12977 Educators providing Wellbeing courses delivered Online

The National Counselling And Psychotherapy Society

the national counselling and psychotherapy society


We play an important role within the profession of counselling in the UK and in May 2013 the Society was one of the first organisations to gain Accredited Register status with the Professional Standards Authority Accredited Register programme. Our belief is that counselling (and related therapies) should be seen as a vocation (not just a job but a worthy occupation) and that the relationship between counsellor and client is important for the outcome of therapy. We support and promote counselling and counsellors, offering a wide variety of benefits to our members and training providers. We have also created and published online CPD courses to support healthcare providers and those in public-facing roles. As an Accredited Register holder we meet the robust and exacting standards set by the Professional Standards Authority with particular emphasis on public safety and assuring that the best interests of the clients are protected. The National Counselling Society believes that all Accredited Registers should be seen as equal. To this end, we were instrumental in gaining recognition within the NHS for all Accredited Registers. NHS Choices information list Accredited Registers to reflect what should be equality of choice for all clients and patients. In addition, NHS Employers has added content encouraging the use and detailing the benefits of Accredited Registers, and the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme recognises the NCS alongside other Registers. We’re also very pleased that, again as a result of our efforts, Health Education England has amended the information on the NHS Health Careers website also to be in line with the aforementioned changes on NHS Choices and NHS employers sites, and promote inclusive hiring practices We are a not for profit organisation and the high standards of our Accredited Register are externally verified by the Professional Standards Authority. The organisation is bound by appropriate rules of governance including a constitution, codes of ethics, and a complaints procedure.

Holistic Babies London

holistic babies london

Maternity Services Hello, welcome and congratulations! If you are here, we are guessing that you might be expecting a baby, adopting, becoming parents through surrogacy, or fostering a baby for the first time... After all, there are many ways to becoming parents, and we are here to support you on this very exciting, yet at times daunting journey. At Holistic Babies London, we offer support such as antenatal workshops (birth, breastfeeding, new-born sleep, new-born health), day and or night support, breastfeeding support, new-born care education and use this opportunity to answer all the burning questions you might have as you prepare to welcome and care for your tiny human(s)! All our New-born Care Specialists come from a midwifery background, some continuing to work in busy NHS hospitals alongside providing private, one to one care with families. Therefore, the team is very familiar with the "ins and outs" of the Maternity Ward and can prepare you for a hospital birth, if this is what you have decided, or support you in finding the right birthing options for you. Once your baby is born or has arrived home, we can offer you night support to help you establish breastfeeding (or bottle feeding if breastfeeding is not an option for you), help you understand the sleep behaviour of your baby and ease you into parenthood. Unlike most postnatal care out there, we do not ask you to commit to many weeks or months with us! You can book as little or as many nights (or days, or even hours) as you wish, including last minute support, day or night! We understand that it difficult to predict how you will cope in the initial postnatal period and therefore we want to make sure we offer you tailor- made, holistic support. Keeping in mind that this is all new to you, our approach is gentle, kind and non-judgemental while the advice and care we provide you with is all up to date and evidence based using current guidelines and studies. Breastfeeding is at the heart of our care; however, we are aware of the challenges new mothers often meet. We are here to support you and ensure you give it your best shot! We are always extremely grateful and honoured to be part of your journey, watching you grow in your role as a parent. It is important to us that all couples feel safe and included in our care and are more than happy to support couples of all background, gender and sexual orientation.