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I am often asked what my style of yoga is. I find this really difficult to answer. I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), but I attend a lot of yoga days and weekends with various teachers, many from the Satyananda tradition. In May 2014 I started the Satyananda Integration Teachers Course. Satyananda yoga is traditional yoga, looking after the whole person; giving us tools to help with the busy lives we all lead. It includes all the asanas, the breath work, meditation, mantra and chanting, and it is where the practice of Yoga Nidra originated. Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation – and we all need a bit of that! I love being out in the garden or walking. Being in touch with all of my sense. I have a deep love of nature and often weave that into some lesson plans! The scope of yoga is vast and I rule nothing out – but I only share what I have tried and think others will find beneficial or interesting. My suggestion is to come along for a couple of sessions, and if you like my way of teaching fantastic. If not I can try and help you find someone more suitbale for you. We all have different needs at different times. I have been teaching weekly classes since April 2010; weekend retreats since December 2012; and in 2014 I started running regular monthly workshops – allowing a little extra time to focus on different elements of yoga. When you practise yoga you are working with the mind, the body and the breath. In Hatha Yoga (‘Ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon), we are working to balance the solar and lunar – the yin and yang – energies in the body, mind and spirit. It really does not matter what other name you give your practice, as long as you are practicing with awareness, being here and now – and really importantly, accepting and appreciating what you have now. I am often told that ‘I cannot do yoga as I am so inflexible’. My response is always ‘if you are breathing you can do yoga – in fact you already are doing yoga’! By practising the asanas (postures) you become more flexible, but yoga is so much more than just the asanas, it helps you breathe properly, it helps you relax, we learn to meditate to help find that peace within…I could make a huge list! Please give yoga a try. It really can make a difference to how you feel and how you cope with the stresses and strains of our Western society.

Water Babies at Dalkeith Schools

water babies at dalkeith schools


Build their strength quicker Swimming strengthens your little one's heart and lungs, as well as their arm, leg and neck muscles. All this helps with their coordination and balance. It even aids a healthy appetite and improves their sleeping pattern. Enhance the bond between you Enhance the bond between you Focused time in the water builds the bond between you and your baby, through skin-to-skin and eye contact. Swimming gives you that time to really connect, away from the demands of daily life. Teach them water safety Teach them water safety There's nothing more important than your child's safety. Teaching them vital safety skills from the get-go prevents them from developing a fear of the water later and gives them the knowledge to keep themselves safe, wherever they are. Give them life confidence Give them life confidence When your little one grasps a new skill, this sense of achievement gives them the confidence to try new things. So you'll soon see them flourish in and out of the water. Develop their social skills Develop their social skills The pool is the ideal place for your little one to develop their social interaction as they play with other babies in the class. It's also a brilliant way for you to meet other like-minded parents too! Accelerate their learning ability Accelerate their learning ability All the movements that your little one learns in the water strengthen those brain connections. Research has shown that the time your baby spends swimming can put them months ahead with mathematical reasoning and reading.