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88 Educators providing Public Speaking courses in London

Oasis Academy Enfield

oasis academy enfield


Everything within Oasis Community Learning is framed by our ethos. Our ethos is rooted in what we believe and who we are. Grounded in our story, it is an expression of our character; a set of values that inform and provide the lens on everything we do. A passion to include A desire to treat people equally respecting differences A commitment to healthy, open relationships A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul It is these ethos values that we want to be known for and to live by. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of every Oasis Hub and academy community. We encourage every member of our family, be that staff or student, to align themselves to these ethos values. The values themselves are inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus but we make it clear that we will not impose on anyone, the beliefs that underpin our ethos values. We recognise and celebrate the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community, respecting the beliefs and practices of other faiths in the hope that we will provide a welcoming environment for all. The Oasis 9 Habits The Oasis Ethos is aspirational, inspirational and something that we have to constantly work at. It is important to remember that every organisation is made up of its people, and people don’t always get things right. This means that there can sometimes be a dissonance between what we say we are, as stated in our ethos values, and what we actually do and experience. Recognising this is helpful because it reminds us that we each have things to work on; we have space to grow, develop and change to become the best version of ourselves. To help us in this process of personal growth and development we have the Oasis 9 Habits. It is our bespoke and unique approach to character development. We know that by living the way of the Habits, the Oasis Ethos will become second nature to us. We also believe that this process of continually developing our character and being transformed to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every student and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which are an invitation to a way of life characterised by being compassionate, patient, humble, joyful, honest, hopeful, considerate, forgiving and self-controlled. We believe that by becoming people who live this way, by becoming the best version of ourselves, whether we are a staff member or students, we are transformed, and we are also able to play our part in bringing transformation locally, nationally and globally.

Nexus Human

nexus human


Nexus Human, established over 20 years ago, stands as a pillar of excellence in the realm of IT and Business Skills Training and education in Ireland and the UK.  For over two decades, Nexus Human has been a steadfast source of reliable and high-quality training solutions, catering to a diverse range of professional and educational needs. With a strong reputation in the Training Industry, Nexus Human has consistently demonstrated its commitment to equipping individuals and organisations with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in today's dynamic world.  Our training programs span a wide spectrum, encompassing IT certifications, business skills, and much more.   What sets Nexus Human apart is our unwavering dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends and technology advancements.  Our expert instructors, coupled with cutting-edge training resources, ensure that students receive the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge available. The impact of Nexus Human extends far and wide, helping individuals enhance their career prospects and aiding businesses in achieving their goals.  This 20-year journey has solidified our institution's standing as a trusted partner in personal and professional growth, offering reliable, excellent training that continues to shape the future.  Whether you seek to upskill, reskill, or simply stay ahead of the curve, Nexus Human is the place to turn for an educational experience marked by quality, reliability, and innovation.

Golden Circle Tuition

golden circle tuition


The Golden Circle is a community of exceptional educators. We understand how important education is in a child’s development and that the right teacher can make all the difference. That’s why we work closely with families to fully understand the needs of each child and tailor our process precisely to reflect individual requirements. We personally match our students with inspiring, qualified teachers who accelerate learning in a supportive one-to-one environment. Since founding The Golden Circle in 2017, it has been a privilege to play a role in the educational journey of so many students. Our students perform excellently in exams, and enjoy more success at leading universities, but it is their personal growth which makes The Golden Circle such a rewarding place to teach. As mentors, as well as educators, we help our students to develop the key qualities of Courage, Critical Thinking, Compassion, Growth Mindset and Self-Reflection. We are inspired by tradition, but not constrained by it. Our co-curricular lessons enable students to discover entrepreneurship, mindfulness, and global citizenship. The Golden Circle’s modern approach to tutoring and home schooling takes a traditional UK education into the 21st century. If this strikes a chord with you, then we are the right team for you. I welcome you to join us and unlock your child’s academic potential. Hannah Titley BA (Hons), MA, MA (Oxon), PGCE COURAGE Courage is having the strength to tackle challenges – in academia and in life. It’s having the confidence to face a subject that feels daunting and ask questions when you don’t understand. Academic courage empowers students to choose difficult problems and risk making mistakes. We work with students on their Maths courage, their Science courage, their Shakespeare courage, their public speaking courage. By cultivating courage in a supportive learning environment, our students feel safe to ask questions and rise to academic challenges. CRITICAL THINKING Critical thinking is a way to analyse complex issues and articulate ideas. It is a lens through which to understand the world, by appreciating different perspectives and value frameworks. Through discussion and debate, we teach students to think critically and confidently articulate their ideas. Our teaching approach seeks to liberate students from unthinking conformity. COMPASSION Compassion is feeling empathy for others and responding with kindness. Too often moral development is valued as ‘lesser’ than academic success. However, the two come hand in hand. Treating yourself with compassion builds self-esteem, motivation, and confidence. Showing empathy towards others is an important communication skill. We welcome students and teachers from diverse backgrounds. In lessons, we model compassion and use positive affirmations to nurture our students’ self-belief. GROWTH MINDSET Growth mindset is the conviction that intelligence is learned. It enables students to reshape the narrative by which to excel in exams and in life. A growth mindset leads to a desire to learn, to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see effort as the path to mastery. Cultivating a growth mindset is at the heart of what we do. SELF-REFLECTION Self-reflection is taking the time to explore your own thoughts, behaviours and emotions. Without it, we miss learning opportunities. In an academic context, it enables students to identify strengths and weaknesses and evaluate their progress towards goals. Teaching the art of self-reflection is integral to our lessons. We provide detailed feedback on assignments and facilitate self-reflection discussions. Our weekly progress reports guide students to where they should devote their attention. Together, self-reflection and teacher feedback, leads to deeper learning. OUR COMMUNITY Our unique community is made up of dedicated parents, students, and over 300 qualified teachers. Our teachers have strong academic backgrounds, UK teaching qualifications, and a minimum of two years of experience teaching in the classroom. Many are also GCSE and A Level examiners. FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR HANNAH TITLEY Hannah founded The Golden Circle in 2017 after qualifying as a teacher through the Teach First programme. Teaching in the classroom showed that school doesn’t work for everyone. For children who are talented in sports, art, or music, or who require extra academic support or challenge, school doesn’t bring out their best. Born in Manchester, Hannah was educated at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls before reading Biological Sciences at New College, Oxford University. She holds a first class Master’s degree from King’s College London and PGCE teaching qualification which is rated ‘Outstanding’. In addition to teaching, Hannah has worked as a Researcher for Oxford University and Reform think tank. She is Director of the Home Schooling Association and continues to teach Science at Key Stage 4 and 5. She speaks regularly at education events and provides written commentary for national media including the BBC, The Times, Telegraph and The Guardian. HEAD OF OPERATIONS LYDIA TITLEY Lydia is originally from Manchester and completed her secondary education at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls. Following this, her interest in French language and culture led her to the University of Bath, where she completed a BSc in International Business Management and French. Lydia took the opportunity to spend a year in Paris where she attended the prestigious business school of ESCP Paris, studying a bilingual Master’s in Management, and worked as a European Account Manager at an international Marketing and Publishing firm. Lydia joined The Golden Circle team in 2018, where she holds the role of Head of Operations. In her spare time, Lydia enjoys yoga and is currently completing a Mindfulness Teacher Training course. She has a keen interest in the arts, theatre and travel. FOUNDER’S PUBLICATIONS POLICY REPORTS How To Run A Country: Working Age Welfare (June 2015) Employment and Support Allowance: The Case For Change (December 2015) Working Welfare: A Radically New Approach to Sickness and Disability Benefits (February 2016)Stepping Up, Breaking Barriers. Transforming Employment Outcomes For Disabled People (July 2016) PODCASTS BBC Woman’s Hour, Electing To Home School (March 2021) The Study Buddy, At Home With Learning: A Look At Alternative Education Provision (April 2021) NEWSPAPER ARTICLES The Telegraph, Meet the families choosing elite home-schooling (September 2018) The Telegraph Luxury, How to raise an alpha kid: the parent’s guide to home schooling (May 2020) Tatler, The gold standard of home schooling (February 2021) OUR LOCATIONS


Courses matching "Public Speaking"

Show all 23

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

By Academy of Public Speakers

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking Are you held back by the fear of public speaking? This fear is more than just meeting nerves—it acts as a formidable barrier, muting your valuable contributions and stalling your career progression.  Despite possessing valuable experience and ideas, the overwhelming fear of speaking out in meetings causes you to retreat into silence. Meanwhile, your less experienced but more confident colleagues speak up, gaining visibility and opportunities that could have been yours. A fear of public speaking is a significant obstacle blocking you from the recognition and career advancement you deserve. The Way Forward? Our Public Speaking Class in London is crafted for professionals keen to conquer their fear of public speaking and seize control of their careers. Embark on this transformative journey with us and swiftly gain the confidence to: Confidently share your thoughts and ideas in meetings - Actively engage in discussions - Deliver compelling presentations - Elevate your professional visibility Why Our Public Speaking Class in London? We understand your struggle. Our instructors have personally faced and overcome their own intense public speaking fears. Their journey has equipped them with the unique empathy and expertise to facilitate your journey from fear to confidence. Stop letting a fear of public speaking hold back your career. Join our Public Speaking Class in London and transform your next meeting into a confident opportunity for success.  It's time for your voice to unlock the recognition and opportunities for your career success.

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Delivered In-Person in London1 hour 30 minutes, Jul 9th, 17:30 + 45 more

Public Speaking and Presenting

By AIR Courses, London

Public Speaking and Presenting - a one-day interactive training taught in small groups. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON THIS PAGE: * What participants of this course say * Tutoring * Booking Information * Refund policy * Industry-specific public speaking training * Follow-up training options * Enquiries THIS IS A ONE-DAY INTERACTIVE COURSE ON THE DELIVERY OF PUBLIC SPEAKING – A BEAUTIFUL ART THAT CAN BE MASTERED WITH QUALITY TRAINING AND PRACTICE. WHAT PARTICIPANTS OF THIS COURSE SAY "10/10. Excellent trainer. Found most useful : - the Feedback session; tutor being very patient in asking/teaching us to pause and repeat with correct tone. - Link to Psychology and Genetics, rather than just techniques." “This course struck the perfect balance of theory/practice application for me. I appreciate the individual feedback and Fatos was a fantastic teacher. Very knowledgeable." TUTORING This course is directed by Fatos Selita, a multidisciplinary trained communication expert. BOOKING INFORMATION GROUP BOOKINGS To book this 'Public Speaking and Presenting' course for a group, please email us info(@technotruth.co.uk). The price for group bookings starts from £1,925, covering a maximum of 8 people. REFUND POLICY For this training course, where the number of participants is capped at 8, we offer you the following flexibility: If you cannot attend on the date booked, we will be happy to move your booking to a new date or provide you with a refund of our fee - if you notify us more than 7 days ahead of the start date. If you need to cancel the course within 7 days ahead of the start date - we will be happy to offer you one change to a future date. * 10% discount when a participant enrols for more than one of our courses at the same time. * 20% discount for UK students. * 20% for members of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) (spsp.org [http://spsp.org/]). * 25% discount for Members of the UK Law and Society Association (UKLSA) (uklsa.co.uk [http://uklsa.co.uk/]). * Goldsmiths students, staff, or alumni, please email us for current discounts. * Sponsored places: We are currently offering a number of sponsored places on all AIR Courses for those in extremely difficult financial circumstances. Please email us for details: For all enquiries, and to be regularly updated on upcoming AIR courses, please email: info (@technotruth.co.uk). INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC PUBLIC SPEAKING TRAINING * Public Speaking for Diplomacy * Interview Skills * Public Speaking for Academics / Researchers * Public Speaking for Business Professionals (Bankers, Lawyers, Media Professionals) Find out more about all of the AIR courses available to you. ENQUIRIES For all enquiries, and to be regularly updated on upcoming AIR courses, please email: info (@technotruth.co.uk). For anything urgent, or if emailing is not a good option for you, you can also call us via WhatsApp or phone on +44 (0)7908 566 949.

Public Speaking and Presenting
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Speech Writing for Public Speaking

By AIR Courses, London

Speech Writing for Public Speaking- one day interactive course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE REGISTER INTEREST TO BE UPDATED OF NEW DATES. EMAIL US AT AIR(@GOLD.AC.UK). THERE CAN BE NO QUALITY PUBLIC SPEAKING WITHOUT MASTERFUL USE OF WORDS. WHAT PARTICIPANTS OF THIS COURSE SAY “It was a very wonderful course ... The Teacher was awesome! Thank you.” “It was excellent. A lot of lessons learned. Would consider a longer course. Thanks for a great day!” NOT-FOR-PROFIT 100% of AIR income, beyond operational expense, is used towards education and research - enabling us to provide our training at exceptional value. TUTORING This course is directed by Fatos Selita, a multidisciplinary trained communication expert. BOOKING INFORMATION GROUP BOOKINGS To book this 'Public Speaking and Presenting' course for a group, please email us air@gold.ac.uk. The price for group bookings starts from £1,925, covering a maximum of 8 people. VAT-FREE except when provided in Clients' Offices: as a University, we are able to offer our courses at minimum prices, and free of VAT - to make knowledge available to as wide audience as possible. REFUND POLICY: For this training course, where the number of participants is capped at 8, we offer you the following flexibility: If you cannot attend on the date booked, we will be happy to move your booking to a new date or provide you with a refund of our fee - if you notify us more than 7 days ahead of the start date. If you need to cancel the course within 7 days ahead of the start date - we will be happy to offer you one change to a future date. * 10% discount when a participant enrols for more than one of our courses at the same time. * 20% discount for UK students. * 20% for members of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) (spsp.org). * 25% discount for Members of the UK Law and Society Association (UKLSA) (uklsa.co.uk). * Goldsmiths students, staff, or alumni, please email us for current discounts. * Sponsored places: We are currently offering a number of sponsored places on all AIR Courses for those in extremely difficult financial circumstances. Please email us for details: air(@gold.ac.uk). BESPOKE TRAINING * Public Speaking for Diplomacy * Interview Skills * Public Speaking for Academics / Researchers * Public Speaking for Business Professionals (Bankers, Lawyers, Media Professionals) ENQUIRIES For all enquiries, and to be regularly updated on upcoming AIR courses, please email: air (@gold.ac.uk). For anything urgent, or if emailing is not a good option for you, you can also call us via WhatsApp or phone on +44 (0)7908 566 949.

Speech Writing for Public Speaking
Delivered Online & In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Combatting Fear of Public Speaking

By AIR Courses, London

Combatting Fear of Public Speaking- one day interactive course -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS A ONE-DAY INTERACTIVE COURSE WHERE YOU WILL LEARN TECHNIQUES FOR FAST IMPROVEMENTS, AS WELL AS METHODS FOR BUILDING LASTING CONFIDENCE. WHAT PARTICIPANTS OF THIS COURSE SAY: "Unbelievably useful course, with a lot of materials, practice, feedback. It should be included in every scholar/ university program intro. Many thanks!" University Lecturer, Sheffield. "This course was an eyeopener - it was like going to a personal training session in the gym paralysed and starting moving and developing muscles during the session." CEO, City of London company. NOT-FOR-PROFIT 100% of AIR income, beyond operational expense, is used towards education and research - making it possible we offer our training at exceptional value. TUTORING This course is directed by Fatos Selita, a multidisciplinary trained communication expert. BOOKING INFORMATION GROUP BOOKINGS To book this 'Public Speaking and Presenting' course for a group, please email us air@gold.ac.uk. The price for group bookings starts from £1,925, covering a maximum of 8 people. VAT-FREE except when provided in Clients' Offices: as a University, we are able to offer our courses at minimum prices, and free of VAT - to make knowledge available to as wide audience as possible. REFUND POLICY: For this training course, where the number of participants is capped at 8, we offer you the following flexibility: If you cannot attend on the date booked, we will be happy to move your booking to a new date or provide you with a refund of our fee - if you notify us more than 7 days ahead of the start date. If you need to cancel the course within 7 days ahead of the start date - we will be happy to offer you one change to a future date. * 10% discount when a participant enrols for more than one of our courses at the same time. * 20% discount for UK students. * 20% for members of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) (spsp.org). * 25% discount for Members of the UK Law and Society Association (UKLSA) (uklsa.co.uk). * Goldsmiths students, staff, or alumni, please email us for current discounts. * Sponsored places: We are currently offering a number of sponsored places on all AIR Courses for those in extremely difficult financial circumstances. Please email us for details: air(@gold.ac.uk). BESPOKE TRAINING * Public Speaking for Diplomacy * Interview Skills * Public Speaking for Academics / Researchers * Public Speaking for Business Professionals (Bankers, Lawyers, Media Professionals) * Find out more about all of the AIR courses available to you. ENQUIRIES For all enquiries, and to be regularly updated on upcoming AIR courses, please email: air (@gold.ac.uk). For anything urgent, or if emailing is not a good option for you, you can also call us via WhatsApp or phone on +44 (0)7908 566 949.

Combatting Fear of Public Speaking
Delivered Online & In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Speak with Charisma (public speaking)


By The Sunflower Effect Confidence Courses

Charisma is a rare quality – we know when we see charisma because we feel compelled to listen to those who have it. There is a magic about them. We notice them as soon as they walk into a room. We are so inspired by what they say that we find ourselves almost as enthusiastic as they are about the thing they are speaking about. They have a way of communicating that brings us alive and makes us feel good.

Speak with Charisma (public speaking)
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Presenting with confidence

By 4and20Million.

Overcoming the challenge of public speaking - dealing with nerves, fine tuning delivery and engaging your audience with authentic confidence.

Presenting with confidence
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide

High Impact Presenting & Public Speaking - One Day Workshop 7th November 24

By Mindful Presenter Ltd

Public Speaking Courses That Work Our public speaking courses are refreshingly different and transformative. Mindful presenting is the key to the future of high impact public speaking training. In fact, we are changing organisations one presentation at a time. We do that by providing training that empowers and equips professionals to present with greater confidence, clarity and impact.

High Impact Presenting & Public Speaking - One Day Workshop 7th November 24
Delivered In-Person in LondonFull day, Nov 7th, 09:30

High Impact Presenting & Public Speaking - One Day Workshop

By Mindful Presenter Ltd

Public Speaking Courses That Work Our public speaking courses are refreshingly different and transformative. Mindful presenting is the key to the future of high impact public speaking training. In fact, we are changing organisations one presentation at a time. We do that by providing training that empowers and equips professionals to present with greater confidence, clarity and impact.

High Impact Presenting & Public Speaking - One Day Workshop
Delivered In-PersonSold out! Join the waitlist

High Impact Presenting & Public Speaking - One Day Workshop 27th June 24

By Mindful Presenter Ltd

Public Speaking Courses That Work Our public speaking courses are refreshingly different and transformative. Mindful presenting is the key to the future of high impact public speaking training. In fact, we are changing organisations one presentation at a time. We do that by providing training that empowers and equips professionals to present with greater confidence, clarity and impact.

High Impact Presenting & Public Speaking - One Day Workshop 27th June 24
Delivered In-PersonSold out! Join the waitlist

Truth On The Roof: Poetry & Public speaking programme

By You Press

Truth on the Roof is a special project dedicated to conscious storytelling, offering young individuals the opportunity to express themselves and engage in discussions about various social issues through art forms like poetry, music, and spoken word.

Truth On The Roof: Poetry & Public speaking programme
Delivered In-PersonSold out! Join the waitlist