563 Educators providing Self-Esteem courses delivered Online





Hi everyone, I am Debbie and I created and run the Elsa Support website. My motto is ‘Together we can make a difference’. One of the things I noticed very quickly when I was working in school was that there was a real lack of ELSA resources. I am a bit of a Google queen but even so it was difficult, without spending a huge amount of money on things, to find anything really suitable. I ended up writing my own planning and coming up with ideas and thought why not share them, that was the start of Elsa Support…… It is all about the BEES I love my bees and you might wonder why? Bees are: Busy, they work incredibly hard Work as a team always Social creatures and do communicate with each other Co-operate with each other for the same aim All have very different roles and divide their ultimate job between them all Create honey that feeds them, and us, they even store it for lean times Adaptable and do so when environmental factors change Bees work together for a common goal or aim, we can learn so much from them. They are the reason my very first ‘nurturing’ group was called ‘Busy Bees’. Well that and the fact I managed to buy some fabulous ‘bee cushions’! My vision for that first group was a group of children who belonged. We all know belonging boosts self-esteem. Feeling part of a community can have such an impact on children. Creating a group where children worked together as a team, who supported each other and socialised with each other. In fact, after the very first group I ran I overheard one of the very quiet and shy children organising for them all to meet up at playtime the next day. A major part of my role was helping children with social and emotional issues. It became a huge interest to me to try and break down barriers to learning. I am a big fan of group work and have written many interventions over the years which you can find on the website. I try to keep the cost of resources as low as I can because to me it is important that you do use them, but it is important to me that you can have some free resources to work with children, I know how difficult it is with school budgets. Every Friday I create something for free and share with you all. The website has grown from strength to strength and I have had many emails and messages to tell me how useful it has been to people setting out on the ELSA journey but also helpful to teachers, teaching assistants, learning mentors, counsellors and many other professionals. Please read my testimonials page and do email me if there is something you want to say about the website. Back to the Bees and community My vision of my very first ‘nurturing group’ was based on Bees and my vision includes that for ELSA’s and other professionals working with children on social and emotional issues. Mental health awareness, quite rightly, is becoming a huge thing due to so many factors. I really wanted to create community amongst all those people working for the same aims. This is to support you in your role supporting children. Some ELSA’s/adults do work alone in school and just need a bit of support, a listening ear, reassurance and some kind words. Our main group on Facebook has nearly 3000 members, who are all so supportive of each other. It is a wonderful community of like minded people. We have a mentoring section where you can be paired up with another person if you feel you need that extra bit of support. I listen to you, I get involved in discussion, I suggest resources, I suggest ideas and I create resources for you. You tell me what you want, and I try my best to create it for you. Do join us, together we can make a difference! What is ELSA? An ELSA in a school is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. There is a recognised ELSA training course aimed specifically at Teaching Assistants in schools. Examples of things covered on the course are social skills, emotions, bereavement, social stories and therapeutic stories, anger management, self-esteem, counselling skills such as solution focus and friendship. To find out more about this course, contact the Educational Psychologists in your LEA and ask them if they are running one, if not ask them if it is possible for the future. Also check out neighbouring LEAs, they will sometimes take people out of their area to make up numbers. The founder of ELSA, Sheila Burton, has her own website, ELSA Network site, where there is lots of information about the ELSA Role, so do also have a look on there.




GWMA is a mixed martial arts system which is based in Mountsorrel Leicestershire. As a mixed martial art, GWMA’s main influences are Shotokan/Goshin Ryu karate with elements of Kung Fu. Gavin Walker is the chief instructor with 34 years’ experience in martial arts and has been running his classes for 10 years. We believe that learning martial arts should be an enjoyable experience and can benefit anyone in the following ways: 1. Self-Discipline – One of the central tenets of martial arts is a focus on self-discipline. Today’s kids are so accustomed to receiving instant gratification that lessons in self-restraint and discipline aren’t always easy to come by. Kids with a martial arts background, however, are continually reminded of how essential self-discipline is. 2. Boosting Socialization Skills – People who don’t always thrive in highly social environments may find it easier to get to know people and make new friends when they’re in a room filled with peers who share a common interest. The kids on the playground may not always have much common ground, but devotees to the martial arts are able to get to know one another through shared pursuits. 3. Encouraging Physical Activity – In todays technology based environment where most things are at a touch of a button, enrolling into a physical enjoyable activity can inspires yourself to keep moving and become fitter as a consequence. 4. Learning to Set and Achieve Goals – Most forms of martial arts are based around an accomplishment system of coloured belts that signify the wearer’s degree of skill. When your child or as an adult strives toward each new belt, they are learning valuable lessons about setting and reaching goals. 5. Increased Self-Esteem – Confidence comes with achievement, so your self-esteem level will get a boost with every new move mastered and every belt earned. People who struggle with a low sense of self-worth usually become more confident as time progresses while they’re enrolled in a martial arts class. 6. Instilling a Sense of Respect – Learning any martial arts style will require you to show your instructor respect. Today’s culture doesn’t always include respect for authority. When you go to a Martial Arts class, you will be learning lessons in respect along with new moves. 7. Developing Teamwork Skills – Working together to learn new things and accomplish goals is an important life lesson to be learnt, and instruction in the martial arts can help you learn that lesson. 8. Improvement in Other Areas of Life – The benefits of martial arts training don’t end in the dojo. The boost in confidence, increased fitness levels and new cooperation skills will help you in other areas of life. The classes are open to all abilities and anyone over the age of 4yrs old can take part.

National Back Pain Association (BackCare)

national back pain association (backcare)



Back pain is one of the most common conditions that people live with in the UK today. The vast majority of us are likely to be affected by back pain at some point in our lives. For most it will be a short lived experience but for others back pain is ongoing and affects quality of life, making ordinary daily tasks difficult or at worst simply impossible to perform. Chronic back pain can result in depression, low self esteem, unemployment, the breakdown of relationships and more. Here at BackCare we provide information and education to prevent unnecessary back pain from occurring in the first place. However, whilst prevention is better than cure, we also understand that not all back pain is avoidable. A large part of our work at BackCare is to provide practical and emotional support to people living with back pain whether caused through wear and tear, injury, musculoskeletal disorders such as Scoliosis, Spina Bifida, Arthritis and Axial SpA or other serious underlying health conditions like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, or Cancer, for example. BackCare was the brainchild of businessman and philanthropist, Stanley Grundy who in 1968, set about creating a charity dedicated to those living with back pain, regardless of cause and educating the public in ways of preventing back pain. Today, some 50 years on, we remain resolute in our efforts to significantly reduce the burden of back and neck pain by working together with people and organisations and those affected by such pain and providing information, guidance and advice to all. We are proud to have HRH The Prince of Wales as our Patron.

Proactive NLP Ltd

proactive nlp ltd


At Proactive NLP Ltd we offer perhaps the widest range of NLP based services. Whatever your context we have solutions that will deliver the outcome you're seeking. Our core offering is traditional accredited NLP training at Diploma, Practitioner & Master Practitioner levels.  This series of personal development really is the most intensive journey you can take and the most rewarding.  You will give yourself the maximum choice of the life you want to lead. All our services incorporate NLP at their core, hence, learning NLP is central to you achieving exactly what you want to achieve. For individuals struggling to identify the future they want because they are shackled with Anxiety and Stress or Depression we have a service that lets you take those shackles and chains off.  Our 'A Life Without Anxiety' site is where we assist individuals re-train their minds to shaoe the life they want to lead.  We have conducted an extensive review of lots of 'Anxiety Journals' and "Anxiety Cure' books...lets just say they re-inforce anxiety in the reader!  Our approach is totally different, we will guide you to create the life you want...free from an anxiety.  We will be publishing our own Journal and accompanying Book. For businesses and organisations we have two distinct offerings.  Firstly, our Business NLP offering takes our traditional NLP training and reframes this as a development programme focused on developing Collaborative Leadership and Collaborative Cultures.  Having worked on most of the major infrastructure projects delivered within the UK over the last 12 years we have encountered multiple scenarios where 'collaborative working' was a stated aim of the project.  However, virtually zero collaboration actually took place.  What we encounter mostly is the traditional and acrimonious 'client / contractor' game playing.  This simply derails and extends the life of projects.  This is the opposite of the stated aim of the project.  We believe if organisations can master the dynamics of collaboration they can achieve everything they want.  Our Business NLP programmes are Diploma - The Fundamentals of Collaborative Behaviour; Practitioner - Developing Collaborative Relationships and Master Practitioner - Leading & Developing Collaborative Cultures. For organisations dealing with low performance, conflict or struggling to deliver against their objectives our specialist Workshop Facilitation business is the answer.  Here we conduct a diagnostic process to uncover the patterns and dynamics getting in the way performance improving.  We then deliver specialised facilitation of workshops and meetings to create a new level of engagement within teams.  Our main assignments for this tend to be teams and groups struggling because of 'conflict' and a lack of 'accountability'.  We have successfully delivered programmes that have resolved these issues and have seen teams we have worked with go on and achieve the level of performance they had initially struggled with. Whatever it is you're looking for in terms of personal or organisational development we have the solutions that will deliver what you're seeking to achieve.  All you ahve to do is get in touch.

Kedleston (High Peak School)

kedleston (high peak school)


Who We Are & Where We Are High Peak School is part of the Kedleston Group and opened in 2014.Our specialist multi-disciplinary team of leaders, carers, therapists and educationalists work seamlessly together. They teach and proactively support pupils who have been subjected to adverse childhood experiences, including trauma, toxic stress and associated mental wellbeing difficulties, aiming to break the cycle of adversity. Children and young people may also come to us because they are challenged by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and dyspraxia or moderate and specific learning difficulties. We have a specific provision within the school called the Quiet Learning Zone where we support children and young people who have an autistic spectrum condition including Asperger’s syndrome and those who have communication and sensory difficulties. The environment and teaching approaches are bespoke and tailored to ensure our children and young people thrive and can develop their self-esteem. We have extensive experience of supporting those with attachment disorders or those who have been victims of abuse and neglect. We actively encourage the development of life skills such as staying safe, acting responsibly and being respectful whether that be at school, at home or in the local community. From our beautiful rural location in Cheshire, we offer a unique setting having been converted from a hotel to create innovative and inspiring learning, social, recreational and living spaces.