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Body Confidence Wellness

body confidence wellness

Hi, I’m Justine. Welcome to Body Confidence Wellness, where you will find Body Confidence & Wellbeing Coaching, Body Confidence Fitness, and Body Confidence Products. In 2020 we all had to make changes to the way we work, the way we live, the way we interact with family, friends, and colleagues, and we’ve all made changes to our wellbeing. Some for the positive and some less so. When reflecting on what I believe we all need right now, and when I looked to put all my previous experience together, it made absolute sense to put it all together with Body Confidence Wellness. I provide women with Body Confidence & Wellbeing Coaching packages, and a safe & fun environment to exercise together online. What’s safer and more fun than working out in the comfort of your own home? I owned and managed a Curves, Fitness for Women franchise for 5 years, and worked as a Circuit Coach in 2 other Curves franchises before that. It was at Curves that I worked with over 500 women, each one had her own unique requirements and goals. And it was there that I developed a real passion for helping women of all ages, different shapes & sizes, and varied physical abilities to reach their potential. While at Curves, I developed not only my passion for working with women on a physical health level, but I learned that we have to work on ourselves and our confidence from the inside too, on an emotional and mental health level as well! When I discovered the Institute for Body Confidence Coaching™, where I am now certified, everything fell into place! All the work I’d done previously, the love I have for the holistic body, and working with women to achieve their goals and potential. And that’s how Body Confidence Wellness came to be. Thank you for visiting the Body Confidence Wellness website. I look forward to hearing from you.



Bromley Kent

My story. Hmm. Writing my story caused a great deal for me and this was the last section I completed on the website. Why? There are 2 reasons: I am reluctant to talk about myself. I am an introvert and observing others while I complete my internal thinking processes is the way I operate. I value honesty but I am also very private. I generally want to support others and being vulnerable about my own struggles is difficult for me as I don’t want to be a burden for others. Or if I achieve great results, I also tend to stay modest as I don’t want to “show off”. This behaviour is something I had to work on during my adult years, however I still carry traits. I also do not like to talk a lot. I always just say as much as necessary to give the information needed. I am very curious and insightful, I typically strive to move past appearances and get to the heart of things. I am reserved and quiet. But not shy. When I communicate, I do that with warmth and sensitivity. Other times, I speak with passion and conviction. My personality is reflected greatly during my coaching sessions as I possess exceptional listening skills, I understand peoples’ true motivations, feelings, and needs. I pick up key words and I observe my clients through all my senses. I listened to many great speakers, coaches, mentors, leaders, writers sharing their stories where they related to their audience and connected their purpose to their own lives. I admired them and I understood that sharing my own story can make a huge impact on how I express myself and how I introduce myself to my audience. I really wanted to select a story that truly aligned with my values rather than one that offered me status or material gain.