38881 Educators providing Teaching courses delivered Online

Ridley Academy

ridley academy


1. A TOTALLY NEW APPROACH TO LEARNING PIANO Your teacher is a multi-award winning international pianist Stephen Ridley, who taught himself piano from the age of 2 before starting formal training at 11. He discovered in his early years, through much trial and error, a completely unique way to learn piano and understand music, which involved breaking down learning piano into 55 key steps, each as simple and time consuming as brushing your teeth, and that when properly guided through these in an exact correct order, mastering each one in turn, that they would inevitably end up achieving success. 2. BUILDING ON WHAT YOU ALREADY CAN DO Because we’re only ever teaching one simple step at a time, in a very easy gradient, it means you only ever do something you CAN do, you’re never doing something you can’t. We simply take what you can already do, such as wiggle your finger, or learn a simple piece of data, and we build on that, one very simple ability at a time. In this way, you end every single lesson with a win and an improvement. This is important, as the only reason people give up is due to failure and lack of wins. We keep you winning, because when you are always winning, you will never give up! And in a very short time, you’ll ‘accidentally’ just end up knowing how to play! 3. FOCUSING ON PRACTICAL ABILITY This is about making pianists who understand music and can play. Gone are most of the technical words, gone is the latin technology (we believe it’s ineffective to teach in Latin given that nobody speaks Latin anymore!), and gone is anything that is not directly necessary for a mastering of the subject of music and the practical skill of playing piano. We want to make artists who can play, not people who sound smart at dinner parties (although we do still teach the full subject of music theory within the course, so you’ll sound very smart telling people all about Syncopated Rhythmic Subdivision, but more importantly, you’ll know what it is used for and how to DO it!). "My goal is to make one million artists, to give people the gift I’ve got, and to give them the enormous freedom, joy and depth that this skill gives me.” The Piano Masterclass is a complete guide to take ANYONE to becoming a pianist fast. The course takes just 3 minutes per day over 3-12 months, depending on study schedule, making it 150X faster than traditional methods. And takes anyone, of any age from ‘I’ve never touched a piano before’, to having a full understanding of the subject of music and being able to play piano, read and write music and learn any song, and develop an emotional connection to music, rather than just an intellectual one.

Institut fĆ¼r Gesundsein und Bewusstsein

institut fć¼r gesundsein und bewusstsein

You want to know about me and my work? That makes me happy. I have been a non-medical practitioner by vocation for 20 years, working as a lecturer and coach. I am by your side for physical problems and mental issues. I am your companion on your path to healing, inner growth and new life energy. Naturopathy Health Therapy Massages Tao Training Cupping Retreat In my work, I combine classic methods of naturopathy with nutritional medicine, spinal therapy according to Dorn, body work and energetic healing work to create a holistic approach. At the same time, I pass on my 20 years of experience in seminars and training courses. As the head and initiator, I have been leading the Institute for Health and Consciousness for 15 years. In addition to the diverse activities in my practice, I give seminars and fasting courses at home and abroad and train in various areas. My drive is: Allowing spaces for real healing devotion to man bring light into the dark Remembering what we really are. In my childhood and youth I was a competitive athlete in speed skating. Health problems, early contact with alternative medicine, martial arts, Eastern philosophies, spirituality and meditation and the early discovery of the healing abilities of my hands made me start training as a naturopath at the age of twenty. After successfully completing the alternative practitioner exam and numerous further training courses, I initially worked as a sales manager and trainer at an international wellness company. My inner call guided me to really live my calling as a naturopath, therapist and teacher. This is how the idea for the Institute for Health and Consciousness was born. I have been practicing meditation, qi gong, yoga and ways of conscious living for more than twenty-five years. As an expert in alternative medicine and energy work, I am always researching and teaching what I am from the bottom of my heart. As a father of 4 children and a self-employed entrepreneur, I have both feet on the ground and face the challenges of life. Being a naturopath by vocation and doing what I love. At your side with experience, competence, calmness, down-to-earthness and empathy. to bring light into the darkness. The subtle permeates the gross, matter follows the spirit and energy of our attention. As within, so without; as above, so below, as in large, so in small. I am at your side for physical complaints as well as for emotional, mental issues. I am your companion on your path to healing and a new zest for life. In my seminars and training courses, I share the experiences and knowledge that I have been able to gain. Through my numerous training and further education courses and through many years of practical experience with clients in the areas of nutrition, health, conscious lifestyle, body work and personal development, I support people in finding healing and developing their potential. "Let your light shine in the world!"

Bhanubhakta Memorial Higher Secondary School

bhanubhakta memorial higher secondary school

Bhanu Bhakta Memorial Higher Secondary School is a pioneer school in the Kathmandu Valley , located at Panipokhari, Kathmandu , opposite to the Japanese Embassy, Nepal,it was established in 1967 to the blessed memory of the pioneer poet late Bhanubhakta Acharya – a renowned figure of Nepali literature. In 2016, the school completed 50 years of its establishment, and has been conducting various programmes under GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION. Recently, on the occasion of 203rd Bhanu Jayanti, the school concluded the Golden Jubilee Year, thus, creating history and extending its legacy further. His Excellency the Ambassador of Japan to Nepal, Mr. Masashi Ogawa was the Chief Guest of the program. It is a co-educational and English medium school, catering for children with the age group of 3 (Nursery) to 18 (XII class), as well as college level students. The school follows modern methods of teaching having recently installed smart classes and CCTV cameras. Background In 1995, the school opened a higher secondary level. In 2009, it began a higher-education program leading to a Bachelor's degree . In 2013, a Masters level program was introduced in business studies and administration. The institution offers education from the primary level to the degree level. There are more than 2200 students enrolled, from all parts of the country, taught by almost 150 teachers. There is a hostel facility, separate for boys and girls. Bhanubhakta Memorial Higher Secondary School began in a rented building 39 years back and imparts education its students in the capital city of Nepal. Present day It has four modern buildings, and a building used as teacher's quarter cum hostel. The main building houses Secondary and Primary wings. The Gajurel Bhavan is used for pre-primary, the Lower Secondary for primary, and a building for college wings. The school has a boys’ hostel and a science laboratory for practical classes, and overall three computer labs. Judo Hall, multipurpose Astrid Hall, Music Hall, and Smart Class hall are other facilities in the school. The higher secondary wing is a five-storied building. With about 2200 students and nearly 150 teachers, Bhanubhakta Memorial Higher Secondary school is one of the biggest private schools of Nepal, providing both educational as well as physical facilities to day scholars, day boarders and boarders who come from every corner of the country. The school has two separate playgrounds with basketball, badminton and volleyball courts as well as five table tennis boards. There are separate cricket nets as well. The school is divided into Primary Wing (classes Nursery-IV), Middle Wing (class- V-VIII), Secondary Wing (classes IX & X) Higher Secondary Wing (classes XI&XII), and college. The instructional staff in the middle and secondary wings comprises five faculties, each under a Faculty Head. All these wings are supervised by their respective in-charges. The Higher secondary wing is looked after by a separate management under Nepal Education Foundation (NEF), whereas MBA and MBS is affiliated with Tribhuwan University .

Exploring Choices

exploring choices


Heather Rushton: Director of Exploring Choices Ltd. Heather has been a teacher, adviser, senior officer with national and international experience. She has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in, partnership working and integrated services. Heather has held very senior positions in schools, local authorities and nationally. Starting working life as a teacher, Heather became a head teacher, adviser, senior adviser and Director for School Improvement. Heather has worked with and for children in areas of high social deprivation, she has a sincere desire to give children the very best start in life. She has worked in large Local Authorities, metropolitan areas and across regions as a Children’s Services Adviser. Her experience includes improving departmental performance, Health, Children’s Social care, Youth and Education. Heather is curious about what is happening in children’s lives and exploring why it has happened. Her skills to evaluate lead to pertinent identification of changes that need to be made to help them easily benefit from education, care or health programmes. Heather has significant experience with SEN, Literacy and Early Years, Prior to becoming an independent consultant Heather lead the national improvement programme with the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes working with 152 Local Authorities, and 64 voluntary agencies, SCIE, RIP, NfER and RIP. As an independent consultant. Heather inspires confidence in individuals, supports staff to see new ways of working and improve outcomes. Picture David Connor has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in commissioning, partnership working and integrated services. David's experience includes over twenty years in teaching including Headships in three schools, university lecturing with a specialism in Early Years education and work in Eastern Europe developing systems and structures for the delivery of effective education. Following his work in schools, David joined a Local Authority advisory service, initially as an adviser for primary education and then as a senior adviser with responsibility for a team of forty advisers and consultants before eventually becoming Chief Adviser for a large Local Authority with over 430 schools. After a spell as Deputy Director of Education, he was promoted to the post of Strategic Deputy Director of Children’s Services with responsibility for departmental planning, evaluation and quality assurance (Education and Social Care), information and data, external partnerships, commissioning – public, private and voluntary sectors, oversight of schools and workforce development. Since 2010, David has worked as an Independent Consultant undertaking commissions for the Centre for Excellence, National Children’s Bureau, National College and Children’s Improvement Board. This has included evaluations of Local Authority structures and services and assessment against the Test of Assurance, support to Local Authorities to develop new systems and structures for Children’s services and school improvement systems, a scoping study for the development of a Knowledge Transfer Centre in Northern Ireland and the provision of support to aspiring leaders in Children’s Services.

Durham Johnston Comprehensive School

durham johnston comprehensive school


We are a happy and thriving school in the heart of Durham City. We believe that each word in our school name is hugely important and is linked directly to our ethos and values, and what we seek to do on a daily basis. We are proud to serve the people of County Durham and our students are drawn from a wide geographical area. We take our name from James Finley Weir Johnston, a successful scientist who bequeathed money so that both boys and girls from Durham could access a high-quality education. We have been providing a rich and varied academic curriculum since 1901 and are proud to have a long and distinguished history. Subject specific knowledge and an awareness of Britain and the wider world are hugely important as students develop and learn. The quality of education that we offer is comprehensive in terms of both breadth and scope. We are also a comprehensive school in terms of the wide variety of backgrounds and circumstances that members of our school community come from. Increasingly, our students are drawn from a wide variety of nations and continents too. That diversity is one of our greatest strengths Our staff are highly experienced and combine subject specialism with a commitment to pastoral care and student support. All students have equal access to a well-planned curriculum, a wide range of opportunities for personal development and the chance to learn from the others within our school community. We believe firmly in social justice and equality of opportunity for all; when students cross our threshold each morning, they have access to the same opportunities. As a school we believe in education in its widest sense; students can learn a huge amount both in and beyond the classroom, and, of equal importance, by interacting and working with others. The personal development of each student is key to their future success, and we offer a diverse range of extracurricular opportunities, as well as encouraging participation in public service, particularly through our well established House System. In their time with us we want all of our students to make excellent academic progress based upon their starting points, to acquire knowledge, to access opportunities regardless of previous experiences or circumstance, to support others within and beyond our community and to leave us for further success as adults. We are a big and busy comprehensive school, and all teaching and support staff are united in wanting the best for our students. We work hard, and look for ways to adapt, improve, and create new opportunities for our young people. We don’t always get things right and sometimes encounter issues and circumstances for which there aren't easy solutions, but we are honest about that and seek to work closely with parents and carers. We want all students to enjoy their time with us, to be successful and to look back on their time at Durham Johnston Comprehensive School positively.

LSI Language Studies International

lsi language studies international



LSI has an extensive network of schools located around the world . You can learn English in one of our schools in England, Canada, the USA, New Zealand or Australia. We also have language centres in France and Switzerland. LSI also works with partner language schools in Spain, Italy, Mexico, Panama and Costa Rica. All our schools are modern and equipped with the latest technology. They are in the centre of attractive city destinations. LSI teachers possess solid teaching skills and all staff have been carefully selected to ensure a friendly and helpful service can be extended to all LSI students. They are on hand to guide you through your studies. Whatever your present level in the language you wish to learn, whatever your needs, this website will take you to the right language course for you. LSI has one aim and purpose: to ensure that you get the best possible language learning experience. Our website will tell you most things you need to know about Language Studies International (LSI). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experience guarantees your success. Since 1965 we have successfully taught thousands of students from all parts of the world. Below are some of the reasons why... International atmosphere You will meet students from all over the world and share the experience of learning a foreign language. Central locations With centrally located schools in some of the most desirable cities in the world, LSI students have access to a wide variety of social and cultural activities. We will find the right level for you On your first day, we will establish your level and needs with a written test and an interview, and place you in the best class for your level. Interactive classrooms At LSI, languages are taught in a dynamic and energetic way. We believe active communication in the classroom is the most effective way of learning – by speaking you will achieve fluency. Language competence certificate You receive a certificate on your last day, stating the course attended and the level attained, as proof of your language competence. A report is available if required. Quality inspected homestays Contact with other students and local people makes sure you practise these skills outside the classroom. Multicentre courses Multicentre Courses allow you to learn and live the language in more than one LSI location. Small classes, excellent teachers Regular individual counselling and effective course design ensure that you make rapid progress in key communication skills. Our teachers are carefully selected, friendly, helpful, and ready to listen. Fully equipped language centres LSI Language Centres are fully equipped with up-to-date materials and resources in comfortable surroundings. Computer rooms are readily available for use during lessons or for self-study. Programmes range from intonation practice to grammar and vocabulary development. Free WiFi LSI students receive FREE WiFi internet access in school.