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Dr Sue Palmer-Conn

dr sue palmer-conn


I'm willing to bet You're smart and strong and in control of most aspects of your life! You likely have incredible kids and work hard in your chosen career, whether that’s working outside the home, or staying home to raise your children. Everything might look good on the outside — perfect even — but, if you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you (like so many other women) are living with a secret stress and shame, the weight of which is starting to pull you under. YOU’RE MISERABLE IN YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Your husband might tell you that you’re the problem, and you know there are things you could work on, but are you really the whole problem? Isn’t it supposed to be 50/50? Maybe you keep reading about narcissism and you secretly wonder if your husband might be a narcissist. But if he is, then what does that make you? How on earth did you get here? This is all so confusing! I'm Dr Sue Palmer-Conn, aka The Divorce Doctor. I've been working with hundreds of women like you, all over the world, for fifteen years. I've been in your shoes myself I divorced at the age of 50 after a 25-year marriage. My husband was controlling, not physically but emotionally, and borderline narcissistic personality disordered. I was the first of my family and friends to get divorced. I didn't know where to turn. After I divorced, I started a new, very successful, career and alongside that developed a busy practice working with mid-life women thinking about and going through divorce. I am a multi-award-winning divorce coach, whose accolades include 'Global Divorce Coach of the Year'. I now run my own Divorce Coaching Academy training the next generation of divorce coaches.

Amanda Porter

amanda porter


/my name is Amanda and I’m an Abdominal Therapy Practitioner and Educator. I also offer Holistic massage and Energy work in the Tradition of the Maya. My story begins in the mists of time when I was raising my wonderful offspring. Being interested in complementary therapy I used this period in my life to learn about a variety of therapies and techniques that could help my children through their early years and beyond. When my children flew the nest, I felt the calling to become a complementary therapist and embarked on a life-changing journey. In 2005 on the insistence of a great friend Hilary Lewin, I attended an amazing class based on the work of Dr Rosita Arvigo. This workshop had a profound effect on my whole being. I felt the power of the work, I observed the changes in my body as I practised my abdominal massage at home. I could not believe that such a sweet simple technique could have such a profound effect. My journey had begun, I wanted to not only learn the technique but also understand why it seemed to help with so many health challenges. They say the right teacher will appear when the time is right and I have been blessed. I trained directly with Rosita Arvigo, the founder of the work I now offer in my clinic and the classroom. Understanding the similarities between Maya Medicine and Chinese medicine, in 2011, I travelled to Thailand and studied traditional Thai Massage with the renowned traditional healer, Bann Hom who lives in Chaing Mai, Northern Thailand. It did not surprise me to find her treating her community with an abdominal technique that was not a million miles from the work I knew and loved. I have been inspired by Gil Hedley, the brilliant anatomist who offers dissection classes for anyone who is interested in observing the anatomical connections within the human form. Marty Ryan – Love your Guts Seminars, taught me how to listen to my hands, his palpation classes revealed what was beneath the skin. Life is for learning and every belly I touch teaches me something new. And so, to now, in September 2020 working with a passionate group of educators and colleagues including Rosita Arvigo I became a founding member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective.