2899 Educators providing Video courses delivered Online

Bauer Academy

bauer academy


Bauer Academy was founded by Courtnay McLeod, a news broadcaster and academic, in 2014. Courtnay had seen that traditional education was in many instances failing employers and learners. She set up the Bauer Academy inside Bauer Media, initially to create a talent pipeline for Bauer’s multi-platform media business in the UK. The Bauer Academy grew rapidly, launching partnership programmes with The Big Lottery, The Rank Foundation, the European Social Fund, and The Prince’s Trust, amongst others. The learners on these programmes are given access to Bauer Media’s experts and resources to learn practical skills like content production and creative writing, as well as all-important employability training. In 2016, The Bauer Academy was accepted on to the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers. Apprenticeship Standards can be introduced to develop and increase skills in existing employees as well as new entrants, and our team have developed a smart, flexible and collaborative delivery model that has changed the language of Apprenticeships. The Bauer Academy’s work on diversity was featured in an Ofcom report and video, and has been showcased at an event we hosted at Westminster for MPs and leaders in education. We have introduced new programming roles within Bauer Media’s radio business, that specifically targeted and hired from under-represented female groups. The Academy’s contribution to tackling diversity issues is genuine, and creates not only a positive impact but genuine change within the media and other industries.

Jennifer Holloway - Personal Branding For Business

jennifer holloway - personal branding for business

Want to blow your own trumpet without sounding like and idiot? Then you've come to the right place. When it comes to personal branding, there are a lot of misconceptions: that you have to fake it to make it (wrong), that it’s all about selling yourself (also wrong) and that you have to fit a mould to be successful (the exact opposite is true). In reality, personal branding celebrates the fact we’re all different. Our backgrounds, our experiences, our accomplishments: they all contribute to making us unique. Your personal brand sets out that uniqueness, in an authentic way, so you can blow your own trumpet with confidence and let others know what you bring to the table in a way nobody else does. Jennifer Holloway has spent to last 15+ years helping people in business to do just that, through her keynote speeches, one-to-one coaching, in-person workshops and online webinars. Plus she's the author of the UK's best-selling book on Amazon for the subject: Personal Branding For Brits [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Personal-Branding-Brits-yourself-sounding/dp/0957542801/ref=sxts_rp_s_1_0?content-id=amzn1.sym.07198d44-a16f-4503-b71e-3f4c67470a0f%3Aamzn1.sym.07198d44-a16f-4503-b71e-3f4c67470a0f&crid=1UNCBXKPQNC&cv_ct_cx=personal+branding+for+brits&keywords=personal+branding+for+brits&pd_rd_i=0957542801&pd_rd_r=19b3e903-21b3-4e01-b209-b072ed1e45d3&pd_rd_w=8Nsw5&pd_rd_wg=UM0Mo&pf_rd_p=07198d44-a16f-4503-b71e-3f4c67470a0f&pf_rd_r=MP5C4ZEPE2B2WYTVKV6C&qid=1685194808&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=personal+brnding+f%2Caps%2C162&sr=1-1-1890b328-3a40-4864-baa0-a8eddba1bf6a]. (It's definitely not just for Brits though and has sold thousands of copies worldwide.) Watch this video to find out more [https://hollodaw.wistia.com/medias/8ulwkg5iud]

The Museum of English Rural Life (The MERL)

the museum of english rural life (the merl)



The Museum of English Rural Life is owned and managed by the University of Reading. We use our diverse and surprising collection to explore how the skills and experiences of farmers and craftspeople, past and present, can help shape our lives now and into the future. We work alongside rural people, local communities and specialist researchers to create displays and activities that engage with important debates about the future of food and the ongoing relevance of the countryside to all our lives. We were established by academics in the Department of Agriculture in 1951 to capture and record the rapidly changing countryside following World War II. The Museum is based on Redlands Road in a building originally designed by Sir Alfred Waterhouse in 1880 for local businessman Alfred Palmer, of the Huntley & Palmer biscuit company. The house then became St Andrews Hall of Residence in 1911, and in 2005 a modern extension was built onto the house for the Museum. The Museum was awarded £1.8million from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) in 2014 for the redevelopment of the galleries, reopening in October 2016. The redevelopment strengthens and renews our links with agriculture as well as enhancing our position in supporting engagement opportunities for students and academics across a wide variety of disciplines, nationally and internationally. The MERL and Reading Museum are currently in a strategic partnership as part of the Arts Council England National Portfolio 2018-2022. As Museums Partnership Reading we work together to provide cultural opportunities for Reading’s young people and diverse communities, through schools, volunteering, digital engagement and exhibitions. PLANS AND POLICIES

The Blaque Room

the blaque room

The Blaque Room is an community organisation started in in the hopes of highlighting the realities of sexual assault, human trafficking and similar atrocities. Although this is the case The Blaque Room also prides itself on being a place that offers some solutions by signposting people to organizations that can help, safety apps and also by being a supplier of personal safety devices. Established in November 2020 after a viral sexual assault video took the internet by storm, The Blaque Room saw the need to make young women and boys feel safe. Therefore, put up a post detailing the plan of supplying personal safety alarms to THIRTY young people in the local area and was soon inundated with thousands of requests for an alarm, thousands in donations and thousands of messages of support and also messages of people who have overcome and are still going through various forms of abuse. People of all ages, races and genders were thrilled with the idea of there being an organization that seeks to tackle sexual assault head on and provide a deterrent/ solution. Being an open and transparent organization, anonymized messages and requests would often be shared with followers of the page to keep them updated and make them aware of the demand. Since then, The Blaque Room has had the honour of providing over seven hundred young people across England with personal safety devices for free. A significant amount of the recipients has had to use their alarms and have in fact attributed them to saving their life.