1094 Educators providing Teacher Training courses delivered Online




Universal Yoga started in 2004 when Charlotta completed her Teacher Training Certificate and moved into the village, initially we ran classes at the Conygre Hall and the Congregational Church Halls in Timsbury, only in 2008 did we get a space of our own at Red Hill, soon outgrown, we decided to move to Dunkerton Hall, a beautiful little parish hall which we get to have all to ourselves. Universal Yoga, as the name implies is a centre for everyone, young and old, pregnant and babies. We are all from the Sivananda lineage and we strongly believe in the yoga of synthesis, meaning that each class should be a combination of postures, relaxation, breathing exercises and sometimes meditation. Both Charlotta and Becky are Senior Yoga Teachers and as such, run a Teacher Training course every year. We believe that nothing should stand between you and your yoga class, so if there are any financial concerns, please get in-touch to see if we can help in some way. Yoga means union, union of body and mind, union of you and me and union of us all with the planet. With these kind of connections deeply rooted in our minds and hearts, we become kinder and more compassionate people with a focus on wellbeing for all. Welcome. Charlotta and the team All our face-to-face weekends are held at Dunkerton Parish Hall, The Hollow, Dunkerton, Bath BA2 8BG This section of the site is to provide some more information about the centre, about yoga, about the teachers and for information you may want and we haven’t thought of yet. So if you do have questions or if there are topics we haven’t covered please email us on info@universalyoga.com

Edinburgh Alexander Training School

edinburgh alexander training school



If you undertake the full course you will be trained in all aspects needed to become a competent, confident, thoughtful and considerate Alexander teacher, and you will gain a life-transforming professional qualification. Whichever course you choose, we want to provide the best Alexander training possible – enabling you to deepen your Alexander understanding and skills to enrich your life and find greater resilience, poise and joy. You are likely to enjoy some profound mind-body (physical, mental and emotional) changes during the training as you begin to embody Alexander principles and skills. You will benefit from working in a small group setting with a highly skilled training team and a low student-to-trainer ratio (usually around 3-to-1 and never more than than 5-to-1). At EATS our ethos is: Wordle describing EATS culture Supportive: creating an encouraging and affirmative environment for learning through collaborative exploration Enquiring: discussion and critical thinking an essential core of the training, facilitated through the course structure Comprehensive: covering all aspects needed to produce a successful Alexander teacher additional to the core Alexander hands-on skills and understanding – including different learning and teaching styles; setting up a business and marketing skills Fun: exploratory and playful approach to teaching and learning Empowering: within a solid teaching framework, students are encouraged to develop their own understanding, styles and approaches Transformative and life enhancing: ask any Alexander teacher about their training and they’ll tell you what a huge positive impact it has had on their life Collaborative: based on feminist principles of inclusivity, mutual respect and collective, as well as personal, responsibility Diverse and inclusive: EATS thrives on a diversity of individual perspectives and contributions to the collective learning space. We seek an inclusive approach, welcoming students and teachers from different backgrounds and life experiences, encompassing (but not limited to) race, class, gender identity, sexuality, age, mental and physical health, pregnancy and carer role Wide ranging and rich: many different teaching styles and perspectives come from a diverse training team that includes senior visiting teachers from throughout the UK Outward looking: engaging with other disciplines where relevant, for example, neuroscience, myofascial integration, biomechanics, other mindful movement-based practices, and trauma therapies Principle and evidence based: teaching based on the fundamental principles of the Alexander Technique supported by the available research, as well as anatomy and physiology Openness and inquisitiveness: non-mainstream ideas and influences will be explored wherever this can contribute to understanding Rigorous: robust, standardised assessment method for certification. On an ongoing basis, students will be required to actively engage and commit to their own development (on a practical level this includes projects being completed and any missed time made up) Professional: In addition to ‘learning by osmosis’ from the professional culture of the course, there will be specific training around codes of conduct, CNHC, running a practice etc. Students are encouraged to think widely about what they can contribute during and after the training – to STAT and to the wider profession of Alexander teaching Continuous and Ongoing: graduates are encouraged to continue to visit the school on a regular basis to gain experience as a teacher until they feel sufficiently established. A mentoring system provides each graduate with an experienced teacher who they can call on for ongoing advice and support.

Yoga with Steph - Ayrshire

yoga with steph - ayrshire


My name is Steph. I’m delighted you’ve found your way here to my website. So here it goes, a little about me and how I discovered this magic thing called yoga… To be honest, yoga wasn’t something I had given much thought to before I happened to find myself in the middle of a yoga class. After years of inactivity and sitting in an office chair staring at a computer nine to five, I remember how challenging my first class was. I had no idea what to expect, what I was doing or even why I was there. But, something about it brought me back the next week, and the next, and the next… Simply showing up changed everything! Do yoga with Steph at Three Towns Yoga Yoga was an unexpected discovery that took me completely by surprise. With each practice, it gradually became more and more a part of my life. My yoga practice helps me know myself better and helps keep me present and grounded as I continually search for balance in my life. Teaching and sharing what I’ve discovered about yoga so far is a real privilege and I’m dedicated to learning more so I can share it with you. I’ve been able to practise and learn with many wonderful teachers who have helped me discover more about this amazing practice. I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training qualification with CYS Glasgow at Merchant City Yoga. I’ve studied with Bernie Clark, completing a further 50 hour Yin Yoga teacher training course. I practise regularly under the expert eye of my teacher Judi Farrell at Merchant City Yoga and assist her in the ‘Mysore’ room. I’ve also practised and learned with a host of amazing teachers including Rose Ann McKean, Siobhan Fitzgerald, David Keil, Scott Johnson, David Robson, Peg Mulqueen, Jacinta McBurnley, Taylor Hunt and James Boag. In teaching and sharing yoga, I hope to open the door to possibility, discovery and change for others with the same care and compassion as it was opened for me.