2812 Educators providing Courses in Glasgow

The Beauty Click Academy

the beauty click academy


The Beauty Click was founded in April 2018 by Chantelle Bass. The idea came about as Chantelle has always been a working parent and understands how difficult it is to make time for beauty and hair treatments. She wanted to produce a website that has a platform for both the beauty and hair  specialists themselves and for the customers wanting to fit in appointments around their busy schedules. After being let down by her new child-minder for the umpteenth time, Chantelle bit the bullet gave up her sales career and put her all into launching this business. Chantelle’s life time friend Lauren came on board in June 2018, after understanding and sharing her vision she chose to also focus on building The Beauty Click brand. Lauren too is a parent and has dealt with the stresses of fitting things in around her parenting and work life. Chantelle’s career has mainly been within the sales and business development sector and Laurens within childcare, but both have also worked in the beauty industry and have a strong passion to be able to help those that want to learn new skills and move into the hair and beauty realm. After putting their full focus into the growth of The Beauty Click, working tirelessly to put into action the many ideas they’ve had and continue to envision, as well as being full time parents. It hasn’t been an easy journey so far but has been both exciting and inspiring, they are passionate and dedicated to the success of the company and are proud of the entrepreneurs they have become. A lot of the values of the business are to help parents get into flexible work by providing training and then to assist with a customer base, the Beauty Click has proved to be perfect for this. Also, to provide a solution for not just parents, but for everybody in this hectic world that we live in to keep up with regular self-care appointments or to allow for that cheeky pamper session. The Beauty Click is in a league of its own when it comes to Beauty on demand services. We do not set our prices, our members set their own. This means customers have a choice of the amount they are able or wanting to spend on treatments. We do not push out those that have a lower budget and we also have high end members that use exclusive products and have a higher price range. We pride ourselves in catering to the needs of all, including you!

Pilates and Yoga Therapies Glasgow

pilates and yoga therapies glasgow


PY Therapies is an independent Pilates and Yoga studio. This means that as a teacher and therapist I can maintain the integrity of what I teach without recourse to "branded" models of Pilates and Yoga. I work closely with Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and other Holistic Practitioners to provide a complete clinical referral system. PY Therapies Pilates Studio Having come to Pilates and Yoga more than 20 years ago via my own search for a rehabilitation programme following the births of my four children, I wanted to share this knowledge and provide a safe and nurturing environment where clients could exercise with dignity and improve their condition regardless of age or ability. The studio has been specifically designed and equipped to ensure comfort and safety as well as challenge you as you strengthen your body using, in the first instance, gentle yet powerful low range movement performed in alignment to address any issues and correct musculoskeletal imbalance. Therapeutic Pilates and Yoga Mat Bench classes are small (max 4) and are designed to teach concentration, control, centering, precision and slow, flowing movement in harmony with the breath to promote functional strength, improve posture and promote grace and balance. Each mat bench station (medical grade vinyl) has its own dedicated box of small equipment, which is sterilised after each use. Everyone is personally assessed by myself prior to taking part. In some cases, I may recommend one to one tuition in the first instance. Some of the services we offer include: Mat Bench Classes (max 4, small equipment). Duets, Trios and One to one personal training using larger equipment such as the Pilates Reformer, Pilates chair and Iyengar Yoga wall. Interactive live online classes and consultations. Ante and post-natal care are available to ensure you are in tip top condition to give birth and to assist return to fitness afterwards. Sports specific training to prevent and treat injury as well as enhance performance to ensure you derive optimum pleasure and results from your chosen sport. Carole Jacobs also delivers workshops designed to your requirements, corporate, teacher training or private. I am also a Reiki Master Practitioner and massage therapist and these therapies are also available to enhance your wellbeing and improve physical condition.