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950 Educators providing Respect courses

Act Fast Nl

act fast nl


Act Fast is a well-established Independent School near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire. Act Fast has grown organically as the need for a high standard of provision has emerged and developed. The premise of Act Fast’s provision is that we are promoting the value of education to previously disaffected young people. what we do We operate a bespoke curriculum at Act Fast, which is both written and delivered by in house staff and is in line with the DfE Independent Schools Standards. We overtly deliver lessons in the following subject areas: Maths up to Functional Skills level 2 standard English up to Functional Skills level 2 standard Motor Vehicle Technology with the Institute of the Motor Industry up to level 2 standard PSHE (Including RSE) against a verified and recognised scheme Motocross, delivered by qualified and experienced staff Physical Education through a range of on-site and off-site activities. Art/Crafts Music Further to this, lessons in the following subject areas are delivered as embedded features of the timetabled lessons. Human and Social Understanding Aesthetic and Creative Scientific Technological British Values Our learners know if they work hard, they are awarded by riding the motorcycles here at Act Fast. This has proven to be successful, helping young adults to achieve their qualifications and have a positive attitude towards learning. Curriculum Act Fast has made a commitment to give every young person who is capable of the opportunity to reintegrate and to take a range of exams. For those subjects that Act Fast does not currently deliver, as we develop learners opportunities will increase. We are an accredited exam centre through OCR, NCFE, ABC, D of E, and when required will extend this to meet the needs of our learners. Our curriculum also enables and encourages learners to develop their interests and talents. We have a number of students here who have found their passion for music, learning how to play the guitar, as well as a large number of young, talented motorbike riders who love learning about riding, fixing and maintaining the bikes. It’s important to us to support our learners in keeping them physically and mentally healthy. We have access to: Mental Health Champions, outreach support and therapeutic counselling services, available to all our learners. We have regular sports activities within our timetable to encourage physical exercise, as well as access to local gyms and leisure centres. These activities help to prepare young people to access their community in adulthood. Hidden Curriculum Act Fast’s curriculum, throughout the range of its delivery, is heavily invested in the “Hidden Curriculum”. The Hidden Curriculum argument is that the most valuable lessons our young people receive here are to arrive on time, respect authority, follow instructions, keep regard for safety, take responsibility for their actions, behave in an acceptable standard, liaise with other people respectfully, and respect other people’s personal choices, encouraging equality and diversity. Other ways in which we promote equality and diversity include: Challenging negative attitudes amongst students. Setting clear rules regarding how people treat each other. Treating all students and staff equally and fairly. Using resources that have multicultural themes. Creating lessons that reflect and promote diversity in the classroom. Making sure that all students have equal access to participation and opportunities. Ensuring that all procedures and policies are non-discriminatory. Making sure that classroom materials never discriminate against anyone. Safeguarding protected characteristics throughout our culture and ethos. All of these things, to a greater extent than formalised subject lessons, will make them responsible, independent, resilient and above all else employable young people once they finish their school career. Act Fast has trained and qualified staff to recognise some of the barriers to learning that students face. These barriers might be due to Adverse Childhood Experiences and with knowledge and understanding of such issues Act Fast staff can help students overcome them to maximise their potentials. Referral, Application and Introduction After a referral is made to Act Fast, we invite a representative from the referring body (usually the Inclusion Officer), the learner and the learner’s parents into Act Fast for a familiarisation visit. During that visit the learner is given a tour of the facility, is introduced to key staff members and receives an explanation of the culture of Act Fast. Learners are given the opportunity to voice any concerns and any questions they have are answered. We set a high expectation on behaviour here, and partly because expectations are high, but also because more established learners mentor new arrivals, new learners very soon fall into compliance with our way of doing things. Act Fast works because our learners buy into the culture. This is the first opportunity that a young person has to involve themselves in how we operate here. Application forms must be completed prior to a young person starting at Act Fast. Once applications are complete, the referring body typically takes a few days (sometimes up to a week) to arrange their transport. Personal data will be stored and processed at this point, and details entered into our MIS system, Arbor. We insist on a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) meeting with stakeholders and the young person present within the first month. This allows any teething troubles to be voiced and solutions to be sought. Further PLP meetings are held regularly, no less frequently than once a term. At those meetings, Act Fast staff will deliver a report detailing the engagement of the young person, levels of educational attainment, attendance, general engagement, and commentary on the likelihood of a reintegration being successful. Reintegration planning must be tailored to suit the needs of the individual. Staff Investment Our staff all take part in quality training including regular CPD sessions and ongoing programmes of accreditation such as SSS online training (recently completed by all staff members). Training needs identified are acted on as soon as practical. The organisation believes and invests in the continuous professional development of its people. Our commitment to CPD is such that every member of staff has received CPD accredited training in the last 12 months. Our qualified teachers ensure pedagogical content methods are in place to deliver high standards of teaching for our young learners. We engage with our staff continuously here and know of the main pressures on them, including managing workload. We aim to support every staff member to help guide them throughout their career at Act Fast. Educational Framework It is our aim to provide an educational framework which is heavily invested in the hidden curriculum. By that, we mean that as well as lessons formalised in Maths and English for example, our young people develop an understanding of: working to a process arriving on time respecting authority abiding by the rules accepting that their first choice may not always be the right choice following instructions not expecting to leave early attending every day These are the skills whereby a young person will be employable post 16. Without these key skills, a young person is unlikely to be able to function in the workplace. We develop the hidden curriculum, embedded in everything we do, in order that our learners gain an understanding of their expectations being matched by the expectations of attendance, compliance and engagement We have a tracking system in place for our core subjects. We also use a “readiness to learn” scale, whereby a learners attitude, engagement, and involvement in their own work is measured. Bespoken When evolving Act Fast into an independent school I was very mindful that Mainstream school had not been a successful outcome for the majority if not all of our learners. It was imperative that we were bespoke and able to meet the needs of all our learners and not just the few. For this reason we created our own curriculum that is more sympathetic to our learners’ needs. Our teachers create an environment that allows our young people to focus on learning. 1:1 support as well as small group teaching (where appropriate) is in place to make teaching more effective, allowing tutors to concentrate on each individual learner’s needs. We believe in student voice here at Act Fast. Our EHCP’s (Educational Health Care plans) allow us to capture our learners’ views. It’s not only in our annual reviews that we give learner’s opportunity to be heard. For example, one young adult suggested we invested in a bigger bike here, so we put arrangements in place and made this happen. We encourage our learners to make their voices heard. Below are some examples of student voice council meetings held at Act Fast and how they shape decisions made at the school. Student Voice Meeting 040322 We have effective arrangements to identify learners who may need early help or are at risk of neglect, abuse, grooming or exploitation. We strongly promote our policies and legislation such as safeguarding, diversity and equality of our staff and learners at Act Fast. Ofsted Report 2022 Best Bits: “Act Fast school is a place where the proprietor and staff go the extra mile to support the pupils who attend. It has a unique vision of how to ‘hook’ pupils back into education, and it is successful in doing so. Act Fast has started to re-engage pupils who have experienced difficulties in their education”. “Parents believe that, finally, a school ‘gets’ their child. The wider curriculum, built around motor-cross, is a distinctive feature of the school. It motivates pupils to attend and to behave well. For those pupils who do not wish to ride the bikes, staff work with them to find alternatives. The proprietor and staff have limitless ambition for what pupils can achieve in their personal development. At the heart of this is a patient, careful building of relationships, and, in many cases, a re-building of trust between the pupil and their experience of education.” “The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a strong understanding of the requirements of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Recently, the SENCo has started to work with a senior leader to more effectively incorporate pupils’ SEND targets from their education, health and care (EHC) plans into teachers’ planning.” “Leaders have also recently taken action to improve the school’s support for pupils’ reading. For instance, a primary specialist has been appointed with experience of teaching phonics to the weakest readers. The English lead is in the process of building a programme to encourage pupils to read widely and for enjoyment. Leaders’ wider curriculum for pupils’ personal development is, to very large extent, a strength of the school.” “The proprietor’s vision for getting young people who have had difficult experiences of school back into education is impressive. It is backed up by an innovative personal development curriculum, built on a range of activities that take place in the afternoons. These include a variety of motor vehicle-related opportunities, as well as visits out of school to a range of venues. Recently, for instance, pupils have started to be taken to a local engineering firm to participate in a scheme to broaden their career aspirations. Pupils know that there is a plan in place for them to make a suitable next step into further education or training at the end of Year 11.” Improvements: “Leaders’ PSHE curriculum includes reference to the protected characteristics and the school is a respectful community: however, coverage of the protected characteristics in the curriculum strategy is not as detailed as it could be, so pupils’ understanding is not as developed as it could be. Leaders should revisit their curriculum thinking for PSHE so that teaching of the protected characteristics is made more overt.” “The current curriculum is based on a limited set of qualifications in two subjects. For a registered special school, this lacks ambition. As a result, pupils experience a narrow curriculum, including a limited suite of qualifications. Leaders should take action to broaden and deepen their curriculum so that pupils have opportunities to study a wider range of subject content, organised coherently and cumulatively over the entire secondary and post-16 phases; and, for those who are capable, to a higher level of accreditation.” “Leaders have not taken the required action with regard to the statutory guidance for the teaching of RSHE. Consequently, parents have not been made aware of the school’s policy and their parental rights within the policy. Also, the teaching of Inspection report: Act Fast NL Ltd. RSHE is not clearly planned in the school’s curriculum. Leaders should take action to be compliant with the statutory guidance and to ensure that curriculum thinking incorporates structured RSHE teaching.”

International University of Japan

international university of japan

International University of Japan (IUJ) was founded in 1982, with the extensive support of Japan’s industrial, educational and local communities, to train professionals who can actively make contributions to the international society with a high level of interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge. As the nature of IUJ is very different from other Japanese graduate schools that mainly nurture scholars for academia, before stipulating its founding principles, IUJ was extensively discussed at the IUJ Advisory Committee, comprising eminent persons from industry and educational society, and at the Drafting Committee. The following is the Founding Principles of IUJ that have been made effective with the approval of the Board of Trustees Meeting. Aims of the school The International University of Japan is a private post graduate institution founded with the extensive support of Japan’s industrial, financial and educational circles and of administrative in the area where it was established. Its administrative policy, based on a spirit of progressive internationalism, is open and autonomous. The graduate school of the International University of Japan is a new professional school whose primary purpose is to educate capable young men and women and develop in them a high level of interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge which they can put to practical use in the international arena. Characteristics of the school Reflecting the above aims, teaching and research in the graduate School are, as a matter of Principle, interdisciplinary and are characterized by the comprehensive integration of area studies with the study of international relations and international management. In order to develop in its students a high level of specialized knowledge, the graduate school aims to foster originality in both teaching methods and in the organization of its curriculum and also to respond to social needs through extensive research activities. Instruction in the graduate School will as a general rule be conducted in English with a view to educating talented men and women whose skills will be applicable throughout international society. One of the fundamental aims of the founding of the graduate School is to encourage the enrollment of college graduates who have had previous business experience. The School opens its doors widely and welcomes persons with a wide variety of back grounds and specialties, both from Japan and abroad, in the hope that their practical knowledge will be further broadened and reinforced through friendship and interaction with other students. To effectively implement the above stated aims, students will as a rule reside in dormitories so that by living together young people of different nationalities and with different backgrounds can be stimulated by each other’s world views and awareness of critical issues and learn to work together. It is hoped that the graduates of the university will promote a high level of mutual understanding and international friendship on the basic of the personal relationships and trust developed during their student days. The Graduate School has searched widely for distinguished scholars from Japan and abroad, who are experts in their fields, to create a truly international faculty, which will have a strong formative influence on the students by maintaining close contact with them not only in the classroom but outside of it in the opportunities offered for interaction with the local community so that the students’ learning experiences can be both varied and meaningful. IUJ Mission and Objectives The objectives of IUJ are to: Teach and conduct research in academic theory and applications necessary for practical solutions of issues facing international society and international businesses, and Foster global leaders who have a high level of professional knowledge and skills with deep understanding of and respect for different cultures, thereby contributing to the development of international society. Mission and Objectives of Graduate Schools GSIR’s Mission GSIR is dedicated to developing professionals by educating students towards acquiring a long-term vision of the rapidly changing world, appreciating diverse perspectives in global and local contexts, and enhancing their analytical skills and problem-solving capabilities in a wide range of contemporary international affairs. GSIR also encourages academic research conducive to the development of its faculty’s teaching and supervision as well as student’s capability in the fields of international relations, international development and international peace studies, utilizing the experiences of Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. All programs are conducted in English. GSIM’s Mission The Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) is dedicated to developing “wise” (i.e., socially responsible) individuals for global business and social leadership, with an emphasis on serving the emerging countries. The two key components of GSIM mission are nurturing Social Responsibility (SR) and Global Business (GB), which the school aims to achieve and operationalize through its innovative policies, recruitment strategies, placement efforts, teaching, research, and service strategies. SR in GSIM mission derives from its belief that GSIM and its graduates should not only be compelled by financial benefits but also by their sense of duty to social causes. At GSIM, we mainly focus on the following aims in SR: To enhance the social responsibility policies of GSIM stakeholders, including Japanese corporations, Japanese government organizations, and local community To educate students to be socially responsible leaders, stressing the need of students from emerging countries in Asia and Africa. GB focuses on the needs surrounding all the constituencies that GSIM serves. For students and faculty, it is vital to keep abreast of the ever-changing dynamics of global business, supported by solid theoretical and practical bases, in order to advance their own careers and professionalism. For other stakeholders, which include Japanese corporations and government organizations, it is vital that GSIM nurtures students who can blend their business objectives with a sense of social leadership because such organizations expect this balanced outcome. At GSIM, we mainly focus on the following aims in GB: To instill global mindedness in students, including those from emerging countries in Asia and Africa. To help students understand the business and cultures of other countries and serve their home countries by contributing to their development, following graduation To help Japanese corporations, Japanese government organizations, local SMEs, and other stakeholders (e.g. foreign entities operating in Japan) to become globalized with a sense of social responsibility GSIM’s Vision To be the premier business school with a world-wide reputation that develops future leaders with social awareness who understand both Japan and emerging countries in Asia and Africa. GSIM’s Values Derived from the GSIM mission statement, the following are its notable values. INCLUSIVENESS (AND MULTICULTURAL AWARENESS) Our students are educated to be capable of being sensitive and skillful in reaching common objectives with people from various cultural backgrounds. GLOBAL MINDEDNESS Our students are trained in such a way that they can cope with any competitive environment on the global business stage. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Our students are educated (1) to influence the activities of other individuals or the group to which he/she belongs to and (2) take wise and socially responsible decisions. ETHICAL INTEGRITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Our students are inculcated to be aware that in businesses moral and ethical conduct is essential. The students master business fundamentals necessary to become truly competent professionals.

Motivation Matters

motivation matters

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that inspires and motivates followers to achieve extraordinary results. It is based on the idea that leaders can change the way their followers think and feel, which in turn can lead to changes in behaviour and performance. Transformational leaders are able to do this by providing a clear vision, inspiring their followers to share that vision, and providing the support and resources necessary to achieve it. They also create a positive and motivating work environment, where employees feel valued and respected. There are many benefits to transformational leadership. For businesses, it can lead to improved performance, higher productivity, and increased profits. It can also create a better place to work, where employees are more engaged and satisfied. One study* found that transformational leadership was associated with a 14% increase in employee productivity. Another study found that transformational leadership was associated with a 27% increase in employee satisfaction. My own experience is that increased productivity is not a once only event, but rather an annual increase. This comes from a Co-Creative leadership style. Transformational leadership is not without its challenges, however. It requires a high level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness on the part of the leader. It also requires a willingness to delegate and empower followers. Overall, transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. Here are some tips for implementing transformational leadership in your business: CREATE A CLEAR VISION. The first step in transformational leadership is to create a clear vision for your business. This vision should be something that your employees can believe in and that they are willing to work towards. INSPIRE YOUR FOLLOWERS. Once you have a clear vision, you need to inspire your followers to share that vision. This can be done by communicating your vision in a clear and concise way, and by providing evidence that your vision is achievable. PROVIDE THE SUPPORT AND RESOURCES NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE YOUR VISION. Once you have inspired your followers, you need to provide them with the support and resources they need to achieve your vision. This includes providing training, development opportunities, and the necessary tools and equipment. CREATE A POSITIVE AND MOTIVATING WORK ENVIRONMENT. A positive and motivating work environment is essential for transformational leadership. This means creating a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration. It also means providing employees with opportunities for growth and development. BE A ROLE MODEL. AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER, YOU NEED TO BE A ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR EMPLOYEES. This means setting a good example and demonstrating the behaviours that you want to see in your followers. Transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. *Citation: Transformational and charismatic leadership: Assessing the convergent, divergent and criterion validity of the MLQ and the CKS The Leadership Quarterly [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly], Volume 18, Issue 2 [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly/vol/18/issue/2], April 2007, Pages 121-133 Jens Rowold, Kathrin Heinitz,

Gold Leaf Services

gold leaf services


A Family Run Company Established in 1973 Serving The Gilding And Decorative Industries Ken Rees - Founder of Gold Leaf Supplies Ken Rees Founder In 2023 we will be celebrating our 50th year in business. Phew! Over the years, we have built a reputation for supplying high-quality products with an equally high level of service. We are passionate about gilding and specialist decoration techniques and we love to hear about your projects. At Gold Leaf Supplies we pride ourselves on our innovative approach to servicing the gilding and decorative trades. We are always exploring ways of expanding our services and seeking new horizons through interesting and exciting product ranges. Sue Govani - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Sue Govani Director Steve Rees - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Steve Rees Director Company History Gold Leaf Supplies is a family business, which was established as Services Supply Company in 1973 by Mr Ken Rees who was a senior partner in the business. Although Ken retired in 2008, he still had an involvement in the Company until his peaceful passing in May 2018. Having worked in the Italian Marble business for many years, Ken initially set up the business to supply gold leaf and associated products to the stone trade. The main emphasis being on offering an exceptionally high level of service and personal contact. Since 1973, our client base has expanded and diversified considerably, and we have increased our product range accordingly to meet our clients’ needs. We now cater to a diversified range of National and International clients involved in gilding, signwriting, glass manufacture, bookbinding, furniture restoration and manufacture, framing, interiors, architectural decoration, specialist decorating and monumental carving to name but a few. You can view examples of the prestigious projects that we have supplied for in our client gallery As the emphasis of the business changed so did the Company trading name - to Gold Leaf Supplies. From 1st March 2008, we became a Limited Company - Services Supply Company Ltd T/A Gold Leaf Supplies. Although the product range has diversified, and the company has grown, the philosophy introduced in 1973 has remained the same - "We offer quality products at competitive prices and a continuing high level of service." The business remains within the family and Kens’ son, Steve Rees and daughter, Sue Govani joined the company in 1989 and 1991 respectively. Steve has a background in Business whilst Sue’s background is in Art and Design bringing different skills and ideas to the business. Both are Company Directors and very hands on with the day to day running of the business. Steve is mainly involved with the purchasing and logistics. He has a memory like a filing cabinet and a sound technical knowledge relating to gilding techniques. When he has any free time, you will find him on the ski slopes or out walking with his beloved dogs. Sue is more involved with the creative side of the business and enjoys the sales, marketing and client facing events. Passionate about artistic techniques and applications, Sue is usually found trying out the new product ranges in her spare time. She is learning to gild is spending a little more time being a hands on creative which she finds a very meditative process. We all have enormous respect for the art of gilding and its traditional values whilst at the same time recognise and are inspired by the many diverse and contemporary ways that gold and silver leaf is being used today. Our Team It is important to receive your raw materials on time and we appreciate the tight deadlines that most businesses work to, therefore for approved accounts, most of our products are despatched the day instructions are received and delivered on a next day delivery basis. Where large projects are involved, supplies can be scheduled on a phased delivery. One of our strengths is that we can and have often been called upon to supply large quantities at short notice. Our prime objective is not only to supply, but also to provide a full service to our clients and our team makes every effort to ensure this objective is achieved. We have knowledgeable staff who are always on hand to offer advice and we respond quickly to any enquiries that you may have. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Sue Jewell Accounts Manager Sue J has been with us for almost 15 years and has been instrumental in setting up all of our accounts and bookkeeping administration. Since October last year Sue decided to reduce her hours to work part time to fit around her grandchildren and has been working remotely since lockdown. Accounts practices come naturally to Sue and she is continuing to teach all the office staff her accounting methods. She is still very much involved with managing and overseeing the office systems and administration on a weekly basis remotely although she no longer has direct contact with clients. Niki Rathkey Accounts Administrator and Order Processing Niki has been with GLS for two years now and handles all our day-to-day accounts and order processing. It is a busy desk, but Niki is always on hand with a smile to answer any accounting queries that you may have. She is like a magpie when it comes to our shiny products and uses a lot of them in her stone painting and interior projects. She has also built up a sound knowledge about how our products work and will answer most queries related to this. Niki has a strong background of secretarial and administrative skills and has previously worked for a variety of Accounts practices. Isabel Barriga Brown Accounts Assistant and Order Processing Isabel is a new starter for GLS who joined us in October 2021 but has quickly become an indispensable member of the team. Together with Niki they are the accounts team that keep our day-to-day orders ticking over and our records straight! She is very creative and artistic and helps a lot with our social media ideas and creative projects. Again, Isabel loves trying out the projects in her own home and is also learning to gild. She’s our social secretary and makes sure we get together outside as well as inside of work. Adam Rees Technical and IT Adam has worked at Gold Leaf Supplies for around 10 years and during that time he has built up a very good technical knowledge about the products and their uses. He is happy to answer any technical questions that you may have. He is very patient and interested in the challenges that customers projects often present. He will always go out of his way to find a solution and is interested in testing new products and applications. Adam also has responsibility for the Website and all our internal IT requirements. Ralph Davies Warehouse Manager Ralph has been with GLS for over 8 years and takes care of all the goods inwards, stock control and order despatch. Ralph is meticulous and methodical which is a good thing in a busy warehouse. He runs a very tight and organised ship and is a real character! Nothing is ever too much trouble! He always goes the extra mile to make sure your orders are packed well and despatched on time. Fred Govani Warehouse Assistant Fred is Sue’s husband and since taking early retirement during lockdown he comes into the Company part time to help out in our busy warehouse. Due to his previous and extensive work experience he also has a valuable input into logistics and systems practices. Debbie Rees Colour sampling coordinator. Debbie is Steve’s wife who also runs an online homeware store called Elsie Boo Collections. She helps out at GLS by preparing all of our Gold leaf and other metallic materials shade cards that our clients find so useful to have in their workshops or to show their own customers to help them make colour decision choices. Debbie makes sure that we are all stocked up with these and also helps us keep on top of office filing.

Blossoming Bellies

blossoming bellies

Brittany's path led her through many experiences before focusing her work on the need for respect and humility in the amazing power, instinct, and normalcy of birth. Completing high school after her junior year with distinguished honors and a focus in visual art and writing , Brittany went on to study Literature at Temple University, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and certificates in both writing and honors. She maintains membership with Phi Beta Kappa, a national academic honor society. Throughout college, Brittany worked for Trio Upward Bound, a national organization that prepares inner city high school students for college. In her role as tutor and counselor, she gained experience in dealing with several different ages from ninth through twelfth grade, understanding of differences in learning pace and ability, and comfort in leading group discussions and projects. Brittany went on to substitute teach for pre-school through eighth grade at Frankford Friends School, strengthening her abilities in areas including the facilitation of group activities, the development of all aspects of the person - physical, academic, spiritual, emotional, and social, and the mentoring of children of all different ages and backgrounds. In addition to her education career, Brittany has completed a mentorship training program which focuses on peaceful solutions to conflict through listening, reflection, and understanding and the development of counseling skills. She attended a Birth Works three day workshop where she gained skills and techniques helpful in facilitating childbirth classes and providing labor assistance. She has also completed birth doula training by both DONA International and Birth Arts International. Brittany is a Birth WorksTM certified childbirth educator, a DONA certified birth doula, a certified breastfeeding counselor with Nursing Mothers Alliance, and a Certified Lactation Counselor through the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice. She has also completed birth doula training with Birth Arts International. She also holds a Rebozo certification from Wise Birth Choices, L.L.C. Brittany continuously furthers her knowledge through regular attendance and facilitation at conferences, workshops, and lectures, in addition to her home studies, and her facilitation of workshops for clinical and non-clinical birth professionals. In an effort to make maternity care options available to all birthing people, Brittany volunteered her time in putting together the Philadelphia Guide to a Healthy Birth with Choices in Childbirth. Although the Philadelphia Guide is no longer in print, The National Guide is available online at www.choicesinchildbirth.org. Brittany has also been a frequent contributor to the Birth Works quarterly newsletter and wrote monthly for the e-newsletter, "Empowerment for Healthy Living," when it was published. She continues writing for the Birth Works blog. Brittany has been a guest speaker on several pregnancy, postpartum, and health-related topics at businesses around the Philadelphia area, including Martindale's Natural Market in Delaware County, Shanti Yoga Shala and Nest, both in Center City Philadelphia, and the Expectant Parents Boot Camp at The Please Touch Museum. In the spring of 2011, Brittany organized and facilitated a free community screening of the documentary, "Food, Inc." She worked with the non-profit organization WomenCare organizing an event featuring world-renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin in May 2011. Blossoming Bellies has also been featured in the July 2011 issue of herbalist Susan Weed's ezine "Wise Woman Herbal Healing with Susun Weed." In May of 2014, Brittany had the honor of being the only childbirth educator and doula serving as a panelist at the Birth Works "Ask The Experts" event held in Cherry Hill, NJ where she discussed birth options and answered community members' birth-related questions aside several distinguished birth professionals, including obstetricians, academics, pediatricians, and midwives, from the greater Philadelphia area. She was also honored to be a presenter at ICAN's (International Cesarean Awareness Network) meeting on birth education options in the Philadelphia area in January of 2015. Brittany is also the creator of two dynamic workshops focused on understanding the pelvis, the baby's movements and positioning as they descend and rotate, and preventing and working through complications that arise from malpositioning, "Creating Space: Pelvic Dynamics, Fetal Positioning, and Use of the Rebozo" for birth professionals and "Moving Through Labor" for expectant parents. She has had the honor of facilitating her workshop, "Creating Space," for obstetrical, midwifery, and nursing groups around the country. She is a guest speaker at the University of Pennsylvania for their student midwifery program and a frequent speaker at international conferences including the Birth Works International Conference in October of 2016, the ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness Summit in March of 2018, the Evidence Based Birth Conference in September of 2019, the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference, the ICEA 2020 Virtual Conference, and the Utah Doula Association Virtual Mini-Conference in 2020. She also facilitates pelvic dynamics and fetal positioning workshops for Maternity Care Coalition and PALS. She continues to facilitate workshops for conferences and private practices around the country. Blossoming Bellies began with Brittany teaching classes in her home in South Philadelphia. She still occasionally teaches classes in the coziness of her home but, after spending time teaching classes at South Philadelphia Community Acupuncture, The Nesting House on vibrant East Passyunk Avenue, and the community space Lilypad, she now teaches at the BOK building aside Justin Ohm of Ohm Chiropractic. She has also branched out to serving other areas of the city, including Mt. Airy, Fairmount, West Philly, Fishtown, and Center City. Brittany was a Birth Works facilitator at the Maternal Wellness Center in Mt. Airy and continued teaching Birth Works classes in Mt. Airy at The Nesting House (former location of the Maternal Wellness Center) and at each of their additional locations in South Philly, West Philly, and Collingswood, for several years. Her South Philadelphia series classes are now held at the BOK building in South Philadelphia, where she shares space with Dr. Justin Ohm, of Ohm Chiropractic . She brought group Birth Works classes to the Fairmount section of Philadelphia, facilitating workshops at Still Waters Holistic Health Therapies from 2010 through 2019 and to the Fishtown section of the city, teaching at City Sprouts until their close in November 2016 and at Minnow Lane on Frankford Ave through 2020. Brittany's Homebirth Preparation Class can be found at Ohm Chiropractic in South Philadelphia. Her prenatal Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding 101 classes and Infant Care classes are offered in Brewerytown at Kith + Kin and in South Philly at BOK. Check out an interview with Brittany about her philosophies and classes at Philly Baby Bump. Brittany also helps mentor and guide new doulas as they begin their journey into the birth world. Doulas often observe her classes to fulfill their certification requirements and Brittany facilitates workshops specifically for doulas and birth professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills. In addition, she offers a full doula mentorship course for those looking for one-on-one guidance, resources, and referrals as they enter in to the greater birth community. For more information about doula mentoring and one-on-one options available, please contact Brittany. Blossoming Bellies has been recognized by CBS Philly as one of the Top Childbirth Classes in Philly and is the winner of the 2016 Love Awards for Best Lactation Consultant, the 2017 Love Awards for Best Prenatal Classes, and the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Love Awards for Best Childbirth Preparation Classes. She is also a contributor to the blog A Child Grows and the blog We Bloom in Philly and has written several feature articles for the Birth Works newsletter. Brittany is a contributor to the international best-selling book "Baby Got VBAC: An Inspiring Collection of Wisdom for Better Births After a Cesarean," writing a chapter covering the importance of movement and guidelines for using it in all births, with a focus on vaginal birth after cesarean. In addition, she is a sought-after presenter on pelvic dynamics, fetal positioning, preventing malpositioning in labor, and working through positioning issues that can lead to stalls in labor, facilitating workshops at the Birth Works International Conference, the Freedom for Family Wellness Summit hosted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the Evidence Based Birth Conference, and the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference as well as for midwifery and obstetrical practices, labor and delivery nurses, and midwifery students around the country. She also has collaborated with East Eagle Yoga to develop and facilitate a prenatal yoga teacher training program full of the bodily knowledge, movement awareness, and empathetic practice that is crucial to the role of a prenatal yoga instructor. Brittany also developed and facilitated the online ICEA training for birth professionals on anatomy and reproductive structure. You can check out interviews with Brittany on a few national podcasts. She was honored to be a featured guest on episode #161 of the well known podcast, The VBAC Link, where she talks all about pelvic dynamics and autonomy in birth. Check it out at The VBAC Link! She will also be featured on the Vagina Talks podcast in February 2021. Providing expecting families with information, resources, a listening ear, and love and support is at the core of Brittany's goals. In helping parents to recognize their strength as humans, role models, and advocates for the needs and wishes of themselves and their children, Brittany assists families in creating birth and parenting experiences of which they feel positive, confident, and informed. Her approach to birth and parenting focuses on building awareness of one's intuition and combining it with learned knowledge in a way that is respectful of the needs and abilities of each individual.

Ashley Williams

ashley williams

1.1 This website is operated by [Happy Ashley LTD] (Company No. [9121932]) whose registered office is at [23-27 Arcola Street London E8 2DJ] (“we”, “us” or “our”). 1.2 These terms and conditions (“the Terms”) apply to the use of the website found at www.ashleywilliamslondon.com (“theWebsite”) including any mirror sites or future incarnations of the site. The Terms should be read in conjunction with the PrivacyPolicy found at the Website and (if applicable) any other information listed on the Website and shall together form the agreement between you and us. 1.3 It is important that you read and understand the Terms before using the Website or placing an order for goods from the Website. By accessing or using the Website, including placing an order, you are agreeing to be bound by the Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms, you should not use the Website or attempt to purchase goods from the Website. 1.4 The Terms may be modified from time to time without notice to you. 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Springboard4education (Uk)

springboard4education (uk)


Last but not least, attending a UK university means you’ll be able to make connections and develop a high-quality network that can prove very useful when the time comes to look for a job. Besides, the UK is a multicultural society, and as such, you’ll easily be able to meet friends for life. Education Systems in the UK The UK education system can be divided into four distinct levels, and the national curriculum is organised into ‘’key stages’’: Primary education: Students will attend between ages five and age 11 and undertake key stage 1 and 2 with compulsory subjects and tests to assess their English and Maths skills Secondary education: Students will typically be between 11 and 16 years of age, undertake key stages 3 and 4 and work towards taking their GCSE’s. Further education: Students who have completed their secondary education and wish to gain access to university or college must complete further education. They’ll have to obtain qualifications such as A-Levels, BTEC's, or other qualifications based on the type of curriculum they wish to pursue. Higher education: With over 33% of British people entering the higher education level every year, the competition is fierce. A-Levels are the main criteria to get into university. However, there are some entry pathways, such as enrolling for an Access to Higher Education (Access to HE) course. If you’re an international student, you‘ll need to complete the equivalent to the UK’s further education. Note that all four regions of the UK, including Northern Ireland, England, Wales, and Scotland, have their own forms of education systems. The main difference pertains to primary and secondary education, where each region has its own qualifications. Higher Education Higher education in the UK offers students multiple options ranging from bachelors and masters to doctoral degrees. As an international student, you can apply for pathway programme in order to improve your English skills while accessing foundation courses to consolidate your basic knowledge in some specific areas before enrolling for university. This will ensure you acquire both the English and academic qualifications you need to get access to better universities. Note that both universities and private institutions offer pathway programs. Undergraduate courses Undergraduate courses are a great way for students to transition to the university level after high-school. Indeed, undertaking an undergraduate course in the UK will provide you with a first-degree level (Bachelor) while allowing you to explore different subjects and better define your preferences. To help you understand the different types of programs you can choose from, we’ve added a table below. Postgraduate studies Postgraduate courses allow students to obtain a postgraduate diploma, a professional degree, a master’s degree, or a doctorate and usually require having a first degree to enter (Bachelor). More specifically, there are four main types of postgraduate degrees: Taught courses: Master’s degrees or postgraduate diplomas Research degrees: PhDs, DPhils, integrated PhDs, and professional doctorates Conversion courses: Certificates and diplomas based on crash courses designed to get you up to speed on a subject you haven’t studied before Professional qualifications: Practical training to enter a specific profession To help you understand the different types of programs you can choose from, we’ve added a table below. Tuition Fees Tuition fees will greatly vary depending on your location, the institution you’re studying at, the study level, the program, and the duration of the program. Normally, the tuition fees range from 10,000GBP to 20000GBP+ per year, depend on the university or college you are going to attend. Students life in the UK The UK includes four different countries, including England, Scotland, North Ireland, and Wales, and is home to 66.65 million inhabitants. A few general facts you should be familiar with when enrolling for a British university: British people like law and order Respect and politeness are expected Punctuality is important Universities and college campuses are non-smoking zones Although the UK is usually safe, travel in a group at night, lock your doors, and avoid leaving your valuables in plain sight Accommodation There are a few different types of accommodation options available when it comes to accommodation for international students depending on your location, your budget, and whether or not your university features halls of residence: Halls of residence Finding accommodation will most likely be one of the first obstacles to tackle as an international student. One of the most popular options for a foreign student who starts the first year of study in the UK is to stay in a hall of residence. Halls of residence are buildings offering small single or shared flats usually provided by universities or colleges to accommodate students. Living in a hall of residence is an excellent way to meet other students as they feature common facilities and communal areas such as canteens, pool tables, or bars. This option is usually cheaper than renting a flat or a house. Private Flats or Houses While choosing to live in a flat or a house is more costly than staying in a hall of residence, this option allows for flexibility as you’ll be able to choose the location you live in. However, choosing to live by yourself might make meeting new people more challenging. According to a study led by the World University Ranking in 2020, the average student rent is £126 per week on average, and the average annual rent cost is £4,914. Note that around 70% of rents include bills. Shared flats Some websites, such as studentspareroom.co.uk or room.go.uk , allow students to research shared houses and shared flat options. Less expensive than renting a private flat, this option will also allow you to meet other people (may they be students or not). It also means you won’t have to consistently stay on the college or university premises. Public Transport The UK is well connected through different types of transport: Trains: Most cities and towns in the UK have a train station. You can plan your journey and book your tickets on thetrainline.com . As a full-time international student under the age of 25, you are eligible for a 30% discounted pass . Coaches: Coaches are a great option if you’re planning to explore the UK as these large buses are designed for long journeys. Buses: Buses are the cheapest way to travel around and are very popular among students. You can use the app city mapper to plan your journey. You can find tickets based on your destination here . Underground: Whether you’re studying in London or just exploring for a couple of days, you’ll most likely use ‘’the tube’’ to travel around. As an international student under the age of 25, you can apply for the 18+ student Oyster card , which will give you access to a 30% discount on fares. Social Life Two great ways to immerse yourself into the UK culture and embrace the local way of life is to learn English and join student clubs or societies. Some campuses, including Loughborough University, Lancaster, or Liverpool Hope, offer great facilities such as spas, gyms, shops, bars, and clubs, which can help you meet other students. The towns and campuses brim with bars, restaurants, and clubs welcoming countless students every night. Going out on the weekends is an integral part of the UK way of life and is a widespread activity among students. Note that, if you’re invited to a house party or for dinner, you’ll be expected to bring something along (dessert if it’s a dinner, for instance, or a drink if it’s a party). Note that the pub culture is embedded in the UK way of life as it’s a way for people to relax and socialise. Although the country is multicultural and international cuisines are an integral part of the UK food scene, Britons have a few specialties you might want to try on a day out with friends. Fish & Chips, Bangers & Mash, Shepherd’s pie or steak & kidney pudding are some of the British favourites to try. Last but not least, the local sense of humour might surprise you. Indeed, Brits use sarcasm and irony a lot (famous British sense of humour) so make sure you don’t take things to the first degree as they’ll often be teasing you. You can deleted it The UK student visa Cost of Visa The fee for the Tier 4 General Visa is £348. In addition to the general visa fee, you’ll have to pay for the healthcare surcharge up to £470 a year, depending on your location, home country, and the type, of course, you choose to enroll in. The fees for the Short-term Student Visa range currently between £97 for visas up to 6 months and £186 for visas up to 11 months. Healthcare As a Tier 4 student visa holder who is studying in the UK for six months or longer, you will have access to the NHS (the British Healthcare System). If you’re not eligible via your visa, you will need to look into private insurance. Note: For students who apply with SpringBoard4Education in any countries, we help you prepare the necessary documents for your student visa application, as well as other steps in the process, completely free of charge. Work opportunities International students who hold a Tier 4 student visa are allowed to work part-time while studying in the UK. Let’s take a look at the working rights before diving into working options. Working rights If you hold a Tier 4 visa issued for full-time degree-level studies, you’ll be allowed to work for up to 20 hours a week and full-time during vacations or summer holidays. Your institutions must be listed on the official UKVI Sponsor list and the list of “recognised bodies .” Note that you’re not allowed to work, may it be work placement or work experience, on a Short-term Student Visa. Reinstatement of the two-year post-study work visa In 2019, the UK government announced the reinstatement of the two-year post-study work visa ( Graduate Route ) for international students studying in the UK, starting from September 2020. This will allow international students enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree to be able to work in the UK for up to two years after completing their master’s degree and up to three years after completing their Ph.D. There will be no restrictions regarding the type of work that can be performed by former international students. Sponsorship For international students who wish to find long term work in the UK (up to 5 years), the Tier 2 Visa is the best option. To be eligible for this visa, the first step will be to find an employer who is a licensed sponsor and is willing to hire you. They must also demonstrate that they’ve advertised the role but couldn’t fill it. You’ll find more information on this visa here . Opportunities Working part-time while studying can be a great way to help fund the cost related to your study. It can also be an excellent way for students to develop their work experience and critical employability skills and ultimately increase your chances of being offered a job at the end of your studies. Popular part-time jobs for international students include: Server Bartender Student Ambassador Admin jobs Animal Caretaker Childminder Tutor Retail assistant Customer Service




The role of CABE’s Presidential Team and Board is to set out the strategic objectives and aims of the Association and to ensure their delivery. All representatives on the board are members of CABE are nominated to the position by Chartered Members. They represent a mixture of views from different specialities and areas across the industry making sure there is a variety of perspectives to help shape CABE’s unifying voice. CABE Patron Lord John Lytton BSc FCABE (Hon) IRRV FRICS In his role as patron of CABE, Lord Lytton acts as an influential figurehead, creating valuable partnerships with organisations across the globe through his extensive network of industry and Governmental contacts and assisting the Association in raising its profile and influence within the building and construction industry. Lord Lytton is a leading chartered surveyor and an active contributor to the House of Lords. He is chairman of the boundaries and party walls professional panel of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Excellence in the Built Environment as well as being newly appointed to the House of Lords Information Committee. He has been an Honorary Fellow of ABE since 1997, and CABE since its formation in 2014. Presidential Team Joseph Birt PCABE FCABE – President Joseph Birt worked for 22 years within Local Authority Building Control in various posts; the latter 12 years as Specialist Support Officer for a Cluster of Councils, which included responsibility for advising on fire safety aspects of the Building Regulations. He was, for ten years, a Director of the William Keown Charitable Trust, which champions equality in the built environment and celebrates the achievements of people with disabilities. He has been elected twice as Chairman of the Northern Ireland Fire Safety Panel. By Ministerial Appointment he served two terms on the Northern Ireland’s Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC) where he contributed to the development of the current Northern Ireland Building Regulations. He has also served two terms on the Department of Communities, Historic Buildings Council. Joseph is a Chartered Building Engineer, who continues to be active within his local CABE Region; currently Treasurer and past Chairman of the CABE Northern Ireland Region’. He is now the Technical Director of FRSNI Ltd. Richard Smith VPCABE FCABE – Vice-President Richard Smith commenced his employment as a YTS Trainee in Building Control back in 1989 and has progressed his career to become the Head of Standards and Innovation and Research at NHBC where he oversees the delivery and implementation of NHBC's Technical Standards, Technical policy, Acceptance of innovative and non-traditional construction methods and leads the NHBC Foundation. Richard is also a member of The Building Regulations Advisory Committee and support a number of Sub Committees including new building broadband connectivity, Part M Working Group and Building Act 1984 working group. Richard Flynn CEng CEnv CWEM VPCABE FCABE – Vice-President Richard is an independent private practitioner trading as Flynn & Shaw, Chartered Building Engineers. As well as being a Chartered Building Engineer, he is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Environmentalist, Chartered Water and Environment Manager, Registered Building Surveyor and Certified Site Assessor. Richard is a recognised expert in the area of onsite wastewater treatment and provides a complete site suitability assessment, treatment system design, and certification of installation for onsite wastewater treatment systems throughout Ireland. Richard has been Chair of the CABE Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC) since its inception in 2019 as well as member of the Southern Ireland Region committee of CABE. Stewart C McArthur BSc (Hons) PPCABE FCABE RICS Dip BC – Past President Stewart has 30 years’ experience in the house building industry. He has a degree in Fire Risk Engineering from Glasgow Caledonian University. During his studies he also attended seminars at Maryland University and had the privilege of being tutored by some of the most widely respected experts in the fire engineering sector. Stewart began his career in building standards before moving into the warranty sector. He also has recent experience as a site manager. This broad experience has given him a greater understanding of the house building industry from all perspectives. He has been a member of CABE since 2001 and has played an active part in the regional committee for the past ten years. CABE Board Daniel Fordham FCABERussell Urwin FCABETony Harvey-Soanes FCABEPaul Grinyer FCABEDavid Courtney CEnv FCABE Lindsay Richards BSc MBA MCABE Chartered Building EngineerZoe Cox FCABEMishka Scott MCABE Chartered Building EngineerDavid Kitcatt FCABEIsacc Sunder Packianathan FCABE Executive Team Dr Gavin Dunn BSc (Hons) MSc PhD FCABE – Chief Executive Originally trained as an architect, Gavin initially practised in North America with a large construction engineering firm before returning to the UK to specialise in the energy and environmental performance of buildings in 1998. Gavin advanced this specialism through positions at the Welsh School of Architecture, and Elmhurst Energy, where he helped develop some of Europe’s leading building energy certification and labelling systems. In 2013 Gavin was appointed Director of Building Performance at the Building Research Establishment (BRE) where he was responsible for a portfolio of BRE's globally leading services including BREEAM and CEEQUAL the world’s foremost environmental assessment methods for the built environment. In 2018, Gavin was appointed as Chief Executive of CABE where he works to help enable a more professional construction sector that works to create better, safer and more sustainable buildings that enhance people’s lives. Gavin was a member of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC) of the UK Government from 2015 to 2022 where he served as Chairman of the Future Homes Standard Working Group. Jackie Macaulay – Chief Operating Officer Jackie is responsible for all aspects of the organisations operations and internal processing. Her remit includes compliance, legal services, HR, OD & change management, IT, facilities, PR & communications, membership processing and deputising for the CEO in his absence. Her experience spans a range of manufacturing, construction and not-for-profit organisations with her first Director position as HR Director for Electrolux in 2004. Jackie has worked across the UK, Ireland and internationally across Europe and Asia managing diverse and multi-disciplined teams. She brings to CABE the senior expertise that will develop the organisation as it moves forward with its modernisation and development strategy. Richard Harral BA BArch FCABE RIBA – Technical Director Richard Harral is the Technical Director for CABE. He has previously worked as an architect in both public and private sector practice, and as a policy official in the Building Regulations Division of MHCLG between 2007 and 2014 where he oversaw introduction of policies on accessible housing, security standards, broadband and the national space standard for new homes. He was subsequently Head of Technical Policy in the period 2014-2017. He currently sits on the CIC Competence Steering Group, and chairs a number of competence working groups including on Designer and Architect Competence. He was Technical author for Flex 8670, the recently published British Standard on Competence for building safety in Built environment industries. Alison Duckles CBE – Professional Development Director Alison has worked in the Construction sector for over 24 years, predominantly with Laing O’Rourke. She previously held roles with the Chartered Institution of Waste Management and Eastern Group plc in the power sector. Predominantly focused on learning and development while driving competence, professional standards, and futures skills requirement; Alison worked extensively on the creation of new construction apprenticeships, engaging employers, providers, sector bodies and Government. In her role with CABE Alison is responsible for continuing to strengthen partnerships with academic institutions, provide members with quality training and CPD opportunities and Support the Association’s ambition to drive competency and professional responsibility in the construction sector. CABE Staff Membership Services Team – membership@cbuilde.com Our friendly, experienced membership team is always on hand to offer the best possible advice on becoming a member of CABE, advising you on the best route to membership and helping you to progress through our grades as your career develops. Amy Chatfield – Membership Services Manager Amy leads the Membership Team, which is responsible for all membership processing, professional interviews for CABE Chartered Membership and registrations for both the Engineering Council and Society for the Environment. With a strong background in customer service, Amy joined CABE in 2015. She has held a variety of positions, including roles in the Publications Team – working on the building engineer journal – and the Events & Marketing Team. After building extensive knowledge of the membership journey, she moved into the Membership Team in 2018; since then, she has worked continuously to improve processes, ensuring that the Association provides excellent customer service to all new and existing members. Alongside her role as Membership Services Manager, Amy is a trained Mental Health First Aider (MHFA), providing wellbeing support for her colleagues. Sabrina Miah Professional Review Co-ordinator Tara Talley Membership Services Co-ordinatorJoshua Law Membership Services Administrator Communications Team – info@cbuilde.com The Communications team deliver vital resources, news, and information to our membership, keeping them up-to-date with industry changes, standards, and opinions. This is done through direct contact with our membership, delivering our monthly journal, BuildingEngineer . Laura Richardson - Head of Communications Laura has been with CABE since 2018 when she joined as PR and Communication manager. She is responsible for implementing the communications strategy across the Association’s communication streams including PR, Marketing, and Digital Infrastructure functions. She joined CABE from Booker, where she gained experience in website marketing and design. Along with her previous experience working in publications and marketing roles in the construction industry she brings a lot of skills and strengths to the team. Maya Bullock Communications & Digital Designer Abigail Crook Communications Administrator Professional Development Team – training@cbuilde.com CABE provides a range of services to our members and the wider industry to assist in the expansion of knowledge in respect of the built environment. Our Professional Development Team facilitate this by ensuring opportunities such as our suite of regional conferences, annual conference & exhibition, training courses, local/regional CPD and our 12 UK & ROI regions run smoothly and offer the highest possible quality in their delivery. Kirri Porter-White - Competency & Learning Lead Kirri has been with the association since 2015, working initially within the Regional Services and Events team to provide support for the regional committees over CABE’s 12 regions in the UK and Ireland, as well as our international Chapters. Kirri is responsible for the development and deployment of CABE’s training and learning infrastructure, focusing on both technical competency and wellbeing within the construction industry. Kirri’s team also work with the Professional Development Director on academic accreditation and relationships with universities. Rosemary Brewill Regional Services Co-ordinatorShaneka Foster Professional Development Administrator Operations Team – info@cbuilde.com The Operations Team are involved in the day-to-day activities of the Association, to ensure the smooth running of all CABE’s activities, including Finance, IT, Legal and Facilities. Carl Pearson - Head of Legal and Governance Services Carl has worked both private practice and in-house roles, within the sectors of welfare law, housing law, debt law, consumer law, compliance law, and commercial law. Joining CABE in 2018 from Dixons Carphone, Carl is responsible for providing the Association with internal legal advice on its business practices, activities and contractual relationships, development and review of various internal policies and procedures and day-to-day management of disciplinary and complaints investigations. Jacky Lonsdale - Head of Finance Jacky joined CABE in November 2021 and brings a wealth of experience having worked for a number of both large corporate companies and smaller businesses including JVC, Total Oil Marine, Bosch Security Systems and Vinci Construction. Before joining CABE she worked for the Auto-Cycle Union, a motorcycle membership organisation. As Head of Finance Jacky is responsible for the delivery of financial information to the management team. Finance encompasses all areas of accounting processes, monthly management accounts, forecasts, annual budgets and financial statements. It also covers all aspects of audit liaison and statutory return requirements. Jacky’s mission is to ensure financial reporting is accurate, concise and on time. Helena Wootton Reception and Office ManagerAlison Lodge Executive AssistantCharlotte Taylor Finance Assistant Hong Kong Office – info@cbuilde.com Vivian Sie BA (Hons) MA MSc - General Manager Vivian is the General Manager of CABE Hong Kong Chapter responsible for daily operation, enhancing communication with members and working partners, upholding the reputation of one of the international recognised associations in Hong Kong and beyond.Before joining CABE, Vivian had experience in the areas of corporate governance and public sector management where she was instrumental in providing efficient secretarial support to a local leading professional institute and a regulatory body. Her remit included membership processing and benefits, media relations, disciplinary proceedings, set-up of Biennale Foundation and Beijing Representative Office, key event planning and execution. After graduating with BA honours in translation, Vivian obtained a distinction in the Master of Arts in International Communication from the Macquarie University, Australia. She has a Master of Science in Public Sector Management. Mable Hung Administrator

Native English

native english

This website is operated by Joshua Levy t/a Native English UK. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Joshua Levy t/a Native English UK, the abbreviation t/a stands for trading as, as permitted under sole trader licence from the United Kingdom’s HMRC (Her Majesty’s Customs and Revenue). Joshua Levy t/a Native English UK offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you, the user, the client, conditioned upon your acceptance of all terms, conditions, policies and notices stated here. The education service delivery and jurisdiction are carried out online or offline from the United Kingdom, Russian Federation and other applicable countries. Nevertheless, by entering contract for our services, you hereby agree to abide by the terms as set out below. Kindly read it carefully. By visiting our site and/ or purchasing any product or service from us, you engage in our “Service” and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”, “Terms”), including those additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein and/or available by hyperlink. These Terms of Service apply to all users of the site, including without limitation users who are browsers, vendors, customers, merchants, and/ or contributors of content. Please read these Terms of Service carefully before accessing or using our website. By accessing or using any part of the site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not access the website or use any services. If these Terms of Service are considered an offer, acceptance is expressly limited to these Terms of Service. Any new features or tools which are added to the current store shall also be subject to the Terms of Service. You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time on this page. We reserve the right to update, change or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and/or changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to the website following the posting of any changes constitutes acceptance of those changes. SECTION 1 – ONLINE EDUCATION TERMS By agreeing to these Terms of Service, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence, or that you are the age of majority in your state or province of residence, and you have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site. You may not use our products for any illegal or unauthorised purpose nor may you, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws). You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature. A breach or violation of any of the Terms will result in an immediate termination of your education services, our contract, effective immediately. SECTION 2 – GENERAL CONDITIONS I/We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. You understand that your content (not including credit card information), may be transferred unencrypted and involve (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Credit card information is always encrypted during transfer over networks. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service or any contact on the website through which the service is provided, without express written permission by us. The headings used in this agreement are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect these Terms. Additionally, the personal information provided may be used for data analysis for better user experience. Nevertheless, your information will not be passed on to third parties for marketing or data collection purposes. This is only for our internal use strictly. SECTION 3 – ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS AND TIMELINESS OF INFORMATION We are not responsible if information made available on this site is not accurate, complete or current. The material on this site is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk. This site may contain certain historical information. Historical information, necessarily, is not current and is provided for your reference only. We reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update any information on our site. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor changes to our site. If you are unsure of any information, kindly contact us as soon as possible SECTION 4 – MODIFICATIONS TO THE EDUCATION SERVICES AND PRICES Prices for our products are subject to change without notice. Additionally, prices for education delivery are in multi-currency and can change at any time based on exchange rate, region being served and other unforeseen factors. We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time. We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Service. The price or any service provided to you can be on bespoke basis and is valid for your use and our contractual agreement, unless otherwise specified. SECTION 5 – EDUCATION RELATED PRODUCTS OR SERVICES (if applicable) We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colours and images of our products that appear on our website. We cannot guarantee that your computer monitor’s display of any colour will be accurate. We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to limit the provision of our product or Services to any person, geographic region or jurisdiction. We may exercise this right on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to limit the quantities of any products or services that we offer. All descriptions of products or product pricing are subject to change at any time without notice, at the sole discretion of us. We reserve the right to discontinue any product at any time. Any offer for any product or service made on this site is void where prohibited. We do not warrant that the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you will meet your expectations, or that any errors in the Service will be corrected. SECTION 6 – EDUCATION SERVICES TERMS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS By continuing to accept our education service, which are comprised of provision of education materials, not only contained on this website but related to your classes, you hereby agree to abide by the below terms and conditions, inclusive of additional terms of service as laid out above and below the page. 6a. The educator will make “best effort” and provide appropriate motivation for the pupil, to learn the language effectively. The educator in addition, will provide all necessary materials for effective learning. 6b. The materials provided might be bespoke or prepared by us at Native English UK or provisioned by third parties for your personal education use only. You are not authorised or disseminate, distribute or upload copyrighted material to any other platform online or offline or make any part of the content available to the general public. These materials are only for your personal use and are strictly provided only for that reason only. 6c. For effective learning, the effort must be joint and equal by the pupil and educator, in this regard the pupil needs to be make best effort and display appropriate motivation to be complete the assigned tasks, maintain effectiveness of being on-time for lessons as agreed. Additionally, this is to also acknowledge, education and learning process is joint effort between the educator and the pupil, and not supposed to be in anyway intended to be taken as one-way effort, obligation or motivation. 6d. In case of cancellation of lessons or service agreement, the pupil must notify the educator in reasonable time. By reasonable time, the generally acceptable time is 12 hours or more. Unless there is emergency whereby, exceptions can be granted. This is to ensure; the educator has sufficient time to re-arrange the lesson or amend timetable or services. This is especially important when considering online education delivery, as some places might have difficult field conditions or booking, reservation restrictions. 6e. In case of “no show”, “sudden cancellation” without valid or appropriate explanation, we reserve the right to apply lesson penalties by charging payment percentage amount for the lesson for compensating the educator’s time and effort in preparing the lesson time, place and materials. In case of “no show” the fees are non-refundable and can constitute violation and termination of our service provision or contractual agreement between us. 6f. Pupil also hereby agrees to behave respectfully, appropriately towards the education, refrain from using unsociable, unparliamentary language, or make use of offensive language towards the educator SECTION 7 – ACCURACY OF BILLING AND ACCOUNT INFORMATION We reserve the right to refuse any product or service, you place with us, without explanation. We may, in our sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household or per order. These restrictions may include orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same credit card, and/or orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address. If we make a change to or cancel an order, we may attempt to notify you by contacting the e-mail and/or billing address/phone number provided at the time the order was made. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers or distributors. You agree to provide current, complete and accurate purchase and account information for all purchases made at our store. You agree to promptly update your account and other information, including your email address and credit card numbers and expiration dates, so that we can complete your transactions and contact you as needed. Considering we are an international language school, our prices are in multi-currency and every attempt will be made to bill the client in local currency, nevertheless, even if the amount is billed in a currency other than billed, the transaction value will remain the same. For more detail, please contact us SECTION 8 – OPTIONAL TOOLS We may provide you with access to third-party tools over which we neither monitor nor have any control nor input. You acknowledge and agree that we provide access to such tools” as is” and “as available” without any warranties, representations or conditions of any kind and without any endorsement. We shall have no liability whatsoever arising from or relating to your use of optional third-party tools. Any use by you of optional tools offered through the site is entirely at your own risk and discretion and you should ensure that you are familiar with and approve of the terms on which tools are provided by the relevant third-party provider(s). We may also, in the future, offer new services and/or features through the website (including, the release of new tools and resources). Such new features and/or services shall also be subject to these Terms of Service. SECTION 9 – THIRD-PARTY LINKS Certain content, products and services available via our Service may include materials from third parties. Third-party links on this site may direct you to third-party websites that are not affiliated with us. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating the content or accuracy and we do not warrant and will not have any liability or responsibility for any third-party materials or websites, or for any other materials, products, or services of third parties. We are not liable for any harm or damages related to the purchase or use of goods, services, resources, content, or any other transactions made in connection with any third-party websites. Please review carefully the third-party’s policies and practices and make sure you understand them before you engage in any transaction. Complaints, claims, concerns, or questions regarding third-party products should be directed to the third-party. SECTION 10 – USER COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND OTHER SUBMISSIONS If, at our request, you send certain specific submissions (for example contest entries) or without a request from us you send creative ideas, suggestions, proposals, plans, or other materials, whether online, by email, by postal mail, or otherwise (collectively, ‘comments’), you agree that we may, at any time, without restriction, edit, copy, publish, distribute, translate and otherwise use in any medium any comments that you forward to us. We are and shall be under no obligation (1) to maintain any comments in confidence; (2) to pay compensation for any comments; or (3) to respond to any comments. We may, but have no obligation to, monitor, edit or remove content that we determine in our sole discretion are unlawful, offensive, threatening, libellous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party’s intellectual property or these Terms of Service. You agree that your comments will not violate any right of any third-party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, personality or other personal or proprietary right. You further agree that your comments will not contain libellous or otherwise unlawful, abusive or obscene material, or contain any computer virus or other malware that could in any way affect the operation of the Service or any related website. You may not use a false e-mail address, pretend to be someone other than yourself, or otherwise mislead us or third parties as to the origin of any comments. You are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party. SECTION 11 – PERSONAL INFORMATION Your submission of personal information through the store is governed by our Privacy Policy. To view our Privacy Policy. SECTION 12 – ERRORS, INACCURACIES AND OMISSIONS Occasionally there may be information on our site or in the Service that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, product shipping charges, transit times and availability. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, and to change or update information or cancel orders if any information in the Service or on any related website is inaccurate at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order). We undertake no obligation to update, amend or clarify information in the Service or on any related website, including without limitation, pricing information, except as required by law. No specified update or refresh date applied in the Service or on any related website, should be taken to indicate that all information in the Service or on any related website has been modified or updated. SECTION 13 – PROHIBITED USES In addition to other prohibitions as set forth in the Terms of Service, you are prohibited from using the site or its content: (a) for any unlawful purpose; (b) to solicit others to perform or participate in any unlawful acts; (c) to violate any international, federal, provincial or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances; (d) to infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others; (e) to harass, abuse, insult, harm, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability; (f) to submit false or misleading information; (g) to upload or transmit viruses or any other type of malicious code that will or may be used in any way that will affect the functionality or operation of the Service or of any related website, other websites, or the Internet; (h) to collect or track the personal information of others; (i) to spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl, or scrape; (j) for any obscene or immoral purpose; or (k) to interfere with or circumvent the security features of the Service or any related website, other websites, or the Internet. We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Service or any related website for violating any of the prohibited uses. SECTION 14 – DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY We do not guarantee, represent or warrant that your use of our service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free. We do not warrant that the results that may be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable. You agree that from time to time we may remove the service for indefinite periods of time or cancel the service at any time, without notice to you. You expressly agree that your use of, or inability to use, the service is at your sole risk. The service and all products and services delivered to you through the service are (except as expressly stated by us) provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ for your use, without any representation, warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality, fitness for a particular purpose, durability, title, and non-infringement. In no case shall Joshua Levy t/a Native English UK, our directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, interns, suppliers, service providers or licensors be liable for any injury, loss, claim, or any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages of any kind, including, without limitation lost profits, lost revenue, lost savings, loss of data, replacement costs, or any similar damages, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, arising from your use of any of the service or any products procured using the service, or for any other claim related in any way to your use of the service or any product, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the service or any content (or product) posted, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the service, even if advised of their possibility. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, our liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law. SECTION 15 – INDEMNIFICATION You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Joshua Levy t/a Native English UK and our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third-party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms of Service or the documents they incorporate by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third-party. SECTION 16 – SEVERABILITY In the event that any provision of these Terms of Service is determined to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, such provision shall nonetheless be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and the unenforceable portion shall be deemed to be severed from these Terms of Service, such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other remaining provisions. SECTION 17 – TERMINATION The obligations and liabilities of the parties incurred prior to the termination date shall survive the termination of this agreement for all purposes. These Terms of Service are effective unless and until terminated by either you or us. You may terminate these Terms of Service at any time by notifying us that you no longer wish to use our Services, or when you cease using our site. If in our sole judgment you fail, or we suspect that you have failed, to comply with any term or provision of these Terms of Service, we also may terminate this agreement at any time without notice and you will remain liable for all amounts due up to and including the date of termination; and/or accordingly may deny you access to our Services (or any part thereof). SECTION 18 – ENTIRE AGREEMENT The failure of us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. These Terms of Service and any policies or operating rules posted by us on this site or in respect to The Service constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between you and us and govern your use of the Service, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements, communications and proposals, whether oral or written, between you and us (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms of Service). Any ambiguities in the interpretation of these Terms of Service shall not be construed against the drafting party. SECTION 19 – GOVERNING LAW These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of London, England & Wales, United Kingdom. SECTION 20 – CHANGES TO TERMS OF SERVICE You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time at this page. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to our website or the Service following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Wrexham Foyer

wrexham foyer


In this document the expression ‘we’ refers to, ClwydAlyn Housing Limited, Tir Tai Limited, PenArian Limited and Tai Elwy Limited, that provides housing and related services across North Wales. Each entity is the controller of its own personal data although data may be processed by other Group members on its behalf This privacy notice sets out how ClwydAlyn collects and uses information about you. Please read this privacy notice carefully to understand how we will use your personal information. If you have any questions or queries in relation to this privacy notice, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at: datacontroller@clwydalyn.co.uk 72 Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0JD 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800 This privacy notice explains: What information we may collect about you How we use your information Contacting you Sharing your information Our legal basis for collecting, holding and using your information Security and storage of your information Your rights 1.What information we may collect about you The information we collect about you depends on why we are dealing with you. For example, if you make a housing application or become one of our tenants, we will need more information from you than if you are merely making an enquiry. We may collect the information about you in the following circumstances: If you call our Contact Centre When you call our contact centre we collect Calling Line Identification (CLI) information. We use this information to help improve its efficiency and effectiveness. We record calls for training and monitoring purposes. Additionally, our call handlers will make a record of your call in order to manage your query. We may need to share information with other organisations within or outside ClwydAlyn in order to respond to your call, for example so that we can organise maintenance or repairs or other support. We will usually tell you if it is necessary for us to pass information on to other organisations. If you email us Any email sent to us, including any attachments, may be monitored and used by us for reasons of security and for monitoring compliance with office policy. Email monitoring or blocking software may also be used. Please be aware that you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you send to us is within the bounds of the law. If you make a complaint to us When we receive a complaint from a person we make up a file containing the details of the complaint. This normally contains the identity of the complainant and any other individuals involved in the complaint. We will only use the personal information we collect to process the complaint and to check on the level of service we provide. If a complainant doesn’t want information identifying him or her to be disclosed to any person that the complaint is about, we will try to respect that. However, it may not be possible to handle a complaint on an anonymous basis. Similarly, where enquiries are submitted to us we will only use the information supplied to us to deal with the enquiry and any subsequent issues and to check on the level of service we provide. If you use our services We hold the details of the people who request and use our services so that we can provide these services and for other closely related purposes. For example, we use information about our service users to develop and improve our services and to make sure we are delivering services to different groups fairly. If you apply for housing or become a tenant, there is certain information that we require in order to process your application and manage your tenancy. If you do not provide us with this information, we will not be able to progress your application. When you visit our websites We automatically collect certain information when you visit one of our websites. Please see Use of Cookies below for more information about this. When you use our customer portal, you are able to view information held in our housing management system, including personal details, account statements, tenancy information, repair history and pay your rent / service charges. Please note that we use a third party provider, Verseone to support our customer portal. Information we receive from others We work closely with other organisations, such as local councils, police forces, voluntary sector organisations, other housing providers and our contractors, and we may receive information about you from them. If you visit our premises We may ask you to sign in and out if you visit staff or residents at our premises. Access is controlled for the purposes of building and occupant security. Access is recorded to assist with fire and other evacuation procedures. Furthermore, your image may be captured on CCTV to monitor and collect visual images for the purpose of security and the prevention and detection of crime. If you use our Wi-Fi or computer to access our IT systems, access and activity may be monitored to prevent misuse of Group property, according to our IS Corporate policies. Job applicants When individuals apply to work for us, we will only use the information they supply to us to process their application and to monitor recruitment statistics. Where we want to disclose information to a third party, for example where we want to take up a reference or obtain a ‘disclosure’ from the Criminal Records Bureau we will not do so without informing them beforehand unless the disclosure is required by law. Personal information about unsuccessful candidates will be held for 12 months after the recruitment exercise has been completed; it will then be destroyed or deleted. We retain de-personalised statistical information about applicants to help inform our recruitment activities, but no individuals are identifiable from that data. Once a person has taken up employment with us, we will compile a file relating to their employment. The information contained in this will be kept secure and will only be used for purposes directly relevant to that person’s employment. Once their employment with us has ended, we will retain the file in accordance with the requirements of our retention schedule and then delete it. If you are a member of one of our Boards, Committees or Panels We may ask for personal details for managing and statistical purposes. 2.How we use your information We process your personal information primarily in connection with managing our housing services. If you are a tenant, this includes managing your tenancy and dealing with any applications, queries or complaints that you make. Examples of how we use your information include: to confirm your identity to assess your suitability to access any of our services to manage your tenancy, care or support to ensure our properties are appropriately maintained and in accordance with legal obligations, such as periodic gas safety checks to notify you about important changes to our services to let you know about other relevant services, both ours and those of other parties whose products and services we have agreed should be made available to you (see the section below on 'Contacting you' for more information about this) to update and correct our records to carry out statistical and market analyses, including benchmarking exercises, to enable us to understand you better and improve our services, and in accordance with our operating Regulations to develop, test and improve our systems to ensure that content of our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer to administer our website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes to comply with other legal obligations, such as Health and Safety laws or safeguarding vulnerable people We may combine information we receive from other sources with information you give to us for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information we receive). 3.Contacting you We will use your contact information to send you important information via letters, emails, text messages, or otherwise to telephone you. We may record telephone calls for security and training purposes. We may use the information we hold about you in order to provide you with information about our services which we feel may interest you. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time, although please note that we will continue to send you important messages about your tenancy. If you have changed your mind about being contacted for marketing purposes, please contact our Customer Services Team on 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800 to update your preferences. 4.Sharing your information We do not sell your information to any third party, but in certain limited circumstances we may disclose your personal information to: any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 736 of the UK Companies Act 1985; and/or other third parties in the following circumstances: if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation; in order to enforce or apply our terms and conditions and other agreements; to protect the rights, property, or safety of ClwydAlyn, our customers, or others; to investigate or prevent a crime. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction; to obtain any professional advice; and/or with your consent. 5.Our legal basis for collecting, holding and using your information Data protection law sets out various lawful legal bases (or ‘conditions’) which allow us to collect, hold and use your personal information: Where you have entered into a contract or contracts with us, we may need to use your information to provide you with our services. An example of this is where you have a tenancy with us. Where we are under a legal obligation which requires us to process your personal information. For example, notifications of Health and Safety incidents. We will sometimes use your personal information based upon your consent. We will always tell you where this is the case and ask you to agree before we process your information. An example of using your personal information with your consent is publishing your image as part of a photograph on our website. Finally, sometimes it is necessary to process your personal information for the purposes of our own legitimate interests. We will only do so where these interests are not overridden by the interests and fundamental rights or the freedoms of the individuals concerned. An example of this is when we may contact you about your experience of contacting our Customer Services Team or a recent repair to your property. Data protection law recognises certain "special categories" of personal information, which is information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for uniquely identifying a person, information concerning health, and information concerning a person's sex life or sexual orientation. Information about criminal offences and records is placed in a similar category. These special categories of personal information are considered particularly sensitive and so we will only collect and use this information where you have given us your explicit consent or where we consider it necessary to do so. 6.Security and storage of your personal information The information about you that we collect may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for one of our suppliers. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. We will generally keep personal information about you no longer than is needed for as per our Retention Policy. 7.Your rights You have the right to request from us access to your own personal information. This is sometimes known as a 'subject access request'. You also have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. We will tell you if we intend to use your data for this purpose or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for this purpose. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data or by contacting our Customer Services Team on 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800. From 25 May 2018, you will have additional rights to request from us: That any inaccurate information we hold about you is corrected That your information is deleted That we stop using your personal information for certain purposes That your information is provided to you in a portable format That decisions about you are not made by wholly automated means Many of the rights listed above are limited to certain defined circumstances and we may not be able to comply with your request. We will tell you if this is the case. If you choose to make a request to us, we will aim to respond to you within one month. We will not charge a fee for dealing with your request.

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Understanding Commercial Property Valuations

By Property Overview Ltd

For those that process, commission or consume valuation reports and want to understand everything in it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT WHO COULD BENEFIT?   An on-line course for those who work with valuation reports – in property or for property clients – and who need to understand the valuation approaches & methods, jargon and drivers per property type better, to enable better informed decision making and more confident discussions with a valuer, or help with the production and sales of valuation systems. We explain the IVS-recognised valuation standards, the valuation methods that fall under those standards and valuation techniques or models. We make delegates comfortable with the jargon and explain the various drivers including by per property type. We use examples to bring the theory to life. The course is taught by Kaushik Shah and Philip Walker, a senior accredited and highly respected valuer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULES UNDERSTANDING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY VALUATIONS This one-day course is aimed at people who process, commission or consume commercial property valuations and who would like to understand valuation reports more fully, enable them to derive value more effectively. This course goes from macro to micro. It describes the drivers of value, distinguishing between Price, Market Value and Worth. The course explains the RICS valuation standards and guidance, how things are measured (do you know?) and describes the three valuation approaches and the five underlying valuation methods for residential and commercial. We can cover methods used in the UK and the rest of the world such as Germany. The course explains what is usually used in what situation, and why. All the jargon you are likely to find in a valuation report is explained. We provide real-life examples to bring the valuations to life, and we work through the various valuation types, situations and property types. We finish with an outlook on how valuations are changing. Course book provided on the day. Taught by Philip Walker, FRICS and Kaushik Shah. Next Date Available: Wed 5 July | Location: London or on-line as preferred IN-HOUSE COURSE UNDERSTANDING VALUATIONS Our tailor-made courses fit around what your team requires. Courses can be freely constructed from a range of available modules, or new ones can be added. Items can be discussed as in-depth as required. We pride ourselves on our real-life, hands-on experience and insight on top of the theoretical basis. This enables us to teach a vast range of topics. Enquire about a half, 1 or 2-day course. Combination with other courses such as ‘An Introduction to Property’ is possible. Multi-buy discounts available. Detailed course manual is supplied on the day. To book email kaushik@propertyoverview.co.uk or call +44 (0)7722 866610 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRICING FIND THE BEST PRICE.   Property Overview offers competitively priced training courses with unique practitioner-led content, which means we can tailor our on-line in-house courses around your debt or investment portfolio and the types of valuation reports you receive. Applied, relevant content leads to greater impact and value-for-money. Pricing below is shown for on-line public courses for individual bookings (left), and for on-line or face-to-face in-house courses (right). For bookings of 4 or more staff an in-house course is recommended, also as the content can be tailored around your needs and your products or services. To book fill in the booking form or email kaushik@propertyoverview.co.uk [kaushik@propertyoverview.co.uk] UNDERSTANDING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY VALUATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- £ 875PP • Standard Price +VAT for public course • Discounts available through SPR & IPF for public courses. IN-HOUSE COURSE UNDERSTANDING VALUATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- £ 3,850/DAY • One day course, plus VAT. • Includes up to 6 attendees. • £60pp/day + VAT surcharge applies thereafter. • Multi-buy discounts are available. • UK pricing, prices upon application for courses taught abroad.

Understanding Commercial Property Valuations
Delivered Online & In-PersonFull day, Jul 5th, 08:00
£875 to £3850

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom


By Geopace Training

Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) CPD Accredited (The CPD Certification Service) Covers all steps up to live blood draw Practise on artificial arm and fake blood! Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom
Delivered In-Person in Northampton + 21 more locationsTwo days, Jul 6th, 08:30 + 35 more

Peripheral I.V. Cannulation Course (GPT008)


By Geopace Training

Learn how to cannulate ... Nationally Recognised Qualification OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) - Ireland Level 5 CPD Accredited - The CPD Certification Service Classroom or Virtual Classroom options Covers all steps for cannulating in arm or hand Practise on artificial arms and fake blood! Essential qualification for all IV therapies Phlebotomy training desirable but not essential Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Peripheral I.V. Cannulation Course (GPT008)
Delivered in Northampton + 12 more locations or Online3 hours, Jul 6th, 16:30 + 23 more

Face to Face Introductory Healing Session / Circle

By Carol Fenner

This takes place in my cabin studio in St Neots, Cambridgeshire, on a Sunday morning at select times in the month. It is a condensed version of the advanced healing I work with.  I offer this to help people with stress, anxiety, insomnia, so it is a shorter session.  I allow time before the healing for you to acclimatise to the session, and time after the healing, for you to ground so that you are centred for your journey home.  It is an introductory session to frequency healing, which balances the heart, nervous system and mind, and can include a limited amount of guidance. These sessions can be booked as a one to one taster of this unique modality, or for groups up to 4 to receive healing together. It is important that you wear comfortable clothing, in layers to allow for the change of temperature in my studio.  Please bring water to drink.  I have toilet facilities and parking is unrestricted along my street, though I do ask that you respect my neighbours by parking safely and keeping noise to a minimum. For you to join I will require your full name, date of birth and email.  This helps me to tune into your energy system and also send you any further information if necessary.  All your personal information is completely confidential and never shared without your permission. You can book in advance and pay online, or pay cash on the day, though I will need to speak to you if you have not attended before.   IMPORTANT INFORMATION * If you prefer to pay by cash, you can book by ringing me.  Please bring the right amount with you and please book in at least 3 days before the day you wish to attend.  * If you have booked by phone and are unable to attend, please let me know immediately so I can offer a space to someone else.  It is very important that you let me know whether you can attend or not because it helps me to run my business effectively and means that you are acting in a consistent and honest way.  * If you have booked online and cannot attend I will move you to the next session, or you can offer your slot to someone else, or I can run the session on you by distance.

Face to Face Introductory Healing Session / Circle
Delivered In-Person in St Neots1 hour 30 minutes, Jul 7th, 10:00 + 2 more

WBMC Sunday Islamic School (MADRASA)


By WBMC Islamic School

WBMC Islamic School (Madrasa) was established early in 2022 to provide Islamic education to the Muslim community in and around Newbury. We currently provide Islamic education to children from ages four to sixteen years. We also run short Islamic courses and Quran classes for adults. Our Vision is to be a leading institution recognized for developing and providing Islamic Education for our children. Inspired by our Islamic faith and the teachings of our beloved Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we aim for each child to reach their full potential of becoming a responsible Muslim, enriched with knowledge, committed, and motivated to work for the betterment of the Ummah and to see a world of Allah consciousness, respect, dignity and justice. Our Mission is to serve, educate and inspire to equip learners with true knowledge of Islam in theory and practice following the Qur’an and Sunnah. We aim to provide quality Islamic education; that will make the child grow up to be a responsible Muslim. We will work with parents, community centres, teachers and children to make learning an exciting and fulfilling experience.

WBMC Sunday Islamic School (MADRASA)
Delivered In-Person in Newbury3 hours, Jul 7th, 09:00 + 1 more

Phlebotomy Training

By Lead Academy

Are you a fresher and looking to start your career as a phlebotomist or are you currently employed in the healthcare profession and looking to expand your phlebotomy skills in order to build a rewarding career in this field? Or simply want to understand the blood collection procedure and gather skills to handle and transport specimens securely. This comprehensive phlebotomy course online is ideal for you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Highlights * You will be given ample opportunity to practise on the manikins * Face to Face Practical Training * National Occupational Standard for Obtaining Venous Blood Sample * Demonstrate appropriate infection control principles when performing training * 3 Hours of Remote Theoretical Learning * 7 Hours of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at Swindon Centre * 7 Hours of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at Bristol Centre * 1 Day of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at Birmingham Centre * 8 Hours of Face-to-Face Training Sessions at London Centre * Once confident at taking blood from the manikin you will have the opportunity to take blood from a fellow participant with consent. * Accredited by the CPD Certification * Designed by expert healthcare professionals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This extensive course covers the following credentials: * Venepuncture process * Vial labelling * Blood-taking techniques * Safety protocols, * Needle safety techniques * Processing of blood samples * Prioritising patients * System of needle measurement * Maintaining the accuracy of specimen labels * Controlling and preventing infection * Techniques for preserving clinical proficiency * Legal repercussions of bad behaviour * Causes of infection and needed records * Identify the veins used for Venepuncture (Phlebotomy) * Solving issues might arise during the actual operation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSROOM-BASED PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING COURSE To ensure effective training, our classroom-based learning is divided into two parts: Remote theoretical learning (online) For the first part of our phlebotomy course online, we provide in-depth theoretical learning which you can complete from the comfort of your home. You can go on to the practical learning portion once the coursework and assessments have been successfully completed. Face-to-face practical learning (designated London-based office, with a similar structure at Swindon, Bristol and Birmingham offices) As part of the practical training, you will receive practical demonstrations and hands-on experience to justify your role. The practical learning part is divided into two learning slots with each weighing 4 hours of time: * First 4 hours session: Through practical demonstration using a mannikins, you will be taught how to smoothly draw blood, reduce risks, and control the patient’s reaction. * Last 4 hours of sessions: You will then have the chance to draw blood from fellow participants with consent while being closely supervised. Phlebotomy | Online Course | Lead Academy - Trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-sckQ7K0D4] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING COURSE FOR? This phlebotomy course is primarily aimed at: * Phlebotomists * Health Visitors * Physiotherapists * Occupational Therapists * Healthcare professionals * Nurses, midwives, phramcists and doctors * Freshers looking to begin their career as a phlebotomist * Anyone looking to enhance their blood-sampling skills Whether you are a fresher looking to kickstart your career in the field of phlebotomy or a practicing healthcare looking to enhance your phlebotomy skills, this course will help you achieve your professional aspirations by all means. Entry Requirements There are no academic entry requirements for this online phlebotomy course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * There are no academic entry requirements for this blood taking course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. * However, you are required to have a laptop/desktop/tablet or smartphone and a good internet connection. ASSESSMENT METHOD In this phlebotomy course learners will be assessed through observation. That means during the practical training you will be observed by the supervisor/trainer. Upon successful demonstration of blood sampling and blood draw, you will be awarded a CPD-accredited certificate that is accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. We also offer face-to-face practical training for Cannulation Training [https://lead-academy.org/course/cannulation-training], Catheterisation Training, [https://lead-academy.org/course/catheterisation-training] and Advanced / Competency Phlebotomy Training [https://lead-academy.org/course/advanced-phlebotomy-training] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE CURRICULUM Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Steps Before Withdrawing Blood (Venepuncture) Module 3: Basic Anatomy Lessons Module 4: Dos and Donts for Vein Selection Module 5: Preparation for Venepuncture Module 6: Managing Patient’s Expectations Module 7: Complications Issues during Venipuncture Module 8: Processing of Blood Samples Module 9: Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOGNISED ACCREDITATION This phlebotomy course is accredited by Continuing Professional Development (CPD). CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing the phlebotomy course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field.

Phlebotomy Training
Delivered in London + 3 more locations or OnlineFull day, Jul 7th, 09:00 + 48 more