261 Educators providing Physiology courses delivered Online

Louise Crockart

louise crockart


For over 2 decades I’ve been supporting my clients in their health and wellbeing through various forms of massage and healing. I offer effective treatments in my clinic and stimulating education in the classroom. Leaving my past life as a graphic designer, I went back to college and studied Aromatherapy. Fast forward many years and experiences, I have gone on to train in Abdominal Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Thai Yoga Massage and On-Site Acupressure Chair Massage (Amma Massage). Constantly striving to improve my skills has lead me to various exotic places, from the Thai jungle, rainforests of Central America, throughout North America, and then the rolling hills in Surrey, UK. I first learned about Abdominal Therapy in 2004, after a chance meeting with Dr. Rosita Arvigo, whilst on holiday in Belize, Central America. This inspired me to seek Abdominal Therapy when I returned home to the UK. Driven by personal health issues, I received regular treatments which supported and reframed my attitude to my own pelvic health. Abdominal Therapy not only transformed my health, but also my outlook on life. Years later, and after working with hundreds of clients, I now teach Abdominal Therapy, running workshops at personal and professional level, both in person and online specialising in the art of gaining and maintaining abdominal health. I run Abdominal workshops for those who seek a deeper understanding and healing from digestive or pelvic issues, and train professional therapists in the art of Abdominal Therapy within The Abdominal Therapy Collective. I was a graphic designer for 15 years, immersed in the discipline of explaining concepts, products and events in a way that was easy to understand and visually striking, I bring these qualities to my teaching, always seeking simple and effective ways to explain healing concepts and methods to my students. I have created a beautiful haven for healing and learning in my home in leafy Twickenham, South West London, UK. Offering treatments at the top of my home in my cocoon-like therapy room, and a fun and engaging workshop space at the bottom, in my kitchen and garden studio. My passion for pelvic health education draws me near and far, for those seeking personal healing or professional growth alike. I’d love to chat with you if you'd like to host a workshop for your community or attend one that’s already listed. Click below and I’ll get back to you soon.

Stonebridge Associated Colleges

stonebridge associated colleges



Stonebridge Associated Colleges is a team of bright and motivated people dedicated to helping learners fulfil their potential and meet their career goals. Set up in 1995, Stonebridge Associated Colleges was initially intended to help people qualify in complementary therapies, such as reflexology and aromatherapy. Gradually, it moved towards more mainstream practices such as teaching, nursing, healthcare, business, nutrition and beauty. Some of the students we helped went on to study Marine Biology at university. Others have chosen teaching assistant courses that have landed them an early promotion. As their needs diversified, so did our curriculum. Two decades later the college became a leading name in the world of further education. Today, Stonebridge Associated Colleges has training facilities in Bude and Birmingham for a few of our vocational courses where our experienced tutors bring a hands-on approach to the teaching. However, there are over 650 online courses that can be completed remotely from anywhere in the world. With 50,000 students currently enrolled, the college is one of the largest distance learning suppliers in the UK. A dedicated support team is also on hand to address student questions regarding enrolment, finances and guidance on the best-suited courses for you. Today we are proud to be part of The Stonebridge Group, a number of companies operating in the distance learning field for both government-subsidised and commercially-funded qualifications.





I first found my way on to a Yoga mat in 2000 and immediately became an addict. The gradual effects of including Yoga as part of my life has changed my body, physically and mentally... and my life. Up until the age of 18, my hobby was dance, particularly ballet and lyrical. I danced my way through the RAD grades to intermediate level enjoying competing in festivals. I left to study Human Behaviour in Manchester. My study of dance gave me a deep understanding of movement, muscles, balance and breath. My studies at University brought me a deeper knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, psychology and other aspects of human communication. After university, I found my way into the world of design, advertising and media and worked for agencies in the Midlands and Manchester in various roles leading design, marketing, media planning and buying teams. I believe that the universe has a plan for us and when life threw me lemons in 2014, I made the big decision to become a yoga teacher full time. Best lemonade I ever made! All the experiences of life up to that moment seemed to come together. And now I can comfortably draw upon the different movement practices and styles of yoga I have experienced and studied on my life journey, so my classes are always imaginative, varied, dynamic and energetic with a interest in alignment, strength building and the therapy/healing that comes from movement with the breath. I teach yoga to everyone; athletes, pregnant ladies, rehabilitation, beginners and more advanced yogis. I adapt the class to suit the group or individual and their personal goals. My teaching style is clear and informative but also fun and my classes are informal so students feel at ease and confident to explore their ability. I have a passion for sharing my understanding of the anatomy of yoga and the positive effects of using the breath to help manage stress and anxiety. I hope that my passion and dedication comes across to my students so they can also feel the incredible benefits of Yoga. Whilst my personal practice has spanned more than 20 years, I completed my original 200hrs Yoga training in 2013 and have since gained further qualification amounting to more than 500hrs in Yoga Therapy for stress, Yoga therapy for digestive health, Pranayama, Yin Yoga, Circular Flow, Pregnancy Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. I maintaining a regular personal practice with my own inspiring teachers. To deepen my knowledge of Yoga and movement practice I regularly attend workshops and CPD trainings.

Outdoor Gear Coach

outdoor gear coach


Newsflash: Our first publication Keeping Dry and Staying Warm Part 1 is now published in paperback and Kindle formats and available on Amazon. Outdoor Gear Coach researches, writes and publishes books and materials for better understanding of textiles and outdoor garments, and to add training of usage skills. OUR MISSION IS TO: Increase the depth and breadth of understanding of textiles in the design and use of outdoor garments to the benefit of all sectors of the outdoor activist and professional community. Embrace all aspects of performance from physiology and nutritional (This is the vital source of heat, which your garments are designed to conserve ) to terrain, weather and layering techniques. Provide one day workshops for Continuous Personal Development (CPD) training for outdoor professionals and lead eventually to a qualification ‘certified garment professional’. COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY Outdoor Gear Coach is a UK based, not-for-profit CIC (Community Interest Company). Our objectives are to serve the outdoor activity community with publications and training courses about products and garments. This community includes anyone participating in any of the following activities. Walking, hill walking, backpacking, scrambling, rock climbing, mountaineering, orienteering, cycling and mountain biking, ski touring. This includes all activities where product and human physiology information linked to skills is needed for competency, safety and enjoyment in all outdoor and mountain environments, over 7 continents. The community of outdoor activists we aim to serve comprises 6 sectors. 1.Individual participants purchasing and using the equipment and clothing for personal use. 2.The professionals who are making, sourcing, designing, selling, and buying for resale. 3.Journalists and individuals who write and blog in printed and digital media about outdoor products and garments. For the above groups there is little or no training with personal accreditation of knowledge or skills. 4.Outdoor education courses in colleges and universities. 5.Outdoor skills training. This group comprises highly skilled, trained and professionally accredited outdoor professionals known variously as mountain leaders, climbing instructors and Guides. In the UK there are 13 different qualifications, operated under the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) as Mountain Training UK which relates to the Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme (UIAA) who train and accredit in 20 countries. These members of the outdoor community provide skills and safety training and are the best placed to deliver product knowledge and related skills which are personalised to the end user under training. 6. Outdoor centres for training people of all ages in outdoor skills.