1590 Educators providing Singing courses delivered Online



Free yourself from unconcious habits and patterns which are no longer of use Through skilful and experienced 'hands on' and verbal direction, your body and mind are enabled to let go of attachment to habitual patterns of holding, tensing, tightening and shortening. This is replaced by a general freeing, easing, lengthening and expanding tendency in both body and mind. Regain, through consciousness, what we used to have, as small children, through innocence With balanced body and balanced mind (the one goes with the other) performance and pleasure in all our activities is enhanced. Perfect balance, poise and freedom of movement To find out more about the Alexander Technique, how it may help you and what happens in a lesson, please contact me or click here to visit the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) Look after your back and your back will look after you The Alexander Technique Can Help You to heal your back or other physical discomfort to regain freedom, poise, ease and elegance in movement and posture to improve performance and prevent injury in music, sport, drama, singing to enhance your public speaking and presentation skills to change the conditions that stop you enjoying a happy and healthy life The Art of Running Having undergone further specialised AT training and become an 'Art of Running' instructor I am able to help you * improve your running style * avoid injury * run further and faster * enjoy your running more A three session package is recommended. Video analysis is utilised to identify unhelpful habits and monitor progress over the 3 sessions. There will be general 'postural' work as well as specialised bespoke guidance to help you improve your particular running style. Please contact me for more information and booking and feel free to browse my website.




Whether it was singing karaoke, listening to audiobooks, or devising a radio station in his bedroom, Mark has always appreciated the power of the human voice. His love for radio started at a local level, in the glory-days of personality-based breakfast radio. That love affair was sparked at his city’s famous BRMB, but a succession of cost-cutting measures, takeovers, and technological advances would slowly snuff out that candle. Episode one Mark studied Media & Communication at Birmingham City University, specialising in Internet radio. He graduated the year the term “podcasting” was coined, but it would be a further four years before he’d pluck up the courage to pick up a mic and plug it into the Internet. But in 2008, the podcast bug finally bit, and Mark started what would be a 14+ year career helping people make podcasts, first in exchange for beer, and then for money. The little company with the robot fist for a logo In 2016 Mark founded the media hosting company Podiant, which took him to the British Podcast Awards, and saw him present at International Podcast Day in 2020. The product served millions of listeners across thousands of podcasts, and in 2021 Mark sold Podiant so he could focus on working more closely with individuals and small teams, to set them up for podcasting success from day one. From the ear to the brain to the heart Mark founded Origin in 2021 to help impact entrepreneurs build trust with their audiences, and catalyse change. He does this through a combination of consulting, training, coaching, and production. It centres around driving messages from the ear to the brain, where – through consistency and authenticity – they eventually land in listeners’ hearts.