12977 Educators providing Wellbeing courses delivered Online

Focus On Your Core

focus on your core

I help you focus on your core to bring out your best self, one goal at a time. Only you have the power to change and focus on what you really want! I serve as your sounding board to get you started and get moving! I coach and advise professionals, businesses and young people to help them map and identify their priorities. Struggling to get started? I help you think strategically and support you in getting in the direction you want to be – your goals, your career, your brand. Have a look at our programs and let’s have a private chat to see if this is right for you. You are in total control. This is your life. But you got to bring your whole self if you want positive change. For owner/manager businesses, start-ups and young entrepreneurs, I help you with your business’ brand identity and strategic communications, whether you are at the startup phase or growing your business with a team. I have been doing this for 14 years. Leadership buy-in is important for whatever change you are thinking, so start chatting over a cup of tea or lunch. I also love working with university students and young people. I am passionate about supporting them through self-discovery, confidence and career mapping. So many young people need direction. I also partner with universities and organisations to help deliver online career coaching support to guide students throughout the school term. I am passionate about arts in health and its impact on our wellbeing. I thoroughly enjoy working with professionals in the creative industry. I am also an artist and my work is focused on health and wellbeing and influences of life in the Caribbean. Try something new and be inspired to improve, take action and take care of you. Thanks so much for visiting and I am excited to join you on your journey! Let’s do this!

National Hypnotherapy Society Ltd.

national hypnotherapy society ltd.


The National Hypnotherapy Society is a Learned Society whose primary purpose is the advancement of the knowledge of hypnotherapy and the fostering of professional hypnotherapy expertise through training, accreditation and continued professional development of our members. The Society seeks to contribute to public wellbeing both through the use of hypnotherapy and by ensuring that hypnotherapists are safe, competent and ethical in practice. The Society plays an important role within the profession of hypnotherapy in the UK and in 2013 the Society was the first (and to date the only) solely Hypnotherapy organisation to gain Accredited Register status with the Professional Standards Authority AR programme. As an Accredited Register holder we meet the robust and exacting standards set by the Professional Standards Authority with particular emphasis on public safety and assuring that the best interests of the clients are protected. The National Hypnotherapy Society believes that all Accredited Registers should be seen as equal. To this end, we were instrumental in gaining recognition within the NHS for all Accredited Registers. NHS Employers has added content encouraging the use and detailing the benefits of Accredited Registers. We are a not for profit organisation and the high standards of our Accredited Register are externally verified by the Professional Standards Authority. The organisation is bound by appropriate rules of governance including a constitution, codes of ethics, and a complaints procedure.