185565 Educators providing Courses delivered Online

The Scottish School of Herbal Medicine

the scottish school of herbal medicine

Isle of Arran

The popular introductory Herbal Correspondence Course is now run from our herb farm on the Isle of Arran and is an excellent intro if you are interested in treating yourself or your family and also for aspiring herbal students who can use it as an access course for University entrance and to see if the profession is for them. If you decide to enrol Keith Robertson MSc. F.NIMH will be your tutor for your assignments and he has over 30 years experience in the field. We also provide regular practical Herbal Medicine classes on Arran offering herb walks, plant ID, medicine making, botanical drawing etc and these form part of our new apprenticeship programme or they can be booked separately. This site remains an archive for the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine which was founded in 1992 by Medical Herbalists Maureen and Keith Robertson F.NIMH. It rose to almost mythical status as the world’s leading School for teaching a holistic balance of traditional and modern Herbal Medicine and importantly championing an energetic approach to treatment. The School had a world first with its M.Sc. programme and many of today's practitioners benefited from its 4 year B.Sc. programme. Being externally validated rather than being part of the mainstream University system gave us the autonomy to develop courses with real heart (we developed ground breaking research methodologies such as Goethean/Contemplative Science and promoted, for instance, case series research) but in the end, as a small educational charity, we were competing at the height with 7 other Universities!! The market was essentially flooded by 3 year courses and when the recession bit student numbers dropped and we were the 3rd U.K. degree programme to have to close its doors. Intake for the Massage and Aromatherapy courses also ceased. Perhaps however, the School had achieved its main objective – to equip the world with a sizeable number of top graduates who carry traditional and modern Herbal wisdom within a working energetic framework. Many of them now teach in Herbal institutions around the world and so the fine tradition of SSHM carries on. Please see www.nimh.org.uk for further details on professional training in the U.K.

Thrive Today

thrive today


The relational skills came to fruition in 2001, through the work of Dr. Jim Wilder. Chris Coursey worked closely with Jim Wilder in the testing and creation of the THRIVE Training which was heavily influenced by the research of Dr. Allan Schore of UCLA, Dr. Daniel Siegel (UCLA) and more pioneers. Wilder took the best in brain research to develop exercises that Chris tested in the redemptive community setting where he worked. In 2002, the first in-person THRIVE Training was held. In 2006, the team did a major redesign to include intentional timing for skill practices for each of the 19 skills in every training track. 3 years later, THRIVE Training events go international where they have now been led in the US, Canada, South Korea, Australia, with more on the horizon. For the next 10 years, more resources were published, more trainings were held, and soon THRIVE became known for gathering people to practice skills, build relationships and find interpersonal growth. THRIVE Training was originally a training launched through the organization, Life Model Works. Chris and Jen Coursey soon launched an independent organization known as THRIVEtoday, dedicated to creating training resources and running events focused on the acquisition, strengthening and spreading the 19 relational skills to the world. When COVID-19 disrupted life in 2020, THRIVEtoday had to pivot to create more online learning opportunities for skill training and practice. Through the pandemic, the organization launched shorter training events online, wrote books and developed online courses, and made the skills more accessible than ever before. quick facts