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At Havva Yoga our practice space is dedicated for our students to meet and share positive energy, to grow as we all begin to have a more open mind, body and soul. Anyone can practice Yoga, at any age and any body type. You do not have to be flexible to practice Yoga; you practice Yoga to become flexible. We practice Yoga to open our mind, heart and spirit. To live in the present moment may at times seem difficult, but with guidance you will soon learn to love yourself just as you are, here and now. Yoga will teach you to be true to yourself, without judgment, to accept and to embrace the world, as it is, beautiful and serene. It is a lifelong odyssey, if you dedicate and trust in your practice it will guide you on your blossoming journey. There is no rush with Yoga; keep the mind steady and you will reveal the amazing benefits. Here are just a few; Increase in core strength, flexibility and balance. Weight loss, strengthens muscles, cleanses and tones the body, mind and senses. Helps to relieve stress and clears the mind. Aids concentration, focus and memory. Creates inner peace and calmness. Improved immunity. Brings the mind to the present moment, content, focused and better able to deal with sensitive matters. Increased energy. Detox and purify the mind, body and spirit. Better sleep. There are many, many more positive benefits of Yoga. Once you open up the blissful gates of Yoga you will become strong and powerful in body, mind and spirit. As you dedicate yourself to your practice you will soon discover the positive effects Yoga has on yourself, your life and on those around you.

Blossom Therapies

blossom therapies



Jade is the owner of Blossom Therapies, a holistic practice offering several healing modalities: Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Reiki / Intuitive energy healing, and Light Language (like sound healing but with her voice and hands as the instrument, the multi-dimensional channelled sounds going directly where needed in your body and soul). Everything offered was discovered in her personal journey of growth and transformation, and is shared with others in order to help them on their journey. Jade has also worked in the NHS for over 10 years, currently part-time as a staff counsellor, using her knowledge and experience to combine the best from both of these worlds - clinical and spiritual - to deliver the optimum outcome for each client. She offers tailored packages of care for individuals and also runs regular wellbeing workshops for groups using a mixture of education, self-reflection through journaling and reiki infused hypnotherapy and guided meditations. Her goal is to help people blossom into their happier healthier selves, to feel empowered, recognising the lessons in their life and turn them into blessings. To consciously connect to their inner light and resources, which then gifts the world around us as it shines brighter. Part of her overall mission is to help the world raise its vibration, to be full of love, unity and peace. A world where you can be more calm, more confident in yourself and more consciously connected to your loved ones and the Universe.