922 Educators providing Reiki courses delivered Online

Rebecca Spittles Coaching

rebecca spittles coaching

It was a question I asked myself a hundred times a day once I had made the decision to leave my marriage. Many things flashed before my mind - child, money, work, ME. I had great family and some good friends but I was still very lost and emotional, yet in possibly one of the worst times of my life I needed to make life-changing decisions about my future. It wasn’t easy. In fact at times it was almost unbearable, Police were involved, solicitors, mediators, the works. It was heart breaking, and complicated and I felt like I was poking around in the dark a lot of the time, but I came out the other side still in one piece, feeling positive and strenghthened by what I had been through with the help of a coach. It wasn't just during the divorce that I needed a coach...I mean what did the life of a single lady look like? I had a toddler, a house, and a business and again I was lost, whilst stronger and more resilient than ever before I wanted a new chapter to start, and working with my Coach my life changed. I am an NLP practitioner, Reiki Master and have a diploma in counselling. From 2006 I grew a coaching and healing business based in Bristol and then decided to niche into Divorce Coaching as there wasn’t anything like that available in my area. And here I am. I offer 1:1 coaching sessions and workshops, and for clients who want it I provide a service that runs alongside with their solicitor so that they are focussed and ready when they arrive and can make clear and well informed decisions.

Southport Therapy Services (for Holistic and Aesthetics)

southport therapy services (for holistic and aesthetics)

Like you, we're passionate about natural therapies and health. Our story started in a garage in 2004. Our founders, David Vitek and Roby Sharon-Zipser, believed it should and could be easier to connect consumers with local businesses online. Looking up a wide range of services online such as Acupuncture, Reiki, Reflexology, Homeopathy and Naturopathy proved challenging so they went about building a site focused on holistic health, natural remedies, natural therapies and alternative therapies — The Natural Therapy Pages. In the years since, our team of 200+ has focused on weaving emerging technology with good old-fashioned service to innovate the way people get things done, having created sites in industries they were passionate about — natural therapies, home improvements and pets. And now Natural Therapy Pages, part of the hipages Group, is the most visited natural health site across Australia. Every day, our growing team works to connect a community of health-conscious people — 600,000 monthly visitors — with more than 13,000 natural therapy practitioners in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. We also attend many industry events and expos, develop positive partnerships with industry associations, and regularly speak with our practitioners — to ensure the site continues to inspire, inform, and connect clients and therapists. Innovating and connecting the natural therapies industry online: it comes naturally. Our inspiration Every day, we're inspired and invigorated by the natural therapists, schools, and students we speak to. That's why in April 2015, we launched a Natural Therapy Courses website in Australia, with thousands of online and on-campus courses it's often daunting to know where to start. It's the simplest way to start studying natural therapies — and connect with other learners. So this site is designed to help offer advice and insights and if you like we can connect you with some local training providers to help get you into the industry. Connection is at the core of everything we do, with 70,000 people signed up to our weekly e-newsletter we strive to keep your inbox both exciting and knowledgeable. So we love to see so many passionate people interacting on our social media sites. Our Facebook page has over 140,000 likers, and we're on Twitter and Instagram.

Helen Grieve

helen grieve


I’ve been an holistic therapist since 1996 gosh!!! having always been different I suppose you would call me an eclectic blend of witch, druid, Buddhist, spirit, star-seed and light-worker all rolled into one. Having studied a variety of beliefs, traditions and religions, I’ve taken what I’ve liked and left the bits I don’t. I’ve always lived a busy life style you know …. work, travel, going to clubs , circles, groups and Moots. My life was happy and fulfilled . I’ve worked for myself making lotions and potions , I’ve always been called a Witch, but i don’t mind.., I’ve traveled the world, life was good until I returned from Vietnam having had my booster jab at my Gps surgery. Recovering.. In 2016 after a Hepatitis vaccination left me with my body attacking its self , with stroke like symptoms unable to move more that a few feet let alone walk, talk or look after myself. I was added to the list of random side effects and given a diagnosis of ME/CFs . later on that years fibromyalgia was added to the list having had all joints in my body attacked leaving me in pain like I’ve never experienced (except for child birth..) So, it’s been an up hill struggle these last few years. I’ve returned to my roots seeking out like-minded people and those who can offer healing on an energetic level. I trained in Angelic Reiki and what an experience that was.. Beautiful if not profound connection with the Angelic Realm, I often call upon them when times are hard. My grand-pier had passed to the world of spirit not long before I got sick and during that same year I must have gone to 20 funerals. Three of my friends passed within two weeks and over that 10 month period it became a stand joke, no one would stand near me.. I don’t know how I would have made it through if I didn’t know where they were going or if they were alright. But, I do know where they are, I have that comfort and often feel them around me, I wish you all felt what I feel, the love and support they send, and you can..

Emma Loveheart

emma loveheart

In 2011, I discovered I had a spiritual gift that enabled me to connect with universal energy. This discovery came to me very quickly and without warning. My spiritual life previous to this had been non-existent. I was not attached to any religion, or had any visions, or felt anything. I was very content with my life. The universe clearly had other ideas for me and sent me a premonition of an accident that would happen to one of my daughters. The vision got to the point that I could clearly see life after the accident, and it was not a pleasant life at all. I made the decision to listen to the vision/warning and change course so the accident wouldn’t happen. This then raised questions for me as to where did that vision come from. Through some wonderful people around me I began my spiritual journey, learning about a whole new universe out there. I found I connected very easily and could tap into this wealth of support and wisdom. Although in many respects beautiful, this new world also opened up huge challenges for me. Family very dear to me challenged what I was experiencing and wanted to stop me practicing. I got very ill at the same time and had to battle every step of the way. I did not stop learning though, and it has been the spirituality, as well as sheer determination, that has healed me and got me to where I am today. I pursued my gift as a spiritual healer; holding circles with friends, becoming reiki attuned, healing with crystals, working with the angelic realms and giving readings. Then I went on a course about home healing through dowsing and Into The Light Property Healing was born. I now use my spiritual connection to alter energy in homes here on earth. It’s fantastic. If I couldn’t do it and get the results I have achieved, I wouldn’t believe it myself. This line of work is now my business and my life. I take my work very seriously, although I understand that many of my clients will never truly understand what I do. That’s ok, because it is the result that matters.

Breech Birth Network

breech birth network

Kingston upon Thames

Hello!! My name is Muge and I am the founder of My Breathing Path! I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and I lived there until 2018. I was working in the Turkish finance industry for more than 10 years and during that time I was suffering from an advanced hernia in my neck. Working in a high stress environment and dealing with lots of problems at the same time, made me a super-achiever. I first came across breathwork in a workshop in 2010. It was extremely powerful but also it was completely different to the other techniques that I had tried before. As I continued to go to the sessions, it helped me to understand my behaviour as a perfectionist and its subsequent consequences for my life, the hernia and my unbalanced relationship with my family, friends and colleagues. After experiencing healing and transformation myself, I decided to become a facilitator. Since 2014, I have been working in the field of Transformational Breath as a Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator in private sessions, workshops and seminars while I continued to work in my finance career. I have experience in working with a wide variety of people – each possessing their own set of needs and goals. My further qualifications, Basic DNA Theta Healing Practitioner and Reiki II Certification are used in conjunction with Transformational Breath sessions to help people reach their potential and achieve their goals. Life is a combination of different journeys and within my new journey in the UK, I look forward to sharing my experiences through transformational breathing sessions with others, who want to discover more about themselves with transformation in their life, increase their self-awareness and live a healthier lifestyle.

Strength and Soul

strength and soul

We believe you can recover from your injury or illness despite being told otherwise. We believe when your pain is gone, you have a future full of possibility. WHY? BECAUSE WE’VE DONE IT OURSELVES BUT – It takes more than regular exercise and clean eating to be truly healthy. Taking charge of your health and lifestyle means making changes, some changes may be permanent, others are temporary. Ayurveda has a great phrase ‘like attracts like and opposites balance’ when we do too much of one thing it can lead us down the path of disease, introduce the opposite (often the things we don’t want to do) and we create balance and true health. I’m not here to count calories, make you run every day and guarantee you a six-pack. I am here to focus on your health. I won’t focus on the physical appearance but investigate what’s going on under the skin, the parts you don’t see. I investigate how your digestive system is functioning for your body to absorb the nutrients from your food and build your tissues. I look at the root cause and uncover those symptoms that may have been around for so long that it becomes normal. JOANN BUCHAN – Ayurveda Practitioner, yoga teacher, therapist. Fractured her coccyx in primary school, had hip surgery at the age of 30, lost her Mum to cancer at the age of 18 and dealt with stress, hair loss and hormone imbalances choosing the route of Ayurveda and yoga to overcome these naturally and have daily tools to cope. KEVIN BUCHAN- Injury-prone retired Rugby player, who has injured pretty much everything from head to toe. After retiring from sport, he suffered depression and a loss of identity alongside the pain that various injuries bring. Kev uses his experience in sport, injury and multiple modalities to give you the best chance of recovery. You can find more about Kev over here at RAPTOR. ARE YOU READY TO DO WHAT IT TAKES? You’re in the right place. I believe a truly healthy lifestyle should be sustainable. It shouldn’t be something you ‘get back into’ or ‘start’ it’s part of your every day, it’s part of you. JOANN BUCHAN Wife, Boss, Nature Lover Favourite Quote “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live” The truth is . . . There is no one size fits or all quick fix; YOU ARE UNIQUE and have your own unique story. Your diet and lifestyle should reflect that. Are you? In physical pain – hip, lower back, joint pain? Are you doing what you perceive to be all the right things but still not feeling your best? Confused about what you should be eating? Always taking the latest supplement or health food? Overworking, over-exercising or overeating? Signs are showing up – digestive symptoms, hormonal imbalances, tiredness You’re in the right place. I’ve been there, feeling like I was making changes and doing everything I was supposed to be doing, but something was missing, I felt alone, unhappy and in pain. I had surgery on my hip at the age of 30 and expected everything to be perfect after that. Surgery would be the answer to all my pain. I was entirely unprepared for the length of the recovery, mental struggle and frustrations of not being able to do what I had previously done. I still felt so exhausted and still in pain. I discovered something unique; How often have you said, “I’m getting there”? Where are you going? There is no there. You are already there, whatever that step of the journey is for you. There will always be a next step and a next step, a different season of the environment or season in our lives. We will always need to learn to adapt, change, and grow. It’s in our nature as humans to grow and evolve. I’ve been around the world, learning from some of the most innovative thinkers, teachers and healers. Soaking up their wisdom and applying it to my injuries and imbalances as well as helping my clients. I’ve worked in my private practice for seven years as well as delivering programs in schools, corporate, taught workshops. QUALIFICATIONS & Professional Development Ayurveda Lifestyle & Nutrition Diploma with Ayurveda Institute UK (pass with distinction) Ayurveda Institute UK, 700 hours of training plus additional study Ayurveda Practitioner with Ayurveda Institute UK (pass with distinction) Intensive, advanced course with Ayurveda Institute UK, 18 months of study with over 1000 hours of training and study Yoga Teacher 200hr and currently studying towards 500hr Pre and Postnatal Yoga Training with Katy Appleton, Apple Yoga, London – 95hr KCR training to Master Level, plus an additional 300hr training under the founder Hugh Gilbert PT (only 3 people in the world trained directly under Hugh Gilbert) BDES (Hons) Design Futures, Napier University PGDE Secondary Education, Technological Education – with Distinction, University of Edinburgh, Moray House School of Education (2009) 15+ Years in Education including primary school, secondary school teacher, delivering CPD to primary and secondary school teachers, teaching and leading community education groups, qualified swimming teacher. Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) Level 1, 2, 3 (2013) KCR Masterclass – Hawaii (2018) Connective Tissue Release (CTR) Level 1, 2 (2014) KCR Teacher Training| Teaching assistant 300hr Women’s Health (May 2016) Reiki Level 1, 2 – Channeling Love 200hr Yoga Teacher – Yoga Arts, Bali 2014 Pre + Postnatal Yoga 95hr | Katy Appleton, Apple Yoga, London Yoga for Trauma and Self Regulation | Hala Khouri Yoga workshops with Kathryn Budig, Simon Borg Olivier, Chelsey Korus

Louise Crockart

louise crockart


For over 2 decades I’ve been supporting my clients in their health and wellbeing through various forms of massage and healing. I offer effective treatments in my clinic and stimulating education in the classroom. Leaving my past life as a graphic designer, I went back to college and studied Aromatherapy. Fast forward many years and experiences, I have gone on to train in Abdominal Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Thai Yoga Massage and On-Site Acupressure Chair Massage (Amma Massage). Constantly striving to improve my skills has lead me to various exotic places, from the Thai jungle, rainforests of Central America, throughout North America, and then the rolling hills in Surrey, UK. I first learned about Abdominal Therapy in 2004, after a chance meeting with Dr. Rosita Arvigo, whilst on holiday in Belize, Central America. This inspired me to seek Abdominal Therapy when I returned home to the UK. Driven by personal health issues, I received regular treatments which supported and reframed my attitude to my own pelvic health. Abdominal Therapy not only transformed my health, but also my outlook on life. Years later, and after working with hundreds of clients, I now teach Abdominal Therapy, running workshops at personal and professional level, both in person and online specialising in the art of gaining and maintaining abdominal health. I run Abdominal workshops for those who seek a deeper understanding and healing from digestive or pelvic issues, and train professional therapists in the art of Abdominal Therapy within The Abdominal Therapy Collective. I was a graphic designer for 15 years, immersed in the discipline of explaining concepts, products and events in a way that was easy to understand and visually striking, I bring these qualities to my teaching, always seeking simple and effective ways to explain healing concepts and methods to my students. I have created a beautiful haven for healing and learning in my home in leafy Twickenham, South West London, UK. Offering treatments at the top of my home in my cocoon-like therapy room, and a fun and engaging workshop space at the bottom, in my kitchen and garden studio. My passion for pelvic health education draws me near and far, for those seeking personal healing or professional growth alike. I’d love to chat with you if you'd like to host a workshop for your community or attend one that’s already listed. Click below and I’ll get back to you soon.