6799 Educators providing Teacher courses

Montet Designs

montet designs

My teenage years... IMG_20200922_093644_1.jpg were spent hanging out in the school art department (regardless of what class I was supposed to be in!) and it was there that Mr Alston, my wonderful art teacher directed and nurtured my love of art. Studying Art & Design and then Illustration, was a great foundation to my art career and helped me refine my skills as an artist. But as a naïve graduate, passionately producing illustrations and trying to make it in the freelance world - I soon realised it was going to be more difficult that I thought! I'd been working in Children's Services for 15 years running Youth Participation Projects, managing a Gypsy Roma Traveller Project and delivering a provision of services for the most hard to reach communities. This provided me with the most amazing experiences, as well as allowing me to use my art to benefit these groups. It's been a wonderful journey of learning and a fantastic platform in which to build my business. In 2016 I decided it was time to give up the office job and focus all my time on my community art work. It's been a brilliant time and I'm delighted that I still have daily experiences of working with such amazing people, from our wonderfully interesting communities. I hope that even if it's just in some little way, I am able to make a difference to the lives of those that I work with, through the medium of visual art. Audrey But freelancing for a few years whilst volunteering in the community, opened many new doors and ideas of what I could do with my visual arts. I went on to complete a degree in Community Arts and continued to work with community groups. This is where my love of creating art in the community became well and truly set. My passion for mural painting was formed following the completion of two large scale mural commissions in Scotland. Then with London calling, I completed my next 30 metre indoor mural at a special needs adventure playground in Hackney. In 2007 I was introduced to the medium of mosaic and I just completely fell in love with it!

The Crossley Heath School

the crossley heath school


The Governors are pleased to accept applications on behalf of young people for places in the first five years of the school (Years 7-11 of the National Curriculum). Vacancies do become available from time to time for a variety of reasons. However, there is rarely an immediate vacancy and therefore the names of applicants are placed on a waiting list. When a vacancy occurs, applicants are contacted and invited to attend a test. The vacant place will be offered to the candidate who demonstrates the ability and aptitude to allow them to be a success at the school. Parents of pupils who are unsuccessful may ask for their son/daughter to remain on the list to be considered for entry in the following academic year should a vacancy arise. Students will not automatically be left on the list and will be removed at the end of the academic year, unless a request is made to remain on the list. Students will be allowed only one attempt at the test in any given academic year to a maximum of two attempts in total. Please note that it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure all information is up to date including change of address and any changes should be communicated to Sarah Elder, Administrative Assistant, admin@crossleyheath.org.uk The school currently operates an option system at the end of year 8 and any decision to accept a student will be dependent on whether or not their curriculum needs can be appropriately met by the school. Teacher assessment levels in Maths, English and Science will also be taken into account. Applicants who sat the 11+ entrance exam and were successful, but were not allocated a place due to over subscription are placed on a waiting list and priority is given to these candidates in the event of a vacancy in the first term. After this time those who wish to still be considered must complete an application form and return to school. Please complete the Application for Casual Vacancies Yrs 7 – 11 form and return if you wish to proceed with an application.

Creative Engineering For Kids

creative engineering for kids


About Our Founder & Our Values How Engineering For Kids Is Changing the World When looking to register her six and eight-year-old children for engineering programs, Dori Roberts noticed that there were very few options available. Soon, Engineering For Kids was born. Roberts opened her first location in 2009 and, in 2011, she started franchising her company. Over this short time, Engineering For Kids has opened more than 150 locations in over 35 different countries! Interested in being your own boss and providing kids with the opportunity to learn in a fun way? Call (540) 277-4331 to inquire about our franchise opportunities! Before It All Began With 11 years of experience teaching engineering at a high school level, Dori Roberts has an extensive background in technology and math education. As a teacher and a mother, she was able to recognize how much engineering, science, and math programs were needed. During this time, she began an after-school club that took part in multiple science-based and engineering-based competitions. The program attained 180 students and won numerous state championships, giving Roberts the idea to create similar programs adapted for a broader age demographic. She brought the first Engineering For Kids programs to a local elementary school, where they were a hit. She received such a positive response that she decided to leave teaching to devote all of her time developing Engineering For Kids. The Program’s Success Today Since its inception, this program has changed the lives of more than 350,000 students. Our franchisees share Roberts’ passion for Engineering For Kids and we all understand the need for science, technology, engineering, and math enrichment that’s engaging and fun. At Engineering For Kids, the ultimate goal has always been to help kids have fun in an educational way. By customizing activities that tack onto what they’re already learning in their school curriculum, their knowledge of the subject matter solidifies, all while they build a variety of important social skills. Our program is the best way for children to befriend others that share similar passions. Call (540) 277-4331 to learn more about us and our values!

Hitchin Boys' School

hitchin boys' school


Hitchin Boys’ School operates as an Academy Trust, providing a comprehensive and traditional single-sex school education which is both highly academic and rooted strongly in its community. Students consistently achieve at the very highest level and each year the percentage of students gaining five or more A*- C grade passes at GCSE including English and Maths is significantly above the national average. Most students go on to higher education including some of the most prestigious universities in the country. Our belief is that all students can achieve excellence with the right support and challenge. The School prides itself on helping young people to achieve whatever their ability, and we celebrate the successes of students in a great variety of activities - sport, music, drama, community and charity work, as well as in the classroom. Fergal Moane, Head Teacher Hitchin Boys' School was inspected by OFSTED in January 2016 and was graded as an outstanding school, retaining this accreditation in the subsequent 2021 inspection. The most recent report notes that “The headteacher and his team have maintained an outstanding school. Their vision for the school is shared widely among all staff. There is a passion to develop pupils both academically and as well-rounded British citizens.” Inspectors also said “Pupils enjoy their time at school. They care about each other and get on well with staff and with their peers. Pupils are polite and respectful. They bring to life the Hitchin Boys’ School values of respect, teamwork and kindness. We are delighted with the outcome of the latest inspection and very happy that the OFSTED inspectors recognised our vision for a well-rounded education which strikes a balance between personal development and academic excellence. We believe that it is effort and hard work which makes success and high achievement.We are committed to a broad-based academic curriculum ensuring that all will have the chance to study the core subjects including English, Maths, Science, Languages, Humanities and the wider subjects including Art, Music, Sport and Technology. We also provide vocational options to meet the needs of our boys.

Anita Sharma Coaching

anita sharma coaching

Personal Growth & Wellbeing I’m Anita, a personal growth and well-being coach, specialising in helping young people and their families navigate their way through the teenage and pre-teen years. Whether it’s exam stress, social anxiety or learning to deal with the overwhelm caused by social media, today’s young people have more pressure on them than ever before and, as a parent, it can be hard to know where to turn for advice and support when your child is struggling. Why use a coach? Shouldn’t I be able to support my child myself? Not fully understanding emotions, the impact they have and how to manage them can lead to self-destructive behaviour and negative beliefs, which is not only hard for the young person but for the family around them too. Seeking help from someone objective, outside the family, might feel difficult but many of those I work with say they wish they’d done it sooner. Parenting is hard work and it’s ok not to struggle on alone. I have spent my entire career working with young people, spending 20 years as a secondary school teacher before becoming a coach. I’m also a mum-of-two myself, so I know how difficult it can be. How does coaching work? Using a combination of talking and listening, alongside a series of practical steps, I help guide and encourage your child. Together we work through the issues that are troubling them to come up with a sustainable plan to set them on the right path for the future. How we get through our teenage years can pave the way for how we manage the rest of our lives. I’m passionate about bringing out the best in every child and teenager and giving them the confidence and skills to succeed in the world. I offer two types of support – Emotional Wellbeing and Academic Coaching – and aim to build flexible packages around you and your family, with prices starting from £30 per session. You can see more details in the Services section and more information about my qualifications and credentials on the About Me page.

Marjorie Wise School of Dance

marjorie wise school of dance

A history of the school… Marjorie Eileen Wise – a Christmas Day baby! As with lots of little girls, Marjorie Wise wanted to go to ballet lessons, and her parents, Harry & Grace decided at age 6, she could go to Leicester ballet teacher, Queenie Green and enjoy a few ballet lessons. Marjorie’s parents were unaware of the talent that their daughter had! Marjorie enjoyed her ballet lessons and took her Royal Academy of Dancing (RAD) exams one by one until by the age of 17, she had passed her Advanced Exam and had begun to achieve the relevant teaching qualifications to be able to teach RAD ballet and enter children for exams. Just before her 18th birthday, she decided to open her own school and thus Marjorie Wise School of Dancing (MWSD) was born. Harry & Grace Wise were keen to assist their daughter with this venture and moved from the family home in Aylestone to a house on Saxby Street, Leicester, because it had a dance studio in the basement. This was converted into a ballet studio with bespoke mirrors, barres and floor. Marjorie Wise became a household name in Leicester and the school thrived. Marjorie herself continued with her own ballet study and soon expanded into International Dance Teacher’s Association (IDTA) tap and theatre craft study. Marjorie travelled weekly to be taught by Sissie Smith in Nottingham and furthered her knowledge of ballet. Soon, Saxby Street was too small for the expanding school and Marjorie started hiring local halls to teach in. Her cousin, an excellent pianist, accompanied the classes on the piano and her parents dealt with the admin of running the school. In the 1960’s, a young girl called Yvonne Saunders, joined the school for her lessons, as she wanted a classical RAD ballet school for her training. Yvonne was a very talented dancer and Marjorie quickly recognised an outstanding talent in this pupil. She was not wrong, as Yvonne went on to be the lead dancer with the Royal Ballet, partnering the likes of Rudolf Nureyev and dancing solos with the Company all over the world. Yvonne continued to keep in touch with Marjorie on a regular basis.




Futuretrend has been providing IT, Design, Financial and Business Skills training since December 2000. With a solid reputation for delivering high quality programmes, Futuretrend has become a successful and well established training centre. Year on year hundreds of learners come to this centre to pursue a course of study that will help them fulfill career aspirations, improve their job prospects or to simply learn more about a particular area of interest. In today's competitive business environment the importance of up-to-date skills cannot be overstated. With Futuretrend, you and/or your team will benefit immensely from our results-oriented training. Our instructors are professionals who work full-time in the industry and bring their working knowledge to the classroom to enhance your learning experience. Our courses are centred on learning by doing, ensuring that learning retention rates are high and that delegates are able to confidently apply their new found skills in the workplace or successfully in an exam situation, demonstrating an immediate return on investment. A prerequisite for any Futuretrend trainer is that they must practise the skills they teach. It is essential that they are able to draw from real world experiences to illustrate subject matter, thereby enabling delegates to envisage how best to use software and concepts effectively. This is based on the following ethos: “Tell me and I’ll forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me and I’ll learn.” We are often asked how we have made a success from a company which was seemingly produced from nothing but which has now become one of the most dynamic organisations within the industry. The answers are simple; Speed - We have built a good reputation around the fact that we do not keep our clients waiting for answers to their requirements. If we tell you we shall call back the same day then we absolutely mean it. It’s more likely that we will get back to you on the spot. Quality - One attribute is nothing without the other. All Futuretrend's staff and associated freelancers have major industry experience and are amongst the best and highest qualified in their sphere of activity in the UK; and why not? Our reputation depends on them. Personal touch - Whilst maintaining the air and professionalism of a larger company you will always know who you are dealing with when you dial through to our offices. We give our individual time to each of our clients and as such you are guaranteed a friendly and personal reception. These are only three of the numerous reasons as to why so many individuals and organisations in and around the UK are choosing to trust their training to Futuretrend. Our success depends entirely on our client's satisfaction and this is mirrored in our everyday approach to your requests. We don't expect to stay at the forefront of our competitors without maintaining sharp minds and a fresh attitude. Another typical question asked is how can we offer our courses at such low prices ? Here is why; Futuretrend has never taken out costly traditional advertising which would lead to unnecessary expenditure and thus forcing prices up. We have built our success mainly on very good "word of mouth" and relatively inexpensive online marketing. As such we are in the lucky position of being able to do away with the myth that business can only be generated through glossy brochures. Additionally, we are not passing on the premiums charged for West End and City training venues. Most of these will still not be as modern or well-equipped as our newly refurbished classrooms. Our premises are within an Elegant Victorian North London building. You could easily be paying double the amount and more attending a similar course elsewhere and probably not even half the quality. We hope our web site will give you a taste of the quality of study available at Futuretrend and make your decision to study with us a little easier. We all learn best when we are happy and valued so let us help advance your skills and enhance your potential.