922 Educators providing Reiki courses delivered Online

Mrs Laura Horne

mrs laura horne

Laura, the founder of Beautiful Boho is a creative holistic healer & natural witch. She is a Reiki Master Teacher & Crystal Healer. Laura knows how to gain permission & harnesses the power of naturally found materials including crystals, precious metals & minerals, essential oils, shells, feathers, and other holistic remedies to help heal and adorn in a truly unique way. Laura is passionate about her craft, she makes her pieces in ritual cleansing and infusing them in healing reiki energy, raising the vibrations each piece with pure love. Laura holds you in her heart when making your piece, not only will you feel the healing powers from your Beautiful Boho piece you will feel the love when you open your order, Laura also loves to give little extra gifts as an act of gratitude. Laura knows how powerful this type of healing is after falling extremely ill a few years ago and exhausting all conventional avenues of medication. She returned to her inner guidance of magic and holistic pain relief and healing. After healing herself and awakening her power she will stop at nothing to share her gifts and her knowledge of the power within the natural gifts for Mother Nature present all around us. Laura is of service to you in many ways, you can purchase via her website by shopping intentionally or for looking for a specific collection. You can have a bespoke piece made for you, where Laura will tap into you physically, emotionally & spiritually to produce a truly unique piece made especially for you. You can book a healing appointment with Laura, she offers an exceptional & unique service where you will receive a blessings box of bespoke magical pieces as your aftercare. By appointment, you can make a special trip to see Laura in person at her sacred space where she creates her magic and is filled with many Beautiful Boho pieces for you to purchase. You can have a bespoke piece made for you during your visit. You can also visit one of her many stockists and shop for your Beautiful Boho piece, just visit the stockist page on the website for more information. Laura also regularly holds sacred circles, creating a beautiful space with ceremonial cacao for you to learn about and meditate with crystals, essential oils, make your own healing jewellery piece, learn and be attuned to the amazing healing energies of Reiki 1 & 2 which will benefit you, your spirit & your soul in so many beautiful ways.

The Energy Wheel

the energy wheel


North Holmwood

I am a 4th Generation Q’ero inca Shamanic practitioner, Sound, Reiki and Crystal healer. I am also a Classical feng Shui Master in Feng Shui, specialising in bespoke 1 2 1 healings, Home Healing, Geopathic stress, EMR, Geopsychic Stress and Space Clearing. My Shamanic training has taken me down the Andean Shamanic path where I specialise in removing trauma from the body due to Childhood, relationship trauma, Grief, fears, phobias, Depression and Anxiety. As a certified Classical/traditional Feng Shui Consultant, I find that Feng shui consultations can reveal a lot about a person in how they are living their lives and thatis reflected in the home/ office. To find a good Feng Shui home is an art and Science that only a consultant knows and finding a home that matches our energy and has good energy in and out is great Feng shui, although it is always the case that we have to remedy some areas as the energy changes annually. I do not use Chinese ornaments in my consultations with western clients as this is not in our culture. I use the 5 elements and bring this into the home in a style that suits the clients taste. Music and Healing has been my life and as a professional musician, I have a bond with my Sound Healing instruments and voice in a special way that enhances the healing process. Crystal Bowls. Himalayan Bowls, Voice, Tuning Forks, and other specialised instruments are used in a bespoke one to one healing or multi instrument Soundbath as a group. As an Energy Healer and Dowser, I work with Earth Acupuncture, Rebalancing environments, spirit release, resolving Geopathic and Geopsychic stress in the home and office, space clearing new homes and EMF surveys and solutions. I have trained with a whole host of top spacialists and I pride myself as s0meone who always is learning from others. I am fully Insured with Westminster Insurance