12979 Educators providing Wellbeing courses delivered Online

Levitate Meditation & Wellbeing Studio

levitate meditation & wellbeing studio



1 in 6 of us is experiencing a mental health challenge right now. We think humanity can do better. Modern life can at times leave every one of us stretched very thin or near breaking point. If you are anxious, depressed or stressed, we are here to help you change that. No one should have to do it alone — we know firsthand how very hard it is to help yourself. But if you’ve tried all the obvious things (like healthy diet, good sleep hygiene, journalling, therapy and exercise), real change might involve trying something you haven’t tried before. If the thought of that is exhausting, our founder Ryan’s story might just inspire you to start: Ryan Nell on stage at Wilderness Festival leading a mass meditation Ryan Nell Founder of Levitate. I spent the first half of my life trying to hide my anxiety from everyone. Although I was outwardly successful, with lots going for me, I was really unhappy and didn’t know why. I didn’t want my friends, family or colleagues to worry, but hiding it took huge energy. Inwardly, I was constantly exhausted because my mind would never stop running. Unsurprisingly, my twenties and thirties were beset by frequent crises, bad dreams and doomed relationships. Not talking to anyone about it, left me feeling really lonely and isolated. I was yearning to feel whole again. I tried many an escape — travelling, quitting jobs, changing partners, and probably drinking too much — but I learnt the hard way that running away only led to more anxiety, worry and struggle. Then, almost by chance, I found meditation. A friend told me about a retreat, and, though I was skeptical, I must have also been rather desperate, because I signed up and went. And over the course of one weekend, I fell in love with the practice. Back in London, and back at work, I found that the meditation apps were great but I couldn’t stick to them and I didn’t want to be on my phone. There always seemed to be something more important to do. But I found that practising in a room with a brilliant teacher and fellow students brought mindfulness to life. It’s not an exaggeration to say that meditating in a group transformed me. I wanted it to be easier for other folk to benefit without so much agonising soul searching along the way. And without the dogma or religious trappings that had been so off-putting to my younger cynical self at the start. I couldn’t find a place like that, so I felt compelled to build it myself, to start Levitate and share the joy with people just like you.

Retune Charity

retune charity

Bishop's Stortford

Retune was founded by Tom Ryder. Tom is a musician and journalist, and has a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. He was hospitalised for poor mental health multiple times during his late teens and early twenties, which eventually forced him to withdraw from university and begin again from scratch. While in hospital, Tom noticed that patients were finding creative outlets to cope with their predicament. These outlets included drawing, painting, writing poetry, dancing, singing and cooking. Tom wrote songs and, despite those dark times, he realised creativity’s tremendous potential to improve mental health; it is crucial to have an outlet for feelings and emotions. A few years later, Tom started hosting live gigs. He also ran workshops in schools, connecting with young people who were experiencing mental struggles. In 2018, Retune started to take shape: in addition to live shows and schools, Tom now visited prisons and hospitals, and produced online content. Tom’s cousin Kathryn Bailey – a photographer, videographer and all-round creative – joined the project in 2019. As well as sharing Tom’s view that creative outlets are powerful tools for mental wellbeing, Kathryn had a personal attachment to Retune's mission... When Tom was first admitted to hospital, 11-year-old Kathryn was shielded from the truth, as she was considered ‘too young’ to know what was going on. Being involved with Retune allows her to be part of a cause that is close to her heart, especially as Retune’s workshops discuss mental wellbeing with all ages, from primary school pupils to adults. Open conversations around wellbeing are more commonplace nowadays, but there is still a long road ahead. Through its workshops and live shows, Retune is creating a community based around mental wellbeing, underpinned by creativity. When we retune something, such as a musical instrument or a radio, we make small adjustments in order to achieve harmony, clarity and balance. Retune believes that the same theory can be applied to mental health. Harnessing creative outlets that engage the imagination, and following the principles of the SCALES model, can help all of us to make small adjustments. As a result, our mental wellbeing will be more in tune.