156 Educators providing Religious Studies courses

Citizens UK

citizens uk


Founded in 1989, we are a single organisation with seventeen Chapters across England and Wales. Our Chapters are led by local people acting together for the common good through the method of Community Organising. The UK has a rich history of people organising for power and change such as the Levellers, the Abolitionists, the Chartists, early trade unionists like the match girls and dock strikers, and the Suffragettes. Our work at Citizens UK is influenced by a heritage which draws on the broad-based organising of our sister organisation, the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and before that the US civil rights movement. Over the last thirty years we have won £1.8bn in additional wages for low paid workers, ended child detention for immigration purposes, secured an amnesty of ‘legacy cases’ for 160,000 asylum applicants as well as winning many victories at the local and regional level. We build power with people so that together we can move from the world as it is toward the world as it should be. Some of our campaigns have spun off into dedicated projects, to create long-term change. The largest and most successful of these teams is the Living Wage Foundation which now accredits a network of over 9,000 employers who pay 300,000 employees the real Living Wage. Others include Parents and Communities Together (PACT) and Sponsor Refugees. We are proud of other social innovations that have successfully spun out to become independent organisations such as Safe Passage, London Community Land Trust and Money Mentors.

Infinite Soul Circle

infinite soul circle


We are a paid monthly spiritual learning community. We support and encourage growth through self learning courses and interactive spiritual circles, rituals, manifestation, and live psychic readings. We are intuitive, connected, inspired, and empowered. IMAGINE A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Imagine empowering yourself as you work with your natural intuitive skills to harness magic and manifestation to enhance your life. Imagine a peaceful inner environment that allows you to enjoy a stress free and balanced lifestyle. How would your life be different if you were free from self-limiting beliefs and in control of your internal environment through understanding and perspective? How would you feel if you were fully empowered to live your life the way you wanted? Imagine living without the stress or weight of other people’s views and opinions… There is enough room in this world for everyone to embody their true selves. TIME ASIDE FOR YOURSELF, FOR YOUR OWN GROWTH AND HAPPINESS? How would it feel to step into who you truly are? When you join us at Infinite Soul Circle, you learn to take the aligned action that’s right for you. You understand the importance and value not only of yourself but also of everyone around you. You learn to lead from a place of trust in your own intuition without needing validation from those around you. DO YOU DESIRE SUPPORT AND DIRECTION IN FINDING YOUR SOULS PATHWAY? The confidence to learn and express your inner wisdom. To learn about divination, intuition and psychic abilities and the power of your own self-awareness. Connect to other like-minded spiritual seekers and build friendships based on trust and shared experiences. We are a learning space that gives you the tools you need and allows you to pick them up at your own pace, understanding that every pathway is unique. To not only learn, but also to want to take part in live psychic readings and spiritual chats and talk to your tutors regularly. Your monthly subscription gives you access to weekly circles, rituals, and live classes.