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2247 Educators providing Photography & Video courses delivered Online

Tought By Me

tought by me

founded in 1975, Thought Technology is the world's leading biofeedback, neurofeedback and psychophysiological instrument manufacturer. Our instrumentation not only monitors and records a wide variety of physiological and mechanical signals, but also analyzes and provides feedback in real time, through a variety of auditory and visual means, to promote self-regulation and conditioning. Our equipment is used as an essential part of many therapeutic treatments and clinical assessment protocols to treat stress related disorders as well as provide treatment for incontinence and muscle rehabilitation, including sEMG-triggered stimulation. On the non-medical side, it is also used in ergonomics, sports & peak performance and educational applications – wherever accurate and sensitive psychophysiological monitoring and biofeedback are needed. Our fundamental desire is to become a master of our trade, continuously learning and finding new ways to deliver in order to positively impact human kind; ultimately leaving a legacy on this planet that is absolutely awesome to mankind. At heart, we are caring and use our skills to serve others in a meaningful way. We come up with creative ideas to change people’s lives for the better. We implemented an educational free webinar series to help people learn about alternative options towards well-being. Our newly launched corporate brand and website provides education and easy solution process to meet your needs. We take the time, to understand the process, contemplate and appreciate the journey. Once ready, data and knowledge in hand we give life to the vision. Our uniquely designed software is customizable to meet your personalized needs with credible improvements over the years. Throughout, we thrive in sharing, teaching and advocating the wonders of our discoveries to the world. And if the wisdom of experience has taught us anything at all, it’s that a master is only so, so long as he never stops trying to become one. Our support to our customer base is like no other, patiently helping and teaching. Thought Tech is known as the world’s original industry pioneer, ceaseless innovators, and sought after thought leaders. We will proactively, continuously and strategically embrace change, engage with our customers, strengthen partnerships, educate the market and ourselves, and leverage technology to transform and innovate. We will collaborate creatively to efficiently produce user-friendly, real-time, evidence-based, first quality health and wellness technology. Thought Tech main differentiators include feature robust products that are customizable with arguably the most accurate signals in the industry, and are distributed across the world. Thought Tech is proud to have over 45 years of experience, with a solid list of achievements, and strong customer service experience. Constantly striving to improve the quality of our products and services, for years Thought Technology has diligently maintained ISO 13485 medical device certification, CE certification in Europe and strict adherence to many other regulatory regulations all over the world. Thought Technology sponsors a number of workshops, taught by world authorities in their fields, to teach clinical skills and the effective use of biofeedback instrumentation. Because of our profound commitment to clinical education, Thought Technology became the corporate founding member of the Biofeedback Federation of Europe, which was created to promote a greater awareness of biofeedback among health professionals worldwide. www.bfe.org

E-learn Platforms

e-learn platforms


he idea that technology can revolutionize education is not new. However, the Internet, coupled with mobile, more affordable end-user gadgetry now lends itself as an enormously powerful digital medium to enhance the teaching and learning experience across the globe. Advances in information technology have enabled the “personalization” of the learning experience by providing access to learning and assessment resources – anywhere, anytime. eLearn.Punjab aims to facilitate and encourage the use of educational technologies by providing digitized content, relevant supplementary resources, and online assessment tools for students and educators. As a first step, digitized versions of science subject text books for 9th and 10th grades are being made available online – along with links to a sea of supplementary material available over the Web. In future, the same content may also be pre-loaded into laptops or tablets, or made available in the form of CDs. The introduction of online self-assessment features as well as centralized course/content management tools for public schools is also planned. We would like to make eLearn.Punjab a meaningful and exciting place for learners and educators to go to. We encourage our visitors, private sector entities, and international agencies to explore, contribute, and collaborate with us in this regard. Please visit eLearn.Punjab frequently, and send us your suggestions, feedback, links to resources, possible support via your organization’s CSR initiatives etc.