367 Educators providing Speech courses delivered Online

St Rose's Special School

st rose's special school


The inspiring courage of the Dominican Sisters of St Rose Convent in Stroud, led them to found St Rose’s in 1912. Their foundations established the ethos for St Rose’s and St Martin’s today: the happy, family-atmosphere where children and students are challenged to develop and achieve their potential. Set in beautiful grounds within walking distance to the centre of Stroud we offer a nurturing and social environment for students to develop their independence. We provide education, therapy and day and residential care for children and students aged 2 to 25, with a wide range of disabilities, including Autism. In our nursery we have mainstream children, as well as children with disabilities. Many of our students have physical disabilities, as well as sensory, learning and communication difficulties; some also have complex health needs. Parents and carers trust us implicitly. Our very individual and flexible approach means we can easily adapt the programme for each student. As their needs and aspirations change and they develop, we offer new opportunities to support their personal growth and independence. Our integrated team of dedicated and specialist staff makes this possible. As well as specialist teaching staff, we have our own therapeutic staff on site, offering a range of therapies, including physio, speech and language, occupational, aquatic, massage and music. We have our own hydrotherapy pool. We also offer specialist medical support, 24 hours a day. Our staff are truly exceptional, and the trust we build with families is very strong. We also provide individual programmes through strong links with mainstream schools and FE colleges, so students can specialise and flourish where their aspirations lie. Fun and achievement exist side-by-side and we celebrate success in many ways. Students enjoy many social occasions and events held at St Rose’s and St Martin’s and at outside venues. We offer many extra-curricular activities including sports, clubs and educational visits. We welcome questions and visitors at any time.

The Island Project

the island project


The Island Project School was set up to provide a school for children and young people with autism. It was founded by parents whose children had previously been taught at home using Applied Behaviour Analysis ("ABA"). Without functional communication, adults with autism can be isolated from their family, community and even carers. Without clear and early intervention, children and young people may grow into adults with no communication or independence skills meaning that they become the most dependent, and sadly most vulnerable group whilst needing the largest amount of support. If, as a school, we can give young people a means of communication plus independence skills, we can give them a better quality of life, whilst reducing their long term dependence upon their community. Unfortunately, whilst Local Authorities have a legal obligation to provide appropriate education for all children, they do not have the space, funding, or expertise to provide appropriate education for all pupils, particularly those with complex communication needs and associated difficulties, or for those who have ABA on their EHC Plans In the West Midlands, there were no ABA schools when the Island Project was founded, and this remains largely the case. The School was founded using the principles of ABA, and the Pyramid Approach to Education which gives pupils an effective means of communication using the Picture Exchange System. The School recognises that having an effective means of communication, putting in place strategies around managing sensory difficulties, and the development of independence skills are key to enabling children and young people to successfully access education and a better quality of life in the future. In recognition of this, all pupils at the School have input from a Multi Disciplinary Team which includes Behaviour Analysts, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists specialising in Sensory Integration. The School originated with three pupils in a small unit in Balsall Common. The Schoo was founded as a charity, and within a few years, had outgrown its original building and moved to new premises at Diddington Hall in Meriden.

Alliance Francaise De Londres

alliance francaise de londres


The Alliance Française de Londres is an educational charity dedicated to teaching the French language. Our native French teachers are fully qualified and committed to providing a high standard of tuition that takes you through a structured syllabus from beginner to fluent. In 1987 the Alliance moved to its permanent home at 1 Dorset Square, NW1, where we have air-conditioned classrooms and a library, all equipped with interactive white boards. The Alliance Française de Londres gives you a truly authentic French experience, the next best thing to actually going to a French-speaking country. We are all here because we want to be. We love teaching and we love London and the great variety of people living or working here or just passing through. We are committed and enthusiastic sharers of French language and culture and we welcome everyone. As an apolitical and non-denominational organisation the AllianceFrançaise de Londres was a pioneer in multicultural teaching. We are truly broad-based and inclusive. The Alliance Française de Londres has a long and distinguished history. Our roots go back to 1884 and the London Alliance Française took over rallying the network during the second World War when the Paris Alliance was closed down. For a glimpse of our history retrouvée see AFL down the years. Our building housed a sectionm of SOE during the second world war and some scenes in this film Les Anglais dans la Résistance with Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac were shot at 1 Dorset Square (and it was in what is now our classroom 01 that he was handed his revolver and cyanide capsule). There is no better summary of where we come from than « Nous avons, une fois pour toutes, tiré cette conclusion que c’est par de libres rapports spirituels et moraux, établis entre nous-mêmes et les autres, que notre influence culturelle peut s’étendre à l’avantage de tous et qu’inversement peut s’accroître ce que nous valons. Organiser ces rapports, telle fut la raison de naître, telle est la raison de vivre, telle sera la raison de poursuivre de l’Alliance française. » Charles de Gaulle (from his speech in Algiers on 30th October 1943 for the 60th anniversary of the Alliance Française movement)

The Public Speaking Course

the public speaking course



Everyone has a right to speak and that includes you. Clear, concise communication is important and will help you to get your message across, whether that be in a work environment or in a personal capicity. Most people are not natural communicators or born public speakers. The vast majority of people are self-conscious, fearful and nervous about speaking in public. The "little voice" in their head is constantly over-thinking: "What will he/she/they think of me? What if I go blank and forget what I am saying? What will happen if I make a mistake?" Think about your own situation for a moment. How do you feel when you are asked – or told – to speak in public? Quite likely your initial physical reaction is something along the lines of a dry throat, racing heart, sweaty palms, scared, petrified, palpitations, paralysed and in extreme cases you may even feel short of breath, become dizzy or go in to a full-blown panic attack. Does any of that sound and feel familiar? Don’t panic, you are not alone. This happens a lot to people who have a built-in fear of standing up in front of other people and presenting an idea, making a pitch, delivering a speech or going for that all-important job interview. It’s a natural reaction, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our One-Day Public Speaking Course is designed to help you deal with your fear and will teach you to stand up with confidence and speak from a position of genuine, ease and poise. Our techniques are simple, effective and extremely powerful. The course is designed to help you escape from the prison of your own mind – from your constant over-thinking and fearful disposition; for you to be able to enjoy the benefits of communicating concisely, fluently, passionately and, most importantly, to get your message across in the best-possible way. The skills you will learn go far beyond public speaking. You will be able to use the tools to help you deal with many of life’s challenges. They will give you an inner confidence that you may not have had before and allow you to be yourself – whoever that turns out to be. That free-floating fear you feel is nothing more than a bully and is, in all likelihood, holding you back from your full potential. Once confronted, it will melt away leaving you free to enjoy the life and the success you deserve. The incessant and always-present "little voice" of fear will tell you that people will laugh at you; that you're not good enough; that you're not worthy enough; that you don’t deserve to be there, that your speech will be a disaster and that you will be fully exposed for what you truly are – a fraud! It will tell you that you cannot cope; that you have not prepared enough; that you don't know what you're talking about and that nobody is interested in what you have to say anyway. Fear tells you that both you and your topic are boring and not worth listening to. As a result, fear holds you back, blocks your path to success and prevents you achieving your goals in both your career and in life generally. Fear is a bully and like most bullies when confronted, its threat disappears leaving you free to enjoy life. You just need the right strategies, techniques and encouragement to overcome it. The good news is that there is a solution. This One-Day Public Speaking Course will help you break through the fear and allow you to stand up and be heard. We have worked with people from all professions, backgrounds, walks of life and from all over the world; from graduates just starting out, to CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs and PR consultants; from doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, to politicians (known and unknown), psychiatrists, psychotherapists and counsellors. So, whoever you are and whatever you do, if you have a fear of standing up and speaking in front of people, now is the time to deal with it – not tomorrow – now. By the end of the One-Day Public Speaking Course you will have both the skills and the confidence to stand up in front of any number of people and present. And that also includes being able to present on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype and other online platforms.

The Muddy Puddle Teacher

the muddy puddle teacher


What is different about our outdoor learning training from others is that it has been created by teachers specifically for schools and nurseries. Plus, we have developed a specific approach to help make the teaching of outdoor learning easy for the practitioner but also to help with the quality of our sessions and to ensure we are out there for a reason. The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach is a much-loved teaching method created by teachers to better support vulnerable learners. Including those children who struggle to meet average age expectations, neurodivergent children and those with varying learner types who typically do not flourish from an indoor environment and indoor methods. The approach is worksheet-free, book free and uses active, playful methods to engage children in academic areas of learning. The resources and training provide lessons for all curriculum areas, including maths and English and support the EYFS, NC, Curriculum for Excellence and Welsch Curriculum. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question The method involves teaching the curriculum using the outside to allow space, freedom for movement, collaboration, rich speech and language opportunities, and time for play. This is alongside only using natural materials to teach with. This creates an environment of learning that has enhanced creativity, cross-curricula links, and sensory experiences and is entirely sustainable and caring to the outside space. Children who this approach can have profound benefits from: Neurodivergent children, including autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Aspergers. Children of varying learner types who do not stereotypically learn from an inside environment and indoor methods. Including those will slow processing speeds. Lower ability or working towards children who thrive in active, collaborative and practical teaching methods. Obese or children with poor fine and gross motor skills. Children with SEMH – the outdoors has been proven to positively impact both the child and educators’ mental and physical well-being. Children with speech and language difficulties – our approach provides an open, non-judgmental space for children to express themselves and have more peer conversations. EAL – for children with additional languages, the outdoors can provide like-for-like opportunities so children can experiment with and use their own and new languages. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question What ages is this for? Typically from babies to age 11 years. However, we have Special needs schools up to secondary, inclusion units and secondary schools supporting those still at the primary level using our approach. Who can do the training? We have different pathways. One route for those in formal settings such as schools and nurseries such as early years educators, LSA’s and teachers. Another is for home settings such as childminders and home educators. There are different pathways for the different age ranges. If you educate all ages, then go down them all! FAQS: Are you like Forest Schools? We are NOT Forest School. We often get confused with Forest School, but we are entirely different. Many of our schools have Forest Schools and Muddy Teachers trained and use both approaches effectively. Forest School is holistic and encourages high risks to promote social and emotional well-being, such as tools and fire and typically is in a woodland area with prolonged amounts of time outside, such as a full day or entire afternoon. The Muddy Puddle Teacher is an Outdoor Learning Approach, essentially an extension of inside teaching and taking lessons outside. We typically use our school grounds and there are no set periods to stay there. It can be anything from 10 minutes to full days in the summer. What is involved in The Muddy Puddle Teacher Training? Individuals & International Schools Individuals and schools abroad typically take the online route and complete the training using an easy-to-use online format. It is very interactive with audiobooks and demonstration videos. It has four stages and each stage takes around 2 hours. There is no written work, just a questionnaire to ensure you get the most from us. You send that once complete and we send back a certificate and a unique MPT Code; a crest can also be requested. Whole Schools or Nurseries We offer 1-year mentorships to schools and nurseries. We have a 100% success rate with this method. 1 x Initial Meeting – Create a bespoke plan with us, just for you and your school. Initial talks will create aims and action plans with your allocated teacher-consultant. 1 INSET Day or 2 Twilight Training Sessions on the Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach 1 Year Subscription to all of our Resources and Additional Courses 4 x Additional Zoom Training Sessions per season to cover Q&A and offer additional support

London Longsword Academy

london longsword academy


Everyone is welcome to train, from beginners to expert martial artists, no matter what your age, gender or background may be. Here you will have the opportunity to study diverse medieval and Renaissance weapon styles, including longsword, sword and buckler, dussack, messer, rapier and dagger, in a safe, friendly and completely inclusive environment. LLA will help you find and exceed your limits, teaching you a martial art honed and made perfect through Europe’s many centuries of warfare. SIMPLE YET SOPHISTICATED Every technique shown is the simplest answer for the threat given, and the most effective way to attack and cover in one motion. What at first appears to be more complex, you will soon learn is the simplest way to deal with a more complex threat. POWERFUL BODY MECHANICS Applicable to most armed and unarmed martial arts. This art will teach you to fight using your entire body, maximising your power and honing your instinctive responses. LOGIC AND GEOMETRY At the LLA we use a simple four step training method. Each technique is based on logic and the demands of the situation, rather than clever or showy moves; it just happens that some techniques look damned good. The method breaks down each set of techniques into four steps, each student only progressing to the next part of the technique when they have mastered the first. This means that as a beginner you can train with more advanced practitioners straight away and never feel left behind, while allowing you to advance at your own pace. Variations in the four steps allow for overlaps and cross- referencing of responses and pressures, thus building your understanding and repertoire of combat simply and quickly. INCLUSIVITY AND DIVERSITY One thing we are at pains to point out at the LLA is the multi-cultural nature of these arts. Manuals such as I.33 & Paulus Hector Mair’s Fechbuch (amongst many others), show women and men, white and black training together and it is also known that several masters of these arts were Jewish. This diversity is part of our art and history; we feel it should be a proud part of its future. LLA has a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory behaviour or hate speech amongst its students, and aims to be a safe and welcoming space for all.