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Berkshire Outdoor Education Trust

berkshire outdoor education trust


The Berkshire Outdoor Education Trust was founded in 1977/78. The original purpose of the Trust was to locate and operate an Outdoor Education Centre for the use of Berkshire school children. The Trust was started with the active encouragement and support of Berkshire County Council and its then Director of Education, Peter Edwards and the late John Wood Griffiths an officer in the Berkshire Education department. The Trustees raised and borrowed the money to buy an existing centre from Glamorgan County Council in the small settlement of Rhos y Gwaliau in the Snowdonia National Park, close to the market town of Bala. In the early years Berkshire County Council paid the teachers’ salaries and gave an annual grant towards the other teaching equipment that was needed, mainly protective clothing. The Trustees managed the centre, hired and paid the domestic and maintenance staff and settled all other expenses including food and heating costs out of the fees charged to attendees. With teachers’ salaries paid by the LEA the additional amount needed to be charged to pupils was quite modest. Over time, however, the level of subsidy given by the County Council was reduced and when in 1998 the 6 Unitary Councils replaced the County Council the subsidy was phased out completely. In consequence fees had to rise considerably. It was at this point that the Trustees decided to sell the centre to the present owner, who had been a teacher at the centre for some time previously. The trust then invested the proceeds of sale and now use the income to assist the most financially disadvantaged young people in the County enjoy the benefits and experience of time spent in outdoor educational activity.

The Pioneer Sailing Trust

the pioneer sailing trust


Once it became apparent the complex restoration of Pioneer was possible, the decision was made to set up Pioneer Sailing Trust in 1999. The trust, whose founder trustees were Mary Falk, Charles Harker and Rupert Marks, is a registered charity. From day one practical help and funding has arrived in generous measure from many individuals, organisations and local businesses. Pioneer’s new purpose is to offer young people the challenge of sailing, which often proves to be a life changing experience. Pioneer has accommodation for three qualified crew and twelve trainees. As a powerful and strong sea going vessel, she is ideally suited for day sailing or passage work in the Thames estuary, across the North Sea or the English Channel. Being a crew member highlights and emphasises many vital qualities essential in life and the trust believes these practical and new experiences helps develop young people. The trust also opened Harker’s Yard in 2009 to further its work with training and education in the marine industry and provided opportunities for work experience and apprenticeships in marine engineering and boat building and repair. Pioneer Sailing Trust works closely with life development trusts, training agencies, councils, social services and other organisations devoted to improving the life prospects of young people, many of whom deal with difficult circumstances. Young people often find time at the trust opens new windows of opportunity.