654 Educators providing Surveying courses

Dame Allans Schools

dame allans schools

Newcastle upon Tyne

Choosing the right school for a child is something that I know parents spend much time and thought on - and rightly so. If you were to ask our parents why they chose Dame Allan’s they would tell you that the children here are positive and outgoing, at ease with themselves and each other, yet excited and enthused by the opportunities ahead of them. By the time they leave school, you will want your child to have grown into a confident young adult with an awareness of their potential and the drive to turn their ambitions into reality. So the question is: what kind of school will help them along that path? It should be a school which introduces them to inspiring thoughts and experiences; a school where they feel known and valued; one which challenges them to risk new ideas and helps them when they need it. If they leave school having learned to break through self-imposed limits, to value the experiences of others, to persevere when the going gets tough, then we all have done our job, as parents and teachers. Dame Allan’s succeeds in combining academic excellence with a wealth of co-curricular opportunities, all underpinned by a deep commitment to the individual needs and interests of each child. You’ll find lots on our website about what we do. You can read about our diamond structure, our ethos and heritage, and see the activities and successes our pupils enjoy. And if you want to know whether Dame Allan’s is the right school for your child then the best way to find out is to make a visit and see for yourself.

Belfast Met

belfast met



Belfast Met is the largest Further and Higher Education College in Northern Ireland and one of the largest in the UK. We have developed a dynamic new curriculum which mirrors the priority growth areas identified for Northern Ireland as this is where future jobs will be created. Through our partnerships with industry, we constantly adapt our curriculum to meet the skill demands of our economy. We provide a unique breadth of education and training at every level and have designed a portfolio of courses to address a variety of skill needs – from apprenticeship and Level 1 courses, to those undertaking degrees and post-graduate study. Coupled with this is our commitment to ensuring that our students have access to opportunities which will enhance their employability and job-ready skills. Our focus for the future is to support the development of Belfast by providing education, training and skills development to enhance individual, community and economic prosperity. Over the next three years we will sustain and improve our responsiveness to learners, employers and communities. The College has already built an excellent reputation with employers for offering relevant, high quality learning. We will build on this by focusing on developing long-term mutually beneficial partnerships and becoming recognised as an expert in key and emerging growth areas. Working in partnership, we will increase participation, progression, attainment and skill levels of all our students.