8904 Educators providing Personal Development courses delivered Online

Field Breaks Art

field breaks art


Field Breaks started out in the Autumn of 2007 to provide a selection of professionally tutored illustration workshops in the Peak District. This followed the demise of similar workshops in the area and filled a much needed gap for people wanting short affordable art breaks in botanical illustration and landscape painting. Such was the demand for this provision that over the following years the programme has been extended to include a greater selection of courses and venues, along with a growing number of specialist professional tutors. 2020 and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic saw great challenges to all small businesses, including Field Breaks, with courses rescheduled for safer times. This was an opportunity however for founder member Sue to think seriously about her achievements, goals and ambitions, and after some deliberation decided to pass the business on to fellow artist Hazel. Along with many happy memories of running Field Breaks, Sue is enjoying the opportunity to start new projects. With the handover, Hazel decided to revitalise the old website - "I'm re-dressing the shop window while it's quiet!" Following suggestions from her peers, this also gave her the opportunity to re-think and amend the name from "Field Breaks" to "Field Breaks Art", which lends more focus under the artwork umbrella. We hope you like it! After the extended lockdown, Hazel added a new range of on-line mini workshops in the Spring of 2021, which were a lovely way to keep connected with other artists and share ideas. From July 2021 we were once again able to offer in-person workshops so the focus was to deliver quality tutor-led courses while maintaining a level of safety, including reduced class numbers to enable social distancing. In 2022 we are pleased to be able to offer another full programme of workshops in drawing, painting, botanical illustration, natural history, landscape, abstract, and mixed media including textiles and craft workshops in batik, jewellery making, lacemaking and felting. Please click on the Courses button to see a listing of all our 2022 workshops. Materials are provided for many of the workshops with a list of what to bring to workshops under the course details. We look forward to meeting you for a wonderful year of art and crafts in 2022.

Sex Education Forum

sex education forum

We are the Sex Education Forum. First established in 1987, we have helped support generations of educators and lobbied successfully for the introduction of compulsory Relationships and Sex Education in England. In April 2021 we established ourselves as an independent charity. As the voice of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in England we promote and protect the physical and mental health of children and young people by improving their access to RSE. We bring together our partners and wider stakeholders to share best practice, research, monitor the provision of RSE, explore and respond to new themes and identify gaps. Working together with our partners, members and wider stakeholders is central to everything we do. We support educators with high quality training, resources and a membership scheme, so they can be competent and confident providers of RSE, in partnership with parents, carers, children and young people. We gather international evidence about effective RSE and use this to inform policy and practice and to increase public understanding of the benefits of RSE. Established in 1987, the Sex Education Forum has a long history of influencing policy, that is grounded in the latest research and evidence, and supporting educators with resources and advice. After 34 years of being hosted at the National Children’s Bureau, we established ourselves as an independent charity in April 2021. For schools, educators, researchers and other professionals involved in RSE, the Sex Education Forum is an indispensable source of knowledge and support - we hope you will consider joining us. Join as a member if you are a school, educator or other professional involved in RSE Become a partner if you are an organisation or individual working in the field of RSE or a wider stakeholder with a policy, practice or research interest Sign up for our updates to stay in touch

Beyond Coaching

beyond coaching

Mandalas can be seen in all fundamental shapes such as in snails and trees, in atoms and the solar system and in the earth, moon and sun. Every mandala is related, yet distinctly unique. On a more symbolic level, the mandala is recognised in some way or another in almost every culture and religion. For us at Beyond Coaching, the mandala lies at the heart of the Self… It is the centre of our inter-connectedness with everyone and everything around us. It speaks to the eco-systems that we exist in in the companies we work in, the people we work with, lead and inspire. It also manifests in our personal circles, our friends, family and the communities we exist in. The mandala embodies a truly universal principle that is all embracing, regardless of the foundation of one’s belief. It symbolises the connections that exist between us and everything that surrounds us. More than anything it represents Wholeness and our African value of uBuntu. This is what drove us to form Beyond Coaching in 2009, when 21 like-minded coaches and trainers pulled together in the possibility of forming a coaching and training movement. One that is powered by Consciousness and committed to transforming the face of leadership and business. Bringing true collaboration, cohesion and mutual care back into the work place – for the sake of the people and of course for the sake of exponential business success. Rienzo Colpo was one of those founders he navigated the metamorphosis of that Beyond Coaching, to the lean and powerful force that it is today. Early in 2016 Mareli Kruger decided to move across from the University of Pretoria and join Beyond Coaching. This completed the foundation of senior coaches and master facilitators heading up the company.