370 Educators providing Puppy Training courses delivered On Demand

Canine Kids

canine kids



Karen Lockey-Kennedy Canine kids ® Owner / Chief Instructor Professional Dog Behaviour Counsellor and Training Specialist BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour & Biomedical Science DipCABT, Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers No 00692 Member of The Animal Behaviour & Training Council Canine kids® is owned and managed by Karen Lockey-Kennedy who is a highly experienced and fully qualified dog trainer and behaviourist and is also chief instructor for the company. After completing her honours degree in Animal Behaviour and Biomedical Science, Karen went on to complete an advanced diploma in Practical Aspects of Companion Animal Behaviour and Training through COAPE. Karen is also a member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers. All members of the APDT are assesed and train under a strict code of practise because they believe in modern, kind and gentle methods. This offers pet owners a guarantee of quality when signing up to a class. Karen feels very strongly against punitive heavy handed methods and believes if we have our dogs as companions and part of the family they should be treated that way. Karen has worked with internationally renowned Sarah Whitehead for 8 years running three of the leading branches of the previously known Alpha Puppy Classes and Pet Behaviour. She also used to be a tutor for Alpha Education OCN accredited courses for new trainers and behaviour counsellors. Now 37, Karen's ambitions and success led her to branch out with her own team of trainers and launched Canine Kids® in July 2009. Karen and her team run training centres in Camberley, Godalming and Farnham area and do one to one training and behaviour councelling through out Surrey, areas of Berkshire and Hampshire. We can travel further if required. Karen has a strong passion for her job and ultimately wants the best for every dog and family that comes through her doors. You can be quaranteed to be given the highest quality of service by Karen and her team.

Dotty dog training

dotty dog training

Do you long to have a relaxing walk, meet with friends and have your dog by your side? But you end up feeling deflated, anxious and feel like you're letting your best friend down? Hi I am Alex and I help dogs and their hard working owners to live in harmony with one another. It all started with Captain... I started my journey with a big and bouncy rescue Golden Retriever called Captain in 1993. Captain was a bundle of fun, but always getting into mischief! He drove my poor Dad up the wall with his antics! My funniest memory with him (but not so funny for my Dad) was when my Dad was doing the undesirable task of digging out the dog waste toilet that hadn't worked properly. He popped upstairs for a few minutes, but whilst he was out of sight Captain decided to do some excavating of his own and dug in the pile of poo! When my dad came back Captain, ran in the house covered in poo, covering the house and then greeted my dad excitedly covering him as well! We took him to training classes, but they said he was too naughty to stay and called him “the fog," so we were politely asked to leave. I knew he was such a clever boy, with so much potential, I just needed to find the best way of training him so he could keep himself out of trouble and begin focusing and listening to me. My enthusiasm was ignited, I read every book I could find on the subject, and signed myself up to loads of courses. He loved to learn, and together we trained and laughed and found our way! My career began... I was working as a veterinary nurse at the time, but dog training and behaviour was my real passion and in 2001 I followed my dream, by getting a job as a guide dog mobility specialist at guide dogs. Working for guide dogs has given me a real solid foundation into the world of dog training, and I continue to work for them now, and absolutely love my job. However it wasn’t until my anxious and reactive dog came into my life that I could gain a real understanding of the loneliness and struggles that us anxious/reactive dog owners go through. Building on my knowledge (qualifications) and understanding I continued to delve deeper into the underlying emotions that my dog was going through, so I could help him navigate life in a human world. Dotty dogs begins... I realised that there were so many other owners out there going through the same challenges I have been through, and that I could reach out and help them to gain a good understanding of their dogs behaviour, with empathy and real understanding, so Dotty Dogs was born! If you are reading this and are in need of some support, please reach out to me and get in touch. I will listen with empathy and understanding, and talk in a language you can understand. I will give you honest and reliable advice and work with you to get the best possible outcome for your dog. Behaviour change takes time, but I will help you and your dog through a clear program giving realistic goals and non judgmental support. To find out more please look through my services and book a free discovery call I look forward to meeting you!
