563 Educators providing Self-Esteem courses delivered Online

Empower UK Employment Training

empower uk employment training



Welcome to Empower UK Employment Training, where your professional growth is our mission. We are a leading provider of bespoke education, offering tailored courses designed to meet the unique needs of every learner. Our team of skilled counsellors are dedicated to providing expert career guidance, helping you navigate your career path with confidence. WE WORK WITH LEADING INTERNATIONAL BRANDS AND BUSINESSES At Empower UK, we understand the importance of continuous professional development. That’s why our courses are designed to not only equip you with the skills you need today but also to foster your long-term career progression. Join us at Empower UK Employment Training and take the next step in your professional journey. WHY CHOOSE US? INTERACTIVE LEARNING SESSIONS AND COURSE PLANS One of the greatest advantages of joining Empower UK’s courses is the opportunity for knowledge acquisition and skill enhancement. Our courses are rich sources of industry-relevant information, perfect for those seeking to upskill. As your career guides, we understand your needs. CPD PROGRESSION Our courses are designed to aid you in your continuous professional development. EFFORTLESS ELEARNING EXPERIENCE Empower UK offers an engaging and informative platform for all learners, new and seasoned, delivering valuable content that will refine your skills. It’s an excellent way to build relationships with your peers, increase your knowledge, and create awareness of your professional potential. OPTIMISED FOR ANY DEVICE Our innovative learning platform is designed with your convenience in mind. Whether you're using a mobile, laptop, or tablet, you can access our courses anytime, anywhere. It's a strategic approach to learning, tailored to your goals and flexible to your lifestyle. AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT We believe in nurturing our learners, helping them to continually develop their skills and knowledge. ASK US ANY QUESTION This might seem straightforward, but we encourage our learners to ask questions anytime. This not only enriches your learning experience but also fosters a deeper connection with the Empower UK community. Dive into our engaging courses and start your journey towards career advancement today.

Bellavia Training & Consultancy

bellavia training & consultancy


As a young NQT eager to get into the classroom, I was so fortunate to land my first teaching role at a re-known South Leicestershire Primary School. My teaching style: Focus on what they 'can do' build self-esteem & resilience & deepen understanding. With this positive approach to children's learning I noticed that before long, their confidence to tackle the tasks they couldn't do grew, often with exceptional results. Although my heart always remained in the classroom, it wasn't long before I started moving into more Senior roles as I was keen to impact on whole school development. Passionate about getting the right learning to children when they are younger, I went on to become Head of Key Stage 1 & Literacy with a special interest in how phonics was taught. When you first qualify to become a teacher, interests you may have had then, often change. Always the creative at heart I often took learning away from the desk & into the hall as children re-enacted key periods in history/literacy texts through dance/drama/music. Not only did we cover the curriculum, but it also gave children who may have struggled in the classroom, the opportunity to shine through the arts. Recognising & nurturing children's talents in this way was so rewarding & boosted their confidence back in the classroom too. I went onto become Advanced skills teacher of performing arts. As well as working with my incredibly talented Deputy Head/Head of Music to develop our reputation in this area, I was also seconded to work in other schools in the county to develop that part of the curriculum for them too. I then diversified & became Head of Behaviour Management & Pupil Well-Being. I attending various seminars run by the incredibly inspirational Dr Bill Rogers (Behaviour Management Specialist who sketched his way through seminars rather than power-points!) His simple yet effective strategies changed the way we managed behaviour back in the classroom. As we know, children mis-behave for a reason. If we can get to the root of it, we can work together to find ways to de-escalate a situation before a child ultimately goes into crisis. Unsurprisingly, I developed an interest & connection with Team Teach, award-winning 'positive handling' training which helps staff support pupils with challenging behaviour.

Kiran Cymru

kiran cymru


KIRAN (also known as KIRAN Cymru) is committed to improving mental wellbeing of Black Asian Ethnic Minority people living in Wales. We particularly focus on people over 50 and young people. However, all of our activities are ‘open to all’, and we welcome everyone to participate. We currently have several projects to promote mental wellbeing. Please see below to learn about the projects and visit their respective websites. KIRAN Legal - Free Legal Help This is a pilot project by KIRAN Cymru. We help financially disadvantaged BAME members in Wales by offering free legal support (Benefits, Housing and employment) and interpretation/translation services in Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Sylheti, Punjabi and Gujrati. Please visit, kiranlegal.co.uk for more information. Friends in Need - Befriending Service This is a pilot project by KIRAN Cymru. Since March 2020, we have been helping BAME people in Cardiff with their day-to-day needs, i.e., grocery shopping. We also ring elderly community members regularly to keep in touch and overcome loneliness through our befriending service. Our ‘Friends in Need’ service helps BAME people in Wales to connect with other people and fight social isolation. Our Communities Our Strength - Wellbeing for BAME People This is a project by KIRAN Cymru. This project started in March 2021. We aim to combat the adverse effects of COVID 19 pandemic by creating regular and structured opportunities for BAME community members to connect with each other through virtual meet-ups, games, and cultural activities. We offer various opportunities for all BAME people in Wales to connect with other people in virtual social meet-ups, e.g., book clubs, bridge clubs, learning musical instruments, e.g., Piano and Tabla. There is also a community musical group for you to join. As a part of this project, we have started an English Online Magazine called Story Cloud. All community members are encouraged to take part in creative writing. KIRAN Cymru offers free guidance and training on ‘Creative Writing’. It is a beautiful skill and can improve the confidence and self-esteem of the writer. Please get in touch with us if you want to take part in creative writing. Story Cloud will publish the selected short stories, poetry and feature written by community members. Apart from the above, we offer other befriending services for local communities. Please contact us if you want to know more about our various community engagement services.

Wing Training

wing training


Wing Training delivers unique and bespoke course interventions for; Adult customers furthest from the workplace, adult clients with clear, identified and entrenched barriers, adult clients with a range of profound mental health and wellbeing issues, adult clients requiring support, both moving into, and in work. Wing Training adopts a highly specialised delivery approach utilising professional actor-teachers and 'Forum Theatre' techniques. It's mission is to ENABLE and INSPIRE client groups by facilitating a process of high level self-assessment and self-realisation, allowing those with a range of issues, barriers and health conditions move out of crisis and into meaningful recovery and progression. Alongside, Wing Training uses the highly acclaimed WEMWBS tool to measure improvement in mental health and improvement, and currently we can prove an average 16% increase per participant per programme. Since 2011, Wing Training has assisted over 6000 clients with wellbeing issues move successfully forward - partners including; People Plus, Ingeus, The Shaw Trust. Maximus, Acorn Training and two large FE colleges. Clients have regularly included; homeless people, ex-offenders, lone parents and those recovering from a variety of crisese. Of these, over 70 percent have moved into relevant and meaningful progression, and we can boast a 90 percent client improvement rate in a wide range of mental health related outcomes – notably; confidence, self-esteem, emotional well-being, social skills/interaction, motivation, focus, and positivity - proving levels of profound recovery. Similarly, when delivering the same resource to, specifically, harder to reach unemployed clients, we have assisted, globally, over 27 percent - of 3000 referrals - move into paid, full time work and 70 percent into other progressions (ie further training). Nearly all of these have been ‘Work and Health programme’ participants. Since April 2020, Wing Training has delivered completely digitally, but our business ambition is to move back to 'face to face' as soon as is possible to assist vulnerable clients struggling post-Covid. Funding allowing, all of our courses can be accredited to Level One and our learners achieve, either an Award, a Certificate or a Diploma in Personal and Social Development, with specialised IAG and Digital skills embedded. Wing Training is now operating all training on-line. Take a look at this video explanation of how Forum Theatre works, why it's successful with our clients, and some strong testimonies to our success.

Maya Dattani Kundalini Yoga

maya dattani kundalini yoga


Milton Keynes

Being different wasn’t easy for me. I grew up in a school and feared going in every day. I would get called names and my glasses would be thrown from person to person while I tried to catch them!! I was tall, I was skinny, and I didn’t have the same colour skin like them. I was in a predominantly white school, with only a handful of Asians and no Black people at all. I stuck out like a sore thumb!! I hated it!! I did whatever I could to try and fit in and blend into the crowd. There were many times where I cried myself to sleep. The wanting of belonging was heavy in my heart. As you can imagine this affected me growing up. Growing up I barely had a voice, or an opinion on anything. My self esteem was so low, I hated the way I looked, and most of all I hated being at the centre of attention. The years passed and I got married at the age of 22. I thought I had it all, a home, a husband and my beautiful little boy. I could put the past behind me. This all came crashing down when the relationship with my husband came to an end. I moved back in with my parents and went through 4 years of battling the court system over our young boy. I was made out to be an unfit mother who couldn’t be capable of looking after our son. I became really down, I mean really down!!….. I suffered from panic attacks and depression, and really hated myself, and my life. I remember one day driving my car and all of a sudden I had to pull over!! My eyes had become hazy and I couldn’t see properly, my breathing became shallow and my chest was hurting! I could feel the panic rising as I dialed my dad’s number to come and get me from the side of the road. I felt broken, completely shattered both mentally and physically. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and that I needed to be fixed! The day came, I remember it so clearly. I was in the kitchen after putting my son to bed. I was just about to take my depression medication and something inside of me just flipped, like a light switch. I could hear a voice in my head very clearly. This is not my life, this is not how I am supposed to live. I took action. I threw the pills in the bin, ( I don’t recommend this unless you speak with your GP) and said enough is enough, no one can change things for me, I have to do this myself! At that point I became determined to change my life around and I would do anything I needed to do to get myself better. That day I googled stress and panic attacks, and days that followed I read more and more. I could see I wasn’t the only one suffering. I started to see a glimmer of hope. I came across a Kundalini yoga DVD called Stress and Detox, the teacher had the same name as me, Maya, so I saw it as a sign that I needed to give this a go. I had tried yoga before but this was something so different on many levels. It was weird, she did some funny breathing and chanted words I didn’t understand but I kept an open mind and continued. I felt different, I felt better than I had done in ages. After practicing consistently for a few weeks I remember telling my friend I felt like I was drunk without the alcohol. I was getting high on life, and I was beginning to see a way out. This was my journey of how I found Kundalini Yoga. Over the years, I discovered I had a lot of health issues due to stress, I had no idea that stress could do this to my body. I thought stress was just all in the head. How wrong was I! My digestive system was way off track, I had become intolerant to so many foods. I suffered from severe lower back pain for years, where I had to take pain killers most nights. I also suffered with UTI’s pretty much every other week, and horrific migraine attacks where I would be bed bound at least 8 – 10 days a month, they were so painful and I was unable to function at all. As well as Kundalini yoga ( the yoga of awareness) I worked with Ayurvedic practices (an ancient health care tradition from India dating back over 5,000 years.) It’s where you work with your mind/ body type to bring yourself back into balance. I also practiced Mindfulness, and Art therapy. I found peace by being creative, it took my mind off the worry, it brought me joy to see the things I created, and I still love it now. I learnt to slow down my breathing and my overactive mind, and my body started to follow, relax and heal itself. All these practices and experiences of life have made me who I am today! I wouldn’t change it for anything now. I have learnt so much from these experiences and now I can help other people in similar situations. I know going through divorce was hard and at the time I couldn’t see an end. However, it gave me a new lease of life, a new sense of freedom. To live life on my terms and I love it! I remarried and have an amazing relationship with my husband, whom I truly love and trust. I can completely be myself, I do not have to pretend to be someone who I am not. My son is living between both houses. He is now 15 and l love spending time with him and love his big squeezy hugs when I can get them out of him. And the ex husband is still in the picture and is a great dad to our son. From a life that I hated, to a life that I love! I know once I took back control of my life and made my choices consciously, everything changed for me. This allowed me to set my boundaries and move forward step by step. It wasn’t easy but I did it. This process allowed me to create my life rather than to let life happen to me. If I can deal with a marriage ending, and child custody battle through the courts, that resulted in me being at my lowest point, ever! The stress, the anxiety, the health issues and the feeling of being helpless, incapable and unhappy, then you can too. This is why I do what I do. I love to help people feel better, feel better in their mind, their physical body, help them to connect and learn to love themself. And uplift their soul. It gives me great pleasure to see them smile and actually know it’s for real, and it’s coming from deep within the heart. This is why I call myself the Conscious Change Creator. I am here to help you create change consciously.

Academy for Health and Fitness

academy for health and fitness



WHO WE ARE Academy for Health and Fitness is your premier online destination for accredited health and fitness courses. We're committed to helping you transform your life through our comprehensive programs. Our courses are meticulously designed to cater to three core areas: fitness, therapy, and health. We offer a vast array of online courses and a robust certification program that empowers millions of professionals with the skills they need to excel in their careers. Our focus is on equipping you with the expertise necessary to thrive in today's dynamic world. OUR MISSION As a leading online health and fitness course provider, our mission is to deliver exceptional learning experiences and make quality education accessible to everyone. We strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence, transparency, and customer service. OUR VISION Our vision is to become the UK's most trusted and respected online course provider. We aim to create a safe and flexible learning environment that maximizes your potential and enhances your employability. WHAT WE OFFER * Expert-Curated Courses: Our courses are developed by industry-leading experts. * Fully Accredited Courses and Study Materials: Ensure quality and credibility. * Business Team Training: Tailor-made programs for corporate teams. * Affordable Subscriptions: Flexible payment options to suit your budget. * Accredited Certifications: Validate your skills and expertise. * New Courses Monthly: Stay updated with the latest trends. * Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace and convenience. * 24/7 Support: Dedicated assistance whenever you need it. WHY CHOOSE US We're dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service and the most comprehensive selection of online health and fitness courses. With new courses added regularly, you can be confident in your choice to learn from us. Our exceptional customer support team is always ready to assist you on your journey to success.

Overstone Park School

overstone park school


A Message From The Principal & Director Driven by a desire to create a co-educational school where the gifts and talents of all pupil's are realised. Three pupils launched the school on 4th September 1983. At Overstone Park School we embrace a Christian ethos and our pupils are encouraged to be caring and helpful members of the community showing good manners, good conduct, good etiquette and respect towards others. This is promoted in all aspects of school life. This is achieved in our small class groups in a multi-national environment where pupils of all cultures are treated equally. Overstone Park School offers the best in education with continuity offered to all pupils from 0 to 18 years, as we are committed to the pursuit of excellence and the building of confidence and self esteem within each of our pupils. We offer the best in education and care to pupils of all ages and abilities, because we believe that every child is unique, gifted and talented in their own special way. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence to ensure that every child achieves their best potential to ensure that they are given an excellent start, to build firm educational foundations to enable them to seize all of the opportunities that offer them to explore and develop their abilities educationally, emotionally and spiritually. We embrace a Christian ethos and our pupils are encouraged to be caring and helpful members of the community showing good manners, good conduct, good etiquette and respect towards others. This is promoted in all aspects of school life. This is achieved in our small groups classes in a multi-national environment where pupils of all cultures are treated equally. Social, musical and sporting activities are an integral part of the school’s curriculum which helps to form balanced individuals, and enhance the ability, talent and skills of each pupil in every aspect of school life, to help them to develop their character and to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. In our safe, secure, spacious and adventurous environment, from birth to school age our children are provided with a caring team, a wide range of facilities, equipment and resources to ensure that they are given every opportunity to develop their unique talents and abilities. At Overstone Park School children are safe, healthy and happy in their achievements and participate in all aspects of nursery life. Pupil’s opinions and contributions are valued and appreciated, they are encouraged to become good and effective members of their community.

Begin2sports Group Academy

begin2sports group academy


Begin2Sports was founded by sports coaching scientist and Commonwealth athlete Addy Mumunie. Born in Nigeria, sports came into her life through the necessity of running to school and back every day. However, it grew into her first love, achieving a regional level by the age of 12-13 and going on to represent Nigeria at Commonwealth/National level. Raising her family in Southwest London, sport and particularly athletics, were the bedrock of her life, raising her three daughters to also include sports into their life. One enjoys recreational sports, and the other two daughters compete as professional athletes at National and International level for England and GB. Coach Addy trained in Sport Coaching Science at St Mary’s University Twickenham. She went on to set up this community interest group (Begin2Sports) in 2017, with the goal to support people from disadvantaged backgrounds through sport and the 7 fundamental key principles of athletics. Coach Addy’s motivation for this project, came from her own humble beginnings. Challenged by Dyslexia, a misunderstood condition in the 1970’s, studying was very difficult. It was an unsupported experience and consequently personal progress was severely inhibited. It was then that she realised that taking part in sports, offered her the freedom, confidence, self-esteem, and self-expression that she needed to help overcome these challenges. Inspiring others to discover the benefits of sport in their lives was the spark that inspired Begin2Sports. At the heart of the group’s purpose is increasing sports participation in the community. We aim to provide individuals at a higher risk of sports deprivation in the London borough of Wandsworth, access to low-cost physical activity & fitness services. Uniquely, we also offer a blended physical and cognitive programme, known as Dysletics and GymLetics, designed specifically for those living with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. WHO WE ARE We are a community focused organisation, that provide sports-based coaching built on values of OPENNESS, EMPOWERMENT, AND NUTURING. We aim to create a safe space for EVERYONE of any ability to experience new and exciting physical activities and sports. Our primary audience are children however we also have adult-based programmes as well as we aim to be as inclusive as possible. We speak simply. We present information clearly to our participants making sure that they take away the key information needed. Less is more. We explain sports terminology in a language everyone can understand, focusing on the physical benefits. We are always Warm, Welcoming and Encouraging! We make contacting Begin2Sports easy and convenient.