902 Educators providing Property courses delivered Online

Hammersmith Academy

hammersmith academy



Since we opened in 2011 Hammersmith Academy has been striving to do something different. I founded HA because I wanted to create an inspiring school in the local community that had a clear vision, fostered self-confidence in its students and provided a Private School level of education for all. At HA we have adopted the Growth Mindset: excellence isn’t given at birth, but earned through hard work and determination. We focus on pushing our students to attain the highest qualifications they can, but they will only do that if they also develop a strong character. Qualifications open the door, but character gets you through it. Our longer lessons, peer to peer leadership, and mandatory ‘Session 3’ extra-curricular programme, ensure a richer, more in-depth delivery of the national curriculum, in which students take responsibility for each other and have ample opportunity to embrace subjects and skills they feel passionately about. We set high expectations and challenge our students to aspire to be outstanding in all areas of school life. From their uniform, to their attitude to learning, to their conduct in and outside of the classroom, we expect an exemplary approach at all times. Students and staff adopt a professionalism that would be standard in any job, to fully prepare our young people for the world of work. Our students and our staff work exceptionally hard, and you can see that in the sheer amount of quality work and experience that is achieved on a day to day basis. You can see evidence of this in any of our termly newsletters, or on our social media. In my experience of working in inner-city education, and my own time at school, I sometimes saw an attitude that assumed some people ‘can’t do’, and I knew this was wrong. I see that people, of any age, will respond to clear boundaries and clear vision. If you show your students you have belief in them and encourage them to have belief in themselves, their confidence grows and they surprise themselves with what they can achieve. Our students will leave school not only academically qualified, but confident, mature and ready to prove themselves.

Trading 402

trading 402


My name is M. R. Naveed and I’m a Property Investor, Serviced Accommodation Business Owner, Fulltime Day Trader and the founder of Trading 402. The reason behind establishing Trading 402 was to fill the gap left by the main stream traders who spend 1000s on Marketing funnels to reach to 1000s to sell their course which haven’t really benefited the students and i feel the main reason behind that is the reason why those courses were sold to those students and the sole reason was not to make students money but to fill the so called coaches pockets. On the other hand my approach is simple my objective is to get people out of their 9-5 jobs the modern slavery they are in. And what’s different about my training course is the passion, energy and personal touch. I take every students success personally because the intention behind these training course isn’t to make me money but to train my students to be independent day traders so that they are able to make this a career and have this as their main stream of income. The end goal for Trading 402 community is to earn freedom of these 3 kinds. 1. Freedom of Location Everyone should be able to make money no matter where they are. Making money doesn’t mean you should be stuck behind your desk fixed a location in a corporate office. Aim is to make money from anywhere in the world as long as you have laptop with fast internet connection. 2. Freedom of Time I believe there should be fixed hours of work where you feel prisoned for those hours. Day Trading even though very risky but if learnt it can make a huge difference in your day to day life and how much time you can buy back for you to enjoy that time with your loved ones and on yourself and maybe on something you really love doing whether is helping the less fortunate, helping a charity, spending more time for your LORD, Whatever that maybe. 3. Freedom of Money No one should struggle to make ends meat. Even though day trading is extremely risky, once learnt and enough efforts made to get your head around it. it could be extremely rewarding financially which could eventually change everything for you and your loved ones.

William Brown Information Products Ltd.

william brown information products ltd.


This Privacy Notice applies to the use and processing of personal information collected by Connells Limited and its subsidiary companies. The ICO registration numbers of these companies are detailed at the end of this notice and further information about the Group can be found on our website. The phrases “us”, “we” or “our” will mean those businesses which are majority-owned subsidiaries of Connells Limited on behalf of and in respect of whom this Privacy Notice is made. For information concerning the collection, use and processing of personal information by any of our third-party business partners or suppliers, please contact our representative with whom you usually deal. 2. Information covered by this Privacy Notice (i) Personal data. This is information, or any combination of separate pieces of information, that could be used to identify you (ii) Special categories of personal data. This is information which is classified as sensitive (for example details of your health) Please read this Privacy Notice carefully. If you have any questions about this notice or our use of your personal data, please contact the Connells Group Data Protection Officer by email to DPO@connellsgroup.co.uk or in writing to Cumbria House, 16-20 Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1GN. Sequence (UK) Limited is part of the Connells Group, and all data protection matters are managed at Group level. Information concerning the make-up of the Connells Group can be found by visiting http://www.connellsgroup.co.uk/our-group 3. Where we get personal information from When you enquire or register for products and services provided by Sequence (UK) Limited we may collect personal information from a variety of sources. The majority of the personal information which we collect will have been provided by you during the course of your relationship with us either through face to face contact, by telephone, email or electronic communications such as messaging or through the internet. However, we may also obtain your personal data from other sources including: information we collect when you visit or create an account on our websites other Connells Group companies companies which support advertising services that promote our services including online property portals (such as Rightmove and Zoopla), social media sites (such as Facebook and Twitter) and online advertising platforms (such as Google Adwords) information provided to us by other third parties other publically available sources such as the electoral roll and HM Land Registry

Appleford School

appleford school


Appleford is a leading independent, co-educational Prep and Senior school for children aged 7 to 18, with Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia. We offer full boarding, weekly boarding, flexi boarding and day provision, set in 8 acres of stunning parkland 12 miles from Salisbury. At Appleford we have happy children who all benefit from … A full curriculum leading to GCSEs and BTECs in a range of subjects Small class sizes in all subjects The highest levels of ICT provision and specialist resources Teachers with a high level of specialist qualification and experience A strong professional Learning Support team, including HCPC registered Speech and Language and Occupational Therapists High levels pastoral support geared to the needs of the individual Extensive co-curricular clubs and activities including Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Outstanding PE and sport provision Fantastic adventure opportunities including foreign travel, expeditions and outdoor pursuits Experienced, mature and caring Houseparents in warm and friendly boarding houses Traditional values and an ethos based on developing confidence, celebrating success and continuous support Consistently awarded the highest possible grades by the Independent Schools Inspectorate Approved by the DfES under Section 324 of The Education Act 1996 Accredited by ISA (Independent Schools Association) Approved by CReSTeD (Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Children) Member of the BDA (British Dyslexic Association) Member of BSA (Boarding Schools Association)