6799 Educators providing Teacher courses

Inner Pedagogy/East Midlands Psychedelic Society

inner pedagogy/east midlands psychedelic society


Edward is committed to supporting people move towards wholeness and the role education can play in this process. Edward researches mindfulness, integral and transpersonal psychology and well-being as both a member and convenor of postgraduate research at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (University of Nottingham). An avid reader, he is particularly inspired by the writings of Adyashanti, Stanislav Grof, Bernardo Kastrup, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber. Edward has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics himself. Edward has been rigorously trained, he received a First Class (Hons) Degree in Education and Art from the University of Exeter in 1998 and a PhD in Peace Education and Sociocultural Theory from the University of Birmingham in 2003. Edward is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained by Patrizia Collard/Enter Mindfulness, a Life Coach and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. He has taken the core modules of the Grof Transpersonal Trainer (GTT) Programme, covering the paradigm of Holotropic Breathwork, The Power Within (Bodywork), Music & Transcendence and Spiritual Emergency. He has also taken elective modules in Jung, Alchemy & The Transformation of Consciousness, and Inner Ethics/Soul Collage. This training has been supplemented by further training from the TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) College and the College of Sound Healing . As part of ongoing quality assurance, Edward receives regular supervision in mindfulness, TRE® and Holotropic Breathwork®, actively researching all of these fields, attending regular conferences, courses and retreats to ensure his work and guidance is informed by deep inner experience and the latest research and good practice. Edward is also a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity and follows their honour code of ethics and good practice for individuals. Edward has attended a Quaker meeting all of his adult life, adopting a contemplative and universal approach to spirituality. He has served as both a Clerk and Elder to his local. 'Clerkship' involves engaging contemplative approaches and discernment to make spiritually-informed group decisions. Edward continues to practise art, focusing on contemporary altars, shrines and portraiture drawing upon studies at the University of Exeter and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, winning the prestigious Attenborough Prize in 2011. Edward accepts commissions and much of his work is available for sale. Artwork can be an excellent tool for integration and creativity is employed to help with this process in many of Edward’s courses and workshops.

Discount Comedy Checkout

discount comedy checkout

Looking for an exciting show for your venue which inspires children to tell stories and let their imagination run wild? Look no further than our kids comedy improvisation shows! These shows feature experienced performers who will engage and entertain children making stories and ideas come to life before their eyes. Featuring suggestions taken from the audience the only limit is the child's imagination! Shows in the past have featured some wild and wonderful ideas and we are always amazed at the imaginative suggestions we are given to form scenes. We can bring creativity to the classroom! If you'd like a story told in a new and exciting way or perhaps a full improvised comedy show as an end of term treat The Discount Comedy Checkout can provide everything you need for an eventful day that your students will not forget. Past performances have seen us doing everything from dressing as storybook characters to organising special workshops. We can tailor make our performances to whatever you need us to do. We specialise in creating ideas around your classroom subjects that engage and excite children and can bring characters into the school to perform talks, read and inspire confidence. There is no limit to what we can do. This show is fun for the whole family! The Discount Comedy Checkout courses afford it's students the opportunity to experience a wide variety of Improvisation topics. Learning everything from Character, Storytelling, Mime, Long form and so much more there is a course for everyone. The skills you will obtain from your experience with us will benefit you in ways you wouldn't have guessed! Whether you're a teacher trying to allow for a better growth mindset in the classroom, a public speaker looking to improv your confidence, an actor adding more tools to the utility belt or simply somebody who wants to collaborate comedically with a group of like minded mess abouters! Our promise is that no matter what, you will have fun, you will laugh and potentially awaken a passion for all things Improv! Working with Discount Comedy Checkout really helped me come out of my shell and come to life on stage and even helped me go on to be accepted into a professional improv troupe. Their amazing understanding of how improv works and their passion for comedy shines through the entire course making them the perfect group to work with!"

Life is Fab Ltd | Sophie Sabbage Lifework

life is fab ltd | sophie sabbage lifework

Sophie is a mindset sage; authority on exploding creativity in crises; Sunday Times bestselling author of three books about responding powerfully to challenging situations; highly experienced facilitator and consultant who has worked with numerous leading brands; world-class speaker who challenges minds, touches hearts and stirs new actions; renowned patient activist who has been to the north and south poles of her creativity to stay alive and revolutionise the cancer world. Sophie-Sabbage-The-Cancer-Whisperer-017.jpg A familiar personality following the stunning success of her first book, The Cancer Whisperer, which placed Sophie on a global stage as an authority on why crisis is the birthplace of creativity and how to find grace in the grit of life. She has made numerous media appearances and has since written two more transformational books: Lifeshocks - and how to love them and Awakenings in the Time of Coronavirus (a powerful workshop in an audiobook released in September 2020). She has powerfully walked her talk by turning a six month ‘terminal’ cancer diagnosis (received in 2014) into the most creative years of her life to date by finding solutions she was told did not exist. She has worked in the field of human psychology and corporate transformation for thirty years. B.C. (before cancer) Sophie ran an award-winning business consultancy while delivering courses to hundreds of thousands of people wanting to create extraordinary lives. She has equipped numerous leading brands to evolve with changing winds and has worked with thousands of leaders on their creativity, purposefulness and authenticity. Sophie has also become a world-class speaker in the corporate and wellness markets. She also delivers masterclasses to these clients and her audiences leave wiser, braver and more effective than when they arrive. Her skills as a mindset sage, corporate consultant, transformational teacher, writer and speaker alchemise into exceptional value for her clients. Sophie is eloquent, discerning and boldly truthful. She is gifted at reading people and business cultures. As a transformation and creativity specialist, she challenges minds, touches hearts and delivers practical take-aways in all aspects of her work. She says what needs saying and does what needs doing to help her clients shift what needs shifting. She has a reputation for seeing the few things that can change many things. And running through all her work is one thing that can radically improve the quality of anything if you know how to activate and apply it.

Fundamental Fitness And Athletics

fundamental fitness and athletics


Fundamental Fitness and Athletic development centres are based in and around the Reading area. Our aim is to get children involved and enjoying participating in physical activity through fitness and athletics regardless of their ability or background, boosting their sporting standards, confidence and setting the building blocks for a healthy life. "After doing well in a primary inter school sports day, my then teacher recommended I joined an athletics club. At the age of 9 I started with Reading athletics club and have never looked back. I started in the multi events group and quickly moved over to the throwing disciplines after breaking one of the long-standing club records for Javelin- a distance that ranked me 24th in the UK. Whilst continuing with other events for fun, I later specialised in Discus throwing and went on to compete for my club, county and region at various national events, spending several seasons inside of the top 20 in the UK for my age group, and gaining gold medals at county championships, South of England championships and National League finals along the way. It was during the 2012 season, after captaining the Reading squad and winning the National league final with them that I decided I wanted to coach and team manage for the younger age groups. Fundamental Fitness & Athletics Charlotte Webb 6 Years later and my passion is to see children getting enjoyment and success from their sporting careers. I am a qualified Level 2 UKA athletics coach, coaching Reading AC U11, U13 and throwing squads. I am also team manager for the boy’s national premier league team and over the 6 seasons have qualified for 4 national finals. We are currently UK champions for u13 and u15 age groups. To enhance my athletics coaching ability I have also studied level 3 personal training and nutrition which helps me to develop all the key areas of conditioning for the athletes. In 2018 we have qualified for national finals, raced at the Muller games Diamond league events, and seen numerous athletes improve on the personal best performances. I have since been recognised as the winner of the ‘Young volunteer of the year' award by England athletics for the South East region and finished inside the top 3 in the country. If you have any questions at all about our Fundamental Fitness & Athletics sessions please don't hesititate to get in touch"

Influential Leadership And Business Academy

influential leadership and business academy


Dele Olawanle is a practising lawyer, leadership coach, teacher, author, pastor and a Leadership and Business Consultant. He is the owner and Principal of Del & Co. Solicitors, a legal firm based in London, England. He is also the founder and Senior Pastor of Winners Kingdom, a church committed to people with a winning mindset in every facets of life. He is committed to raising men and women who will influence their generation for good. He has been presenting two television programmes on a daily basis: The legal Panorama, through which he explains the UK immigration laws on regular basis and I Am Winning in which he teaches on having a winning mindset. Dele has written currently seven life changing books: Discover Your Purpose, Prayer Is Not the Answer, Add Value, Denied by Character, Breaking the Patterns of Failure, Design Your Future and The Storms Are Over in Your Life. One of his book has been translated into Russian and French languages. Dele has taught on leadership around the world and has helped many people to fulfil their dreams. He is married to Bimbo Olawanle, his wife of 28 years who is a Child Specialist with a degree in Early Childhood Studies and who is a Co-Pastor in Winners Kingdom. Dele & Bimbo are blessed with three children and the first two are also lawyers. Training Make You Different When I started the law degree over 23 years ago, one of our lecturers told us that we train you to be unique and different. He said, ”In 3 years, you will think, talk, write, argue and act differently” That is what training does, it makes you different. At ILBA, we train you to be different. Training Makes You Influential When you become trained, you become very effective in your sphere of influence. Invest into your life Getting necessary training is an investment into your life. You will not regret doing so. Pay the Cost Paying a price to be trained is a sign of commitment. All great leaders pay to be trained. To succeed as a leader or in business, get the necessary trainings. My Vision on Leadership At the centre of my heart is the well-being of every human being I come in contact with.

Wells Park School

wells park school


Welcome Wells Park School is a LA funded residential primary school which caters for pupils between 5 and 11 years old, who have an educational statement for social, emotional and mental health difficulties.The children board at Wells Park School from Monday to Friday during term time and are referred to the school by Essex County Council. The site is based in a semi-rural area of Essex, close to the London Borough of Redbridge. Educational The education team at Wells Park School strive to help children who have disengaged from school and learning, to develop strategies to manage their behaviour in a classroom. With small classes of up to ten pupils and a minimum of one teacher and one Higher Level Teaching Assistant in each classroom, the staff at Wells Park are able to introduce and maintain clear classroom boundaries for the pupils. Through providing ability, rather than age, appropriate learning tasks, children at Wells Park can experience success in learning and begin to engage and enjoy learning in school. Residential The pupils arrive at school on a Monday morning and leave on Friday, spending four evenings and nights at the school. Residentially, the children are grouped according to their social needs into four ‘houses’ of up to ten children and three care officers. The ‘houses’ have a family feel to them and mirror the interests and personalities of the children living there. As well as sharing breakfast and dinner with their ‘house’ the children are encouraged to develop their self-help skills and to take on responsibilities appropriate to their age and abilities. The children’s life experiences and social skills are greatly enhanced through the variety of activities provided throughout the week. The aim is to support families and carers to enjoy positive experiences and relationships both with their child and the school. Tokens There is a whole school Token Economy system which allows children to earn tokens every ten minutes in school and fifteen minutes residentially, for times when they are making positive choices with their behaviour, such as listening to the adults, being in the right space with their group and getting on with the set task. Our pupils are very motivated to earn tokens as they can exchange their token slips for evening activities throughout the week and saver trips at the end of each year.

Tff Tutors

tff tutors


Tuition for Fruition Tutors is a new and rapidly expanding business that provides private tuition to KS1,KS2, KS3, GCSE and A Level students with the aim of enabling its students to achieve their academic potential. Our core team is comprised of experienced and PGCE accredited professionals who above all else are passionate about teaching and strive to make a positive difference to the development of their students. In the short time that we have been operating we have managed to help a considerable amount of children and relying wholly on word of mouth recommendations we have been able to expand our operations throughout the UK and abroad. There is a social focus which underpins our work and we want to be able to reach out to those parents and children who wouldn’t traditionally have access to tuition. Managing Director/Founder Abdul-Raheem Ahmed Abdul-Raheem is an experienced teacher and examiner with 12 years of experience in education. He began tutoring during his A levels helping out students from economically deprived families and also SEN students which ignited his passion for teaching and contributing to his community and has led to him tutoring to this day. He has personally taught over 450 students during this time alongside his full time secondary teaching role. Abdul-Raheem realised that many of the more vulnerable members of society were being left behind while others were being exploited by tutoring companies. He decided to create a business that would focus on making tutoring accessible to these children by keeping costs low and quality high by ensuring all lessons are taught by qualified teachers. Furthermore coming from a working class and second generation immigrant background he understands the problems and pitfalls many of these students face. Therefore he decided not just to focus on the academic aspect but the students holistically. To that end has organised consistent and regular extra curricular activities for local members of his community. This allows him to have a pastoral role within the local community and is not just limited to students of TFF Tutors. Tackling the rising evil of drug dealing and other criminal activities is another passion of his and by taking this proactive approach he hopes to provide a focus and escape route for those who may be targeted by those nefarious elements of society. You can find more details about what is done in the extracurricular section.