898 Educators providing Painting courses delivered Online

Flex Academy Of Performing Arts

flex academy of performing arts


FlexSchool is a unique learning network designed specifically for gifted and twice exceptional (2e) middle and high school students. At this time two campuses serve the Tristate area, one in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey and another in Bronxville, New York. FlexSchool embraces students for who and where they are, then supports them as they learn to thrive. Small, ability and discussion based classes taught by subject experts ensure meaningful conversations and the opportunity to ask high-level questions. The faculty, trained and supported by learning specialists and mental health professionals, focuses on critical thinking in all areas of learning. Our Cloud Campus welcomes online students from around the world into live, discussion-based classes and our community, either full-time or part-time. FlexSchool has had great success with remote students from Florida, Washington, California, West Virginia, United Arab Emirates, Bermuda, and Switzerland among other places! back next History FlexSchool started to save one twelve-year-old girl. Jane loved to learn what she wanted to learn, and spent hours engrossed in videos and web pages about animals. She could tell you about muscle cells and animal anatomy. She researched Native Americans and made all of the games and weapons used by the Lenni-Lenape out of found objects and craft supplies. She spent hours drawing and painting and could write fiction better than most college students. Yet, she loathed school. She rarely spoke in class, dropped out of the gifted and talented program, either didn’t do her homework or would forget to turn it in. She had As on the tests and Cs and Ds in the class. Jane’s academic future looked dismal. Poor grades and high test scores are not a winning combination for college admission. Her public school was not the right place for her, but neither were the local private schools. Academically-oriented private schools do not accept students with poor grades. Schools that accept students with poor grades are not always academically rigorous. Stalemate. Until we started FlexSchool. Jane spent six years at FlexSchool, learned to love learning again, graduated in 2020, and attends a well-known liberal arts college studying anthropology, linguistics, map-making, and art.

Montet Designs

montet designs

My teenage years... IMG_20200922_093644_1.jpg were spent hanging out in the school art department (regardless of what class I was supposed to be in!) and it was there that Mr Alston, my wonderful art teacher directed and nurtured my love of art. Studying Art & Design and then Illustration, was a great foundation to my art career and helped me refine my skills as an artist. But as a naïve graduate, passionately producing illustrations and trying to make it in the freelance world - I soon realised it was going to be more difficult that I thought! I'd been working in Children's Services for 15 years running Youth Participation Projects, managing a Gypsy Roma Traveller Project and delivering a provision of services for the most hard to reach communities. This provided me with the most amazing experiences, as well as allowing me to use my art to benefit these groups. It's been a wonderful journey of learning and a fantastic platform in which to build my business. In 2016 I decided it was time to give up the office job and focus all my time on my community art work. It's been a brilliant time and I'm delighted that I still have daily experiences of working with such amazing people, from our wonderfully interesting communities. I hope that even if it's just in some little way, I am able to make a difference to the lives of those that I work with, through the medium of visual art. Audrey But freelancing for a few years whilst volunteering in the community, opened many new doors and ideas of what I could do with my visual arts. I went on to complete a degree in Community Arts and continued to work with community groups. This is where my love of creating art in the community became well and truly set. My passion for mural painting was formed following the completion of two large scale mural commissions in Scotland. Then with London calling, I completed my next 30 metre indoor mural at a special needs adventure playground in Hackney. In 2007 I was introduced to the medium of mosaic and I just completely fell in love with it!

Retune Charity

retune charity

Bishop's Stortford

Retune was founded by Tom Ryder. Tom is a musician and journalist, and has a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. He was hospitalised for poor mental health multiple times during his late teens and early twenties, which eventually forced him to withdraw from university and begin again from scratch. While in hospital, Tom noticed that patients were finding creative outlets to cope with their predicament. These outlets included drawing, painting, writing poetry, dancing, singing and cooking. Tom wrote songs and, despite those dark times, he realised creativity’s tremendous potential to improve mental health; it is crucial to have an outlet for feelings and emotions. A few years later, Tom started hosting live gigs. He also ran workshops in schools, connecting with young people who were experiencing mental struggles. In 2018, Retune started to take shape: in addition to live shows and schools, Tom now visited prisons and hospitals, and produced online content. Tom’s cousin Kathryn Bailey – a photographer, videographer and all-round creative – joined the project in 2019. As well as sharing Tom’s view that creative outlets are powerful tools for mental wellbeing, Kathryn had a personal attachment to Retune's mission... When Tom was first admitted to hospital, 11-year-old Kathryn was shielded from the truth, as she was considered ‘too young’ to know what was going on. Being involved with Retune allows her to be part of a cause that is close to her heart, especially as Retune’s workshops discuss mental wellbeing with all ages, from primary school pupils to adults. Open conversations around wellbeing are more commonplace nowadays, but there is still a long road ahead. Through its workshops and live shows, Retune is creating a community based around mental wellbeing, underpinned by creativity. When we retune something, such as a musical instrument or a radio, we make small adjustments in order to achieve harmony, clarity and balance. Retune believes that the same theory can be applied to mental health. Harnessing creative outlets that engage the imagination, and following the principles of the SCALES model, can help all of us to make small adjustments. As a result, our mental wellbeing will be more in tune.

Castleknock Community College

castleknock community college

Our Adult Education-Night Classes programme was first launched in 1999. Since then, the number of participants enrolled in our night classes has grown dramatically, as has the number of courses on offer. The Director of Adult Education is Conor Barry. There are two terms each academic year. The Autumn Term generally commences towards the end of September, with the Spring Term getting under way towards the end of January. An extremely comprehensive and diverse range of classes are available, with over 100 exciting courses on offer each term! Courses vary from Yoga and Pilates, right through to classes on Genealogy, Cooking, Painting, Mindfulness & Meditation, Spanish, French, Italian, Calligraphy, Guitar, Gardening, First Aid, Felt making, Tai Chi, Zumba and Ballroom Dancing, to name but a few! Our brochures are widely available in the local area with over 10,000 delivered door to door each term. Copies of our brochure are also freely available in the school office and can be downloaded from this web page. Click to download Spring 2023 Brochure Enrolment in our Night Classes is both flexible and easy! On-line enrolment, paying by debit/credit card is by far the most convenient and hassle-free way to enrol, click link above to access classes. You can enrol in person at one of our Enrolment Nights or by post by availing of our simple and convenient Postal Enrolment facility detailed on the back of our brochures each term. If there is any group of ten or more people in the community interested in any particular course currently not on offer in our programme, please contact the Director of Adult Education and we will do our best to facilitate you. Should anyone be interested in teaching a course currently on offer in our programme, or would like to teach a course not presently available, please contact the Director of Adult Education. Click to access Night classes information and payment details If you have any queries concerning Adult Education, please feel free to contact us at any time. You can contact the Director of Adult Education directly on (01) 8129346 or by e-mail at nightclasses@castleknockcc.ie. For the latest news and updates follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by searching for @NightClassesCCC

Code Red The Empowerment Project

code red the empowerment project


The founder, Calvin E J Wilson LLM (LSE), is a Barrister who has a longstanding interest in educating students, young adults, and their parents on the workings of the criminal justice system. The Empowerment Project Qualifications and Studies Barrister at Law, Inns of Court, School of Law, United Kingdom Attorney at Law Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago Senior Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution Service, United Kingdom Banker, Bank of Commerce, Trinidad and Tobago Master of Laws (Commercial) London School of Economics Bachelor of Laws University of London The Empowerment Project Experience Post graduate education and training in the law, with valuable experience on the frontline of the Criminal Justice System including almost eight years prosecution experience at the Crown Prosecution Service and the Criminal Courts, and operational experience with advising Teams at New Scotland Yard. Devised and successfully delivered this series of workshops and has conducted mentoring, motivational speaking and awareness raising sessions at Youth Clubs and Community Centres around London. Direct contacts with officers of the Met Police at ranks of Constable, Sergeant, and Inspector. Guidance and mentoring experience with black young adults. The Empowerment Project Skills Strong professional, administrative, managerial, and creative skills. Resolute adherence to good governance, accounting and auditing best practices. Devising and implementing new and improved working arrangements and innovative projects. Unique skill set that is critical to the effective leadership and delivery of the objectives of Code Red Empowerment. Established Consulting firm Calvin Wilson and Associates, which offers strategic and public affairs advice to governments and the private sector globally, on anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism issues, and on preventing trans-national criminal gangs from preying on young people. Founded The Empowerment Project The Empowerment Project Books Author of the book “Voices from Violence. A Woman’s Journey to Self-Healing” which is presented to audiences in the Readers Theatre format by CODE RED Ensemble, as an advocacy vehicle to empower young girls and women and to sensitise boys and men in order to reduce or eliminate the level of violence globally. Desilu Banton desilu banton I was born in Dulwich Hospital, East Dulwich Grove,SE22 3PT, on 11th December 1961. I began my life in a house at 102 Railton Road, Herne Hill,SE24 OET, on the ‘Front Line’ of ‘Brixton’, London. What I remember most of my childhood is drawing, drawing all the time, every opportunity. My father loved music and loved to dance. We would dance together. My mother designed clothes and was a dressmaker and cake baker. My parents had arrived in England in 1954 from Jamaica and lived in the Brixton area. They lived on Concannon Road from around 1955 and moved to Railton Road in 1959 after they had wed at the church at Santley Street, around the corner of Concannon Road. Today I live by my painting and continue in my mothers’ and fathers’ legacy as a creator. I am open to producing works of art by commission. painting Painting is expression, a way of me talking with everybody else about how I feel, like a bluesman would play his blues. The whole thing is about feeling. Painting is blues. I paint those feelings that are from inside my head, from inside my soul. The spiritual part of all this is the heritage, the thing that comes from my ancestors, the ingredients that everybody talks about when they talk about the past, where we all come from, which is DNA, the genes. What I am doing is recording the memory that comes to me from nature, along with the music that came from West Africa and the Atlantic experience, all of it, and what I do then is give it form, give it some skin, textures and colours, the whole thing is like an umbilical cord that has not lost its life force, it is the whole nine yards. Jackie Burton Jackie Burton Born and raised in West Yorkshire, I took a trip to London in 1983 and have remained here since then. I am a black woman, a Christian and a mother. A retired Social Worker, I have a passion for children, young people and their families. Over the last 40 years I have had roles in church including youth leader and Pathfinder club leader as well as teaching in children’s Sabbath school & children’s church. It was my joy, to find the most creative and interesting ways to engage children and young people with so many varied learning styles. Over the last 12 years of my career I was a Team Leader for a local authority Fostering Service; having responsibility for facilitating training, assessing foster carers and placing children from diverse and challenging backgrounds with those carers. Life-long learning is part of who I am and I started becoming more interested in paper crafts when my now, 25 year old son was around 3 years old. We started to make cards for every occasion and stopped buying them from the shops. Paper crafts opened the door to so many other crafting pursuits and my love for crafting has only grown since then, from wedding decoration, decoupage & canvas art to knitting & simple sewing, I have done many and various and still do. Nothing pleases me more than sharing my love for something with others, and creative crafts is certainly one of those very many things. I have done this via children’s craft workshops; transforming spaces for Vacation Bible School (VBS); school holiday clubs; card making workshops for children and adults. If it includes crafting, I will consider it. Currently I am involved in a weekly Craft Café project where we are using hobby crafts to support people in our community who may be lonely, socially isolated or feeling low. Sr Josephine Udie MP, MSc, GC HDip, NP Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Sister Josephine is passionate about the dignity of the human person. As a trained Power Coach and Health Care professional, Sister enjoys using her skills to coach, support and empower children and families to become who they are meant to be. Steer Right is a charity for which Sister Josephine is Project Coordinator, uses the strap line Little help Big Difference to highlight the effectiveness of what a small amount of intervention can do. Amari Smith-Foster Amari Smith-Foster I am a mental health advocate and a student counsellor. I am extremely passionate about mental health and well-being. After battling with my own mental health, being sectioned at just 13 and becoming part of the system, I am using those same life experiences to help others overcome. My story, my pain and this rollercoaster of a journey has given me great insight to help others and make a change. Me speaking up and using my voice, allows so many others, old, young, male, and female to feel heard, to feel seen. Now I am in a position, I have promised myself , it is pivotal that I make a change for the mental health system. My social profiles: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/onetap/?next=%2F LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amari-smith-foster-26a68417b/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMHXb5U40E0Zw1B3h4vcJg Please feel free to contact me should there be any issues. Norman Mine Norman Mine Norman Mine is an Italian-born London based multidisciplinary artist whose practice encompasses visual art, acting and social work. Using autobiographical scenarios as a starting point, Mine's practice expands into fantasy and delusion and in his alter-ego, Dino Desica, an aspiring Italian actor who exists only through a video format, as "performance to camera", becoming an ephemeral simulation of the self. Mine's practice explores the infinite possibilities of the self, the authenticity and the structures of inclusion and exclusion in which it is constructed. For the past three years Mine has run creative workshops co-working with people of different generations, backgrounds, and abilities; developing a specific approach that unsettles the scenario in which participants perform to stimulate creativity and imagination as an opportunity to navigate within. Mine has obtained a Masters Degree in Fine Art at Goldsmith College in 2018. His work has been shown at Performance Istanbul (2021), disORDER Live Collective (2020), Deptford X (2019), The Koppel Project (2019), Platform1 Gallery (2018), Art Night London (2017). He was a recipient of the DYCP grant, Art Council England (2021). In 2022 Mine has founded Norwood JunkAction, an eco-community art project based in Croydon, London. Diana Wilson Diana Wilson Diana Wilson is an Executive and Life Coach professional as well as a Psychodynamic Counsellor, who in parallel, has enjoyed a substantial career in Education and Training and Development across Schools and local Government. Diana is fluidly proficient in a myriad of modalities with a keen focus on Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. She offers leading-edge, inspirational coaching that stimulates thinking, accelerates transformation, and empowers clients to accomplish their aspirational goals. My social handles: Website: www.dwcoach.co.uk LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/diana-wilson-564a6941 Richmond Trew Richmond Trew A Professional Trainer/Workshop Facilitator with 25 years’ experience of working in communities and custodial settings nationally and internationally. He is also a recording & performing artist fronting the collective Abstract Word and currently has Publishing & Production contracts with (Peer Music LTD-MAP Music). Richmond also leads a group of free-lance Arts Practioners under the name of Journeyman Arts (Using the Arts to share & pass on Knowledge). He also Runs 492 Korna Klub next generation Ltd that runs live improvised drama weekly on Galaxy Radio.

Bounce Back Foundation

bounce back foundation


Where we started Need often finds a way to drive an idea, sometimes further than we all expect, and Bounce Back was just such an idea. In 2011 we started a small painting and decorating social enterprise, with the sole purpose of employing people who were coming out of prison. Recruitment was done through interviews in the prison and the first team of 5 people were commissioned to start off by re-building and decorating our offices. They did a very creative job despite the rather erratic grouting and a few hitches with the quality of electrical fitting and we were all delighted. When other people asked if they could use the decorators we would point out that the team had just left prison and clients would say ‘if its ok with you its ok with us’ and that was when we realised we could change perception by endorsing people, giving people trust and putting our belief in them. As the work grew, clients wanted decorating but also wanted to make a difference and we quickly realised that there was an opportunity to do more including training people to be ready for work. Anyone who starts a charity tends to believe in serendipity and the passion for what we choose to do enables us to circumnavigate barriers and overlook obstacles. ‘Outcomes’ were not something we’d ever heard of and simply delivering success for the guys leaving prison was all we wanted to achieve. Fate and amazing people along the way stepped in. HMP Wandsworth supported our recruitment, The London Probation Trust helped us, we were given guidance to set up training and then we were lucky enough to be given a building for a year in which to flourish. Finally, through the support of our decorating clients we were working all the time and thanks to some amazing organisations, the first of which was Axis, we started to grow. We always knew that through the power of skills training and a job, we could make a difference and see change in our participants. However, we also realised early on that change could only come with support for the individuals, which led to our case management team working with individuals for as long as they need it when they leave prison and are go into work.

Dmt Driver Training

dmt driver training

For the first time in business coaching history, you can meet women in business coaching and mindset coaching who can assist you to start and grow your business so you can finally realise your dream life. Simply put, ‘Operational Coaching' turns the coaching relationship on its head. Most coaching models are centred on the Coachee rather than assisting Managers in adopting new behaviours. And, unlike most coaching exchanges, Operational Coaching occurs ‘on the fly,' consisting of unstructured conversations that focus on the issue at hand. https://womenwithwingscoaching.com/operational-coaching/ Find Vacancies Apprenticeship and Traineeship Vacancies Find Staff Search and select candidates available for work & Apprenticeships Find Training Skills Training for Employees and Unemployed People Find Apprenticeships, Training and Staff in Cornwall DMT offers Apprenticeships and other free and subsidised training through government- and European funded programmes, and competitively-priced training tailored to meet customer needs. If you are an individual who wants to improve your skills and qualifications we can help you access available funding and find the right training programme for you. If you are an employer looking to recruit new staff and develop the skills of your workforce we can help you access support and funding to employ and train staff, and provide free recruitment and placing services to help you find workers with the skills you require. Apprenticeships, Training and Recruitment Services available in - Construction (Brick/Blocklaying, Carpentry and Joinery, Painting and Decorating, Maintenance Operations, Glass and Glazing) Motor Vehicle Mechanics and Fitting Information Technology (Building, Repairing and Upgrading Computers and Using IT) Care Customer Service Retail Business Administration Management and Team Leading Health and Safety (H&S Certificates, Manual Handling, Risk Assessment) English and Maths, Functional Skills Employability skills and Pre-Apprenticeship programmes On the website you will find information about Apprenticeships, Traineeships and other training courses and programmes offered, course and job vacancies you can apply for, and skilled and semi-skilled people looking for work through our placing agency. Let us know how we can help. For more information or to register interest just click on the links, complete the website Application Form, call us on 0845 680 6868 (calls cost up to 4p per minute plus your phone company's access charge), text 07565986167 or contact us via the website