1031 Educators providing Self-Defense courses delivered Online

Red Dragon Karate School

red dragon karate school


Shi-han Sensei Louis Casamassa, a 10th degree black belt is Grand Master of Red Dragon Karate and founder of the American Karate Kung Fu Federation (A.K.K.F.). He originated the American Form style. During the 60’s he traveled extensively throughout the Orient studying many different styles of martial arts. In keeping with yankee ingenuity and American tradition he took the best 7 major martial arts forms and combined them into one new powerful and effective style which is known as the Red Dragon style of martial arts. Red Dragon is a true “American Original.” Founded in 1965 by former U.S. Marine Corp military police officer and 10th degree black belt, Louis D. Casamassa. During the 1950’s, he traveled throughout the land studying with a wide variety of masters in many different styles of martial arts. He spent decades gaining knowledge, and wisdom along with a wealth of business information to enhance his ever expanding martial arts skill. In keeping with Yankee ingenuity and American tradition he used the 7 best major martial art styles and combined them into one new, very powerful and effective style which is now known as the Red Dragon style of Martial Arts. Our brand and our system of martial arts was founded upon Grand Master Casamassa’s love of the Arts. We have flourished for over half a century because of his ingenuity. Shihan Sensei Casamassa is considered by many to be the “Michelangelo of Martial Arts” by taking and combining his knowledge, talent, ingenuity and wisdom, he created an entire system of self defense that is unrivaled and one that has stood the test of time and has provided generations of Americans with a great way of experiencing the Martial arts. The Red Dragon Karate program is unique because of our original approach at mixing the best martial arts styles. Today, we are widely considered the original “Mixed Martial Art,” Red Dragon Karate continues to grow because of our focus on developing the best trainers and instructors who instill character based “Life Skills” in our students. This teaching of self-discipline, self control, and self esteem when reinforced within the protocols of a Red Dragon studio, and empower our members to become responsible, productive leaders in our community.

Nia Aikido Club

nia aikido club


Aikido is a modern defensive Japanese martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, referred to by many as O’Sensei (Great Teacher). Its emphasis is placed on spherical movement to create dynamic and explosive techniques that render an attacker harmless. Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury. Move like a beam of light; fly like lightning, Strike like thunder, whirl in circles around a stable center. - Morihei Ueshiba Morihei Ueshiba MORIHEI UESHIBA, AIKIDO FOUNDER, 1883-1969 What is Aikido Aikido is often translated as "the way of unifying (with) life energy" or as "the way through spirit and harmony". It operates on the principle or tactic of blending with an attacker's movements for the purpose of controlling their actions with minimal effort. The Aikido practitioner does not rely on muscle strength but concentrates the power of the whole body onto the weak point of an opponent, forcing him/her to cooperate using his/her own force and momentum. This attribute defines Aikido's effectiveness and beauty as a martial art. Several approaches to Aikido have evolved over the years. Today Aikido is found all over the world in a number of styles, with broad ranges of interpretation and emphasis. However, the core essential principles of the martial art remain consistent. WHY PRACTISE AIKIDO? Aikido is more than simply an efficient method of self-defense. In practice, there are various facets of Aikido - the power of focus and concentration of energy; the concept of blending and unified non-resistance; the awareness of self and others. Traditionally, Aikido is a form of Budo – a “martial way”. Unlike other arts, Aikido technique can be applied at varying levels of severity, from the most gentle controlling techniques to the most severe countermeasures. One question that people who practise Aikido are often asked is why they do it. Although many people think of Aikido as a martial art only for self-defence, it has a range of physical and mental benefits as well: Physical benefits of Aikido - Regular Aikido practice can, over time, improve: Balance Posture Flexibility Co-ordination Reaction speed General fitness Mental benefits of Aikido - Aikido also offers unique mental benefits through practice. Self-confidence Self-control Self-awareness Awareness of others Conflict management Stress management and relaxation

Dharma-Zen Tai Chi Studio

dharma-zen tai chi studio

Tai Chi can help improve the balance and help reduce the risk of falling. In comparison to other exercises, including weight training, stretching, endurance training, and balance training, Tai Chi was the most beneficial exercise, reducing falls … ( The Journal of the American Medical Association , May 3, 1995, Vol 273, No 17, pp 1341 – 1347). Danny Lai is from Taichung, Taiwan. There, he learned many different kinds of martial arts, including Tai Chi, Hsing-Yi, Ba Gua, Tae Kwon Do and Shaolin. Tai Chi Punch Although each style of Tai Chi Chuan has its peculiar features, the five styles of Tai Chi Chuan something in common, they are: With a calm mind the performer breathes naturally. In peace and ease the performer moves lightly, softly, slowly and equally. The performer moves harmoniously and in a balanced way. The performer moves like a circle–graceful and perfect. The motion is slow and steady and strong strength (yang) and weak strength (yin) can be used in motions mutually. Tai Chi Chuan has attracted attention internationally. It has special functions in promoting health and preventing illness. To help the performer to concentrate their mind and to make their motions coordinate with their breath, music can be played to accompany practice. Flow with the sound of the musical instruments. In following the rhythms of the music, practicing Tai Chi Chuan will relieve stress and benefit health. Crescent Kick (Shuang Pai Chiao) The name Tai Chi comes from the Taoist symbol the West calls yin (black) and yang (white). This Tai Chi symbol represents two balanced opposites: black and white, sky and earth, fire and water, masculine and feminine, moon and sun. Feminine is the black or yin. Masculine is light or yang. The yin side of Tai Chi is like yoga, moving meditation, or chi kung. The yang side is the martial art – the practical application of the movements – using your power. Most often the yang side of Tai Chi is not taught. The healing benefits without the martial application is the yin without the yang. Through the movements of Tai Chi, one can set the mind and body in balance. It is not easy to do. You want to make sure that for every movement in motion (yang) or at rest (yin) your body is moving together. Through Tai Chi training, you can learn more about yourself and you can feel calm and peaceful all the time. It is a kind of martial art, but it is a gentle martial art. It is not for attacking, but has powerful self-defense applications.

Self Defence for the Soul

self defence for the soul

Last week I was having a few doubts about some decisions that I’d really been sure of before. But after taking some time for reflection, I recognized that several lies had infiltrated my thinking, tearing me down with subtle accusations. In fact, those decisions that I’d already made were from the Lord, and He confirmed them again. Clearly, it was time to examine my spiritual defenses. I am finding that everything I do related to taking a team back to Haiti next month is being fought by the enemy. Here are some mandatory responses to spiritual warfare – I hope you will take action in your battle as well: Stay Alert: We are at war, so as Howard Hendricks says, don’t be surprised that you’re being shot at. We are admonished to be self-controlled and alert, for our enemy “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8.) Take Cover: Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and walk in truth, practice righteousness and exercise your faith. Stand firm and pray! If it’s been more than one week since you’ve reviewed this passage, read and pray through it right now. Fight back: Are you living in a museum, with your sword hanging on the wall in display? That’s exactly what you’re doing if you leave your Bible on the shelf. The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12, emphasis added.) A sword is not a defensive barrier – it’s a weapon of assault – which is why it is sharp and piercing. How prepared are you when it comes to self-defense of your soul? Are you a white belt? A black belt? Something in between? Keep up the regular protection of your heart, mind, spirit and soul. Here are some questions I ask myself to keep alert and engage in combat: That voice I hear – is it a shout or whisper? Yes, the Spirit often speaks in a still, small voice – but He speaks other ways as well. And He isn’t shy about getting my attention. God doesn’t hide from us. So when I detect a whisper in my ear, I need to pay attention and ask, “Is this something that God would shout from the mountain tops? Or is it something that my adversary is quietly whispering in the darkness, hoping the lies will enter my mind without being exposed to the light?” (Matthew 10:26-27.) Is the message life-giving or draining? Jesus told us that our enemy intends to steal, kill and destroy – but He came that we’d experience life abundantly (John 10:10.) Am I experiencing assurance of who I am in Christ, or being driven to doubt? Is the message I’m receiving making me more confident and full of faith? Or is it creating anxiety or fear? (e.g. 1 John 5:11-12, Ephesians 2:10, Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:14-16.)