराह्न 3:00 बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार "Hindustan Colas Pvt. Ltd." द्वारा "New Technologies of Road Construction" विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) दिनांक 23.07.2022 को अपराह्न 3:00 बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार "Luminary Projects Pvt. Ltd." द्वारा "Pressure Injection Spray Technology for Pothole Repairs" विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA) द्वारा 21st से 22nd जुलाई 2022 को Pacific Hotel Dehradun में आयोजित "To develop multisectoral state energy action plan (EAP) and decision support tool for the state of Uttarakhand" से सम्बंधित Two Days Visioning Workshope में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.7 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 18 मई 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह जुलाई से सितम्बर 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) दिनांक 06-07-2022 से 07-07-2022 को आयोजित Energy Simulation से सम्बंधित 02 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के कनिष्ठ अभियंताओ को प्रदान किये गये 138वे प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत आवश्यक परीक्षाओ के सम्बन्ध में (480.0 Mb) भारतीय प्रतिस्पर्धा आयोग के प्रविधानान्तार्गत माह अप्रैल 2022 का द्वितीय Adcocacy Event का आयोजन दिनांक 21-04-2022 को अपराह्न 12:00 से 15:00 बजे तक विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार में आयोजित की गयी है | (3.7 Mb) Regarding Online MIS Training On Dated 12-04-2022 (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 22 जनवरी 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह अप्रैल से जून 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया गया था जिसके अंतर्गत दिनांक 18-04-2022 से 29-04-2022 के मध्य Road safety Engineering and Auditing के प्रशिक्षण हेतु नामित अभियंताओ की सूची में आंशिक संशोधन किया जाता है (2.9 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग में कार्यरत कार्मिकों को अमीन का प्रशिक्षण दिलाये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग, उत्तराखंड में कार्यरत मिनिस्ट्रीयल संवर्ग के 624 कार्मिकों को दक्ष एवं कुशल बनाये जाने हेतु वित्तीय नियमो की जानकारी, कार्यालय प्रबंधन एवं ऑफिसर सिस्टम एवं प्रक्रियाए सम्बन्धी प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करने विषयक (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 22 जनवरी 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह अप्रैल से जून 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (8.० Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०/वि०/याँ०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.6 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Institute of Road Traffic Education (IRTE) फरीदाबाद द्वारा Capacity Building of PWD Engineers and Police In Road Safety Management in Uttarakhand National Highway NH7 from Rishikesh to Badrinath से सम्बंधित प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.5 Mb) Indian Roads Congress द्वारा दिनांक 08-09-2021 द्वारा 24-25 सितम्बर 2021 तक "Sustainable Development of Green Highways in India" विषयक दो दिवसीय Webinar हेतु नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Bitchem Asphalt Technology Limited द्वारा मार्ग निर्माण में Use of Pollution-Free CRRRI-Bitchem Cold Mix Technology के संबध में Zoom App के माध्यम से टेक्निकल Presentation दिनांक 04 सितम्बर 2021 को अपराहन 3:00 बजे से (लगभग 1 घंटे हेतु) आयोजित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Trg/01/Training Calender/2021-22 दि०- 25 मई 2021 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2021-22 के अनुसार माह जुलाई से सितम्बर 2021 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Presentation by Techno RTM india Regarding" Evotherm Warm Mix Asphalt on Dated 20-02-2021 at 11:00 AM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) श्री सुरेन्द्र कुमार, कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (प्रा०) को दिनांक 18-01-2021 से 16-02-2021 की एक माह के अनिवार्य प्रशिक्षण में प्रतिभाग किये जाने से अवमुक्त किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Revised Online Training On "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited, Dehradun "on Dated 08-02-2021 to 27-02-2021 (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited, Dehradun "on Dated 08-02-2021 to 27-02-2021 (8.1 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (6.5 Mb) Presentation by Tinna Rubber and Infrastructure Limited " Tinna Green Pave Emulsion and Modified Bitumen for Construction and Recycling of Pavements using Hot Mix Cold Mix Technology on Dated 06-02-2021 at 11:00 PM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (2.2 Mb) 15 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम "Certificate Training Course for Safety Engineers and Auditors" दिनांक 01-15 फ़रवरी 2021 के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (2.6 Mb) Presentation by Verma Industries New Delhi Regarding " REJUPAVE-Rejuvenator for Hot-in Plant and Hot-in Situ Recycling of Bituminous Pavement. on Dated 28-01-2021 at 12:00 PM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के अभियन्ताओ को रोड सेफ्टी एवं रोड सेफ्टी ऑडिट से सम्बंधित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम प्रदान किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (8.2 Mb) CSIR द्वारा विभिन्न विषयक Online Training हेतु अभियन्ताओ की सूची (9.1 Mb) IAHE Noida , U.P द्वारा विभिन्न विषयक Online Training हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड द्वारा नामित अभियन्ताओ की सूची (2.1 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Construction, Quality Control and Maintenace of Structures"on Dated 28-09-2020 to 10-10-2020 (1.2 Mb) "Urban Mobility Planning and Management in Hill Areas" विषय दिनांक 28-09-2020 से 30-09-2020 के मध्य अकादमी में आयोजित प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) THREE ARMEE Reinforced Earth India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi के प्रस्ताव पर "Landslide Protection" विषय पर दिनांक - 19-09-2020 को आयोजित On-Line वेबिनार हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (2.7 Mb) कोविड - 19 द्वारा उत्पन्न परिस्थितियों के कारण प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम ऑनलाइन संचालित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (8.3 Mb) Online Training Programme on "Construction, Quality Control and Maintenance of Structures" Organized by Indian Acadmey of Highways Engineers (IAHE) during 28th September - 10th October 2020- Request for Nominations-reg" (5.4 Mb) "Geometrics Design of Highways using CAD Tools" विषय पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम दिनांक 21-09-2020 से 01-10-2020 तक आयोजित किया जाना है अधिकारियों / कर्मचारियो का नामांकन (5.1 Mb) Online Training On "Design Construction and Maintenance of flexible Pavement"on Dated 31-08-2020 to 11-09-2020 (1.0 Mb) Online Training On "Design Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Expressways" on Dated 10-08-2020 to 21-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.1 Mb) Online Training On "Transport Systems Modelling" on Dated 10-08-2020, 12-08-2020 to 14-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Control of National Highways (Land & Traffic)" on Dated 10-08-2020 to 13-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Design and Construction of High Embankment with Free Slope / RE Wall/Retaining Wall, Ground Treatment of Soft Soil" on Dated 17-08-2020 to 28-08-2020 (6.5 Mb) राष्ट्रीय आपदा प्रबंधन प्राधिकरण , भारत सरकार के सहयोग से "Landslide Mitigation and Detailed Project Reports (DPR) Prepration" विषयक 05 अर्द्धदिवसीय ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.6 Mb) Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts for Highway Projects" from 27th july - 07th August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (888.0 Kb) Online training programme on " Operation Maintenance and Tolling of Highway" from 27th july - 01st August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (463.0 Mb) Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts for Highway Projects" from 27th july - 07th August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (894.2 Kb) Request for nomination Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contrats for Highway Projects" from 27th July 2020 - 07th August, 2020 on Cisco WebEx (5.0 Mb) Online training programme on " Asset Management for Highways" from 13th - 24th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (1.9 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग के अंतर्गत मुख्य अभियन्ता / वृत्तीय/खण्डीय संवर्ग के कनिष्ठ सहायकों को विभागीय प्रशिक्षण दिए जाने हेतु कार्मिकों का विवरण उपलब्ध कराये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.04 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी (आईएएचई) दिनांक 13-07-2020 से 24-07-2020 "हाईवे एसेट मैनेजमेंट" पर ऑनलाइन ट्रेनिंग प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में (4.3 Mb) Online Training Programme on "Operation Maintenance and Tolling of Highways" from 27th July to 01st August 2020 - Request for nominations Regd. (3.9 Mb) Online Training Programme on Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance of Hill Roads from 20th to 31st july, 2020 on cisco WebEx Meeting - Request for nominations Regd. (8.5 Mb) प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजमेंट विषय पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम जो की दिनांक 13-07-2020 से 22-07-2020 तक निर्धारित हैं में अधिकारियों के नामांकन के सन्दर्भ में (3.64 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु श्री वी०एन० तिवारी, मुख्य अभियन्ता अल्मोड़ा , लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड को नामित किया जाता है (80.6 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (93.3 Kb) Online Training Programme Design Construction and maintenance of Flexible Pavement for Highway Projects from 22th june to 30th june 2020 - Request for Nominations Reg. (68.5 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - request for nominations regd. (490.0 Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida (UP) में "Use of Waste Material in Highway Construction" विषयक दिनांक 01 जून से 06 जून 2020 तक आयोजित online प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (102.0 Kb) Governing council of IBC for 2020-21 हेतु उत्तराखंड से श्री एम०पी०एस० वर्मा मुख्य अभियंता क्वालिटी कंट्रोल लोक निर्माण विभाग देहरादून को नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (76.3 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering (IAHE), Noida UP, Online Training Dated 26-05-2020 to 02-06-2020 (196.8 Kb) IAHE Training Calander FY 2020-21 (364.0 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering (IAHE), Noida UP, Online Training (152.0 Kb) Presentation On "Bitumen Emulsion, PMD, CRMB and other Tech" by "Juno Bitumix Pvt. Ltd." on Dated 22-02-2020 at 03:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (565.0 Kb) दिनांक 20 फरवरी से 22 फरवरी 2020 की अवधि में "Road safety : A Futuristic Approach" विषयक 03 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला के सम्बन्ध में (242.6 Kb) "Training Programme on "Disign and Construction High Embankments Ground improvment techniques for Soft Soil and Geo-synthetics Soil Structures. " के सम्बन्ध में (143.0 Kb) "Planning Disign Construction and opration of expressways including ITS/ETS" प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (96.1 Kb) संशोधित "Application of Unnamed Aerial Veicle (UAV/Drone) in Disaster Risk" on Dated 10th Feb 2020 to 14th Feb 2020 तक भारतीय सुदूर संवेदन संस्थान, कालीदास रोड, देहरादून हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (87.3 Kb) "Application of Unnamed Aerial Veicle (UAV/Drone) in Disaster Risk" on Dated 10th Feb 2020 to 14th Feb 2020 तक भारतीय सुदूर संवेदन संस्थान, कालीदास रोड, देहरादून हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (493.2 Kb) प्रदेश में संचालित / किर्यान्वित की जा रही योजनाओं की वित्तीय एवं भौतिक प्रगति का Online Portal "ई-आंकलन"" पर डाटा फीड किये जाने हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (565.7 Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers, (IAHE) Noida. में रोड सेफ्टी ऑडिट प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (513.9 Kb) Two Days Training Program Regarding "Uttarakhand Procurement Rules 2017 & Government e-marketplace (GeM) by "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited Dehradun at Training & Research Institute (TRI), Dehradun on Dated 06-02-2020 to 07-02-2020 at 9:45 AM (112.0 Kb) Presentation On "Products and Services for Road Sector" by "Amit Ltd " on Dated 04-02-2020 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (603.0 Kb) Presentation by "JK White cement Works New Delhi " on Dated 15-02-2020 at 12:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (588.0 Kb) Presentation On "New Technologies of road construction and Bitumen Emulsions" by "Hindustan Colas Private Limited New Delhi" on Dated 04-02-2020 at 03:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (555.5 Kb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि0/प्रा0) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.9 Mb) Nomination for 05 days Training Programme On Dated 10-02-2020 to 14-02-2020 in Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida, UP India. (906.2 Kb) Nomination for Training "Pavement & Bridge inspection, maintenance,repair, rehabilitation and management system" On Dated 20th to 25th January 2020 At Indian Academy of Highway Engineers, Noida" (293.8 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उपविधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" विषय पर केन्द्रीय भवन संस्थान रूडकी में दिनांक 20-24 जनवरी 2020 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (365.5 Kb) Workshop Regarding "Application of Geographic Information System in DRm" On Dated 27th to 31th January 2020 (609.0 Kb) Presentation On "Request for Presentation & Products approval & application for your upcoming Projects" by "JALNIDHI BITUMEN SPECIALITIES PVT. LTD" on Dated 30-12-2019 at 11:00 AM (578.0 Kb) Nomination for Training"8th Task Force Meeting" "Construction Industry Devlopment Council New Delhi" On Dated 18-12-2019 in Civil Services Officer's Institute, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 (187.0 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उपविधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" विषय पर केन्द्रीय भवन संस्थान रूडकी में दिनांक 16-20 दिसम्बर 2019 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (280.2 Kb) Nomination of Delegates for 80th Annual Session of Indian Roads Congress to be Held at Samrat Ashok Convention Centre, North of Gandhi maidan, Patna Bihar From 19th to 22nd December 2019 (371.0 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering की तीन दिवसीय कार्यशाला में प्रतिभाग किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (612.8 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (309.8 Kb) भारतीय मानक ब्यरो National Building Code 2016 से सम्बंधित दो दिवसीय कार्यशाला विषयक (240.2 Kb) दिनांक 16 नवम्बर 2019 को अपराहन 3:०० बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के conference हॉल में अधिशासी निदेशक उत्तराखण्ड आपदा न्यूवीकरण एवं प्रबंधन सचिवालय परिसर देहरादून के द्वारा चयनित रा0इ0 कॉलेज में किये गये रेट्रोफिटिंग कार्यो की विडियो फिल्म विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण का आयोजन किया जा रहा है (517.6 Kb) Presentation by "MIDAS." Technical Workshop at PWD Uttarakhand on Midas Bridge Desig Software" on Dated 08-11-2019 to 09-11-2019 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (610.2 Kb) Presentation by "JALNIDHI BITUMEN SPECIALITIES PVT. LTD." Request for Presentation & Products approval & Application for Your Upcoming Projects" on Dated 11-11-2019 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (602.0 Kb) Presentation by "Zydex" Regarding Sustainable lonf life Asphalt Roads using nanotechnology" on Dated 13-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (600.0 Kb) Presentation by "Verma Industries" Regarding "Supply & use of Rejuvenator for Asphalt pavement, Emulsion for Microsurfacing & Other bituminous Work" on Dated 16-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (600.2 Kb) Presentation byAR Thermosets Regarding "New Green Technology for road construction" on Dated 05-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (612.2 Kb) नवनियुक्त सहायक अभियंताओ को भारतीय रोड कांग्रेस (IRC) की मेम्बरशिप लेने के सम्बन्ध में (794.1 Kb) Nomination for Training Programme Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Transport & Highway) A-5 Sector 62, NH-24 Bypass Noida – 201301 U.P. (291.9 Kb) Presentation by Vedang Consultancy Service Private Limited Regarding "Implementation of Construcion Management & E-measurement System" on Dated 28-09-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (310.0 Kb) Presentation by Amil Limited Regarding "Range Products and Servies for Road Sector" on Dated 24-09-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.4 Mb) Nomination for Training Program Indian Regarding "Academy of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) A-5 , Sector 62, NH-24 Bypass Noida - 201301 U.P." (313.0 Kb) Regarding Prakash Chandra Pant AAE, PD Almora, Training At "Engineering Staff College of India" Subject of Regulatory Practice in National Building Code 2016" Dated 11-09-2019 to 13-09-2019 (227.0 Kb) Training Program Regarding "Road Safety and road Safety audit (Level-2), On Dated 09-09-2019 to 13-09-2019 At AITD New Delhi (RSA) (270.0 Kb) Presentation by Zydex Industries Pvt. Ltd. By "Vision of pothole free, water & snow resistant rural Roads/Highways in Uttarakhand" on Dated 31-08-2019 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (456.5 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (267.0 Kb) 3 Days Training Workshop 26 to 28 August 2019 Regarding "Housing Model Technology : A Futuristic Approach" (645.5 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (309.5 Kb) 95th Meeting of Governing Council of IBC & Technical Seminar (527.2 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (328.0 Kb) Technical Presentation on "India Road Safety Products" at 02-08-2019 at E-in-C office Conference Hall (612. Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida, UP India के ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2019-20 के अनुसार विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु उत्तराखण्ड लो०नि०वि० के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (1.8 Mb) Training Program on "20th Edition of Geosmart India" by Survey of India at HICC Hyderabad on Dated 03-12-2019 to 05-12-2019 (216.0 Kb) Training Program Regarding "Auality Assurance, Health Assessment and Rehabilitation of Bridges" at CSIR- CRRI New Delhi on Dated 29-07-2019 to 02-08-2019 (612.0 Kb) Presentation by Asaian contec Ltd. Regarding "NDT&QC Product Solutions" on Dated 29-06-2019 2:30 to 4:00 (500.00 Kb) Technical Presentation by "SWAREFLEX INDIA" on "India Road Safety Products" On Dated 26-06-2019 Conference Hall at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (294.2 Kb) सहायक अभियन्ताओ के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (687.8 Kb) भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (312.1 Kb) Nomination for One Day Workshop on "Safety for Vulnerable Road Users" on Dated 31st May 2019 At Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune (235.4 Kb) Nomination for One Day Workshop on "Safety for Vulnerable Road Users" on Dated 31st May 2019 At Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune (1.4 Mb) Educational Session on "Road Safety Manuals (IRC 67, MORTH Sec 800), Road Signages & Road Furniture" By 3M India Limited, Hariyana On Dated 17-06-2019 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hal (591.9 Kb) Software Applications for the Purpose of Skill Up-gradation Presentation by Mitulaksh Mukerjee, Centre Head, CADD Centre भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (664 kb) आपदा न्यूनीकरण एवं प्रबंधन केंद्र सचिवालय परिसर देहरादून में अर्धदिवसीय कार्यशाला में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु नामित अधिकारी (203.5 Kb) Nomination for "Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Road Transport & highway) (436.6 Kb) Nomination for 02 Days Training Program on "Landslide Mitigation and Detailed Project Report (DPR) Preparation" (205.0 Kb) कार्मिकों की Capacity Building हेतु Executive MBA Course के सम्बन्ध में One Day Workshop "National Seminar on best practices under RIDF" (204.3 Kb) 5 days Training Program on "Road Safety (Level 1)" at Red Fox Hotel, 4, 973, 113, Rajpur Road Dehradun (808.2 Kb) 23rd Annual Convention & Seminar Regarding "Executive Training Program for Building Professionals on External Cladding Systems" On Dated 26-02-2019 to 27-02-2019 At IBC HQ, Sector VI, R.K. Puram, New Delhi (857.2 Kb) Seminar Regarding "Rejuvenator for Asphalt pavement, Micro Surfacing seal , surface dressing emulsion, cold Mix,, pot hole repair compound, Emulsion and Half warm mix for roads" On Dated 27-02-2019 At 12:00 to 2:30 HOD office Conference Hall Seminar Regarding "Renwable Energy and Efficiency Measures in Built Habitat" On Dated 8-03-2019 At Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi. (1.1 Mb) उत्तराखंड सेवा का अधिकार आयोग द्वारा दिनांक 02 मार्च 2019 को रघुनंदन सिंह टोलिया उत्तराखंड प्रशासनिक अकादमी नैनीताल में "सुशासन नागरिक अधिकार पत्र एवं सेवा का अधिकार अधिनियम " विषयक राज्य स्तरीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड से नामित अधिकारी (246.0 Kb) Nominations request for training programmes on Road Safety and Road Safety Audit. (675.9 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye- Laws)" विषयक केन्द्रीय भवन अनुसंधान संस्थान, रूडकी में दिनांक 25-29 मार्च 2019 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित करने हेतु (349.5 Kb) Presentation Regarding "Manufacturing of CFRP & GFRP composites for different verticals of Civil Rehabilitation and Structure Redesigning" on Dated 20-02-2019 At 11:30 to 12:30 HOD office Conference Hall (734.3 Kb) सहायक अभियन्ताओ के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में Level-2 Road Safety प्रशिक्षण के लिये आवेदन के सम्बन्ध में कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ को प्रशिक्षण दिलाये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.1 Mb) 131 वा आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम लोक निर्माण विभाग एवं सिंचाई विभाग (यांत्रिकी) में प्रशिक्षण के उपरान्त परीक्षा में प्रथम 5 सहायक अभियंताओ का कार्य उत्साहवर्धक एवं प्रशंसनीय रहा (375.0 Kb) Presentation Regarding "PVC door window panelling etc." by Kumar Arch Tech Private Limited" on Dated 11-02-2019 At 11:30 to 12:30 HOD office Conference Hall (716.0 Kb) CSIR-CRRI Training Programmes 2019-20 (1.02 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड के नवनियुक्त सहायक अभियंताओ हेतु आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किये जाने के सम्बन्धी (628.4 Kb) e-Governance विषयक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में नामांकन के सम्बन्ध में (246.5 Kb) Perfab Concept के सम्बन्ध में Presentation and Solution हेतु कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (766.1 Kb) 5 days Training Program on "Road Safety (Level 1)" (1.1 Mb) "Advancing Transportation Infrastructure : Road and Highways" (219.5 Kb) Training of Master Trainers on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Finance. (280.4 Kb) "Road Safety Audit and other Road Safety related aspects" विषय पर दिनांक 10-24 दिसम्बर 2018 तक CRRI, New Delhi में 15 दिवसीय Certificate Course में प्रतिभाग करने के सम्बन्ध में (2.8 Mb) Indian Buildings Congress द्वारा दिनांक 28-30 दिसम्बर 2018 तक पटना में "Rapid Building Construction- Emerging Technologies" विषय पर 23rd Annual Convention & Seminar (295.2 Kb) Presentation On "Minimum Metal & Plywood Pvt. Limited. Dated 03-12-2018 (752.6 Kb) इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ इंजिनियरस (इंडिया) स्टेट सेंटर में आयोजित तीन दिवसीय एम०एस०एक्सेल -2016 विषय पर प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (340.2 Kb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.8 Mb) Excel 2016 Four Days Training Programme at IEI UKSC Dehradun from 22-23 October , 25-26 October 2018 (559.8 Kb) One Day Seminar on "Landslide Analysis and Mitigation : LAM - 2018" (278.3 Kb) दिनांक 29-09-2018 से ? NewsStop Button 21-11-2020 शासनादेश संख्या 383/111(1)/19-190(PWD)/01 टी०सी०-11 दिनांक 05/02/2020 में प्राविधानित प्रयोगशालाओ का रिसर्च सेल , लोक निर्माण विभाग देहरादून में कार्यरत सहायक अभियन्ताओ के मध्य कार्यभार वितरण 18-11-2020 Application Form for Approval of Bituminous Products Suppliers Employee Corner Training Calendar Seniority List Salary Details Opens in a new window Employee Locator Opens in a new window Accountant General Uttarakhand Opens in a new window Disclosure of Property Transfers & Promotions Photo Gallery Gallery view photo gallery »

Courses matching "Zoom"

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CPD Accredited Threat Management TACCP (2-3 hours)


By Ask Sonia Limited

CPD accredited Threat Management TACCP course. Delivered online (Zoom) by a live tutor. Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.

CPD Accredited Threat Management TACCP (2-3 hours)
Delivered Online3 hours, Jul 4th, 13:00 + 3 more

Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF) Training & Certification Program | 3 days - 5 hrs/day | 9 am - 2 pm UK Time

By ValueX2

https://www.valuex2.com/icagile-business-agility-foundations-certification-training/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/80563537/

Business Agility Foundations (ICP-BAF) Training & Certification Program | 3 days - 5 hrs/day | 9 am - 2 pm UK Time
Delivered Online3 days, Jul 5th, 03:30 + 8 more

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Dover

By MJ Electrical Training

ECS Health & Safety Course with MJ Electrical Training. Available every week, use this course to complete the application process when applying for an ECS Labourers Card.

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Dover
Delivered Online6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 5th, 06:30 + 49 more

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Bromley

By MJ Electrical Training

ECS Health & Safety Course with MJ Electrical Training. Available every week, use this course to complete the application process when applying for an ECS Labourers Card.

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Bromley
Delivered Online6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 5th, 06:30 + 50 more

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Kent

By MJ Electrical Training

ECS Health & Safety Course with MJ Electrical Training. Available every week, use this course to complete the application process when applying for an ECS Labourers Card.

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Kent
Delivered Online6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 5th, 06:30 + 51 more

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Liverpool

By MJ Electrical Training

ECS Health & Safety Course with MJ Electrical Training. Available every week, use this course to complete the application process when applying for an ECS Labourers Card.

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Liverpool
Delivered Online6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 5th, 06:30 + 48 more

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Newcastle

By MJ Electrical Training

ECS Health & Safety Course with MJ Electrical Training. Available every week, use this course to complete the application process when applying for an ECS Labourers Card.

ECS Card Health & Safety Course Newcastle
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 5th, 07:00 + 51 more

Switch To Manual Photography Workshop

By Rich Dyson

Switch to Manual is the introductory workshop for camera users who tend to leave their camera set to Automatic modes.

Switch To Manual Photography Workshop
Delivered In-Person4 hours, Jul 5th, 08:30 + 17 more

BRCGS Gluten-Free Issue 4 for Auditors (1 Day)


By Ask Sonia Limited

Official BRCGS Gluten-Free Issue 4 for Auditors course. Delivered online (Zoom) by a live BRCGS Approved Training Partner. Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.

BRCGS Gluten-Free Issue 4 for Auditors (1 Day)
Delivered OnlineFull day, Jul 5th, 08:00 + 2 more

BRCGS Gluten-Free Issue 4 for Sites (1 Day)


By Ask Sonia Limited

Official BRCGS Gluten-Free Issue 4 for Sites course. Delivered online (Zoom) by a live BRCGS Approved Training Partner. Exam and Certificate fee included in the price.

BRCGS Gluten-Free Issue 4 for Sites (1 Day)
Delivered OnlineFull day, Jul 5th, 08:00 + 2 more