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Cram School

cram school

Cram School was established in 1869, creating a new school district out of the Warm Springs District. In 1869, Lewis F. Cram saw a need for a school in the eastern part of the valley. He had two sons of his own, and more families were settling in the area of Cramville, (where the Village Lakes development is today). The new school district was separated from the Warm Springs district, and Lewis Cram donated land south of Base Line and under the point of the bluff. Neighbors came with hammers and saws to help build the first, one-room, clapboard schoolhouse. The increase in the citrus industry and the population rendered the 1882 Cram school outdated and outgrown. A Mission-style building was constructed on the same site, in front of the earlier building. Eight grades were taught at the Cram School until 1907, when the Cram high school students attended Redlands High School. Another change occurred in 1917, when seventh and eighth graders attended Redlands Jr. High School for the first time. The Cram School District was administered by an elected school board under the San Bernardino Schools system until 1957, when it was absorbed into the Redlands School District. In 1958, 56 years after the construction of the 1902 school building, a new school was erected. It was situated below the 1902 site, with the entrance facing Elder Gulch Road. The new schoolhouse was a one-story building with six classrooms. Portable classrooms were brought in later to handle the growing needs of the school. But the school could not keep up with the demands of the growing population.

Rapha Journey

rapha journey


As our ministry has grown over the last several decades we have continually asked the question – What is it that we have to offer through the Holy Spirit to both those in need and/or those within the church seeking deeper relationship with Christ? We have discovered that through a mixture of teaching, training and a more tailored mentoring approach we can help individuals, groups and churches to fulfill more of their potential in Christ. That is, to disciple them in ways that impact all areas of their lives. Our background combines business and training, research and therapeutic work together over many years, alongside church planting and church growth. We bring a high level of hands on pragmatism with all these skills. We are not content with just teaching and envisioning. We also focus very specifically on the how-to-do-it, the step-by-step approaches that turn Biblical ideas into a new way of life in Christ. Also our approach is collaborative – what we mean by this is that we help you identify what your own options are, what your own values are, what your calling in Christ really means to you. Then we support you in achieving this through our training programs. We are also developing these ideas academically, looking beyond our own calling and practices. We work alongside local congregations, helping to equip them for both local church life and wider mission. We also offer training for Christian leaders and those who want to learn to help others. All our resources and programs are intended to help support a persons ongoing discipleship journey – your journey into greater wholeness. In all that we offer we are always seeking to answer the often-heard basic question, ‘how do I do that?’. Therefore most of our programmes are tailored to the needs of the participants. No two events are alike, so be warned!