258 Educators providing Spirituality courses

Vanisha Mistry

vanisha mistry


My name is Vanisha Mistry. I am a Performer, Vocal Improv Artist, Songwriter and Expression Coach. I work with Sound and Energy Healing and share my talents in the Creative Arts. I strive to work in a way that creates a bridge between the modern day mainstream and the more alternative worlds. I have always been a creative. And since a young age I have had a deep connection with nature and the wider sense of the world. In recent years I have come to discover the deep connection between art and spirituality, and the crossover between these worlds. I take inspiration from the ancient practise of Shamanism, which draw great wisdom from the energies of the earth and embodied practises; in our modern day much of this medicine is lost. However the Arts, whether dance, music or painting, do touch on this deeper connection to something beyond ourselves, and I believe this need for artistic Self-Expression is in-fact a tapping into this ancient medicine and a grand creative force - That which makes our reality exist. In all my work I strive to uncover this deep creative essence in each individual. I am professionally trained as a Landscape Architect, qualifying in 2015. My work in this profession didn't sit with me and my mental health took a hit, as is common with many office based Creatives. After this, I promised myself that I would not submit myself to mindless work, but discover a truly sustainable way of living. After several years of travel, exploration and studies, I have now transitioned into the practise of Sound Therapy and Vocal Coaching. My travels took me through Europe, to the Spanish Canary Islands, Australia, South East Asia and India. In each of these places I found that it was the Music and the Natural environment that brought me alive, however my background in Music was little to none. In 2017 a knee injury took me away from dancing and into the path of singing. From close to no experience, I quickly found this my natural talent. I was on stage performing within 1 year and improvising live sets with various artists after 2 years. My exploration of Yoga and Sound Healing developed profoundly in India where I finally understood the link between sound vibration and the body and was able to apply it myself to my own healing practise. This long journey has lead me to Today, where I am a Singer/Song-writer, Vocal Empowerment Coach, Sound Healer and Performer. I am currently studying Music Therapy to be certified as a recognised Music Therapist. Life has transformed quickly because I followed my true voice and my deeper creative calling. Now, I strive to share this process with as many people as possible; and unlocking the power of the voice is the first step to this freedom. I am on a mission now to spread this work further, and to build creative communities; this means working with more people, further a field. I aim to connect wider networks to work intuitively with energy of the body, engaging the Voice, Breath and Movement so that more of us can sit truly in our most authentic Self-Expression. I am a firm believer in joyful practises paving the way towards a more sustainable, meaningful and wholesome way of living - and together we will create a more meaningful, fair and joyful world.

Edinburgh School of Icon Painting

edinburgh school of icon painting



Our school supports students in developing creative confidence and finding courage through a range of icon painting courses and workshops open to students at all levels. Edinburgh School of Icon Painting was founded in September 2013. It is a small school based in the artist hub St. Margaret's House. The school mission is to teach icon painting (writing) to people of all different backgrounds but at the same time maintaining the ethos and essence of it's spirituality. Introducing this unique form of art to students of the school I introduce a way of practising art which is different the other forms of art and it is said to be more then just art. Students learn egg tempera technique which has been used in art for centuries and it is one of the most lasting painting techniques. There are still reasonably well preserved icons from VI Century. Egg tempera involves preparing own paints using egg yolk and dry pigments. Through the whole process of work we try to limit synthetic materials. Using organic materials helps to develop a connection with nature and in consequence with the Divine. Basia Mindewicz - founder and teacher. Born in 1978. Graduated from The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, MA and College of Iconography (Policealne Studium Ikonograficzne) in Bielsk Podlaski in 2008. She has been working for a major icon painting workshops in Poland. Organized many private workshops and residential courses. Workshops in Poland: Droga Ikony (The way of Icon) http://www.drogaikony.org.pl/ [http://www.drogaikony.org.pl/?fbclid=IwAR0vxEIaxHte2QXz6qYTpzSSsg7vkGnHYASE20fJ4TUGdSALp6bSQP9rSwI] Studium Chrzescijanskiego Wschodu (School of Eastern Christianity) Workshops organized or co-organized by other organizations in UK Retreat at Craig Lodge Family House of Prayer, may 2015. 3 day workshop at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, march 2016 ''Art of Icon. Art of life'' retreat at Hacienda Los Olivos in Spain, may 2016. http://www.haciendalosolivos.org/ [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.haciendalosolivos.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1ul4kqR27pAvXcHaukwpsKVrW-JJdAzvgkwjiF0NmvYDuvYZXBIDHXzKQ&h=AT1Gv3F-ik-nJGhloFQUo3EmqZYW-hcRuWmEr19K-OdZgjxx-Mf1q6VR-uoDwvYXrCf3FeAWDnFf8OjtEf4AQmBFIwC2kZ9P13eXX7ukZqSRYFTS7BLmYlg8o-U-yXTfUw] Member of British Association of Iconographers. She has taken part in many group exhibitions in Poland and Scotland. She curated few. Most important shows: "Icon Today" Contemporary Icon (Ikona Dzis, Wystawa Ikon Wspolczesnych), Exhibition was a part of the Conference under the same title 6.06-31.07.2008 at the Monastery of Dominicans in Warsaw, Poland "Oblicza Ikony" Ukrainian and Polish Contemporary Icon, The Museum Of South Podlasie in Biala Podlaska, Poland, 11.09-30.11.2011 ''The Sacred Face'', March 2014, as a part of MESP Festival. Edinburgh. Curated. ''Doorways to the Divine'', January 2015. St. Margaret's House. Edinburgh. Curated. ''Artist as a Seer in a quantum age'', march 2015. MESP Festival. Summer Hall. Edinburgh. Curated.