638 Educators providing Tai Chi courses delivered Online

Tai Chi and Meditation Centre

tai chi and meditation centre

The Founder of the Tai Chi and Meditation Centre is Shifu Andy James (Wu Andao), who in 1984 gave up a career as a chartered accountant to teach fulltime. Shifu James was trained as a teacher of Insight Meditation (Vipassana) by the renowned Thai meditation master and author, Dhiravamsa. His first and main teacher in the Internal Martial Arts of Taijiquan, Baguazhang and Xingyiquan was Miss Rose Li ( see Lineage) Shifu James has studied medical and martial under Professor Jerry Alan Johnson and is a qualified Medical Qigong Therapist. He is also a Zen Shiatsu therapist. He is a member of the Forge Guild, an international association of trans-traditional spiritual leaders and teachers. Andy James is the author of The Conscious I: Clarity and Direction through Meditation, Ageless Wisdom Spirituality: Investing in Human Evolution and The Spiritual Legacy of the Shaolin Temple: Buddhism, Daoism and the Energetic Arts. Served as president of the Canadian Practitioners' Association of Asian Medicine and the Canadian branch of the Wudang Internal Martial Arts Association, vice-president of the Canadian Taijiquan Federation and director of the Canadian Kuo Shu (Martial Arts) Association. He was a member of the Canadian masters' demonstration team at the World Wu Shu Championships. Andy has been a passionate, interesting guest as well as a sensitive interviewer. He is now retired from the Tai Chi and Meditation Centre and offers his teachings at his retreat centre, Harmony Dawn. Although his time is limited, he does schedule media time throughout the year. For more information on how to request an interview with or by Andy, please write or email Andy.

Chennai Taichi

chennai taichi


Tai Chi looks like a strange slow motion exercise which is a well choreographed active mind-body exercise practiced in a precise order. It was created-designed as a beautiful soft form of internal martial art and has been accepted and practiced worldwide as an effective relaxation exercise therapy. Tai Chi is one of the most fascinating exercises you can possibly do which increases flexibility, strengthens the legs and loosens the hips, increases spinal flexibility, enhances breathing, stimulates the immune system and offers relaxation at the same time, helping even the most tensed person an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate their body. It’s quiet and concentrated movements help regain mental peace and emotional balance by changing people’s life to the best. Tai Chi is one the most positive life enhancing experiences which can be perfect for any age and can be wonderfully non-competitive that all ages and skill levels can benefit. As you practice Tai Chi daily-slowly you begin to see yourself changing in everyday behavior. It controls and clears unnecessary thoughts and helps us gain control over our emotions. Your focus starts to change and start respecting business ethics and the way you interact with others changes. A sense of closeness develops with everyone you meet. The changes which happen inside us are reflected by our behavior on the outside. Any problem will no longer be viewed that way. You approach your problems with an open mind. You naturally develop into who you really are. Benefits of Tai Chi during learning are patience, acceptance of things as they are, increase in physical, emotional, mental awareness and greater insight. We are immersed in a life style attitude that would stress the immune system, mainly as overwork or a hectic lifestyle schedule, indulging in risky behavior, relationships against our self-esteem. Remember stress can also come from a fragile sense of self worth, feeling powerless against multiple pressures. Tai Chi offers you a lot, much more than one can possibly achieve in a life time. It changes people’s life to the best. Makes us aware of our emotional state and can change it any moment thus keeping our mind clear and focused. If you feel that you need a change - Tai Chi will do it for you. It will give you the ability to realize and explore yourself much deeper.