6799 Educators providing Teacher courses

Leigh Doran

leigh doran


I work in private practice as a counsellor, a yoga teacher and also offer support to the business sector through my experience creating and leading an organisation in the charity sector. I am an open, supportive and approachable BACP registered counsellor, NLP Master practitioner and ACT therapist, specialising in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) since 2014 - which is a valuable modern behavioural alternative to CBT, based on mindfulness, compassionate and values-led practices. I have extensive experience of working with abuse as founder and now Patron of a Domestic Abuse charity Daisy Programme | Our Patrons. I gained extensive experience of working with trauma, abuse whilst mindful of the legacy this leaves behind. My experience lends and informs my work in SME/charity sector providing coaching and motivational talks on creating a sustainable charity. I am a fully qualified yoga teacher combining yoga with therapeutic writing with a special interest in the menopause. My practice is reflective of my own life experiences and belief that each and every one of us has the answers to our questions, we just sometimes need someone to walk beside us on the road. In my private practice I work with the mind body, so many of our aches, pains and niggles maybe caused by trauma locked in the body so I am an advocate of connecting with self which is often the last thing we want to do. I however can support you to understand a little more how simple breathing exercises can make a difference. My work as a yoga teacher has informed my counselling practice in how tension, stress and anxiety contribute to our heightened state of hyper-arousal, anticipating, over-thinking whilst either living in the past or in the future, very often not in the now which is all we can influence. I am a qualified Mental Health Instructor for MHFA and have a particular interest in supporting those with mental and physical health difficulties Through my own lived experience I have managed the Menopause and am a member of the British Menopause Society. This is an area I also have specialist knowledge of. The menopause being a huge time of change. My hope is that through therapy you will find a way through the challenges and grow as a result of understanding your story so far. I work integratively which means I have a combined approach in the therapy room with no single modality (type of counselling) is the answer. I work with clients collaboratively showing acceptance and non-judgmentalism, positive regard and being open and congruent with them, valuing their uniqueness and belief in their ability to grow. I am passionate about using any creative approach, especially the use of writing for wellbeing and therapeutic purposes. I have studied therapeutic writing with The Writing Academy and run writing workshops which compliment my counselling & yoga work.

Qui with Trish

qui with trish


The approach I take within my work comes from my own life experiences, extensive training and research, my interest in fellow human beings and a deep longing to share with others my knowledge of self-development, spirituality and natural healing. I graduated in Biology at Durham University in the 1980s and I entered the workplace at the Science Museum in London. Science and particularly the Medical Sciences were my first loves, however a taste of the stress and pressure of city life, led me to take off on a travelling adventure and find out what it was I really wished for out of life. Whilst living and working in South East Asia I gravitated towards Buddhism and the Ayurvedic approach to wellness and health. I took a course in 'Chakra Consciousness' in India where I qualified as a teacher. This changed my whole outlook and meditation/natural healing became part of my life and it stuck. On returning to the UK, two children later, and having decided to completely switch career, I worked in a Natural Health business whilst further training in Stress Therapy, Holistic Massage, Acupressure and Reiki Healing. I opened my first 'Holistic Wellbeing' clinic in Wetherby in 2006 and then 'Qui Wellbeing' in Sicklinghall and I have now worked 1:1 with a wide range of clients. In 2017 I qualified as a Mindfulness Association teacher and UK registered with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches following the UK good practice guidelines. In 2019 I qualified as a Compassion Based Living Teacher with the Mindfulness Association. In recent years I have delivered Mindfulness based interventions to recovering addicts (5-ways academy in Leeds), vulnerable adults (Harrogate Homeless Project), leaders working with vulnerable adults, stressed city workers (NHS digital Leeds), sixth formers (Harrogate Grammar school) and I am currently working with University of Leeds on research funded by the Medical Research Council into approaches to mental health in adolescents. Recently I recorded a professionally produced audio version of the MBLC course for the Mindfulness Association. I continue to deliver to private clients and groups at the Acorn Wellness Retreat and at Carlshead Business Centre. I am now very happily part of the Kagyu sangha of Tibetan Buddhism and practice at Samye Dzong, Samye Ling and with Mindsprings. I regularly attend immersive retreats. I combine my multi-disciplinary skills, my extensive client-based experience and my deep belief in the power of Mindfulness to create a unique and considered approach to personal wellness and natural health. Communicating through social media, magazine articles and blogs keeps me abreast of new developments and research into my diverse areas of interest. Other than that, I am committed to be happy and compassionate in my work, with my family, with the people I meet and the world around me. I am very grateful to my many guides and influences. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Namaste

Exploring Choices

exploring choices


Heather Rushton: Director of Exploring Choices Ltd. Heather has been a teacher, adviser, senior officer with national and international experience. She has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in, partnership working and integrated services. Heather has held very senior positions in schools, local authorities and nationally. Starting working life as a teacher, Heather became a head teacher, adviser, senior adviser and Director for School Improvement. Heather has worked with and for children in areas of high social deprivation, she has a sincere desire to give children the very best start in life. She has worked in large Local Authorities, metropolitan areas and across regions as a Children’s Services Adviser. Her experience includes improving departmental performance, Health, Children’s Social care, Youth and Education. Heather is curious about what is happening in children’s lives and exploring why it has happened. Her skills to evaluate lead to pertinent identification of changes that need to be made to help them easily benefit from education, care or health programmes. Heather has significant experience with SEN, Literacy and Early Years, Prior to becoming an independent consultant Heather lead the national improvement programme with the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes working with 152 Local Authorities, and 64 voluntary agencies, SCIE, RIP, NfER and RIP. As an independent consultant. Heather inspires confidence in individuals, supports staff to see new ways of working and improve outcomes. Picture David Connor has extensive experience of working in Children’s Services within the public sector, particularly in Education but also in commissioning, partnership working and integrated services. David's experience includes over twenty years in teaching including Headships in three schools, university lecturing with a specialism in Early Years education and work in Eastern Europe developing systems and structures for the delivery of effective education. Following his work in schools, David joined a Local Authority advisory service, initially as an adviser for primary education and then as a senior adviser with responsibility for a team of forty advisers and consultants before eventually becoming Chief Adviser for a large Local Authority with over 430 schools. After a spell as Deputy Director of Education, he was promoted to the post of Strategic Deputy Director of Children’s Services with responsibility for departmental planning, evaluation and quality assurance (Education and Social Care), information and data, external partnerships, commissioning – public, private and voluntary sectors, oversight of schools and workforce development. Since 2010, David has worked as an Independent Consultant undertaking commissions for the Centre for Excellence, National Children’s Bureau, National College and Children’s Improvement Board. This has included evaluations of Local Authority structures and services and assessment against the Test of Assurance, support to Local Authorities to develop new systems and structures for Children’s services and school improvement systems, a scoping study for the development of a Knowledge Transfer Centre in Northern Ireland and the provision of support to aspiring leaders in Children’s Services.