950 Educators providing Respect courses

Regents Park Community College

regents park community college


As the Headteacher of this exceptional school, I am extremely proud of our ethos which is based on Respect, Pride, Creativity and Challenge. Staff and students embrace our values and as a result we are, arguably the most improved school on the South Coast. Regents Park is an over- subscribed mixed 11-16 school in the heart of Shirley, Southampton. The school is one of the oldest in Southampton steeped in history and over 100 years old. At Regents Park we provide a wonderful mix of tradition with a modern twist on teaching and learning ensuring that we provide a curriculum that generates interest, challenge and most importantly offers fun and excitement. Ofsted April 2018: ‘Teaching is characterised by highly effective planning, secure subject knowledge among the teachers, the use of a wide range of teaching strategies and the use of detailed information about pupils.’ Our pastoral care is second to none and we pride ourselves in the support and respect that emanates around the school with Student Leadership and Student Voice forming the platform on which the school continues to excel. Ofsted April 2018: ‘The strong messages about respect which flow from the top, and are modelled by all staff, are assimilated by pupils. Accordingly, they treat each other and adults with respect. Pupils’ behaviour around the school is exceptional. Their enthusiasm for learning is admirable, and their conduct in lessons is excellent.’ Our success is built on the commitment we have towards each and every student. As a small community school we understand the needs of each individual and data is used effectively to inspire each child to do their best.




WIMU is chosen to optimize sport performance, reduce the risk of injury and improve return top play processes. Certified by FIFA.1. OUR MISSION By implementing this Code in REALTRACK SYSTEMS, it is intended to promote the development of human excellence of our employees and collaborators, in addition to assuming authentic human values and turn them into a habit of conduct. Likewise, through this Code and its acceptance, our collaborators will be asked to be participants of it, as well as being honest and trustworthy at all times. If there are laws, practices or internal procedures applicable to natural and legal persons subject to this Code that are stricter than its provisions, those will enjoy pre-eminence. 2. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF BEHAVIOUR The business and professional behaviour of the entities and persons subject to this Code must comply with the following basic principles: 2.1. Respect for the law The activities of REALTRACK SYSTEMS will be developed in strict compliance with the applicable legislation. 2.2. Ethical integrity The business and professional activities of REALTRACK SYSTEMS and its employees will be based on the values of integrity, honesty, avoidance of all forms of corruption and respect for the circumstances and particular needs of all the subjects involved in them. REALTRACK SYSTEMS will promote among its employees the recognition and assessment of behaviors that are in accordance with the principles established in this Code. 2.3. Respect of human rigths All actions of REALTRACK SYSTEMS and its employees will respect scrupulously the Human Rights and Public Liberties included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These basic principles will be translated into compliance with the commitments that will be gathered below.