1705 Educators providing Productivity courses

Reach Remarkable Ltd

reach remarkable ltd


We help individuals and their teams achieve peak performance and productivity, emphasising resilience and wellbeing with our approach to complete health. Focusing on performance improvement alone can lead to great short term results but may also contribute to burnout in the longer term. We combine performance enhancement with improved resilience and holistic well-being, supporting sustainable long term performance and productivity. Everything we do is informed by practical, real-world experience, coupled with scientific research from organisational psychology, performance psychology, positive psychology, and physiology disciplines. Staying up to date with the latest research helps us stay at the leading edge of science, which we then apply in the workplace through training, consulting and coaching. Reach Remarkable is a privately owned company based in Wokingham, UK. Click to see what others have said about us About the founder Mark Quirk - Reach Remarkable Reach Remarkable was founded by Mark Quirk, simply, to make a difference. “I have more than 20+ years of first-hand experience in individual and management corporate roles, but after several years of positively manipulating those roles so that I could train, coach and support others, I decided that the world of computer software, which had supported me for 20+ years was going to become an ex-career, making space to go back to school for a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, training in nutrition, and health coaching, and a whole new career working with people to help grow resilience, wellbeing and performance.” Today, in businesses, schools, athletics and charities, he brings the years of research behind resilience, models of wellbeing, peak performance, brain science, mindsets, longevity, mindfulness and strengths into reality.


alfa leadership & wellbeing

DR RANA AL-FALAKI BDS, MFDS, MCD, MRD, CPC, ELI-MP, ACC As the founder of THE ULTIMATE ACHIEVEMENT FORMULA - EXPERIENCED THROUGH A NAIL-IT EVENT [https://nail-it.uk/]- I am passionate about making an impact with everyone I meet every single day and helping them enjoy life - both professionally and personally.  What's the point otherwise!? I have an exceptional team of professionals who together bring a wealth of expertise and create the strength that is NAIL-IT As a leader in my field of health for over 20 years, a multi-award winning business owner, a certified professional coach and energy leadership master practitioner, an international speaker and trainer, researcher, visiting professor, editorial board member, peer reviewer of several journals, AND a #1 international best-selling author and expert writer on empowerment, being happy, stress management, behaviour change, leadership and work-life balance, I have a wealth of life and professional experience and expertise to help you on your quest to be an optimal performer. OUR PHILOSOPHY Drawing on personal experiences and past struggles, but having perfected how to reach a state of flow where everything happens - laser focus, high productivity, financial wealth, powerful leadership, loving relationships, high energy, motivation, feeling at ease, in peace, joyful and present - I help my clients do the same, be that through coaching, speaking or training. Mental, emotional, physical, financial, social, professional and spiritual health are all key. We aim to get you to a state of flow in all areas!