38881 Educators providing Teaching courses delivered Online

Be Mindful Fife

be mindful fife



Be Mindful Fife is a very successful business providing health and well-being training courses/workshops and 1-2-1 coaching in the public, private and third sector of Scotland, such as Home Start, Fife Education, Fife Cultural Trust, NHS and Social Care staff, Scottish Ambulance Service, Police, St. Andrew University, Edinburgh University, and UK military veterans to name a few. The aim is to provide individuals and organisations with the education and practical resources to promote positive health and well-being and maintaining good mental health. Unfortunately, self-care is often said, occasionally understood and rarely practiced. Yet the stress and anxiety that many people experience in living and working could be better managed by establishing a personal self-care plan. That is why we have created workshops and courses on developing self-care. This can take the form of a preventative framework for maintaining existing positive health and well-being and good mental health. It can also empower those that need to manage change, stress, anxiety, depression, compassion fatigue and burnout etc. The aim of all our work is to enable participants to live fully and realise potential. Working with CAMHS, 2016-17 Bill (founder of Be Mindful Fife) was instrumental in creating and managing a Fife wide mindfulness programme for teachers, parents, and school children for Fife Education (Our Minds Matter). Working with five different mindfulness teaching organisations from Scotland, Be Mindful Fife played a key role in the co-creation of Mindful Nation Scotland and its launch in the Scottish Parliament in September 2019. Since 2019 Be Mindful Fife has also been a consultant writing content and offering insight for the development of mental health App for young people with Voxio (funded by Scottish Government and NHS Scotland).

Marie Page Yoga

marie page yoga



I first explored yoga in a workplace Iyengar class nearly 30 years ago. I was not remotely flexible and remember having to use a virtual scaffold of blocks and blankets to get into alignment for some postures. A recurring back injury (I have multiple bulging disks in my thoracic and cervical spine as well as significant degeneration – see the photo!) began troubling me several years ago and forced me to give up the high impact sports that I had previously enjoyed. An MRI scan showed my spine to look like that of a 70 year old and each day began in pain and extreme stiffness. yoga-help-back-pain-problems I rediscovered yoga after a brief foray into Pilates and gradually found that my pain eased as my flexibility and core strength increased. Since I’ve been more in control of the yoga I do (as a teacher I’m obviously writing my own lesson plans), I’ve found my back has become incrementally better. All my classes are taught with an awareness of back issues. They all incorporate plenty of stretches designed to reduce back pain, and work to improve core strength. I will often plan a series of classes specifically for lower, middle or upper back pain. If you’d like to attend one just let me know! Always Teaching My obsession with yoga grew and I began attending multiple classes each week and travelling to workshops and retreats all over the world occasionally dragging my family with me (the photo here that you will see if you are viewing the website on a computer rather than a phone is of me and my son Alfie who is something of a calisthenics specialist). I’ve taught in virtually every other aspect of my life. I have a PGCE in adult education, have taught on University Masters courses (I’m a digital marketing specialist in my non yoga life) and have delivered business training in the UK and North America. Training to be a yoga teacher was therefore a natural progression albeit somewhat unusual to take such a dramatic career change in my 50s. Accreditation I have a 250 hour yoga teacher training qualification with Yoga Alliance and am also a member of the British Wheel of Yoga. I continue to hoover up whatever other yoga-related knowledge I can with specialist workshops covering a range of aspects from accessible yoga teaching to Ashtanga, Iyengar, Scaravelli-influenced approaches, somatic yoga, transformational breath work and deep dive retreats where just occasionally I attempt to simply “be” rather than striving always to learn. My teaching reflects the main styles of yoga that have influenced me and most weeks I incorporate some new posture or approach that I’ve discovered in a recent workshop. I hold insurance with Covea – policy reference COBI3200184XB. My classes are held in Henfield where I now live. My previous Rickmansworth classes are now taught by Annette Henn.

Cath Little

cath little


Cardiff Storyteller and Singer Cath Little has “rough magic” in her voice, and in her words “the gift of the story comes through.” She has a strong belief in the power of stories to connect us to one another, to the land, and to the people who once lived here. She tells traditional stories from her Irish English heritage and her Welsh homeland. Cath enjoys re-imagining and retelling stories from The Mabinogion. Cath helps run the Cardiff Storytelling Circle and curates their seasonal concerts, Tales for the Turning Year. She tells and listens to stories at Oasis, a Cardiff Charity which offers a warm Welsh welcome to refugees and asylum seekers. Cath keeps busy sharing stories in schools, libraries, museums, castles, cafes and fields. She has performed at festivals across Britain and Ireland and is the author of Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children. My father told me stories and my mother read me them. The family was, and is, full of wonderful storytellers. When I started teaching English in London Secondary Schools it came naturally to me to tell stories: I told stories to help the children into poetry, into Shakespeare, into their own creative imaginations. When I taught English in Italy and in Egypt I found that stories take away the stress of learning another language and give a real reason for listening. When I became a Steiner Waldorf Early Years Teacher I learnt more about the power of stories to nurture and to heal. And then one day I met a professional storyteller! Then I knew that’s what I had to be. Since then I’ve been on the path, following my bliss, and have worked as a professional storyteller since 2006.