6799 Educators providing Teacher courses





We Are Writers as a literacy project We Are Writers is a brilliant way to inspire children to write and offers them a unique opportunity to see their own writing, published in a real book. We Are Writers helps your school When the final books come in, children are so proud of their achievements that every parent, grandparent and family member will want a copy! The good news is that you can earn Scholastic Rewards for free books and raise funds for your school with every book sold. Earning free books for your school If you create a book to sell at your Scholastic Book Fair, the price to you is £5.99 per book and you will earn Scholastic Rewards on every copy sold to spend on a huge range of books and teacher resources. Find out more We are Writers as a fundraiser If you create a book for another school event, the price to you is £5.99 per book but you can choose to sell it at a higher price – £7.99 for example – to fundraise for your school. Find out more about fundraising Every child can be an author! Whether it's a few words or a few pages, encourage as many pupils as possible to take part. Any form of writing is welcome, whether it's a story, poem, non-fiction piece, autobiography or letter – it's up to you. It's FREE to take part! We Are Writers is a free service and we provide a free sample copy to check for mistakes and a free final copy for your school library. Postage and packaging are also free. Parents If your child's school is running a We Are Writers project, you have the chance to buy a real book containing a piece of writing by your child! Why not get involved too?

Amanda Porter

amanda porter


/my name is Amanda and I’m an Abdominal Therapy Practitioner and Educator. I also offer Holistic massage and Energy work in the Tradition of the Maya. My story begins in the mists of time when I was raising my wonderful offspring. Being interested in complementary therapy I used this period in my life to learn about a variety of therapies and techniques that could help my children through their early years and beyond. When my children flew the nest, I felt the calling to become a complementary therapist and embarked on a life-changing journey. In 2005 on the insistence of a great friend Hilary Lewin, I attended an amazing class based on the work of Dr Rosita Arvigo. This workshop had a profound effect on my whole being. I felt the power of the work, I observed the changes in my body as I practised my abdominal massage at home. I could not believe that such a sweet simple technique could have such a profound effect. My journey had begun, I wanted to not only learn the technique but also understand why it seemed to help with so many health challenges. They say the right teacher will appear when the time is right and I have been blessed. I trained directly with Rosita Arvigo, the founder of the work I now offer in my clinic and the classroom. Understanding the similarities between Maya Medicine and Chinese medicine, in 2011, I travelled to Thailand and studied traditional Thai Massage with the renowned traditional healer, Bann Hom who lives in Chaing Mai, Northern Thailand. It did not surprise me to find her treating her community with an abdominal technique that was not a million miles from the work I knew and loved. I have been inspired by Gil Hedley, the brilliant anatomist who offers dissection classes for anyone who is interested in observing the anatomical connections within the human form. Marty Ryan – Love your Guts Seminars, taught me how to listen to my hands, his palpation classes revealed what was beneath the skin. Life is for learning and every belly I touch teaches me something new. And so, to now, in September 2020 working with a passionate group of educators and colleagues including Rosita Arvigo I became a founding member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective.

The School Of The Science Of Acting

the school of the science of acting



The Science of Acting The Science of Acting was founded by Sam Kogan, influenced by Maria Knebel; his teacher, who herself was a student of Stanislavski. The curriculum of the Science of Acting is founded on 4 principles: Freedom from Gods or Idols - Only once you learn to think for yourself will you be able to be free on stage. Right and Wrong - Statements such as ‘there is no right or wrong in acting’, or ‘you either have it or you don’t’ are common in Drama Education. But if this were true, there would be no point to a drama school, or to dramatic training of any kind. The Science of Acting therefore is based on a technique the knowledge of which has proven to give actors the training to be able to create inspiring acting. Quality of Acting - We believe that the best acting occurs when actors are able to use the right type of imagination (which we all have); that being active as opposed to passive imagination, which few actors are aware of or know how to use. Terminology or The Meaning of Words - For a group of actors to create the context of stories and therefore entertain, a common understanding through language in all its forms is necessary. This enables each individual actor to be free in their uniqueness, whilst creating a totality for the audience. The Science of Acting will enable you to become an independent actor who is able to play any character in any medium, always delivering the highest level of professional work. This is the magic of the Science of Acting.

Maya Dattani Kundalini Yoga

maya dattani kundalini yoga


Milton Keynes

Being different wasn’t easy for me. I grew up in a school and feared going in every day. I would get called names and my glasses would be thrown from person to person while I tried to catch them!! I was tall, I was skinny, and I didn’t have the same colour skin like them. I was in a predominantly white school, with only a handful of Asians and no Black people at all. I stuck out like a sore thumb!! I hated it!! I did whatever I could to try and fit in and blend into the crowd. There were many times where I cried myself to sleep. The wanting of belonging was heavy in my heart. As you can imagine this affected me growing up. Growing up I barely had a voice, or an opinion on anything. My self esteem was so low, I hated the way I looked, and most of all I hated being at the centre of attention. The years passed and I got married at the age of 22. I thought I had it all, a home, a husband and my beautiful little boy. I could put the past behind me. This all came crashing down when the relationship with my husband came to an end. I moved back in with my parents and went through 4 years of battling the court system over our young boy. I was made out to be an unfit mother who couldn’t be capable of looking after our son. I became really down, I mean really down!!….. I suffered from panic attacks and depression, and really hated myself, and my life. I remember one day driving my car and all of a sudden I had to pull over!! My eyes had become hazy and I couldn’t see properly, my breathing became shallow and my chest was hurting! I could feel the panic rising as I dialed my dad’s number to come and get me from the side of the road. I felt broken, completely shattered both mentally and physically. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and that I needed to be fixed! The day came, I remember it so clearly. I was in the kitchen after putting my son to bed. I was just about to take my depression medication and something inside of me just flipped, like a light switch. I could hear a voice in my head very clearly. This is not my life, this is not how I am supposed to live. I took action. I threw the pills in the bin, ( I don’t recommend this unless you speak with your GP) and said enough is enough, no one can change things for me, I have to do this myself! At that point I became determined to change my life around and I would do anything I needed to do to get myself better. That day I googled stress and panic attacks, and days that followed I read more and more. I could see I wasn’t the only one suffering. I started to see a glimmer of hope. I came across a Kundalini yoga DVD called Stress and Detox, the teacher had the same name as me, Maya, so I saw it as a sign that I needed to give this a go. I had tried yoga before but this was something so different on many levels. It was weird, she did some funny breathing and chanted words I didn’t understand but I kept an open mind and continued. I felt different, I felt better than I had done in ages. After practicing consistently for a few weeks I remember telling my friend I felt like I was drunk without the alcohol. I was getting high on life, and I was beginning to see a way out. This was my journey of how I found Kundalini Yoga. Over the years, I discovered I had a lot of health issues due to stress, I had no idea that stress could do this to my body. I thought stress was just all in the head. How wrong was I! My digestive system was way off track, I had become intolerant to so many foods. I suffered from severe lower back pain for years, where I had to take pain killers most nights. I also suffered with UTI’s pretty much every other week, and horrific migraine attacks where I would be bed bound at least 8 – 10 days a month, they were so painful and I was unable to function at all. As well as Kundalini yoga ( the yoga of awareness) I worked with Ayurvedic practices (an ancient health care tradition from India dating back over 5,000 years.) It’s where you work with your mind/ body type to bring yourself back into balance. I also practiced Mindfulness, and Art therapy. I found peace by being creative, it took my mind off the worry, it brought me joy to see the things I created, and I still love it now. I learnt to slow down my breathing and my overactive mind, and my body started to follow, relax and heal itself. All these practices and experiences of life have made me who I am today! I wouldn’t change it for anything now. I have learnt so much from these experiences and now I can help other people in similar situations. I know going through divorce was hard and at the time I couldn’t see an end. However, it gave me a new lease of life, a new sense of freedom. To live life on my terms and I love it! I remarried and have an amazing relationship with my husband, whom I truly love and trust. I can completely be myself, I do not have to pretend to be someone who I am not. My son is living between both houses. He is now 15 and l love spending time with him and love his big squeezy hugs when I can get them out of him. And the ex husband is still in the picture and is a great dad to our son. From a life that I hated, to a life that I love! I know once I took back control of my life and made my choices consciously, everything changed for me. This allowed me to set my boundaries and move forward step by step. It wasn’t easy but I did it. This process allowed me to create my life rather than to let life happen to me. If I can deal with a marriage ending, and child custody battle through the courts, that resulted in me being at my lowest point, ever! The stress, the anxiety, the health issues and the feeling of being helpless, incapable and unhappy, then you can too. This is why I do what I do. I love to help people feel better, feel better in their mind, their physical body, help them to connect and learn to love themself. And uplift their soul. It gives me great pleasure to see them smile and actually know it’s for real, and it’s coming from deep within the heart. This is why I call myself the Conscious Change Creator. I am here to help you create change consciously.