6799 Educators providing Teacher courses delivered Online

Sunshine Sensory

sunshine sensory


My name is Tracy and I am the founder of Sunshine Sensory. Sunshine Sensory was not something I ever envisioned in my life, but I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity and want to share my journey with you. I began my work career working as a teaching assistant with mainstream and SEN children while studying part-time for my degree. This allowed me the opportunity to work in a wide range of settings and develop a greater understanding for what was available and the different types of support. After qualifying as a teacher, I spent over 10 years specialising in EYFS and the development of children from birth to five. I loved working as a teacher and being able to reach children through a wide range of resources and approaches. In 2001, at one year old, my daughter was diagnosed with severe learning difficulties suddenly teaching became a lot harder and my life begin to change beyond my imagination. I spent huge amounts of time researching special needs resources, training and activities, only to find that at the time it was very limited, that had to change. So, in 2019, after a lot of soul searching, I left teaching and set up Sunshine Sensory. My aim with Sunshine Sensory is to provide parents / carers / teachers and anyone else interested with the skills to support their child, mainstream or SEN, with the appropriate sensory experiences to allow them to reach their potential. Every child is unique and the classes I have created reflect that, there is a structure but if you child chooses to explore the resources in a way different than I had planned that is fine. We have to appreciate that each child will have different tolerances to sensory resources, some children might like the light touch of feathers, some may dislike it and that is also fine. Through the whole session I provide support, reassurance and model ways for you to interact with your child in a variety of ways. Ultimately having fun and creating that special bond with your child. Just as the classes were getting going, I was contacted by several adult centres (SEN and care homes) asking if the sessions would be appropriate to their residents. With some adaption over the use of the stories and music we use I was able to create sessions that supported the adults. Supported by the use of a wide range of sensory materials and songs that would be familiar to them and encourage active participation in the activity. Leaving teaching was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make but as I see the children supported meeting their sensory needs and the adults developing more confidence and understanding about the area of development it is worth it. Parents, carers and key workers have gained confidence from attending session and seeing just what they can continue to use at home on in their setting to support their child/adult’s development. This mean that although I may no longer educate in a school, I am now able to educate a wider range of adults and children, continuing to positively impact on the lives of children/adult’s that need support. It is amazing and I feel so privileged to be part of all these people’s lives and I want to thank everyone that has supported me in this journey so far. I hope you come and join us on our journey and enjoy the magic that is looking at the world through a sensory perspective.

Athena Studies

athena studies


Our tutors are ambitious, social and enthusiastic top tier students who excel in their field of study and have an affinity with teaching. This is what we seek in a tutor in order to provide the best lessons for the student. Only with an 8 or higher and a genuine interest in the relevant subject will such a top tier student be selected. After an initial interview, it is up to the selected candidate to show us how he or she teaches. If that is sufficient, the teacher who has been hired will enter the training process, consisting of one or more trial lessons in which an actual lesson is simulated. During the entire period up to the first lesson and after that, the (prospective) teacher is extensively supervised by a quality manager who has several years of teaching experience and has shown superior results. Only tutors who are evaluated by students with an 8.0 average or higher for multiple actual lessons are given a permanent place in our team of tutors. All permanent lecturers take part in an advanced training programme, which focuses on improving teaching fundamentals, such as didactics, pedagogy, interpersonal communication and presentation skills. View our tutor vacancy if you want to be a part of this. Our method At the heart of every course, active learning is the basis. Students are often tempted to (only) make summaries and re-read or highlight textbooks, with the misleading idea that this improves their study results. Based on the available evidence, these study techniques are rated as being low utility learning (Dulonsky et al. 2013). At AthenaStudies, we are constantly analysing the most recent studies and assess student needs in order to find the most effective study methods to ensure the highest grades. It is proven that the most effective study method is retrieving the information out of the brain, instead of putting information into the brain. Spitzer et al. (1939) found that students who did one extra practice test scored about 10-15% better on their exam that students who did not. A more recent study from Butler et al. (2010) suggest an even bigger difference, with an estimated 30%. Hence, practice is key. Karpicke & Blunt (2011) takes this idea one step further and found that a group of students who read a topic four times scored less than students who practiced with the topic only once. Our tech team has created an ideal online environment where our teaching methods can flourish. Every course given by AthenaStudies is interactive and includes a lot of exam level practice material. It gives the students the opportunity to practice during the course and think for themselves. With every course, a summary of the full exam curriculum is provided and sent to the home address of the students. References: Butler, A. C. (2010). Repeated testing produces superior transfer of learning relative to repeated studying. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36(5), 1118. Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Marsh, E. J., Nathan, M. J., & Willingham, D. T. (2013). Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58. Karpicke, J. D., & Blunt, J. R. (2011). Retrieval practice produces more learning than elaborative studying with concept mapping. Science, 331(6018), 772-775. Spitzer, H. F. (1939). Studies in retention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 30(9), 641.



I started yoga reluctantly in my late 30s after being told I had High Blood Pressure. Rather than go on medication Sue suggested I try Yoga which might help me relax.I signed up to a local class and the first thing I noticed was I was the only guy in the room so I just hid at the back. The course was for 8 weeks so I needed some form of proof it was doing something positive so I set myself the target of being able to touch my toes from a standing position. I had never been able to do this so I thought this would be a good measure. Every week I tried to force myself to reach my toes and each time I only got midway past my shins. Then in week seven as I tried again (and failed) the teacher came over to me and said ‘You are trying too hard – try easier”. Try easier? What’s that? My whole life had been about trying harder. So I thought what the hell and bent over and basically tried not to touch my toes. As I did this not only did my fingers reach my toes but the palms of hands landed gently on the floor next to feet.I was amazed but there was more than this going on. I was at the time in charge of over 400 members of staff and they had started to see a change in me. Instead of talking at 100mph when they came to see me (because they knew I would interrupt them before they had finished), I was listening and being more aware. At my next check-up at the Doctors, my BP has also dropped and my knees were not hurting either. So I was hooked and within a couple of years trained to be a Yoga Teacher to try and encourage more men to take it up. When I moved to Cornwall I ran Yoga Weekends for over 10 years alongside my Digital Marketing Agency. I taught 1000s of students from around the world, some of whom went on to be teachers themselves. Eventually, I started to feel under pressure again as my main business continued to grow. I tried using other teachers and although successful the market was changing so I wound the teaching side of the yoga business in 2014. I continued to practice yoga at home but as work got busier it started to fall away. Then in 2016 following a couple of health scares (including Tinnitus- read my success story here), I would go days and then weeks without practising. This carried on for a while and I started to notice that some yoga postures I used to be able to do easily were become hard to do or just not possible. I thought as I approached my 60s this was probably a natural sign of ageing. However, in 2018 as my ‘Walk to Work’ started to pay dividends to my health I decided to revisit yoga. This time I would go back to basics and just accept what I could do and feel my way into postures without forcing. I basically left my ego at the door. So I started a daily practice of about 45 mins, followed by a 20min meditation practice. I have kept to this ever since. Perhaps it is muscle memory or just letting go of where I thought I should be but all those postures that I thought were out of reach all came back one by one.

British Home Tutors

british home tutors

WHO WE ARE British Home Tutors (BHT) is a collegiate group of around 60 school teachers who work or have worked at independent schools in the London area such as Westminster, St Paul’s, Latymer, Eton, Harrow, UCS, Highgate, Bute House and other top performing English private schools. We are a small organisation who have been operating in central London for almost 20 years. Our intention is to remain small so that we can retain strong quality control over what we provide. This means that at certain times of the academic year, demand exceeds supply for our services. Our unique selling point is the fact that we are classroom teachers who provide home tuition in our spare time e.g. evenings after school, at weekends and during the holidays. BHT is the only tutor organisation in the UK with this classroom teacher emphasis. Pupils and teachers generally get in touch with us by word-of-mouth. Families who use us refer us to their friends. Teachers at these top schools also refer pupils to us. We do not advertise although we are highly recommended by the Good Schools Guide. This is an independent recommendation and no payment is involved. We are professional, collegiate and friendly but our ethos is not one of a highly commercial organisation as such. We can help your child with their study skills, exam technique and revision skills. Our tutors help to reinforce and consolidate what your child is learning at school, giving them the confidence to thrive. We are teachers first and foremost and are interested in receiving applications from top teachers with classroom experience only.